The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of Justice emerges. – Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
You can be a Host to God or a hostage to your ego. It is your call. – Dr. Wayne Dyer
Never tire of doing good. –2 Thessalonians 3:13b
Today is SVC’s President, Phil Sutton’s, 50th Christian Birthday. Few Christians keep track of when they first accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Many Christians have no idea when their conversion occurred, which begs the question if they really are Christians to begin with. They are great people the few hours they are in Church or involved with public activities, but for the rest of time they are living double lives they believe no one knows about. Guess who always knows!
SVC is not trying to be preachy or convert the world to Christianity, but we are trying to make sure everyone knows they are accountable for their actions and there must be retribution if they cross the line of propriety.
For only the second time in American History yesterday, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day was Commemorated alongside a Presidential Inauguration. It should have been a celebration of great unity and national pride, but instead it was a complete dud.
True, the weather was probably the worst ever for either event in Washington, DC, but that too is an indication that the Creator of everything is trying to tell Americans something they are not going to appreciate much, but they must hear.
Dr. King’s quote above came from his famous “I have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963. The “whirlwinds of revolt” have continued because America has failed to live-up to “the true meaning of its creed.” If alive today, Dr. King would no doubt be very disappointed on America’s regression, not progression in making his American Dream come true.
It has always been curious why those who dedicate their lives to Human Rights are the ones who know the greatest persecution and just happen to have particularly close relationships with Our Creator and Jesus. Those who perpetrate these crimes tend to have a particularly convenient affiliation with the evil one. This very poignant point was made in a Joint SVC Compliance-Finance Committee Report:
When it comes to the travails of SVC's President in particular, the motive for the world record crime wave against him is jealousy just as was with Jesus, severe judgmentalism and projecting the traitors/terrorists shortcomings onto the other person.
The traitors/terrorists have taken great sadistic, perverse pride in creating situations which portrayed SVC's President as a rogue citizen and as a criminal. The reason for the homelessness in Missoula was the Old Jore scandal; in Bozeman, the virtual destruction of Sutton Manor North through horrific acts of vandalism and the subsequent need for years of reconstruction; and in Colorado, the surprisingly vicious singling out of SVC's President by 400,000 Coloradans when Phil had quite literally had thousands of fellow victims in Montana and the Licensing and Kushnir Assassination scandals. None of this was ever SVC President's fault or based on any reliable and verifiable source(s) of any wrongdoing by him, but there is plenty of videos, evidence and witnesses to the crimes against SVC’s President.
The supreme irony of this is that all the efforts by traitors/terrorists to create abject poverty in the life of SVC's President and be able to tell their recruits that he has to be judged as a worthless person and that it is a joke that any retribution against them could be possible, inevitably had to backfire and now the punishment they will receive has to be so severe that no one would ever want to emulate them. The traitors/terrorists must be held out as an example of never, ever again so the world will never see their evil brand of judgmentalism and blind hatred ever, ever again. Or, if we do, we will know what to do with them! -JOINT SESSION OF THE SVC INTERNATIONAL COMPLIANCE & FINANCE COMMITTEES
The extraordinary Man who these traitors/terrorists have persecuted to the nth degree is the longest serving President/ CEO of an International Nonprofit Corporation in Human History, is 65 years old, but is not inclined to retire any time soon. He is quite dedicated to his work and always has been. Phil has stated he will continue to work if he is physically able to do so!
When Phil made comments pertaining to his future in Rio during the 2022 SVC International Founder’s Day General Conference, Queen Elizabeth II sent him a note saying: “I am glad to hear someone else is in this for the duration as I am.” She died 11 days later.
The American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium is an unprecedented situation and its Final Kibosh is an extraordinary long time in coming. There has never been a time when one Organization has ever had so much power to build or tear down and affect so many Lives than SVC does now.
It is an enormous responsibility that SVC has looked forward to for years. Then again, there has never been a more persecuted Humax n Being than SVC’s President and like everyone else, Phil is entitled to Justice.
SVC intends to insist that the traitors/traitors of the AOTO are punished both civilly and criminally to the full extent of International and U.S. Federal Law. This will impact millions of Americans in unfortunate ways, but then again Americans didn’t care about over 100 Women who have been sexually assaulted with impunity and over 10,000 People who have had their Lives systematically ruined like they cared about George Floyd. Americans cannot claim ignorance of what is still transpiring in Missoula County, Montana, unless, of course, America’s Mass Media cares to admit to they have not done their job…
To be blunt, America and Americans have not shown the responsibility that ordinarily one would expect to witness in such circumstances. Americans have been willing to protest in the streets for two months in righteous indignation protesting what happened to poor George Floyd in the middle of a pandemic. They have been unwilling to work to put down the worst criminal scandal in American History. Why?
Our task here is to make sure that nothing like the AOTO and the Floyd murder ever happen again! But to do that, the International Community must punish America and Americans for not caring what has happened to the Sutton Family and their Patriarch’s fellow Victims. That is an outrage on its face and a horrible price must be paid by those involved with AOTO to save not only America but Civilization itself from terrorism and hate crimes!
SVC has attempted to quantify the amount of economic well-being lost due to having to deal with the AOTO:
The first quarter century of SVC operations has shown Greatness in many areas, but we could have done so much more if the AOTO had not existed. Those who think, talk and act like the traitors/terrorists have been a maelstrom to SVC’s, thus the world’s, progress to a Peaceful world and must be eliminated – period!
The die is now cast. At long last, the AOTO will be put down in the manner previously stated. There is no going back. President Donald Trump has taken the initial steps to do his duty as America’s National Leader. Some aspects of the UN Mandated Reforms will be easy for him to carry out and some will be difficult, but it must all be accomplished nonetheless.
