(EDITORS's NOTE: SVC is moving onto a new era and it will be spectacular! SVC's President gave a short Presentation on Gratitude and what we want the future to look like and then a short Report from the SVC International Board of Governors)
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town." - Jesus (Matthew 10:14–15)
"Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." -ROMANS 12:19
SVC MOTTO: La Justice, La Liberté et La victoire (English: Justice, Liberty & Victory.
SVC TRAILBLAZER MOTTO: Soyez l'architectede votre proprevie et être le guérisseur dans la vie des autres (English: Be the architect of your own life and be the healer in the lives of others).
Mission Statement Of The SVC International Dreamweaver Plexus
"The only difference between a hero and a villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people. Savor the taste of your triumphs today, don't just swallow them all whole without digesting what is actually happening here." Chadwick Boseman
"I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming." - Tony Robbins (Awakening The Giant Within)
Why is gratitude important? By embracing a mentality of abundance, you’re able to experience the benefits of gratitude and the stillness it brings. Research confirms the neuroscience of gratitude: The brain in gratitude is much like the brain in love. When we express thankfulness, our brain’s neural circuitry releases a cocktail of dopamine and serotonin, feel-good neurochemicals that foster optimism, camaraderie, willpower and positive emotions. The more we practice gratitude, the more we activate the neurocircuitry responsible for this “gratitude response.” The circuits then become stronger and, with time, the positive feelings they herald become more stable fixtures in our outlook. As such, research underscores the potential impact of gratitude exercises, for example, on outcomes ranging from Employee retention to time management to running a successful business.
Additional Studies expand the benefits of gratitude to include Social Benefits (gratitude opens the door to more relationships while expanding one’s capacity for empathy); physical health (gratitude leads to better self-care, sleep and overall health) and psychological health (practicing gratitude helps manage negative feelings while increasing mental stamina). In studying how to practice gratitude, we encounter a subtle irony: By choosing thankfulness for what we have, we become stronger, not weaker.
Gratitude exercises are a practical and effective way to “build muscle” so that appreciation becomes more reflexive. The practice of priming is an extremely effective way to build the benefits of gratitude into your daily routine. Priming works by using mindfulness to harmonize your mind, body and emotions. When you practice priming, you’ll learn to focus on your breath as a way to calm your mind and body.
As such, the practice of priming is one of the most powerful gratitude exercises since it enhances our connection with the present moment. As we become increasingly grounded in the here and now, we’re able to develop the attitude of gratitude necessary for lasting contentment.
SVC’s first General Conference in Seattle was in March 2011 when I dressed down then-US Attorney General Eric Holder and initiated the World into the process in its ultimate Victory over the American Criminal Opprobrium.
The ways of the Creator are not always easy for Us to understand or accept, but it is always for the good in the end.
That is why practicing gratitude is not a cure for negative emotions. To practice gratitude authentically, you must remain honest about your feelings, allowing gratitude to emerge amid your circumstances and emotions. Mastering how to practice gratitude boils down to setting your mind on all the positives that exist in your life in the present moment instead of worrying about the past, future or what you lack. Rather than depending on externals (like your circumstances or achievements) to make you happy, you must accept that lasting happiness comes from within.
This is not to say you should stagnate in your personal and professional life. Instead, while striving for growth, you must also practice gratitude for the abundance you currently have. It is this type of abundance mindset that will set you free from feeling perpetually discontent or restless for more and from never enjoying the fruits of your labor. As we practice gratitude consistently, we’re able to shift our States and mood toward the positive, becoming masters of our emotions. Take a moment to practice gratitude, and you’ll buy yourself a moment in time where you’re connected with your life and all its abundance.
When we inquire about how to practice gratitude, it is also crucial to distinguish between linguistic gratitude (i e saying “thank you”) and “felt” gratitude (i e cultivating a deep, lasting sense of thankfulness). That difference has been the topic of much research, some of which underscores the complex relationship between the words and actions. In American society, it is perfectly acceptable and expected for dinner guests to thank their host for dinner.
Conversely, in Semai Society, a dinner guest thanking his host would be considered extremely rude, since the act of giving thanks assigns a “value” to the gift of food, which is itself taboo. Across cultures, generosity, reciprocity and gift-giving are demonstrated to form and strengthen interpersonal and social bonds. These lessons are relevant as we consider how to practice gratitude in business, since they underscore the multifaceted nature of thankfulness while encouraging us to practice empathy in responding to others’ gifts. By choosing thankfulness for what we have, we become stronger, not weaker.
