"Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for

                                                            God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will

                                                                            repay,' says the Lord." -ROMANS 12:19


The Creator has visited Phil for the third time. SVC's President has entitled this Dream, "Avenging Creator" because they talked about all the Events that will transpire between now and Jesus' return and why it has all been necessary as well what the retribution will be for those who have betrayed both God and him!


The Dream started with SVC's President witnessing the Events of Good Friday. In the previous Dream with the Creator, "Promises Fulfilled" (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/promises-fulfilled-remastered), SVC's President witnessed Jesus' Resurrection, which was Resurrection Sunday evening, not morning. That historic revision came as a revelation to everyone!


Next, SVC's President observed the beginning of the sacking of Jerusalem by the Romans on 14 April AD 70, exactly 40 years and one week later. Over the next four years, the Romans would completely expel the Jews from the Holy Land. The Jews took their last stand at Masada. Eventually, the Romans over took the fortress when over 1,000 Jews committed mass suicide.


Moshe Dyan, Israeli Commanding General who successfully took mass Arab land in the Gaza Strip, the Transjordan and Sinai Peninsula in the Six-Day War in 1967, started a tradition at Masada of holding the swearing-in ceremony of Israeli Armoured Corps Soldiers who had completed their tironut (IDF basic training) on top of Masada. The ceremony ended with the declaration: "Masada shall not fall again."


The Creator stated that the entire episode was to avenge Jesus' death on the cross and punishing the Jews for rejecting their own Messiah. The Jews returned to the Holy Land in 1948 as a result of International sympathy over the Nazi Holocaust. The return of the Jews to the Holy Land is the most significant event in the end-days prophecies.


Further, the current events in the Middle East could very well be the trigger to Armageddon. The primary reason the Palestinians and the Arab World continue their violence toward Israel is that Palestinians too were supposed to have a nation of their own according the United Nations Resolution in November 1947 that created modern-day Israel.


SVC's President has been given the knowledge of when the first six Seals discussed in Revelations Chapter Six were opened. The First Seal - the White Horseman Seal - represents Jesus and the creation of the Christian Church. It was opened when Jesus was born 4 October 4 BC.


The Second Seal - the Red Horseman Seal - was opened when the events above began to unfold.


The Third Seal - the Black Horseman Seal - was opened when Missoula, Montana, USA, Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge began beating on SVC's President on 5 April 2012.


Both Jesus and Phil were nearly beaten to death on Holy Thursday 1,982 years apart. Jesus was physically crucified the next day; Phil's life has been crucified in a metaphoric sense by having his life ruined in every way, but the retribution the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium suffer will be similar to the Jews in AD 70: virtual annihilation.


The Fourth Seal - the Pale-White Horseman Seal - was opened on 6 June 1998 and it is the event of the Antichrist's birth. If you need confirmation just divide 1998 by three and then read the last paragraph in Revelation 13.


The Fifth Seal - the Christian Martyrdom Seal - was opened on 4 June 2015. The martyred Saints are crying for Justice against those who had murdered them. It was the 75th Anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill's "We will never surrender" speech in the British Parliament.


In his Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration on 14 October 2022, SVC's President quoted his British-American Cousin about his frustration concerning no one listening to him about the Nazi Horror, "It is my purpose, as one who Lived in these days, first show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been prevented; how the the malice of the wicked was reinforced by weakness of the virtuous."


SVC's President shares the same frustration regarding his warnings about Armageddon: https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/hope-of-the-world-trailblazer-to-revival-of-the-american-dream


The Sixth Seal was opened 6 February 2023 with the earthquake in Turkey. The significance that the epicenter being quite close to Mount Ararat and its closeness to where the Apostle John wrote the the Book of Revelation cannot be overlooked. The red Moon quoted in the prophecy actually occurred on 5 April 2023. It was a full moon and fell on Spy Wednesday, the day Judas agreed to betray Jesus in AD 30 and the opening of the Black Horseman Seal in 2012. It could only be seen in the Middle East. The Christian Church Commemorated Holy Week on the correct dates - April 2 through 9 - for the first time in 73 years and most people's lifetimes. A rare occurrence, indeed.


The Seventh Seal has not been opened yet, but closes out the age we live in with Jesus emerging from his heavenly realm to begin his physical reign on Earth and is found in Revelation 8:1.


SVC's President then witnessed God's commissioning of Moses to end the 400+-year enslavement of the Jews in Egypt. The significance of this event changed history and Judaism established the first monotheistic religion on Earth. The First Commandment in Exodus 20:3 says: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” It tells us to put God first and where the Creator is identified as "I am". The First Commandment lays an essential foundation that all the other Commandments build upon.


SVC's President calls all his Dreams he has had with his First Wife, Patti, his "Burning Bush Dreams" in Honor of the event. His Article, "The Legend of the Burning Bush" is one of Phil's best writings and cannot be shared here because of copyright concerns.


