If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you...Whoever hates me hates my Father as well... But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’ - Jesus (John 15: 18-19; 23; 25)


The International Prosecutors started this SVC International Compliance Committee Septimal Conference by saying the above quote says it all in terms of those who serve the Creator and how they are treated by the world.


It is also obvious this means those who oppose the Creator and Jesus are capable of all kinds of atrocities and cruelty. We have most certainly seen that during American Opprobrium.


Case in point, the fact that the new disclosures that not only the University of Montana hired Kurt Trowbridge to assassinate SVC's President, Phil Sutton, but his Employer, the City of Missoula and Missoula County also contributed to pay the police officer his minimum fee failed to raise any concern for the Mass Media and the American People demands immediate, appropriate action through the International Tribunals, their Partner Federal Courts and the International Prosecutor forthwith!


That said, just when we had given up on the United States and Americans, US Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) gave us hope that Americans still could clean-up their act and resolve their greatest criminal scandal internally (See below). The Senator has now proposed major Legislation:

Dear Phil,

During my recent trip to the southern border, I learned that since October 1st, hundreds of people have entered the United States from Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria, all countries designated as state sponsors of terror by the State Department. Border Patrol apprehended 169 people whose names appeared on the terror watch list in Fiscal Year 2023.

The open southern border is a national security risk, and given the recent terror attacks on Israel by Hamas, it is apparent that terrorists will stop at nothing to do harm to the United States and our allies. We must take every action necessary to protect the American people from these threats and force President Biden's administration to close our borders to every possible threat to our national security.

That's why I introduced the “Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission Act,” or the “GAZA Act,” which prevents President Biden's administration from granting visas to holders of Palestinian Authority passports. The bill would also prevent the Department of Homeland Security from granting those individuals entry to the U.S. through the agency’s parole program.

Montana Proud,

Senator Steve Daines


It is not known yet what the chances are this Legislation passes or that Joe Biden will sign it, but it is heading in the right direction.


For the better part of a decade now, SVC has warned the past three Administrations of the terrorist infiltration into the USA and what needed to be done about it. The Senator has put a major exclamation point on it!!!!!!!


This also comes at a time that the enforcement of International Law has become very difficult. The reemergence of Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups and the implications that Israel may cross the line in the handling of the war and commit International crimes is very disconcerting.


A good reminder of the Creator's intention when it comes to retribution is from the Holy Bible. In 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”


Most of SVC's President's discouragement has been generated from people not doing what they know they must or achievement of Justice simply taking far longer than it should have. SVC's has exhibited the patience of a Saint, but he no longer can afford to be patient because the traitors/terrorists exhibit no inclination toward repentance as the Creator requires.


Meanwhile in the United States, the traitors/terrorists have also stepped-up their aggression. The traitors/terrorists are playing games with SVC President's Social Security Benefits and forcing SVC Chief Security & Investigations Officer, Gary Norman, to serving Judgments and selling assets at auction just to survive the impending Winter. The United Nations has authorized Peacekeeping Troops to intervene, if necessary.


From the SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT archives and the Pulitzer Prize Winning "Retirement In America" Series, the simple calculation that by law the Social Security bureaucracy must use to calculate SVC President's Retirement Benefits . He is earning  his 197th "work credit" and he only needs 40 to qualify. He has been working for over 49 years and has earned the maximum possible. 


Just taking the full "average", not full monthly payment of $1,782.00 when he has retired at age 64 (he retired at 64 years and 2 months), he is supposed to get 80% or $1,425.60 per month plus his survival benefit from his first Wife's benefits which are actually unknown and she died at age 27.


The bureaucracy is supposed have access to all the pertinent income information and  to be able to make these simple calculations and publish a Benefits Letter with 2 to 4 weeks (their own claim on their website). As of today, 27 October 2023 they have had seven full work weeks and no Benefits Letter. Obviously, with all the suspicion surrounding the American Opprobrium, this situation is curious to say the least. 


Last July, it was suggested that if the US Government could not pay the Recommended annual Lease Payment of $1.4 trillion to begin to pay-off the International Judgment, that the first payment should come from the Social Security Trust Fund. That is sounding better all the time!




The Final Kibosh is in process and all the focusing upon American Opprobrium by SVC will cease. Instead SVC will be busy creating the "Divine Mind at Work" to make the Mission Statement SVC INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS wonderful reality!


The International Declaration of Independence will be a team effort, not an individual one on SVC's part. There needs to be a catalytic focus everyone must have and the writing, adopting and enforcing the declaration tenets can be that focus from its inception.