I first wrote about the “Gethsemane Moments” of our Lives in the 33rd through 35th and Final Edition of REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM and first Published on SVC International Communication Day, March 10, 2012. A scant 26 days later on Holy Thursday, April 5, 2012, came the opening of the Third Seal as Prophesized in Revelation 6: 5-6. One of my own most important Gethsemane Moments had arrived.
The SVC International Public Policy Forum Series since have tended to Confirm what the Creator has in mind. No Man has ever Lived a more contrasting Life than I have. My Life involved with the ACO is one devastation after another; My Life otherwise is a beautiful Life where I am gifted and Blessed everywhere I turn.
It has been said that My Chief Talent has been to turn proverbial lemons into lemonade. That’s because the Creator has allowed all things good and bad into My Life and given the Me the tools and insight to turn it all for the good. Just look at the stories Jesus has reminded Me of to make this point.
The Baseball Analogy Jesus provided Me during our conversation on June 11, 2014, went much further than I imagined. Just 375 days after my Longfellow Dream when I first discovered why I am here, the interpretation of what Jesus was imparting to me is much more profound than simply getting back into the batter's box after getting hit by a pitch. That analogy is the simplistic and easy to understand part of the story.
Like with most of Jesus' messages to us, this Analogy also looks at the Pitcher who threw the errant pitch and what that means. So often in life we believe we are making the right pitch, so to speak, and the situation gets away from us and we manage to hurt ourselves and others in the process, although not intending to.
But like the good Pitcher who waves off his catcher concerning a pitch he doesn't think would be good for the situation before he even delivers the pitch, we must carefully consider what we are launching into the world, especially when things are no going right. Our Judgment can easily be impaired then and we often make mistakes which need not be made or the same mistakes again and again.
As my Success Coach, Wayne Dyer, stated when he was alive, made sure he understood that most of the pitches I have made in Life have been based upon the mistaken belief that I was an embarrassment and unworthy of high achievement. This came from the viewpoint of my abusive Parents who never could see how I could even measure up. Even now, my nuclear family members who are still alive have difficulty accepting I have been capable of doing anything right.
That in turn became an abusive pattern I have encountered throughout my Childhood in Bozeman and have been forced to relive via the terrorists of the ACO.
Jesus never picked on me about my troubles in my Home Town or drew the analogy with his troubles in Nazareth. He did not have to. They are for the same reasons and we both understand that without ever having to say a word about it.
While your mistaken belief may be based upon something other than abuse in your Childhood, it has worked basically the same way in your Life regardless of its origins.
Fortunately, Jesus and Our Creator will always take Us back, no matter how poorly we think We have "pitched" in our lives.
Take Moses. He had been raised as the Pharaoh's Son. He had all the "goodies" and he threw it all away in one angry rage and killed an Egyptian who had abused a Hebrew Slave.
One would have thought Moses' Life and the prospects he could make something of it was over. Yet, the Creator saw fit to make him one of the great players in Human History.
The story in Exodus 3 is one of the most profound in the Bible. Moses encounters a burning bush which is not consumed by fire. The Almighty tells Moses that it is his job to free the Hebrew Slaves after 400 Years of captivity and to directly confront his Brother growing up, Pharaoh Ramses II.
Moses immediately asks for the Creator's Credentials and who he might tell his fellow Hebrews who sent him to free them after 16 Generations of bondage.
What occurs next is the most important moment in the Old Testament. The Creator 'ID'ed' himself by saying 'I am who I am.' (Exodus 3:14) By so doing, the Creator not only identified himself, but told humanity who we all are, too.
I explained we all have a spark of the Creator within Us, it is the 'I am' built into all Creation. It is that spark that I have attempted to address during his SVC International Executive Committee General & Septimal Conference Reports by telling all of you that you have a Special Mission in this World. Yes, you!!!!!!!
The realization of who We are is difficult for most because we are trained to see ourselves as just the opposite by this evil world.
It is a powerful journey - shift - we all must take here. You must change forever your viewpoint of yourself and what you are capable of. We must give up on the notion that We are defined by the pursuit and possession of things; and on winning and being better than others. We must leave the 'false self' behind and reach for our higher selves, the Divine Self which is the Creator incarnate.
