SVC was supposed to be in Minsk, Belarus today, but the Russo-Ukraine War made that impossible. Instead, we are at The Hague discussing the long-awaited endgame of the American Opprobrium.
The atmosphere at the United Nations is quite chilly. The Annual Speech-a-thon of National Leaders has ground to a crawl. Only America's Joe Biden bothered to show up this year of the five National Leaders of the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council. The Chinese, French, Russian and British National Leaders took a powder.
Why? The intractability of the war and the American Opprobrium. Both have no clear ending in sight but must be dealt with, in particular, direct United Nations intervention in the latter. No one wants to place International Economic Sanctions against the United States and deploy UN Peacekeepers, but the reality of having to do so is very stark and salient now.
Biden did his best to unify the world in his speech, but it fell on deaf ears precisely because it is his country which is the one International Justice has its predominant focus upon and proverbial heads must roll.
SVC has been discussing America's fallen reputation and place in the world for years now. The reality that the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium has finally come to critical mass and something must be done has, to use a football term, “frozen the linebackers” and no one is quite sure what to do next.
Frankly, the USA is a mess. A Government shutdown looms at the same time evictions from the White House, US Capitol and the US Supreme Court building are pending due to the fact that the government has defaulted on the International Judgment which has burgeoned to over $400 trillion. It started at $250 trillion on 21 April 2023 and could have been settled for $1.4 trillion a year in early August.
Meanwhile, the Republicans want to Impeach Biden. All it takes is a simple majority of 218 Votes in US House of Representatives to Impeach. The GOP has that. If there is an US Senate trial, it will run into the same problem as the Trump Impeachments did. The President's party is in the majority and it takes 67 Votes to remove the Impeached President from office. There is no way that will happen.
Again, no one is focusing upon the reality of the American Opprobrium. The whole idea of the Sutton Doctrine is to Democratize the world and have a step-by-step plan to remove a despotic regime by International means, if necessary. No one thought that it would become necessary to remove an American President and go down the line of succession until an Official agreed to do the President's job and protect innocent American Citizens. The reality is very much there.
Further, the only person who gets all this in the Biden Administration is the Vice President, who is next in line to the Presidency. Kamala Harris and SVC's President, Phil Sutton, were first introduced when everyone was sorting out the Sexual Assault Scandal in 2010 and 2011.
There were three Women involved from the Bay Area in California right after she became California State Attorney General in 2011. Harris knows all-too-well that Missoula is a modern Sodom and Gomorrah and the Obama Administration really blew it in its handling of it. Naturally, when the heat is on, Democrats want to remove her from their party's National Ticket in 2024.
It is somehow fitting today is the 243rd anniversary of Benedict Arnold's treason at West Point. Historians say George Washington never got over Arnold's betrayal of the American cause during the American Revolution. Throughout the American Opprobrium those who have followed the al Qaeda script have been referred to as penetrators, haters, traitors and terrorists. SVC President preferred term is traitors. Their betrayal of what America represents - and in many cases while holding positions of Public Trust - is their greatest crime to him.
Betrayal is a common theme in the American Opprobrium just as it was for Jesus and during his Ministry. Judas was Jesus' right hand man and the treasurer of the group. His betrayal of Jesus is quite literally legendary and his personal reasons for doing it have never been clear.
Ultimately, Judas' betrayal of Jesus was part of the Creator's Grand Design just as all the betrayals SVC's Vice President, Angelica Sutton, and SVC's President have had to endure are. It is the only thing that explains it. None of it has ever made sense. When his Sister Karen began her rampage and betrayed him stating he is in some kind of fantasy world, he responded that none of what he and his fellow Victims have been through is a fantasy and that his life was far more like being in the Twilight Zone where “nothing is normal or makes sense.” Fair enough. That's exactly what it has been for him.
SVC International Chief Security & Investigator, Gary Norman, set-up a brilliant sting operation in the "Kagy Korner car" neighborhood south of UCCS. He sat at the picnic area in Danville Park for the first time in 47 months to see what kind of reaction the traitors/terrorists would have. It was over the top. The International Investigator heard the expected owl sound and car noises he hears almost every day designed to intimidate our hero, but only makes him laugh about how stupid the traitors/ terrorists really are!!!!!!! But there was one man in a "Phil Long motors" black car who actually took notes and then sped away, but not before the Chief made good photos of the criminal, the car and the license plate. The traitor/terrorist will be arrested soon enough.
