Today forever is to be known as SVC International Entrepreneurial Spirit Day. This is our chance to commemorate the Achievements of those Entrepreneurs who have made enduring advancements and contributions to Humankind through Education, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Inspiration, Invention, Medicine, Science and their Compassion and Love for Humanity.


Michael Stratton Ford and Phillip Sutton Ford were born Ten Years ago today. I am very Proud of my Twin Grandsons and they have their Mother's face. Alicia is the very image of her Own Mother!


The festivities started a 7:03:30 AM the average time between the times Michael (7:00 AM) and Phillip (7:07 AM) were born with a 21-canon salute.


On SVC International Entrepreneurial Spirit Day, the blue tassels of the current SVC International Spirit Celebration Flag change to Scarlet, the Academic Color of Divinity to represent Our Reverence for and Inspiration from Our Creator to be Entrepreneurs. The white tassels are transformed to aquamarine, the Academic Color of Foreign Affairs & Service, symbolizing Humankind's search for Peace and enduring hope for Prosperity for all. The red remains in all five SVC Special Celebration and SVC Logo Flags, representing continuity, commitment, courage and the red circle in the Olympic Flag representing all the Americas, which is particularly meaningful to Michael's and Phillip's Father Andrew, an Olympic Swimmer from Canada, who competed in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. 


There have been many changes to the SVC Logo and the Flags that Represent SVC since the SVC International Complex Groundbreaking on 2003 SVC International Children's Day and have appeared in all of SVC's Corporate Flags: the three quasars in the middle of the triangular peaks modeled after Mount Lady Blackmore in Montana. (The logo has never been placed on the SVC Public Website because of Copyright concerns.)


The quasar on the right has gold and silver slivers, representing the State of Montana's motto "Oro y Plata" - Latin for "Gold & Silver and the Bozeman Public Schools and the University of Montana that Benefitted My Education.  


The center peak's quasar red and maize represent the University of Oklahoma, the one Educational Institution that not only benefited My Education, but it greatly aided the launch of My Career with SVC and as an Author and Publisher.


The third quasar has been changed to Ivy Green, representing the honor of receiving of a Doctorate from the ultimate American University: Harvard, 16 years ago. This is especially meaningful for SVC because the Degree is in Public Policy!


For the first time 20 Years ago, all fifty States and the four American Territories were represented by their Flags on the left side as you approach the building all the affiliated Democratic countries on the right; and in the center in front, will be the American Flag, the Flag of SVC's domicile State, Jefferson; and of course, the appropriate SVC Flag. On SVC International Communication Day; SVC International Children's Day; SVC International Inspiration Day; SVC International Peace & Democracy Day; USA & SVC Constitution Day and now on SVC International Entrepreneurial Spirit Day, all the other Flags are ceremoniously removed on those days only, except the one flag for that Special Day.


The traditional musical selections for new SVC International Entrepreneurial Spirit Day are Liberty's Theme; "Amazing Grace" by 86-year old Jim Nabors at the SVC 2017 International, Seventeenth Annual Convention; "Endless Love" by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie, which became the #1 song in the USA on Saturday, August 15, 1981 when Patti and I were Married; and the Trailblazing and Journey Themes from the movie, "The Secret."  


The Trailblazing Theme, which was played during Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service Processional inspired me to create the Group known as the SVC INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS TRAILBLAZERS; and the Journey Theme is utilized to remind Us all that Life is a Journey, not a destination!!!!!!!


The Royal Canadian Naval Color Guard from Newport, Nova Scotia, Canada with the American and Canadian Flags switched; and under cloudy skies an US Air Force Academy Color Guard conducted the Flag Ceremony at the SVC International Complex at International Independence Creek, Colorado, USA for SVC, respectively.


This Celebration was inaugurated at SVC nine years ago at the very same time the International Community has made a Commitment to Democracy, Human Rights and Peace that will revolutionize Our Future as Human Beings and Our World. SVC looks forward to the analeptic Announcements from and Actions by The Hague and the United Nations!!!!!!!!