This reprogramming of your thinking must come with a major shift of our expectations of ourselves which few dare to make. You must believe there is a higher self and stop paying attention to your e-g-o and edging God out of your lives.
This is what Jesus and Paul meant by Praying without ceasing and to be in moment-to-moment communion with the Creator through our thoughts, what we focus upon and our subsequent acts.
We have been programmed we are unworthy of greatness, of becoming who really are. We must make the connection to the Creator - our higher self.
My Personal Life's Philosophy is that We are here to serve the Creator and each other, not ourselves. All Christians are Ministers and have a Ministry in this world which is ours alone, but We are meant to bring each into fruition through of our Individual Ministries together. It is all part of the Creator's Grand Design for all of Us. We are all Gods in the sense that We all have the same Source and will return to that Source if We seek out the Creator, comprehend and come to believe all this!
The traitors/terrorists do what they do because they want to matter when they very much don't and are evil to the core. They will meet with the ignominy they deserve in both this life and the next, cut off from their Creator forever!
This has been the great mistake in my handling of the ACO. I allowed the traitors/terrorists to drag me down to act and live as my false Self. Every time I have done so, I have throttled the Divine Spark working within and reaching for the Greatness the Creator has meant for Me.
The liberation which occurred during the SVC 2020 World Democratization Conference allowed me to break the chains that had imprisoned me. The traitors/terrorists had exploited my Love for America and for Montana.
Once I knew it would not matter anymore in achieving the Mission Statement of the SVC International Dreamweaver Plexus whether or not I ever was US President or supported by my fellow Americans, proverbial shoes began dropping everywhere and the terrorists knew they no longer have control – I do!
The upside in all of it is that the traitors/terrorists have exhibited for all the world to see what their Source - their God is. They have been exposed for what they are and what they represent.
The inevitability of their defeat has always been present in the situation, but I allowed my ego get in the way and it has throttled the good SVC could have been doing around the world instead of playing the traitors/terrorist's nasty little game.
Events in Colorado Springs, the Denver metro area and Pueblo have been much worse and the retribution will be concomitantly harsh. There is no way we can back down to terrorism and we will not!
This is perfect timing and coincides with what the International Community Plans for organized terror and more specifically the terrorists of the ACO as discussed earlier. The traitors/terrorists must be held out as examples of never again so no one would even remotely consider doing what they have done!
What remains - quite literally - is the Biblical separation of the sheep from the goats. It is quite clear by now which is which.
What we must do is begin to utilize that Divine power within us to do good and leave the traitors/terrorists and those of their ilk way behind us. That will mean separating ourselves from those who are incapable of taking all this heart, no matter who they are.
Jesus told us he had come to divide, not unify and that taking up our metaphoric cross would be difficult in order to follow him and be known as one of his Apostles. He didn't mince words.
As Paul wrote in Galatians 6:9, We must never tire of doing good, even in the face of great persecution. Historians and Theologians have long debated what Paul meant by the thorn in his side. It may have been a physical affliction of some kind, but I think it was more an affliction in his Spirit.
Even the Great Epistle Author of the early Christian Church harbored doubts about all this and that was the metaphoric thorn in his side. The sheer immensity of all this and its implications is sure to cause doubts to even the greatest amongst us, but at all costs must be resisted. That is where Faith comes in.
Wayne's greatest impact on my Life is to teach his about the power of our imagination. It is there the Creator plants the Themes of Greatness. Your imagination is uniquely and supremely yours. You don't have to consult with anything one about what you place there. Pay no attention to what your senses or the alleged facts in the world are telling you to the contrary. Anything you place there is possible. You are a Co-Creator with the Creator. You have that power!
In Matthew 19, Jesus is confronted with the who could be saved because the standards for entering Heaven are so high. In verse 26, Jesus said, 'With Man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'
If what you place in your imagination feels natural to you and you just know is meant to be, then it shall be. Nothing can stop it. That is the power you have. If it Divinely inspired, so much the better. Guess what I have placed in his imagination and what he knows is intended for the World by the Creator? Right.
This is Divinely inspired just as the contents of all my books, including the one just Published and the Concepts found therein are and they were given to him by the Creator. It is simply meant to be!!!!!!!!
Wayne says that he placed a "do not disturb sign" on his imagination and did not let anything from the outside World polluted its contents. The metaphoric thorn I believe he suffered from was his occasional inability to do so because he understood how important it was.