Some of concepts are already in development. The International Community is seeking both its and SVC President Phil Sutton's complete vindication and this will eventually lead to the creation of a Peaceful World where all Good Citizens would Achieve their Divine Destiny!


Most Humans feel they must Judge each other and find solace in it. The United Nations and International Tribunals have noted the Revelations they have had the past few years and have set the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium in motion with the same vehemence the traitors/terrorists have always shown SVC's President.


As is usually the case, it is the cover up that exposes the criminals for who and what they really are, especially when corrupt Public Officials are involved. Another round of Revelations have occurred this week that have solidified the Prosecution Theories about the American Opprobrium, particularly about the relationship of Americans involved and their relationship to organized terrorism and each other in Montana, Colorado, Washington DC, and elsewhere in the USA.


Interestingly, it was Montana US Senator Steve Daines who gave an unexpected assist:


On his own Initiative, Senator Daines visited America's southern border and talked with the Border Patrol. To his horror, he discovered that the out of control migrant hemorrhage at the border included likely organized terrorists from 28 countries, primarily from the Middle East.


The Sutton Viewpoint Center wasted no time in supporting the Senator and sent an Article through our nine-billion email LISTSERV detailing the Senator's alarming Report. It vindicated what The Hague, United Nations, World Trade Organization and SVC had warned the US Government about for nearly a decade. It also verified that the infiltration of the United States by organized terrorism is not nonsense, it is cruel reality!


The whirlwind set of events – the Announcement of the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize where the International Criminal Court and SVC's President are named as Nominees and eventually won by Iranian Human Rights Activist Narges Mohammadi and the Hamas attack on Israel the next day – indicated the power struggle taking place between the Liberators and oppressors of the world. The Daines Announcement brought it home to America in ways that it never had before. Naturally, the American Mass Media paid little attention to it...


As far as SVC is concerned, the three most important revelations are:


1) al Qaeda and organized terrorism's influence on the Mass and Social Media. Their tentacles run much deeper than previous thought and the funding for the discrediting efforts against SVC's President in one way or another amounted to tens of billions of dollars.


The incorrigibility of the traitors/terrorists is the primary problem now. They believe they are right even though there is no way they could be. The manner in which they think, talk and act is abhorrent in Civilized Society.


SVC's attempts to resolve the many issues involved have always been met with arrogant ridicule and an escalation of hostilities because it was seen as a sign of weakness. The traitors/terrorists have been very good at abusing their power in positions of Public trust and/or economic superiority, but have never proven anything they have said against their Victims and instead relied upon everything they say goes and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


Until recently, the traitors/terrorist believed they had all their bases covered. When all their dastardly lies against SVC's President were exposed as just that, revelation after revelation came forward and now their attorneys have advised them to say and do nothing lest they incriminate themselves. That wouldn't be difficult!


It will be so cathartic to further expose their criminality on SVC-TV. That is when they will truly be brought to Justice and the shoe will be on the other foot because there will not be thing one they can do about it.


The recent defections amongst the Victims have occurred because the timeframe regarding how slowly the American Opprobrium has even gotten to the Final Kibosh stage convinced many that it would never happen. Unfortunately, these defectors will be treated as all the other traitors/terrorists will be, although they probably will be viewed as only Class 1 Offenders.


The defectors will feel victimized again and feel they have been denied Justice, but this time they have sabotaged their own lives. They just could not stay the course until completed and bring their Victimizers to Justice. How sad!


2) The Public Funds Embezzling and Make Victims Unit scandals were already underway long before al Qaeda started meddling in Missoula and had SVC's President targeted. Originally, it was believed the Public Funds Embezzling scandal started in 2007 and the Make Victims Units began in 2003. Both started in the late 20th century before 9/11.


3) The fact Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge was hired to murder SVC's President was a known quantity almost from the get-go, but the University of Montana and then-UM President Royce Engstrom acting as the only payors is no longer the case.


According to the new findings by International, Private and SVC Investigations, UM paid Trowbridge $16,500 and was matched by another $16,500 by the City of Missoula and another $17,000 by Missoula County. The price put on the head of SVC's President was at least $50,000, $67,000 in today's dollars.


Engstrom's motive was to cut off the boycott against UM organized by Alums due to the sexual assault scandal and any lawsuit against UM for evicting SVC's President off the UM Campus and malicious prosecution and wrongful incarceration for criminal trespassing.


Missoula City Mayor John Engen's and City Attorney Jim Nugent's; and Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg's and Sheriff Carl Ibsen's concern was over the two previous attempts upon SVC President's life by Missoula County Law Enforcement; wrongful incarceration and the theft of over $100 cash and SVC President's wedding band, valued at $3,500, was never recovered.