The Breakfast Banquet is sponsored by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, now Ontario Tech University where the proud Mother, Alicia, is a Professor and serves on King Charles III’s Privy Council.


Now, there are some characteristics in Work and Life that you just can't teach. They form from within and over time, they become part of who we are. One of those characteristics is the Entrepreneurial Spirit.




It develops in the Individuals who demonstrate a true passion for building something great from nothing and they are willing to push themselves to the limits to achieve enormous Goals.


As an Entrepreneur myself, I know all too-well these are the People you want to hire yourself and work with us at SVC!!!!!!! I am firm Believer that you don't need to own a multi-billion-dollar Business or start the next Microsoft to exhibit the qualities of having the Entrepreneurial Spirit. It's something you exhibit every day in how you approach your Public Life, Personal Life and Career.


There are five indicators that demonstrate that the Entrepreneurial Spirit is alive and thriving in someone:


1) Entrepreneurials are In-Tune with their Passion


Think of the last conversation you had with someone about something they were deeply passionate about. It doesn't matter if the topic is completely uninteresting to you, the conviction in their voice and the authentic enthusiasm they have for it is captivating. Passionate People know what it's like to dive deep into a topic and completely understand it. When people are genuinely passionate about the problems that Our World is trying to solve, they will be energized and enthused rather than deterred by any challenge that stands in their way.


2) Entrepreneurials are always Questioning How It Can Be Done Better.


Mark Twain once said, "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." A great quote for a Public Policy Advocacy & Education Organization like SVC.


The average person rarely considers how ordinary things can be made better or improved-but those with the Entrepreneurial Spirit can't help themselves from doing it. They are continually questioning why things are done the way they are and aren't afraid to go against the majority to make changes. It's impressive in an interview when a candidate for a position with your organization or company has thoughtful questions for the Business and ideas on how existing Services and Products could be improved.


3) Entrepreneurials are Optimistic about All the Possibilities


One of my favorite Quotes is from George Bernard Shaw: "Some look at things that are, and ask why. I Dream of things that never were and ask why not."


Fact is, to be Entrepreneurial by nature is to be optimistic. People with the Entrepreneurial Spirit don't spend time thinking about what they can't do, but instead ask themselves, "Why can't I?" When starting up, the odds of achieving your goals are strongly against you, so you really need People who are optimistic more than ever. Look for and engage with People that get excited by the idea of aggressive challenges and enormous, seemingly impossible Goals. They are the ones who will push the boundaries of what was once thought impossible!!!!!!!


4) Entrepreneurials take Calculated Risks


In addition to optimism, Entrepreneurs are predisposed to a high tolerance for risk. But it doesn't mean they jump blindly into action, it's instead quite the opposite. Those with the Entrepreneurial Spirit make calculated moves while understanding that there are never any guarantees. It's also the ability to work autonomously and be decisive. The playbook isn't always clear, so it's ideal to be able to stay agile and adapt within a situation with a high degree of ambiguity and certainty.


5) Above All, Entrepreneurials Execute


I can't count how many times I've had aspiring Entrepreneurs come up to Me for advice on their untested ideas. My response is always to go out and act on your ideas first to get real feedback. That's because ideas are meaningless until they are acted upon. Those with the Entrepreneurial Spirit realize that execution is everything when it comes down to achievement. Engage and associate with the people that have the drive to execute at all times, no matter what the circumstances!!!!!!!


As part of the "101 Days of Summer" at SVC, the SVC International Entrepreneurial Spirit Day Flag will now be flown alone at the SVC International Complex for the rest of the day. All the rest of the Flags will be restored 24 hours from now.


I have always believed in Leading by example. Seven years ago, SVC International Business & Entrepreneurship Executive Director Kristine M. West, DBA, and SVC Economics, Foreign Policy & Trade Executive Director, Erica S. Masterson, DBA, wrote an Article regarding the contributions SVC has made as an International Contribution and they wrote the Article in Commemoration of SVC INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT DAY in 2017!!!!!!!