In Philippians 4:8, Paul wrote, 'Finally Brothers and Sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.’
My own modern Version of this Biblical quote has more to do with the human condition in the modern World:
"...whatever deprives People of basic Human dignity & Rights, whatever is defaming, whatever is wrong, whatever is criminal, whatever is destructive, whatever is corrupt - if anything is deceptive and unjust - We will oppose it - sure as the Sun comes up in the morning, We will oppose it."
As Tony Robbins relates to his Audience every time he speaks, you are what you focus upon. It is that simple! You focus upon the good you can do and forget your trouble, it will be amazing just how quickly your troubles fade into the woodwork!
How else can you better protect what is in your imagination and be in continual Prayer with the Creator?
Saturday marked the 44-year anniversary of Mount St. Helens' eruption in Washington State. The blast on May 18, 1980, is the worst volcanic eruption in U.S. History, killing 57 people and spewing 520 million tons of ash across the United States. The collapse of the mountain’s top created the largest landslide ever recorded.
The geological and meteorological events we witness around the world are the most powerful reminders that the Creator is not through with Creation or with us.
Most of us on this Board were teenagers and young Adults when Mount Saint Helens blew and remember it vividly. There is a metaphoric volcano about to blow in the United States and SVC is working to contain the damage that has been done by the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium, easily the worst criminal scandal in U.S. and fifth worst criminal scandal in Human History.
Once the example to the rest of the world in so many ways, the USA has become a laughingstock to most of the world. We hate to say it, but for good reasons.
SVC cannot possibly provide a complete litany of woes here, but SVC has decided to take control of situations in the known centers of the scandal, namely Missoula County, Montana; the State of Colorado; and the District of Columbia.
The International Tribunals and their U.S. Federal Court Partners have made an unprecedented, but necessary move. The Courts have placed the United States Government; the State of Colorado and State of Montana; the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado; City of Missoula, Montana; County of Gallatin, Montana; and County of Missoula, Montana in receivership due to their debts under International/Federal Judgments against them.
Further, all those financial assets pertinent to said entities such as the Colorado and Montana University Systems; Public Libraries; public transportation; and Federal and State land are also encumbered because of those entities cooperation with the terrorist infiltration within the United States and/or their maltreatment of SVC's President and his fellow Victims.
Likewise, all the offending businesses and organizations will also be encumbered, no bankruptcies will be allowed so that the Victims are sure to get their full measure of their claims. Bankruptcy Courts quite readily discharge debt that the traitors/terrorists could benefit from which will be in violation of their criminal sentences. They must be made completely destitute like they made their Victims.
Interestingly, Friday was the 70th Anniversary of the Brown v. Topeka Kansas Decision by the U.S. Supreme Court which did have an element of this power involved in the case and helped set the precedent for such an action. The International Tribunals can rule against Uncle Sam pertaining to uphold their Rulings and the Federal Courts can Rule against Political subdivisions within the United States, thus no Appeals are possible.
The primary concerns the International Community has and will continue to be:
(1) Preserve Peace wherever it resides;
(2) Bring Peace where armed conflict exist;
(3) Assert as much control over Climate Change and reverse its negative impacts as much as possible;
(4) Feed, clothe and see to the Health of the needy and sick; and
(5) Protect the Human Rights of all the Inhabitants of the Earth and make sure those who violate those Rights are brought to Justice.”
The International Tribunals and the United Nations are so sick and tired of America being the example of how not be to the rest of Nations of the world rather than the primary example of how every nation should be.
To that end, Serious Reforms must take place before the United States can be fully reinstated as a Nation in good standing. The consequences for American noncompliance with International Law and the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes/Principle just begins the list of necessary International Reforms and the USA must now be an example to the World of what not to do rather than the other way around!
The USA would have no viable way of extricating itself from its current malaise or have hope for a constructive future if SVC's President had not filed his International Complaint 4,284 days or 612 weeks ago!
Frankly, what the SVC International Board of Governors cares most about is the future of this organization, which is our legal responsibility, and bringing all those to Justice who has have made our Founder the most persecuted Human Being in History, a very deeply felt personal responsibility to a Man who has quite literally done nothing but good in his Life!