The Creator promised SVC's President that will soon change with SVC-TV and SVC-TV International replacing CNN and Fox News and the heavy World Trade Organizations (WTO) Sanctions against the blacklisting of all SVC's publications will end very abruptly!


The Creator then took SVC's President back to events in his own life. The first scene was his conversation with renowned Actor Carroll O'Connor after Carroll's Television & Movie Production course at the University of Montana during the Summer of 2000.


SVC's President had just returned from the University of Oklahoma in Norman, where he had earned his PhD, now DBA. He took Carroll's courses out of curiosity more than anything else. Phil told him about Angelica and how he had broken up with her because she felt as a budding Broadcast Journalist she needed to move to a larger television market. Angelica moved to Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He was unwilling to leave Montana. They split.


Carroll then told Phil he had moved to Winston-Salem himself to attend Wake Forest University. He left to fight during World War II. Ironically, after the war, he attended the University of Montana. To help his Brother Hugh through Medical School, Carroll went to Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland and there he met Nancy Field, who happened to be from Helena, Montana. They were married in Dublin.


Nancy finished her degree in English & Drama, the very same majors Patti graduated in at UM. Carroll would later receive his masters in Communication from UM just as was Phil's primary major as an undergraduate; his graduate work has been in Business and Public Policy.


The similarities between the two men is extraordinary but Carroll's advise that day was simple, "If you really love this girl, you'd better forget Montana and go after her. It is what I did with Nancy in Ireland and I have been the happiest man in the world the past 50 years." It is exactly what he did.


Phil would return from his participation in Operation Enduring Freedom about a year and half later and proposed to Angelica. He said fighting in that war helped him to finally set his priorities straight and he'd rather be with Angelica than be in Montana.


SVC's President took what he has learned in Carroll's class and has won 20 Peabody Awards; Angelica has bested her husband by 1. His first actual experience in television & film production was working as a Consultant for a Documentary concerning the movie, "A River Runs Through It."


SVC's President was an ideal choice for the consultancy because he went to school in Missoula where the movie was centered, but he grew up in Bozeman where it was filmed. About three quarters of the way through the movie, Norman McLean, the Author of the novella Robert Redford based the movie upon, told his younger Brother, Paul, that he was going to ask his future wife, Jessie, to marry him after he had been employed as a Literature Professor at the University of Chicago. Norman then asked Paul if he would like to go with them to Chicago. Paul said, "Oh, I'll never leave Montana, Brother." Phil felt that way for the first 42 years of his life.


Actor Brad Pitt played Paul and gave Phil an autographed jacket from Lolo Hot Springs, a key location in the movie. In April 2004, the jacket was in a backpack that was stolen from the University Center on the UM campus. It was the first indication Phil had enemies in Missoula.


Brad was with Jennifer Aniston at the time, but eventually he introduced Phil to Angelina Jolie. When British Prime Minister Tony Blair left office in 2007, the three of them started the Africa Project. Angelina and Phil had been working with the United Nations for some time and Tony became the first Quartet Representative, ironically founded to help Palestinians cope with their dire relationship with Israel. Tony has also been Phil's Personal Representative before the International Tribunals concerning his International Complaint the past 12 years.


The Creator then said to Phil: "I know you have known since you were nine years old that your life would not be a normal one. I placed that sensitivity in you for a reason. I have carefully guided your life and you accepted all the hardships you have borne as training for a larger cause and, amazingly, you have understood it for the past 55 years and grown into the person I always wanted you to be. Your sense of obedience and devotion has been extraordinary.


"When I called Moses through the burning bush, he had been in the wilderness for 40 years after he grew up as a king as the Pharaoh's son in Egypt. He was angry and bitter, but I had always planned on him to be the one to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. I am rather stubborn that way.


"I called you to be the harbinger of Jesus' Second Coming. I gave you an indelible sign you were not imagining that you too had been in my presence. The blood-soaked pillowcase 2,300 miles away was an indelible sign just as the burning bush was in Moses' case. I want to give you another indelible sign."


The Creator gave Phil a toy that was stolen from him after his 7th birthday. Phil remembers how much he cried when his parents could not afford to replace it. Going on 58 years later, Phil recovered his beloved toy. Phil would wake up with the toy on his dresser as good as new. He plans to give it to his Grandsons who are now about that age.


But before SVC's President woke up, the Creator told him that now he had the same kind of difficult job Moses had. Moses loved Egypt and everything about it until he fled after killing a slaver who was abusing a slave. Now he would bring 10 plagues upon Egypt to secure the release of the slaves.


SVC's President now must preside over the same kind of situation against the States of Montana and Colorado and perhaps the United States as a whole...



14 APRIL 2024