As usual, it is hurry up and wait when it comes to the Final Kibosh of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium. U.S. President Donald Trump has done just about everything to dissuade the International Community that he will meet his side of the bargain and enforce International Law and make the United Nations Mandated Reforms for the United States.
The new tariffs against Canada, China and Mexico are ill-advised and his Proposals for Peace in the Russo-Ukraine War and the Middle East have been flatly rejected and seen as "amateurish" at best. If he continues to be the "old Trump", he will not continue to be President. He owes his re-election and his ability to serve as President to his International Agreement with The Hague and the American Independence Party Coalition and if he does not serve that part of his constituency, he cannot serve as President. It is as simple as that.
To be fair, the White House and the Pentagon have reassured all parties on the side of Justice that all they are doing is working out the logistics of the move of the Space Force in Colorado Springs and arresting the traitors/terrorists at the same time and take everything and everybody east of the Mississippi River. There the Space Force can get set-up in Alabama and the traitors/terrorists can be arraigned, questioned and sentenced in Federal Courts. That would be consistent with the reasoning behind Trump's informal Department of Government of Efficiency and get this mammoth job done at the same time.
Meanwhile, the traitors/terrorists are quite literally bulldozing areas where SVC's Security Chief has been staying and failing to plow streets and sidewalks that he has frequented even though this also inconveniences other innocent Citizens. Not to mention, other Public Employees and their at-large comrades haven stepped-up their stalking, criminal intimidation, gas lighting, taunting, etc. because they see SVC's President as vulnerable because of his Mother's passing. They are cruel sadistic bumps and they wonder why they will soon be at hard labor. Stop wondering!
SVC TPCG Foreign Writers & Journalists
FEBRUARY 5, 2025