For reasons which are still a mystery to the International Criminal Court, the International Prosecutor's Office, their Investigators and SVC's Investigators is why? We know about Osama bin Laden's personal vendetta and the Creator's Special Mission for SVC's President, but why has over 528,000 of his fellow Americans committed over 400 million Federal felonies against him while doing everything they could to destroy his life? It simply does not make any sense!
The 24/7 harassment and personal slights from people can happen to anybody, but attempting to assassinate SVC's President 16 times where in one instance the University Montana President Royce Engstrom; City of Missoula, Montana, Mayor John Engen and Missoula County, Montana, Attorney Fred Van Valkenberg raised $50,000 to pay a policeman, Kurt Trowbridge, to beat SVC's President to death utilizing a Soviet Gulag Technique Trowbridge learned while in the U.S. Marine Corps is not your typical, every day occurrence!
Nor is the $3 million in medical expenses it has taken to keep SVC's President alive and functioning. Or the $500,000+ damages done to his home by squatters after Gallatin County, Montana, Sheriff's Department told SVC's President that they had "every right to be there" on Father's Day when he much rather be with his Children 800 miles away on that special day.
Nor is a bankrupt Montana Businessman dropping the benefits for 173 Employees and the Bankruptcy Court in Butte, Montana, allowing him to discharge the $73,000 debt on the contract because the State of Montana did not enact a "Companion Act" to the Federal Family & Medical Leave Act and forcing SVC's President as the Agent to payback the remaining amount on that contract on Montana business only, keeping the newly wed in Montana when he much rather be with his Lovely Bride on the east coast!
Nor is over 5,000 former University of Montana Students coming forward and admitting their role in disparaging SVC's President in Missoula and getting him expelled from the UM campus in 2011 after their foreign counterparts attempted to murder SVC's President in Manila and Tokyo in successive nights in December 2014 and exposing al Qaeda's involvement in the many scandals within a scandal.
Nor is Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder refusing to prosecute 1,100 Indictments from a duly impaneled U.S. Grand Jury. If Holder had his job and prosecuted the traitors/terrorists in Missoula in 2009 and 2010 so much of what must happen now would never have been necessary.
Nor is the U.S. State Department negotiating with al Qaeda to allow the raid on the Benghazi, Libya, compound that killed four Americans on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 to deflect public and media interest in the Missoula Scandal and the Trowbridge beating.
When the private videos of the beating were revealed in August 2014 and the disclosure that Montana Governor Steve Bullock's office when Montana State Attorney General paid hush money in the six digits to those two Women, Holder suddenly resigned.
Nor is a 32-year veteran of any Licensed Profession who has nothing but good Recommendations from his Clients disbarred without explanation only to learn the Montana Insurance Commissioner, now U.S. Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT) and his Insurance Bureau Chief Jeannie Keller were payees of the International Kickback Scandal first exposed by the Australian Parliament and were paid to disbar SVC's President and dozens of other Agents in Montana.
When SVC's President inquired about moving his Professional Licenses to Colorado, the State welcomed him with open arms only to discover that the Executive Director of Department of Regulatory Agencies (CO DORA) and former Insurance Commissioner Marguerite Salazar also had been a payee.
Instead the State of Colorado had baited SVC's President to give up his fight to retain his Licenses in Montana and never intended to license SVC's President, abruptly ending his 32-year career in Financial Services which had started in Mortgage Banking in Denver in late 1985 about the same time his first Wife had been murdered in Canada.
Nor is a 64-year old American being told he is not eligible for his Social Security Retirement Benefits when he had worked almost 50 years contributing to the Program. The Social Security Administration informed him otherwise four years before. The amount of the benefits discussed were about one-fourth of what they should be, but at least the SSA did acknowledge SVC's President was eligible in 2020.
SVC's President made the mistake applying for his Retirement Benefits in Colorado Spring where they had no intention of ever approving benefits so he had to continue to fulfill their story about him as a worthless transient they wanted to chase out of COS.
SVC Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer Diane Freola published an Article concerning this last week and it was devastating saying, "Now, States can deny licensing; employers can deny work/employment; governments and organizations can deny services; etc., etc., etc., but SSA cannot deny Retirement Benefits to Americans it itself admits have earned them. That is why the line must be truly drawn here."
The line will be drawn to the extent that All Americans will forfeit their Social Security benefits and the funds involved will be encumbered by the receivers. This will be a good disciplining process for the American People because Social Security is a virtually universal concern for them and this will teach Americans never to allow anything remotely resembling the American Criminal Opprobrium from ever happening again in the United States.
