"...whatever deprives People of basic Human dignity & Rights, whatever is defaming, whatever is wrong, whatever is criminal, whatever is destructive, whatever is corrupt - if anything is deceptive and unjust - We will oppose it - sure as the Sun comes up in the morning, We will oppose it." - Phil Sutton, Ball State University, Muncie Indiana, September 19, 2012 


SVC President's modernization and application of Paul’s memorable writings in Philippines 4:8 above has really made a difference in the worldwide understanding of what motivates Phil, especially now when our appeals for sanity and reconciliation have been utterly ignored.


Phil made these Comments shortly after he Recorded his International Complaint and had the Goals of that Document very much in mind. Its Themes have been given People hope all over the World and given credence to his own Ministry in which the ultimate Goal is to bring the World to a Peaceful conclusion when Jesus returns!!!!!!!


Phil has been given this Responsibility by the Creator. He did not want it, but like the chosen few in History before him, he will serve Our Creator the best he can!!!!!!! 


On October 4th, 2019, Jesus told Phil he was being hard on himself and that he was judging himself based on Earthly measures but in fact he had made incredible progress in the Spiritual realm, he had achieved beyond measure just as Jesus promised. Look at all that has happened in the past 33 months and you get an idea of what Jesus meant!!!!!!!


One of the aspects which brought about the early conclusion of this year’s SVC International Declaration of Concerns Committee work is much of what the last 17 DCC’s have been most focused upon is the blacklisting of SVC and Phil from the Media coverage which usually attends the Monumental Accomplishments of this Organization and its Founder. No longer!!!!!!!


As we approach US Independence Day and SVC Spirit Day, the World is reminded of the Sutton Family’s contributions to the advancement of Democracy and Human Rights.


Phil is a direct descendant of William the Conqueror and thus is related to all the British Monarchs; is a close Cousin to George Washington through King William; Thomas Jefferson; Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt; and John & George Marshall; and related to James Madison, James Monroe and Theodore Roosevelt.  


Angelica is a direct Descendant of John and John Quincy Adams and related closely to John Hancock. The writing and Political prowess of Cousin Thomas has always been present in Phil’s own work and writings and his desire to write a new Declaration of Independence for the 21st century is an indication the work America’s Third President started is not finished. Phil wants your help on that!!!!!!!


Of course, Phil is the primary Author of the Responsibility to Protect Statutes and his International Complaint has put meat on the skeleton on what is a revolutionary concept in a World where most of its inhabitants live under non-Democratic regimes. Sadly, Americans are now part of that number with the United States no longer meeting the threshold to be considered a full-fledged Democracy.


There has always been two different Worlds SVC's President lives in. The one we are in now. The one which adores him like we do and People are always asking forward looking questions about the future, just as Phil Loves!!!!!!! 


The other is in the Economic and Political power center in the USA in which cynicism and their pocketbooks are the focus. It is not just al Qaeda-gate, although it is very curious Joe Biden referred to Vladimir Putin as a “worthy adversary” just as Osama bin Laden referred to Phil as 14¼ years ago.


As Special International Prosecutor Norman Farrell stated, “It is rare indeed in Geopolitics a Leader would refer to an opposing Leader with such great respect. The Leader in question has placed barriers in the way of the other’s goals and the opposition usually appears implacable.”


The Special International Prosecutor made clear June 24, 2022, it is those who are threatened by Phil's Revolutionary Ideas concerning Human Rights and World Democratization that has placed his Life and all our future in danger and no one seems to care, at least in the United States!!!!!!!


Organized terrorism has not only successfully infiltrated the United States, but has cowed its People, its Presidents and its News Media into believing all who believe in equality for all, progressive Human Rights and World Democratization are the enemies of America. There is no other interpretation possibly regarding of how SVC has been treated and abused!!!!!!!


The ideals and Principles that the United States were founded upon simple do not exist in the hearts and minds of a good many Americans today. If they did, they would be following SVC’s lead and the Revival of the American Dream would be possible.


As if this message could not be clearer, we were all reminded what a Public Servant Phil was and that he was the Bush Administration holdover that gave Hillary Clinton the keys at the State Department on January 21, 2009. Below is the Official Staff Directory Page for the US State Department at the beginning of the last Year of the George W Bush Administration: 

Here is the current List of Senior Officials at The US State Department. SVC could not copy the photographs of the Web Site.   


Deputy Secretary -- John D. Negroponte
The Deputy Secretary serves as the principal deputy, adviser, and alter ego to the Secretary of State; serves as Acting Secretary of State when called upon; and assists the Secretary in the formulation and conduct of U.S. foreign policy and in giving general supervision and direction to all elements of the Department. Specific duties and supervisory responsibilities have varied over time.  


Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator -- Henrietta H. Fore
The Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance is charged with directing the required transformation of the U.S. Government approach to foreign assistance. She holds a rank equivalent to a Deputy Secretary and serves concurrently as USAID Administrator. To ensure that foreign assistance is used as effectively as possible to meet broad foreign policy objectives, she has authority over all Department of State and USAID foreign assistance funding and programs. 


Under Secretary for Political Affairs -- R. Nicholas Burns
The Under Secretary is the Department's third-ranking official and its senior career diplomat. He serves as the day-to-day manager of overall regional and bilateral policy issues, and oversees six geographically defined bureaus and two functional bureaus that report to the Under Secretary -- bureaus for Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, the Near East, South and Central Asia, the Western Hemisphere, International Organizations and International Narcotics and Law Enforcement. 


Under Secretary for Management -- Henrietta H. Fore
The Under Secretary for Management leads the bureaus of Administration, Consular Affairs, Diplomatic Security, Human Resources, Information Resource Management, and Overseas Buildings Operations, the Foreign Service Institute, the Office of Medical Services, the Office of Management Policy, the Office of Rightsizing the U.S. Government's Overseas Presence, and the White House Liaison. 

The Secretary appointed Under Secretary Henrietta Holsman Fore as acting Director of Foreign Assistance (F). This follows the White House announcement that the President has designated Ms. Fore acting USAID Administrator and nominated her for that post. 


Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs -- Phil Sutton 
The Under Secretary serves as the senior economic official at the State Department; advises the Secretary of State on international economic policy; and leads the work of the Department on issues ranging from energy, trade, agriculture, and aviation to bilateral relations with America's economic partners.  


Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs -- Paula J. Dobriansky
The Under Secretary coordinates U.S. foreign relations on a variety of global issues, including democracy, human rights, and labor; environment, oceans, and science; narcotics control and law enforcement; population, refugees, and migration; and women's issues 


Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs -- Karen Hughes
The Under Secretary helps ensure that public diplomacy (engaging, informing, and influencing key international audiences) is practiced in harmony with public affairs (outreach to Americans) and traditional diplomacy to advance U.S. interests and security and to provide the moral basis for U.S. leadership in the world. 


Less than a month after Phil left the US Government as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Peace after his successor had been Confirmed by the US Senate and thus no longer under US Government protection, came his beating by Missoula Police Officer, Kurt Trowbridge. 


The point here is Phil has dedicated his Life to the service of others and no one cares he was nearly beaten to death by a Police Officer, that this was the third attempt on his Life by Missoula County Law Enforcement and that the Obama Administration concocted the Benghazi travesty to cover-up its malfeasance concerning all that was and still is transpiring in Missoula.


The Hague believes it is time for the two viewpoints of of SVC's Magnificent Founder and President be one in the same and what the International Tribunals view it as. The retribution for making Phil the most persecuted Person in Human History is forthcoming…