Chief Norman is getting tired of the game and the only way he can end it and stop living in a way that the traitors/terrorists created for him which, as they have planned, invites more abuse is to start the Lockdown in Colorado Springs. Both the Chief and SVC's President, Phil Sutton, have tolerated all this for almost five years in Colorado Springs. They no longer have to and their patience is running thin.
UPDATE: Indeed, for three solid months SVC's duo have not worked, paid bills and been able to do basic things like do their laundry, buy food, and get a good night's sleep. They have a job they cannot get to because no one will give them a ride or enough bus vouchers to get there until they have earned their first paycheck.
SVC's President and SVc Security Chief have done all this so they wouldn't have to foreclose on UCCS, PPLD Libraries, Public Transportation, the traitors/terrorists homes, cars and personal property to make ends meet. By so doing, they have shown the benevolence and compassion they have rarely seen from anyone in Colorado Springs. Now the traitors/terrorists have given them no other choice. Very fitting. The traitors/terrorists have really asked for it now...
The proposition that the world could be brought to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns seemed like an impossible dream when the Creator first gave SVC's President his Commission a decade ago, but now you can see how it actually could happen. That's what this is all about now.
The traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium have not only been criminal and insane, they have been incredibly cruel and sadistic to the point that their punishment must be so harsh that no one will ever want to emulate them. They have insisted that they are or have been right when they could not possibly be. They have committed and/or allowed what would be considered acts of war and crimes against humanity towards people who never have done anything to them.
Now, the world will have a known way to fetter out its most despicable inhabitants and treat them as they have treated others and thus send the message of never, ever, ever again!!!!!!!
The SVC International Outreach Committee received word yesterday that the FCC has officially removed CNN from its approved list and process of replacing CNN and HLN with SVC-TV and SVC-TV International has begun. SVC-TV and SVC-TV International will take over CNN and HLN cable network outlets!!!!!!!
Access to the airwaves has always been the primary issue for SVC-TV and SVC-TV International and that appears resolved. As far as we know Fox News is next on the chopping block and we will deal with that when it happens.
SVC always intended to give Fox's cable network outlet to our spin-off Black News Channel. But the BNC became one of the casualties of the American Opprobrium. The BNC just could not financially survive all the machinations to forestall the Final Kibosh.
More than three years ago, the World Trade Organization Ruled that Phil Sutton and SVC had encountered blacklisting and Bill Gates and Microsoft suffered intellectual piracy. To that end, all the Publishing and Creative Arts Industries in the United States and China owed them compensatory damages of $245 billion and the amount is still mounting.
As of 3 September 2023, there is a 15% tariff on all creative goods manufactured and/or produced in the United States and China until the damages are paid and the prohibited activity ceases to be practiced.
SVC's President has Judgments against several Publishers, Booksellers and Facebook and he could start his own Publishing consortium, thus ending any chance of the continuation of the blacklisting.
SVC President's Living Security Insurance Program is growing in the British Commonwealth, France and German and will be in Italy and Spain in 2024. The Program is designed to cover everyone's basic survival needs from cradle to grave. Life, Health and Disability insurance are the core components with a built in income surety that makes sure no one falls below a certain level of subsistence, thus eliminating material need and greed.
Living Security is not a government program, but is entirely a private financial services product. There may be government subsidies for the indigent to pay the premiums. Investment programs are completely separate. Cash value life insurance and health insurance savings programs are not a part of Living Security because it would make the program too expensive for the average American Family and thus defeat the purpose of such an innovative product.
The regulatory obstacles to Living Security in the USA remain substantial. The US Insurance Industry is horrified at losing its cash value cow. The moguls of the industry built the largest industry in history by gouging the American middle class with cash value life insurance in all its forms.
Since the time of Hillarycare in the early 1990's, SVC's President has proposed that the fastest way to give the American People universal healthcare is make cash value life insurance illegal in the United States and force the industry to pay the cash values they never intended to pay in the first place within a year, driving most of the industry into bankruptcy.
A once vast industry with nearly 2,000 companies would be reduced to a few dozen overnight. Then competitive market forces would guarantee that the survivors provide the American People what they have always deserved in competitively-priced life and health insurance products.
SVC's President Economic Democracy Concept is where individuals can excel economically if they desire to. Each individual will be paid what they are worth in terms of their economic contributions. The greater their contribution the greater their income and wealth. That's only fair.
America's corporate dictatorship pays a position, not the person. Most Americans do just enough to keep their jobs and have no incentive to be their best and excel. That's about as anti-American as it gets.
SVC's entire philosophy is to provide an environment in which everyone can become what Our Creator wanted them to be. Anything that accentuates that idea we favor; anything that doesn't, we oppose. It is that simple.