For SVC's President this will be his vindication and he will finally know why people have turned so viciously against him. The Social Security Administration will have to explain fully why they did what they did to him. They alone can explain why Social Security is a goner. SVC and its President cannot. We have no clue!
Likewise, only the University of Montana can explain why it must be closed for good. They alone know the answer. Ditto for the City and County of Missoula and all the offending Make Victims Units, businesses and individuals in Missoula County!
Only the State of Montana can explain why their State Auditor's office must be closed for good and can never again be allowed to license Insurance Agents and Securities Brokers. Why Montanans must go out of State to attain these financial services because all the Agents and Brokers now in Montana can no longer exist there and will disbarred from practicing their Profession anywhere in the United States.
Only the Colorado DORA and Colorado State Attorney General's Office can explain why Colorado must be partitioned and never again be allowed to conduct Professional Licensing and Certification much less have Higher Education in what is left of Colorado.
Just like with Montana's Financial Services Professionals who are forever disbarred from practicing their former Professions anywhere in the United States, all Professionals - Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, etc., in Colorado are forever disbarred and cannot practice anywhere in the USA. Just ask former Colorado Insurance Investigator Angela Seaberg why this must be because that is what she did in her character assassination letter to SVC's President.
For all Americans this is key. If the traitors/terrorists did it to their Victims, it will be done not only to them in retribution, but the entities and individuals who put them in power to betray the Public Trust and do this to SVC's President and his fellow Victims. And it is bear minimum retribution.
SVC's Counseling Vice President wrote former Colorado First Assistant Attorney General Peter Frigo twice, quite literally begging him to do the right thing:
It Is What It Is
Dear Mr. Frigo:
My Friend and Associate, Dr Barbara De Angelis, PhD, loves to talk about how people will resort to technicalities when they have no other justifications for their activities.
Phil Sutton is an International Plaintiff and my superior at SVC, which is an International Non-Profit Corporation. Neither SVC nor I need to be individually licensed in order to conduct business in any political subdivision in the USA.
In any event, Dr. Sutton has always been open to talking to the State of Colorado about his Insurance Licensure. Indeed, that's the reason for our two letters to Marguerite Salazar and my emails to Angela Seaberg. Dr. Sutton has been stonewalled to the nth degree and it has been very suspicious.
The danger for Colorado is it broke with its original inclination to ignore what happened to Dr. Sutton in Montana and would allow him to simply retest. That was wise. Ms Seaberg's letter declining Dr. Sutton's application made it clear she and Colorado had crossed over to the dark side.
International, Private, and Legal Investigators can prove conclusively that all the defaming and discrediting informative coming from Montana and now in Colorado about Dr Sutton are outright falsehoods or contrivances. They have to be.
For instance, we still do not know what Ms Seaberg is referring to when she refers to the allegation that Dr. Sutton ignored a lawful order from the Montana Insurance Department. Dr Sutton has never even had so much a speeding ticket! Can you say as much?
Another curious obstacle to Dr. Sutton's Licensure is his Colorado residency. The need to protect his physical residency derives from three events in his Life. First and foremost, Dr Sutton was nearly beaten to death by Missoula Policeman Kurt Trowbridge. Because no one in authority in the USA would do the appropriate things, Dr Sutton filed his International Complaint.
The International Complaint not only covered the 15 known Trowbridge murders, it also covered the rape of over 100 Women with impunity; the embezzling of billions of State funds; money laundering; illegal drug trafficking to support organized terrorists (thus the al Qaeda-gate name); and the systematic ruining and even taking of lives by corrupt Public Officials like Matt Rosendale and Employees like Jeannie Keller and Trowbridge., There is no way these people are going to get away with what they have done!
Second, the 24/7 hounding of Dr. Sutton that has followed him from Montana to Colorado. Dr Sutton had every reason to believe he could finally find peace in Colorado. After all, Dr, Sutton and his business associates have been responsible for 1,500-2,200 jobs in Colorado the past 15 years. All those jobs would have been in Montana had they behaved like civilized human beings.
Third, over $500,000 of damages was done by squatters to the Sutton Home in Montana. It took over three years to regain control over the home and complete the reconstructi0n.
