Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized…
Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
-Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The SVC International Outreach Committee Septimal Conference Adjourned after nearly seven hours. It was one for the ages and many of the Decisions made today will affect Humankind until Jesus returns.
The Decisions when the International Community must complete the many aspects of Final Kibosh of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium have been set, regardless of whether the United States Government participates or not.
The Victims of the AOTO own the U.S. Government through the International Judgment set down 21 April 2023, which has now burgeoned to over $2 quadrillion, will provide the power to eliminate all resistance by the same, if necessary. The Sailors and Troops will be Ordered to stand down because they will simply have no military assets they can use legally and makes them subject to immediate arrest if they try.
Donald Trump has Sanctioned the last two International Prosecutors, in part, because he feels the International Tribunals and IPs have abused their power. It is the U.S. Government which has abused its power and not adhered to International Law by abusing or intentionally allowing the abuse of its own innocent Citizens.
Furthermore, Trump as President of the United States does have the power to Sanction “Foreign Agents”, but no has the power to Sanction the International Prosecutors and Trump now has two Convictions for Obstruction of Peace & Justice on his record.
If he does not move quickly to do his duty as the American National Leader as he has Agreed concerning the AOTO and pursue the UN Reforms, his Resignation Letter will be activated and he will be taken into custody and sentenced forthwith.
The United Nations has Ordered the United States to make Reforms in its government and society consistent with the UN Declaration of Rights. There is no abuse of power possible here. This basic standard for human behavior on this planet is inviolable.
The Deputy and Special International Prosecutors assigned to the AOTO are adamant about enforcing International Law and they will not recognize anyone’s or any government’s right whatsoever to abrogate International Law on a whim or say they have not Ratified the Rome Statues that created the International Criminal Judiciary.
Everyone must follow International Law and if adequate proof exists, those who have broken International Law will be treated accordingly no matter who they are! That’s how any Judicial System at any level should work. OK?!
Over a decade ago, renowned Psychologists Barbara De Angelis and Wayne Dyer utilized movies and books to help people understand how individuals can begin to believe that what they are doing is right when it couldn’t possibly be right based on Societal norms.
A number of stories had to do with how SVC’s President, Phil Sutton, had been maltreated in Montana and matched with the movie, “A Few Good Men”:
“…It doesn't make sense that an innocent Man can be nearly beaten to death by a Police Officer who is paid to do it and everyone from the President of the United States on down supports the Officer.
To give you an idea of what we suggesting here about the logic of all of this: if Officers Kurt Trowbridge and Chris O’Leary were called to a put down a bar room brawl and someone inflicted Phil’s injuries, then Trowbridge and O’Leary would not hesitate to arrest the perpetrator. They would be expected to do so. Enough said.
Second, if the People in Missoula and Bozeman really believed Phil is this good-for-nothing homeless Person, then why all the energy to oppress him. Why would that be necessary?
This reminds us of the clips from the Movie “A Few Good Men” Barbara has been using to illustrate the mental state of the terrorists. In those clips, Kaffee asks Jessop why he gave two Orders; the first, that Santiago wasn’t to be touched; and second, why would Santiago be in grave danger and need to be transferred if Jessop’s Orders are always followed or Men die.
Ultimately, the contradiction and the fact that Santiago was murdered pointed to Jessop Ordering the “Code Red” and the subsequent cover up that was exposed by Jessop’s own emphatic confession.
Whatever the Code Red(s) are in Missoula and Bozeman, the terrorists definitely are covering up for a good many things as we all know and Trowbridge’s attempted murder of Phil.
Third, why would Obama and his Administration first make it appear they supported Phil and the other Victims in Missoula only to go into cover up mode when the Public Funds Embezzling, Make Victims Units, Illegal Drug Scandals and the Sexual Assault Scandals were first exposed in 2009 and 2010 then allow all the horrible things happen to Kelsey Belnap, James Boren, Phil and the rest? Obama let it happen!!!!!!!
Then, of course, the whole thing with the Benghazi travesty. Secretary of State Clinton was willing to sacrifice some good People so Obama and Joe Biden could get Re-Elected just as Kirsten Pabst and the Missoula County Attorney’s Office were willing to sacrifice Kelsey Belnap and Phil to save Missoula’s vaunted University of Montana football team!
The International Community looks at this and everything else that happened in the USA like it the past seven Years (2006-2013) and is appalled. Because no one has cared about what has happened to and demonstratively supported Phil and his fellow Victims, the same haywire logic will prevail in the retribution for all of it!”
Of course, the terrorists in Colorado Springs 975 and 775 miles away very dutifully have followed the al Qaeda Script as well. But what is of the most concern is now what happened to SVC President’s Publisher.
On 8 February 2025, SVC’s President received his first World Trade Organization Audit. It stated that between October 1st and December 31st, 2024, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, had sold 525 copies at various outlets and online. When he checked it with Xulon Press’ records there was a huge discrepancy.
SVC’s President had a phone conference with Corey Walker at Xulon Press on 12 February 2025. Walker told him his two books which are Published by Xulon Press only sold 59 books over the past 42 months. Immediately red flags went up and SVC’s President asked Walker to send him the Xulon Press records, which he still has not done.
While the Attorneys at WTO only canvassed those three months, they believe that at least 7,350, not 59 books were sold since 2 August 2021 when DECLARING GREATNESS: THEMES THAT TRANSFORM OUR DESTINY was first Published. Xulon Press does not have an official Publication Date for TRAILBLAZER.
There are three possibilities which would explain this. #1, there is a terrorist plant at Xulon Press and he or she is capable of printing and sending a book or books without having to record it somewhere, thus cheating SVC’s President and Xulon Press of royalties and revenue.
#2, there has been a serious copyright breach and someone can print SVC President’s books and sell them in the open market with impunity. International Presses have handled the publication of SVC President’s books in the past when his books are blacklisted in America, but no such breach has occurred there.
#3, unfortunately, Walker discovered the records he discussed with SVC’s President were invalid and/or fraudulent and what the WTO is stating is essentially correct and that is why SVC’s President has not received the requested records.
This comes as an awful blow to SVC’s President and its not the fact that he is out some $44,100 in royalties which really would have come in handy in Colorado Springs the past 3.5 years.
What’s so upsetting is SVC’s President wanted a specific publisher in the United States that would breakthrough the blacklisting, but instead he has had to endure yet another successful attempt to discredit him, just like with all his personal records, credit reports, background checks, etc.
Those close to SVC’s President and the International Prosecutors are concerned he simply has gone through too much now and should be relieved of all the Decision-making responsibilities he will have to make concerning the Judgments and what will happen to the traitors/terrorists and that SVC’s Security Chief should be relieved of his duties as well.
There is a clip from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 4, Part 2: “Family” that is appropriate here. The scene has the Picard Brothers fighting each other and then talking about Jean Luc’s encounter with the Borg.
They stop fighting. At 2:45, Robert comments Jean Luc has been horribly hard on himself. Jean Luc admits he had tried so hard to stop the Borg and he was not strong enough; he was not good enough just like Phil tried so hard to resolve AOTO but couldn’t. Now non-Americans will be deciding America’s fate and they will not be benevolent…
15 OCTOBER 2025