Patience and Gratitude are a powerful combination that the Creator will recognize and reward in ways beyond imagination. - Phil Sutton
“Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces but let us judge not that we be not judged." - Abraham Lincoln
Many people say they have run out of patience with the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium. Join the club. One can never run out of patience with the unfolding of the Creator's Grand Design. The person who would like it to be over more than any other is preparing how the Creator's will be done and bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion.
SVC's President Phil Sutton gave us a short list of the Blessings earned for our patience:
1) We have confirmed organized terrorism exists and it has successfully infiltrated the United States. Now we can reverse the polarity and remove the scourge from Civilized Society. We can rebuild American by once again practicing Four Universal Thematic Principles of the American Dream and cause the Revival of the American Dream through Economic Democracy, Living Security and Government and Cultural Reforms mandated by the United Nations.
2) We have flushed out who America's traitors and terrorists are and they will be duly punished in such way that no one will ever desire to emulate them. They will be held out as examples of never, ever, ever again. Justice actually requires they get off easy, but their punishment can be escalated, if necessary. No one will get away with anything they have done!
3) International Law has been raised to levels of legitimacy and no one can escape the long arms of International Law. No one can take or leave following International Law. The idea that any National Leaders can choose to abide by or ignore International Law at their whim or Rulings from The Hague is simply advisory is forever discarded. The abrupt ending of any despotic regime and the arrest of National Leaders is now quite real. The world will see just who will be the first National Leader(s) removed under the Sutton Doctrine and the Responsibility to Protect Principle!*
This said, there are Judgments to execute and bills to pay and SVC cannot wait any longer to respond to the untoward behavior of traitors/terrorists in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, and for the Trump Administration to begin that process. The larger chore of arresting 2.78 million Americans can be postponed until U.S. Troops are available to assure Public Safety!
It could be U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Reuters Reports that Trump has place Economic and Travel Sanctions on International Prosecutor Karim Khan. If these Sanctions are anything like the Sanctions he placed on Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in 2020, then Trump could be seen as reneging on his Agreement with The Hague and United Nations that allowed him to serve as President again, anyway. Trump would be summarily removed from Office by submitting his already signed Resignation Letter. Former President Trump then would be Ordered to turn himself in or be arrested forthwith.
Please keep in mind, the Reuters Report about President Donald Trump placing Economic and Travel Sanctions on current International Prosecutor Karim Khan has not been Confirmed yet by The Hague or by the United Nations. Once it is confirmed, then the conversations will begin concerning what will be done about it.
Trump may be attempting to find a loophole in his Agreement with the International Community, but still be able to Sanction the IP. If Trump continues to make preparation to put down the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium and make the Reforms in the United States mandated by the UN, then he is technically not reneging on the Agreement.
Reuters claimed that Trump signed the Sanctions on 7 February, the same day the SVC International Compliance Committee met and openly complained about Trump delaying action on the AOTO. Reuters also said the sanctions are made, in part, because of the Arrest Warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued by the International Criminal Court. Trump met with Netanyahu at the White House on 4 February.
The Reuters Report has now been confirmed. U.S. President Donald Trump has endangered his Presidency and may soon be removed from office. First, the misconception Nation States can opt out of complying with International Law at will because they have not Ratified the Rome Statutes went out December 2022 with SVC President, Phil Sutton's, Announcement in Africa.
The Announcement caused Russian President Vladimir Putin to panic. SVC's President was unwilling to exempt Putin because of all the kindness he had shown to SVC's President and arresting the Kushnirs of Crimea who attempted to poison him in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, on 21 June 2019 and embarrassing SVC's President by pointing out his fellow Americans cared more about Lexie Navalny than they did about him. At least, this helped get Brittney Griner released!
Arrest Warrants were executed by the International Criminal Court the following St. Patrick's Day and the ICC and SVC's President were Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as a result.
Second, no National Leader can Sanction the ICC or International Prosecutor. It is Obstruction of Peace & Justice under International Law. Trump would like to have Sanctioned U.S. Federal Prosecutor Jack Smith and the Prosecutor's in the States of Georgia and New York, but couldn't. How does he expect to be able to do so here? Should we mention that Mr. Trump is a 34-time convicted felon in New York. He lost his appeal of the Convictions.