When the World’s First Democratic Nation is no longer considered Democratic and the United States has had profoundly corrupt and racist Presidents like Donald Trump and Barack Obama for 12 years, the obvious question becomes: What exactly who would be considered a good President and what qualities must she or he exhibit?
The following qualities of an effective leader of our nation may be too idealistic, but we believe that Americans can still find some (if not all) of these traits in a Person who is or who will be worthy to become the Leader of the US Government:
- An effective President of a Country has a selfless Love for his (her) People and for all the next generations. All of the qualities below are difficult to practice, but because of this Love, she/he does her/his best to practice them all.
Saint Paul was absolutely right when he wrote in I Corinthians 13 that of all the traits we must possess, Love is the most important quality to exhibit and have in our personalities.
- Accountability. A good President understands that he (she) is the head of the State. When the Nation falls, he acknowledges her/his responsibility rather than blame everyone else like Trump has. The President recognizes she/he is the “benevolent Parent” of the entire Nation. Hence, the President treats the State and Local Government Leaders as her/his Children and takes responsibility in helping them whenever they face problems.
- Sense of History & Tradition. A good Leader of a Country respects the Constitution, abides by the Laws, and Honors the Decisions of the Supreme Court and Federal Judiciary. She/he also must truly listen to and respect the viewpoints of opponents and the common People.
- Cohesiveness. An effective head of the Government promotes unity among his People rather than causing them to divide and have meaningless fights. Obama and Trump have been the most divisive Presidents in US History and unfortunately for America they have served back-to-back.
- Humility. An effective President admits his mistakes and weaknesses. She/he also acknowledges that she’s/he’s not good at everything. That is why she/he leaves the other tasks to the other branches of the Government, such as the Legislative and Judiciary bodies.
- Honesty. An effective Leader upholds truth and integrity. She/he preserves the trust and confidence given to her/him by the People. And of course, she/he doesn’t embezzle the funds of the Nation, cover-up their malfeasance while in office or profit from being President, etc.
- Independence. A strong President is not a puppet. Her/His actions are not a product of impartial Decisions. She’s/he’s not manipulated by oligarchs or a few People who are thirsty of power and wealth of a Nation.
Good Presidents do not sacrifice the Lives of Americans for Political gain like Obama did with the Benghazi scandal and Trump did as it pertains to the covid-19 pandemic and the US Capitol riot.
- Wisdom. A wise President knows how to discern right from wrong. He knows how to make the right Decisions. The President must show maturity of the mind. Her/his words provide power and enlightenment to all or at least they should.
- Courage. A great Leader of a Nation has the courage to execute the Decisions that she/he believes are right. The President must not afraid to stand and fight for righteousness for the sake of all Americans.
Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt are the best examples of this in US History. Their entire Presidencies were filled with difficult Decisions and they rose to the occasion when America needed a Great Leader most!!!!!!!
Given the present circumstances in the United States our President must be another Lincoln or Roosevelt. Obviously, Obama and Trump did not and Joe Biden cannot rise to this occasion…
- Compassion. An effective President understands what her/his people are going through. A good President must feel the sufferings of the oppressed and poor People. She/he is not arrogant, rather he’s gentle and uplifting to People who are suffering from misery and pain.
- Action. A great Leader is a role model of hard work. She/he walks his talk and inspires her/his People through his actions. She/he makes sure that his promises are done and not broken.
- Proactivity. An effective Leader of a Country is not insecure and reactive. Instead, he possesses intuit and initiative to create solutions for the present and future problems.
- Passion. Great Leaders do their job with enthusiasm. They serve the Public, not because they are compensated with money and fame, but because they have a Mission to fulfill in their Lives.
- Commitment. An effective head of the Government is determined to realize her/his great Visions and Dreams for the Nation. Patience and persistence are manifest in any Great Leader!!!!!!!
SVC International Vice President & COO, Angelica Sutton, PhD & SVC International President & CEO, Phil Sutton, DBA
E-mail: svctrailblazers@svctrailblazerpublications.com
Website: svctrailblazerpublications.com