Here's their 2024 Update:




During many of the SVC International Septimal and General Conferences and the SVC International National Conventions, the conversation has often turned to what would have been the impact of SVC if we didn't have to mess with the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.


The 2,437 Economists Worldwide who Participate in the SVC International Business Barometer decided to try to quantify the Economic impact of the Sutton Viewpoint Center, Inc., and then extrapolate those numbers in an attempt to delineate what the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has cost SVC let alone the World in terms of Economic well-being.


For starters, SVC International has 7,385 SVC Allied Advocates on Staff involved with the SVC International Complex. These are full-time positions and do not include support Staff which work only on maintenance of the Facilities and Custodial duties. They work for outside Employers, usually have several commercial Clients and are paid on a contract basis.


SVC has 16,807 (14,749 in 2023) National, State, Provincial, Territorial and Satellite Offices Worldwide where Four Corporate Officers at each level work with an average 27.5 support Staff or approximately 462,193 (320,277 in 2023) full-time Staff. If you include the Affiliate Staff, the total is 3.17 million Staff (2.2 million in 2023) worldwide. Again, support Staff for the Facilities are hired from outside sources and the number of their Employees cannot be estimated accurately or their hours worked specifically at SVC Offices.


All these numbers have to do with SVC alone. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by the SVC Trailblazer Publications Network and SVC’s International Publishing success.


Now the tricky question. What has been the Economic impact upon SVC and the World because of the Old Jore Debacle and the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.


In terms of SVC President’s time, the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has caused him an average of three days per Week away from SVC. It could easily be stated that SVC and its vaunted numbers would be at least 75% greater or about $1.7 trillion in annual payroll Worldwide.


The number of full-time jobs lost worldwide is the equivalent of over 4 million American jobs. This roughly 32 times what the U.S. Economy creates per month when it is growing and at its highest GDP.


The aggregate Human suffering cannot be quantified. Money and Economic value always talks. If U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris desire to Build America Back Better, end the violence and make America secure in its future prosperity, then U.S. Troops should be on their way to the Rockies ASAP!!!!!!!


Altogether, SVC has a total annual payroll in U.S. Dollars of approximately $975 billion annually. The approximate total annual payroll in the USA is approximately $10.5 trillion with its GDP at $28.78 trillion (August 2023-July 2024). This would give SVC an equivalent GDP of $9.75 trillion. This is according to the International Monetary Fund estimates in 2024.


To put things in perspective, China is the only other country which has a higher annual GDP than SVC at $18.53 trillion or almost double that of SVC. The next closest countries are Germany at $4.59 trillion and $4.11 trillion, not even half of SVC’s.


All these numbers have to do with SVC International and its affiliates, most of which are nonprofit. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by SVC DreamWeaver Plexus and the SVC Trailblazer Education & Training Programs.


The U..S Economy constitutes 20% of the World Economy in terms of GDP. In comparison, this means SVC is equivalent of at least 33.88% of the U.S. Economy and 6.78% of the World Economy and could have been 59.3% and 11.87%, respectively, if it hadn't been for the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.


There are 161,270,000 workers in the USA. This means each worker is responsible for approximately $178,500 in GDP. The American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has cost at least 75% of the $975,000,000,000 GDP produced by SVC or $731,250,000,000 GDP. This is the equivalent of 4,097,000 American jobs.


This also means a loss of at least 4.1 million jobs and $731.24 billion in Economic wealth lost the past 12 months. If one figures the accumulative loss the past 16 years with the inflation rate of 2.39% ($1 in 2009 would be worth $1.41 now), between 32 and 33 million jobs have been lost and $5.85 trillion in GDP.


All this because the Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations in the USA have stubbornly resisted putting down the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium the past 16 years!


- SVC International Business & Entrepreneurship Executive Director, Kristine M. West, DBA

- SVC Economics, Foreign Policy & Trade Executive Director, Erica S. Masterson, DBA



What a Special Day!


Just know your Life is Divinely Inspired & Guided!



Phil Sutton, DBA & PhD
SVC Founder & President/Chief Executive Officer