(EDITORS NOTE: Your SVC International Outreach Committee met today jointly with SVC International Executive Committee for the first time. This was done so major Decisions can be made for the Emergency SVC International Board of Governors Conference on 27 April in place of the IEC SC and any alterations can be made during the SVC International Children's General Conference on 19 May 2024!!!!!!!


The International Community and SVC are completely and forever resolved to do whatever it takes to remove any trace of organized terrorism and the hatred, fear and bigotry they represent from the Earth beginning with the Final Kibosh on the American Criminal Opprobrium!!!!!!! The al Qaeda-gate label is gone because this scandal is a massive National Scandal now with all the new Revelations about the role of the Mass Media and Publishing Industries.)


America's Founders created the first true Democracy and we are establishing the precedent for not only the creation of the Revival of the American Dream but establishing the groundwork for a true International Justice System that will guarantee that Democracy and Universal Human Rights will reign all over the globe.


There are many common misconceptions about the whys and hows of the American Revolution because most have a shortsighted viewpoint of history. The Battle of Lexington and Concord 249 years ago today was the flashpoint in which the war started, but was hardly the reason for it.


For 13 years prior to the Adoption of the American Declaration of Independence, King George III and the British Parliament had passed several Acts the Colonists deemed oppressive usurpations which led to the war. Almost in despair, the Colonists finally came to the conclusion that their continued relationship with Great Britain could not continue. They had nothing to lose and everything to gain by Declaring their Independence.


Now, a quarter millennium later the U.S. government has taken the place of George III's government. The Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium know exactly what the Colonists knew when Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence: "In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury."


We cannot completely fathom what Jefferson is writing about, but we can certainly see it in our attempts in seeking Justice and all such attempts being abysmal failures.


Jefferson further wrote: "Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts ... to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us...


"They too have been deaf to the voice of justice... We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends."


Change the "unwarrantable jurisdiction" to "unwarrantable powers" and it fits the modern situation perfectly. The usurpations upon our Human Rights and Dignity have reached the point where significant reforms will be instituted or the United States will be relegated to ash heap of history, a victim of its own arrogance and the malfeasance of its leadership.


It is startling Jefferson wrote about their "British brethern" having been "deaf to the voice of justice". There couldn't be a better, more vivid or more accurate description of how the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium have been treated or the U.S. National Government has allowed others to treat us.


History repeats itself because the lessons the Creator wants to teach us go unheeded or are twisted by evil people. As Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing." There has been a lot of that going on in the United States in the 21st century. Current generations of Americans simply lack the courage of past generations to stand for Liberty and Justice.


Burke was one of the few supporters of America's cause in the British Parliament at the time. On American Independence, Burke wrote: "I do not know how to wish success to those whose Victory is to separate from us a large and noble part of our Empire. Still less do I wish success to injustice, oppression and absurdity". Amen!


The American Criminal Opprobrium has been absolutely unjust and absurd from any objective viewpoint. Its exact origins remain a mystery, but its proliferators have been the domestic traitors and/or terrorists we do know about.


It is simply not good enough to bring these people to Justice, their crimes are too damaging and ruinous to the fabric of American Life and may already be irreparable, especially when they have held positions of Public Trust. Those who think, talk and act as they do simply must be removed from Civilized Society. They must be held out as examples of never, ever again.


Fundamentally, everyone will be judged in the way they treat others, just as Jesus said. I have no worries about how the Creator will judge me. I am not perfect, but I have accomplished many good things and will continue to serve our Creator and others as we are all meant to do. The traitors/ terrorists must know they are in for a very different future because of what they have and continue to do.


The danger is that in order to cure the disease(s) in America we may kill the proverbial patient. The question is how far the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium are willing go to save their sorry hides. Those in my position have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just as the Colonists did a quarter millennium ago.


The International Community and SVC have suggested dozens of entreaties to resolve the American Criminal Opprobrium to the last three Administrations in Washington; the Colorado State and Montana State Governments and Universities; local governments, Businesspeople and individuals, but all "Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury;" just like the Colonists received from the British. And just like the Colonists, we finally have had enough of their garbage.


We do not intend to declare the Independence of a new nation, but we are going to DECLARE OUR & AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE from them and everyone who thinks, speaks and acts like them!


The one of the more compelling and riveting aspects of the American Revolution is the tale of a Constitutional Monarch who wanted to be an absolute monarch just as all his contemporaries were. The British restored their monarchy in the late 17th century with the proviso that the monarch have Constitutional and legal limits on his/her power. George III didn't like that at all.


The king insisted that he had the power to do whatever he pleased and the Colonists would like it and behave. Good Lawyers like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Richard Henry Lee called him on it and insisted the king behave instead or else. That's exactly what we are doing with the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium. The traitors/terrorists will behave whether they want to or not or else.


Few conflicts are 100% one side's fault, but the American Revolution and the American Criminal Opprobrium are two such cases. There is nothing in the human experience that can explain a king who committed innumerable counts of what we would call today "acts of war" against his own subjects or a National Government which would knowingly allow or actually be a part of a criminal conspiracy where over a half million people would commit an average of 784 individual crimes against a single individual and believe they can get away with it. It is mindboggling.