If this had never happened with his house, Dr. Sutton would have been in Colorado at least four years earlier and Rosendale and Keller would never had the chance to sabotage Dr. Sutton's career. He would have been happily practicing with no one questioning his licensure in Colorado. What does that tell you?
Of course, these costs along with nearly a $1,000,000 in medical expenses due to the Trowbridge beating have severely strained the Sutton Family finances.
This is why the International Tribunals have Jurisdiction. The Judges have reason to believe Dr Sutton is being victimized in Colorado just as he and thousands of others were in Montana and there is absolutely no evidence to dissuade them from that viewpoint!
Diane Freola, Esq. & CPA
SVC International Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer
Dear Mr. Frigo:
The pattern that Coloradoans and the State of Colorado have followed in this matter is alarmingly close to the patterns witnessed in Montana. The International Prosecutor has dubbed this the "Missoula al Qaeda Script", knowing that primary organized terrorists are behind it all.
As a former prosecutor, you know that when a pattern of behavior is followed by the criminal element, it is much easier to track them down and later prosecute them.
And when Norman Farrell and his Fellows at The Hague look from the outside into this situation, they cannot help but see patterns in your behavior that they long since have associated with the most serious criminal scandal in US History.
Nine months ago, the International Tribunals took exception to the behaviors of Matt Rosendale and Jeannie Keller . The Judges reasoned that their serial criminality were some of the worst ever seen by The Hague at their level of government.
Because not all of the cases have been reviewed/adjudicated and the International Tribunals conduct their business in very different ways as compared to the US Courts, the final dispositions of those cases are not fully known. But suffice it to say, their punishments will most certainly fit their crimes!
The State of Colorado has made it very difficult for itself. Any objective human being would find it very difficult to look past the deception, stonewalling, etc. in the Sutton case.
Your own background and best instincts must tell you there is something horribly wrong here. Best correct it while you still have time.
Diane Freola, Esq. & CPA
SVC International Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer
It all speaks for itself...
19 MAY 2024
UPDATE 22 MAY 2024: SVC's Security Chief Gary Norman was poisoned with tainted milk products on 21 May 2024. The toxin tremetol was found in blood tests and he became quite ill. He is recovering. The poisoning was meant for SVC's President and this is the 17th attempt on his life. Preliminary indications are that SVC's Security Chief was poisoned by domestic terrorists whom oppose the International Communities efforts to put down the American Criminal Opprobrium and its initiatives to gain warrants against Israeli Officials.
The United States has found itself at odds with some key Allies after President Joe Biden denounced the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas Leaders
Breaking with Biden, France and Belgium were among a number of countries to defend the “independence” of the International Criminal Court after International Prosecutor Karim Khan accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar as well as others, of alleged war crimes.
Israel sought to contain the fallout from the news, which delivered a new reputational blow even though no arrests were imminent. The country called on its allies to vow not to enforce any warrants, and dispatched its Foreign Minister of Israel Yisrael Katz .
In an interview with MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle on Tuesday, Netanyahu said Israel was getting a "bum rap in the international scene" as he branded Khan a "rogue prosecutor who's out to demonize the one and only Jewish state."
Echoing Biden's comments, Netanyahu said the prosecutor's decision to seek arrest warrants for both Israeli and Hamas leaders reflected a "false symmetry" that he said was comparable to issuing arrest warrants for both former President George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden following the 9/11 terror attacks.
What Netanyahu doesn't realize is the world is in a new era of International Law where it will be strictly enforced. Indeed, the analogy drawn above wasn't remotely possible and now it is because of the hard work of SVC's President and others. The long arm of International Law now refers to everyone on the planet and everyone must abide by it!
Evidently, there are too many National Leaders around the world of all stripes that believe they can get away with anything they please, not unlike the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium who hold positions of Public Trust. That is what is so dangerous about the current geopolitical environment and the reason why the enforcement of International Law has become paramount.
UPDATE 24 MAY 2024: SVC's President has always desired to know why he has been so persecuted for so long. A major breakthrough in the Investigations has finally cracked the case wide open. A simple act of cruelty by the East Library Security Staff and Patrons of Library in Colorado Springs exposed the reasons and the subsequent Investigation indicated the primary players in Colorado Springs and their roots to the larger terrorist infiltration nationwide.
The Deadline for the Biden Administration to Formally act in the putdown of ACO has been moved up two weeks and Colorado Springs will now be subject to permanent occupation by International Forces if there is any further provocation of this kind.