They had reason for concern. Accused rapist, Grizzly star quarterback Jordan Johnson, was paid $245,000 for his expulsion from campus and the football team. The International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts have awarded SVC's President Judgments against the University of Montana and the City & County of Missoula far exceeding their value and are his to do what he wants as he sees fit.


What's interesting is SVC President's adversaries, not just the traitors/terrorists, are saying his need to aggressively put down the American Opprobrium now has become narcissistic and self-serving. Consider the source. Naturally, they would say that. They have not been made statistically the most persecuted Human Being in History like he has. SVC's President himself has said, “Don't ask me to do something you know you couldn't do yourself."


SVC's President has long since forgiven and forgotten what the University of Montana and the Missoula, Bozeman and Colorado Springs Community have done to him personally. What he cannot abide is the idea that particularly the people in Missoula can get away with what they have done. They have murdered and attempted to murder people. Young Women have been sexually assaulted with impunity. They have systemically ruined lives, careers and reputations. The only way this can be made right is they must suffer the same fate as the Golden Rule suggests. This is bear minimum punishment for such monsters.  


SVC's President has had to bear the sorrow and pain as an American who has been betrayed en masse by his own Countrymen and Women when they have done for other persecuted Americans what he has asked them to do for him and his fellow Victims of the American Opprobrium. Justice should truly be for all Americans in the United States!!!!!!!


The International Community has discussed the disposition of all the Judgments and properties involved with the American opprobrium, now it will pertain to US, State of Colorado and State of Montana land.


What has been decided is not necessarily seizing assets and selling them at auction to satisfy the Judgments, but to own the property and lease them back to the governments in question at a generous discount but tax free, thereby providing the Victims a substantial cashflow until the Judgments are satisfied.


Below is a map of all Federal Lands in each State:


The only assets which will be sold at auction and/or closed will be the personal property and business property of the traitors/terrorists and portions of the Colorado State and Montana State University systems and the appropriate Professional Licensing, Certifications and Professional Degrees institutions in each State. If the State of Colorado is not partitioned, then the entire Colorado University System will be shut down for good.


Further, since the traitors/terrorists in Colorado have made it their sole purpose in life to persecute SVC's President and have worked hard to deny him any form of subsistence, the selling of their assets to make any form of a decent life possible will commence.


Americans should know that their Federal government is the only entity in the world which is encumbered to almost seven times its value ($5 trillion versus $33 trillion).


Actually, it is much worse than that. The newest Ruling from the International Tribunals on 21 April 2023 levied a $250 trillion Judgment against the United States government for failing to meet the Responsibility To Protect Principles with 10% per month as further penalty.


This means the Judgment as of today, 10/21/2023, is: $442,890,250,000,000. By 11/27/2023, the Judgment will have doubled equaling $500 trillion.


Just as the traitors/terrorists have created a generational debt that their Families will never be able to pay, because the US government has not brought them to Justice, the same will be true for the US government for all-time.


The FCC is being held in Contempt by the International Tribunals and its Federal Court Partners. The required access to American airwaves for SVC-TV and SVC-TV International is to occur at any time and appropriate penalties will be assessed at that time.


The World Trade Organization (WTO) stressed the paramount importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Microsoft and SVC Trailblazer Publications and were Granted Sanctions against American Publishers, booksellers and search engine blacklisting!!!!!!!


Thus, the WTO recognizes that SVC-TV, SVC-TV International, Trailblazer Publications and other Affiliates of the Sutton Viewpoint Center have been victimized by unlawful blacklisting and denied free and fair access to American markets in the Mass Media, Social Media, Search Engines and Publishing.


Effective immediately, all creative arts products from the United States will be assessed a 10% tariff until the $245 billion in damages is recovered and the trade issues persist.


The priorities have been set in terms of Service & Execution of Judgments. The Personal assets of the traitors/terrorists will be seized. SVC has already Reported the Final Execution of Judgment Plan of the Missoula properties and Businesses with minor alterations. It is time for the long-anticipated reckoning for over 315,000 “living spaces” in Missoula, Bozeman and Colorado Springs with an estimated value of $780,000 on average which will ultimately be foreclosed upon with an estimated value of over $245.7 billion - more than double the original estimate due to burgeoning real estate values and inflation.


Although there are several local Businesses in each community which will be sold, the majority are in Missoula and will be simply sold and the proceeds will go to the steadfast Victims of the American Opprobrium.