It is difficult for most People to understand all that has happened the past seven months because the reality of the situation we have been facing has been altered so much. The primary changes are the rapid deterioration of America’s standing in the World and the concomitant rise in support of SVC President, Phil Sutton’s, Vision for the World. We are light years away from where we were just 90 days ago!!!!!!!
The disconnect between of SVC President’s hellish Life in the United States and exemplary Life in the rest of the World is finally beginning to disappear. Americans may need to be led kicking and screaming while reforming their Country into anything resembling what it is supposed to be, but they failed to listen to more 17 years of warnings and/or simply care about the things that really matter!!!!!!!
While SVC's President could be horribly bitter about hundreds of millions of transgressions which have been committed against him, he's not. Instead, he will build Medical Schools, Hospitals and creating the Peaceful World we all hope for and Jesus can return to.
During the SVC International Trailblazer Celebration, SVC's President invoked Nelson Mandela’s Legacy for standing up to Apartheid in South Africa and that SVC’ers can do no less when it pertains to the American Criminal Opprobrium!!!!!!!
With SVC President’s Leadership, SVC is keeping one eye on all this and the other eye on what can be done to advance the cause of Democracy, Peace & Justice. There is no point in doing anything else!!!!!!!
The Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration spells it all out....
Franklin Delano Roosevelt began his unprecedented third term as U.S. President with his now heralded “Four Freedoms Speech”. In what was technically his Annual State of the Union Speech, FDR, proposed four fundamental and essential Freedoms that people "everywhere in the world" ought to enjoy:
1) Freedom of Speech
2) Freedom of Worship
3) Freedom from Want
4) Freedom from Fear
The creator of the United Nations made his plea for universal suffrage 16 months after the beginning of World War II and 11 months before America's entry into that war.
These Freedoms would be expanded upon in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights primarily written by FDR's Wife, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and in the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes primarily written by yours truly.
In that speech FDR addressed his concern that the cause of Human Rights and Democracy was at the greatest risk in history. At that time he was unquestionably correct. No one could have foreseen, however, what would happen 728 months later when al Qaeda became the first foreign enemy to successfully attack the United States mainland in 187 years.
British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill wrote a book he entitled, "The Gathering Storm." In it he promised, "It is my purpose, as one who Lived in these days, first show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been prevented; how the the malice of the wicked was reinforced by weakness of the virtuous."
Despite Sir Winston's best intentions, the Second World War did occur and 70 to 85 million died. The biggest reason why is no one listened to his perspectives in time so the world could have been spared its greatest holocaust.
As it almost always does, history is repeating itself and I am wearing the metaphoric shoes my two cousins wore over 80 years ago. World War II was the Creator's last warning concerning Armageddon, plain and simple. We have what should be a relatively simple choice, but there are forces who are dead set against creating a peaceful, democratic world.
According to the 9/11 Commission Report, al Qaeda created a 60-nation confederacy of organized terrorism during the 1990's. Al Qaeda's paramount target has been the United States. No one knows that better than I.
In 2007, al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden designated me as his only “worthy adversary” in the west and already had launched organized terrorism's greatest assault on a single individual in history.
From bin Laden's viewpoint, he had good reason to despise me. I had been the American fundamentally responsible for his exile from Saudi Arabia. I led America's original sorties into Afghanistan and I wrote the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes that essentially codified into International Law NATO's right to attack the Taliban government after 9/11.
For all my dedicated Public Service, the Obama Administration refused to protect me and thousands of others in Missoula County, Montana, USA, against the ravages of domestic terrorism led and sponsored by al Qaeda.
In her SVC International Compliance Committee Report this morning, SVC International Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, Diane Freola, Esq & CPA, profoundly gave the correct perspective on what is transpiring in the United States:
"The 20th anniversary of 9/11 and since had a reverse affect upon Americans than would ordinarily be expected. Instead of acting as a wake-up call to the larger concern of organized terrorism's successful infiltration of the United States and demands for action opposing it, it was more of the same. Nothing has been learned the past 21 years and it cannot be any surprise that the USA is in worse shape than the vast majority of Americans can remember.
There is something so drastically wrong with America and Americans that the best thing the International Community can do is provide several severe wake-up calls which are unmistakable.
Well, it is about to get much worse because somebody has to have the courage to stand up to Osama bin Laden and his band of renowned and up until now, SVC's President and our organization are the only ones on the ball." Indeed.
In January 2017, a new United Nations Secretary-General and a new President of the United States took over. Antonio Guterres bluntly informed Donald Trump that if it was Trump's intent to withdraw the United States from World Affairs that America would be replaced.
Clearly the Secretary-General, who was successfully re-elected to a new five-year term while Trump was defeated for a second term and cannot bring himself to admit it, appreciated the past influence of the USA in World Affairs and did not desire to have to deal with a world devoid of that usually positive leadership.
What is also incredibly insightful is the acknowledgement of the damage that the Barack Obama Administration had already done to America's reputation abroad and the Secretary General knew Trump's campaign rhetoric - if implemented - would destroy it. That is precisely what happened.
Exactly 80 years to the day after FDR's speech, the greatest internal challenge to American Democracy occurred. On January 6, 2021, the U.S Capitol was plundered by Trump supporters in an attempt to keep him in power. Only recently has this activity been viewed as the outright treason to the United States of America that it is.
International and Private Investigators have always insisted that there was only one distinction between the al Qaeda terrorists which hit America on 9/11/2001 in New York and at the Pentagon; on 9/11/2012 at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya; and on 1/6/2021 at the U.S. Capitol: their nationality.
Suffice it to say, there are at least 427,000 Americans (now 525,000+) who have chosen to adopt organized terrorism's viewpoint of the world and believe violence and conflict is the way to settle matters.
The time has come that an International Declaration of Independence against oppression and terrorism be adopted and strictly enforced by the International Community.
All we have heard is lip service from the various National Leaders in terms of enforcing Human Rights within their own countries let alone abiding by International Law. It is hunky dory to press charges against their adversaries, but when it pertains to them or members of their government or political allies, forget it.
As a crucial first step in the universal enforcement of International and applicable National Laws in each country, the American criminal scandal known al Qaeda-gate will be put down with all due dispatch.
The International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts have laid the groundwork for both civil as well as criminal justice. Anyone who attempts to obstruct this justice to be applied will themselves be considered fugitives from International Justice and will be treated accordingly.
Those interested in participating in this historic crusade creating a better world for all and the writing the International Declaration of Independence, can join SVC's Trailblazer Coalition to work on realizing our ultimate Goal: the Dream of a Peaceful World where all inhabitants are achieving their Divine Destiny.
America's Founders made a solemn promise to each other in 1776 and we must affirm the same: “we mutually pledge our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor” to the cause of securing Human Rights and Democracy for everyone on planet Earth.
Phil Sutton, DBA
Hastings, England, United Kingdom
October 14, 2022
Related Material: https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/the-gdansk-corollary