For many years, SVC’s President has discussed invoking Wayne Dyer’s Concept of Divine Mind at Work and shift the consciousness to be focused upon the Creator. It is collective mindset that if a large enough group of people participate in focusing upon a desired outcome in the world, we can make it happen!
At the very end of the video Wayne stated that the reason why we are not manifesting what we want in our Lives is because we are judging our fellow Human Beings and it blocks the Creator’s power in our Lives. Wow!
SVC’s President states that is the real reason he desires to move beyond the AOTO. When the traitors/terrorists are denying him all means of support and being their cruelest, the natural tendency is to judge and strike back; want to arrest them and prematurely execute all the Judgments he has, unnecessarily harming millions of innocent People in the process. We just have must have a solid Faith and knowingness that the Creator will pay them back as promised in Romans 12:17-19.
Given what the International Prosecution Office has told SVC, the terrorists will know what it is like being homeless, carless, starving and destitute just like what they caused for their Victims.
The Colorado Springs traitors/terrorists have not only attempted to run over SVC’s President, but they have taken great joy in seeing him suffer with the cold this past weekend saying that he’d be the one who would die in a snowbank somewhere.
Since the cold has been an almost universal experience for 250 million Americans, nothing can be read into it. On the other hand, SVC’s President and SVC’s Security Chief can finally look forward to having a “normal life” soon. That is their future. The traitors/terrorists can look forward to a future of just the opposite and they could not be more deserving. The year 2025 will be the year everyone will receive exactly what they deserve!
The difference will be the traitors/terrorists will be sentenced to this because of the depravity of their deeds for the rest of their Lives, unable to make any money, hold a paying job (those who have betrayed the Public Trust will most certainly be sentenced to hard labor for the duration), buy the simplest item, pay the simplest bill or attain any social assistance, just like they have done to SVC’s President this past week and throughout the past 23 Years and his fellow Victims for God only knows how long.
One of more curious habits terrorists have is they always love to take credit for acts of terrorism, whether or not their acts are violence or nonviolent. They are actually proud of their evil deeds and this tells the world they are dangerously psychotic and cannot be allowed to be at-large in Civilized Society.
The Hague has received comments saying Americans must be treated like they would be in American Courts and what The Hague has in mind constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. Not hardly; criminal justice is designed to fit the punishment for the crime(s) committed. What could be more appropriate punishment than putting these criminals through what they intended for and did inflict upon their Victims?
The traitors/terrorists of the AOTO have never denied what they have done even though some of the allegations have been very fantastic in nature. They quite literally have admitted to their crimes and only need to be sentenced for their criminal offenses and/or served the Civil Judgments against them.
Americans have a good idea already where Donald Trump is heading during his second term as President. The only serious objection SVC has is his abrogation of the Climate Change Paris Accords and his Trade Policies, neither of which have anything to do with the AOTO and the prosecution of the Final Kibosh of the AOTO and the 47th President’s Agreement with The Hague to forgive his Convictions concerning violations of International Law during his first term.
President Trump cannot be the wild horse he has been in the past. The International Community has placed a bit in his mouth and we will break him if we have to. It is simply as that!
As planned, Colorado has been partitioned and the 51st State of Jefferson has been created. SVC’s President will be the Territorial Governor. He will move quickly to organize elections for the State Offices of Governor; Lt. Governor; Secretary of State; Attorney General; State Treasurer; Executive Director of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the State Legislative Districts. He will be a Candidate for Governor.
New U.S. House Representative Districts must be drawn for the 2026 Elections, but it probably will be an even split with each State having four Representatives. The Class 1 and Class 2 U.S. Senate seats will be Appointed by the Governor until the 2026 Elections as per the U.S. Constitution.
If you are asking how Phil can be SVC’s President, Jefferson Governor, etc., at the same time, he has done it before. When he served as Ambassador Plenipotentiary; Director, Vice Chair and then Chair of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Peace; and eventually Secretary of State for Economic, Energy & Agricultural Affairs, Phil built SVC into the International blockbuster it is today.
The prohibition against holding more than one Federal Office at the same time pertains to elective offices. Bureaucrats holding multiple appointive offices is by no means a new concept. His private interests in all this are intricately intertwined with the Final Kibosh of the AOTO, so no objections can be raised in that regard. As the Complainant and offended party, any possible concern over conflicts of interest is waived under International Law. Phil and/or his successors or assigns have the Right to prosecute his International Complaint to full conclusion no matter what his personal involvement is.
Being an Executive Appointee and already Confirmed by the U.S. Senate for multiple appointive offices can also place SVC’s President in the line of succession to the Presidency just in case President Trump has a change of heart and must be removed in favor of an individual in the line of succession who will uphold International and U.S. Federal Laws. One way or another, the mandated UN Reforms will become a reality in the United States of America!
In his Gdansk Corollary to his Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration, SVC’s President cited a moment in Human History when the Spirit of the Creator moved powerfully in the world. In a matter of 777 days, the Berlin Wall fell leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of Cold War. In between came the release of Nelson Mandela from prison and the genesis of a democratic South Africa; the reunification of Germany; and the Persian Gulf War which led to the creation and implementation of the Rome Statutes and the Responsibility To Protect Principle.
Phil believes with the Cease Fire between Israel and Hamas is the beginning of another such moment in Human History. In this period could come the demise of organized terrorism; the preeminence of International Law and beginnings of true World Democratization through his namesake Foreign Policy Doctrine; and the ascension of his Economic Democracy and Living Security Concepts!
Not to mention, The Revival Series of books will become a must read for everyone and the terrorist-enforced obscurity of SVC's President will suffer an ignominious end for all those who participated in it! Well done, Good and Faithful Servant!