As far as anyone knows, George III never sought reconciliation with the Colonists and demanded they accept his imposed dictatorship. The Colonists were the Victims, yet they were the ones who reached out and attempted to seek peace with their king.


The International Community and SVC have suggested dozens of entreaties to resolve the American Criminal Opprobrium to the last three Administrations in Washington; the Colorado and Montana State Governments and University systems; local governments, Businesspeople and individuals, but all "Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury;" just like the Colonists received from the British. And just like the Colonists, we finally have had enough of their garbage.


We do not intend to declare the Independence of a new nation, but we are going to DECLARE OUR & AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE from them and everyone who thinks, speaks and acts like them!


First, the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium must be apprehended and punished. This will be a large undertaking, but a worthwhile one. Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda spent the better part of two years deciding what to do with these people. The problem was that the traitors/ terrorists defined incorrigibility. Nothing has deterred their profoundly criminal behavior and they may choose to take the United States down with them. If so, they will always be remembered for it.


In any event, all individuals and entities who are responsible in any way for the American Criminal Opprobrium must be punished in such a way that no one in their right mind would ever want to emulate them. This is key. The individuals and entities who are responsible must know first hand the pain their crimes have inflicted on others.


The traitors/terrorists must know the social ignominy that they have meant for others. They must know the humiliation and disgrace that have imposed on their innocent victims with relish. Because they deserve this disgrace when their Victims did not, their punishment must be so severe that they will wish they had never been born or their punishment is insufficient and will be ratcheted up until they do express those sentiments.


The traitors/terrorists must lose everything of value like so many of their Victims have. Again, because they so richly deserve this retribution for their crimes, they must wear clothing that tells everyone who they really are. They are traitors to everything the United States of America represents. Most have betrayed the public trust and/or used their job description to justify their actions. The acts of true scoundrels. They are to be shunned by everyone and given no aid or comfort whatsoever just like they did to their Victims.


The traitors/terrorists must know how it is to sleep in double digit below weather and in two feet of snow. They are to know complete destitution and know if everyone helps them these poor souls will join them and they will be responsible for that too.

Hope will be a four letter word to them because they will know this lifestyle for the rest of their lives and there is nothing they could do about it because they just knew they would never be brought to Justice when they - of all people - had to be declared guilty because their criminality is so clearly out of control.


Jesus told the story in Luke 16:19-31 regarding Lazarus and a rich man that illuminated this kind of reversal in fortune:

“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

“‘No, Father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
The traitors/terrorists will know full-well what it is to be the rich man and I and my fellow Victims will know what it is to be Lazarus. It's in the cards and you heard it from Jesus!

Common sense infers that if criminals get away with their crimes they will continue to commit them with impunity and encourage others to do the same. If nothing else, the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium must protect Civilization from something like this from ever occurring again and if it does, it will not take two or more decades to put it down. Civilized Society will know exactly what to do with them and make it possible for the world to experience a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.


Second, the institutional breakdowns that allowed the American Criminal Opprobrium to develop must be completely reformed. Every President from George Washington to George W. Bush held the ethic that he would always act in the best interests of the United States regardless of ideology, party or personal interests.


Something started to go horribly wrong when Barack Obama took office. A total of 19 scandals big and small hit the Obama Administration, easily the largest number for any Administration in American History. SVC was the target of at least two of them.


Revelations concerning the Benghazi raid are still coming forward. The idea that an American Administration would leave four Americans defenseless at a consulate in a foreign land and condemn to death is reprehensible to begin with, but to think the State Department negotiated with al Qaeda to do it does not have a word to describe how very immoral it is.


While I am still alive after the Trowbridge beating and Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens are not, all the grief I have experienced since is because Benghazi Incident was designed to deflect Media interest in my International Complaint and get the Obama-Biden ticket re-elected in 2012.


The traitors/terrorists have made it known I would regret not dying in April 2012 and they have made good on their promise. This is why the promise we have made to the traitors/terrorists that they will be held out as examples of never, ever again will and must be fulfilled!


The IRS scandal caused SVC heartburn and we had to adjust our Budgetary Process to meet the challenge of prospect of nonprofits, including Churches, could not offer a tax deduction for donations.


In the end, our Donors decided SVC is worth their support with or without the tax deduction and SVC has been able to do more for people ever since. It actually worked in SVC's favor, but using the IRS to punish individuals and groups who the incumbent Administration perceives as political enemies is just plain wrong and is always wrong - period!


Third, the reason why the Public at-large doesn't know the Obama Administration is easily the most corrupt in American History is the 45th President had his cadre of key Journalists who would bury the news concerning the corruption for him.

This is why CNN must go. Its slant on the news often provided cover for Obama's and now his Vice-President's Administrations. Don't worry, the GOP will lose their biased support through Fox News.


I remember when Trump called SVC's Report on Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' resignation "fake news." SVC thought we had arrived when Trump accused us of fake news.


SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and the Peace & Democracy Channel will be such a marvelous change for Americans! They will actually receive news they can believe is true 100% of the time!


Further, SVC's Publications have never been found to say or imply anything inaccurate. SVC has never been forced to publish a retraction or threatened with a lawsuit. As far as we know, no other company or organization has had such a marvelous record of journalistic excellence over a 24-year period ever! 


Throughout the American Criminal Opprobrium, SVC has made many fantastic claims concerning the activities of the traitors/terrorists and at no time has any of these claims ever been publicly refuted or denied.


If the traitors/terrorists plan to contend SVC's claims are specious and without substance and therefore not worthy of comment, let me remind them that by so doing so they are essentially pleading nolo contendre to the charges.


Inconvertible evidence of the traitors'/terrorists' civil liability or criminal guilt has been available upon request for years and no such requests have been have ever been forwarded to The Hague, the custodian of such evidence of all kinds. This had led to Summary Judgments and automatic criminal convictions by the International Tribunals and their U.S. Federal Court Partners. What else could they be expected to do?


Fourth, Economic and Financial Reforms will come through my Economic Democracy Concept and Living Security Insurance Program. The regulatory bias against the Concept and the Program is enormous. Truth be known, it was always going to be.


The Banking Committee in the U.S. Senate has taken the Living Security Program up to a certain extent. The need for reform in the insurance industry is always there and some of the most powerful lobbies in Congress fight reform tooth and nail.


Reform will becoming to Colorado and Montana. Both States will be denied Insurance and Securities Licensure powers forever. Further, Colorado will never be able to engage in any Professional Licensing or Certifications or have Higher Education within its borders again!


The International Tribunals and their U.S. Federal Judge Partners have found that if I cannot be licensed in either State, no one can. The ironic Ruling actually stated Colorado's Licensing standards are too high and that if my track record after 32 years in the field and my exam scores are not sufficient to be licensed, than who could ever be licensed? Colorado's DORA did it to themselves.


Colorado has laws concerning baiting candidates to seek college degrees and professional licensing and certifications, putting them through the motions of gaining said degrees, licenses or certificates and never intending to grant them no matter how well the Candidates performed is exactly what the State of Colorado did to me. Colorado would shutdown Colorado College if it did so, for instance. The State of Colorado will be held in Compliance of its own laws and related Federal laws!


The University of Colorado Colorado Springs will be closed because of the lack of hospitality to me and Gary Norman. I am not going to take the time to address all the issues here, but these people actually believe a Public University is private property. That's idiotic on its face.


The Dean of Kraemer Library, Seth Porter, tried to tell Gary that the virtual banning of the Public from campus was necessary for the security of the UCCS. Naturally, UCCS had a shooting its dormitories less than a month later to prove that belief is a farce.


The International Tribunals have Ordered the entire Colorado University System preserved to protect the property from these bureaucrats who assume the right to confiscate public property and set restrictions/bar the Public from the use of their property!


The University of Colorado Denver and the University of Montana Missoula will be closed due to their collaboration with organized terrorism to raise funds through their manufacturing and trafficking of illicit drugs from their Pharmacy Schools.


This is why the University of Montana refuses to admit my expulsion from campus was anything but a sham and completely erroneous. Those who are responsible for this must understand that their lies and falsehoods have travelled with me to Bozeman and Colorado Springs and ruined my reputation.


Worse, it is prima facie evidence that there has been a conspiracy to cover-up what has transpired at the Skaggs Building Pharmacy School and what occurred regarding the sexual assault scandal and eventually to murder me through their hired assassin, Kurt Trowbridge.


Because Trowbridge is known to have successfully murder others, all those who were involved with the conspiracy; those who maintain that my expulsion from the University of Montana campus as legitimate and justified; and those who carried this travesty of Justice to Bozeman, Colorado Springs and elsewhere could ne subject to Judicial Execution.


Further, UM expelled this two-time honor Graduate from the campus and framed me on a criminal trespassing charge. City Judge Don Louden's office sent me a Notice To Appear one day after the time in question and I received the Notice in the mail two days later, three days after the fact.


This allowed the Court to strip me of the Right to a Jury Trial and issue a warrant for my arrest. When I inquired at the Court, Louden set a private appointment to discuss what was transpiring.


When there, the Judge dropped the University's charge and vacated the trial date. I thought the issue was resolved and prepared to sue UM. What really happened was that retired Montana District Judge Doug Harkin held a trial in absentia and of course I was found guilty.


I didn't know about this trial until just after the Trowbridge beating on my way to 22 days of wrongful incarcretion, near death. Trowbridge and O'Leary arrested me on a long since expired warrant and claimed I resisted arrest to justify the beating. I didn't know about the outcome of that charge until 15 August 2023, over 11 years afterward.


Louden would resign three months later under pressure from Mayor John Engen. Louden had been on the bench for over 20 years and very popular.


After the Informant's disclosures eight months ago, it should have been over. The traitors/terrorists in Bozeman and Colorado based all their justifications on how they treated me were based on the incriminations emanating from Missoula had been thoroughly discredited, yet the traitors/
terrorists held onto the incriminations for dear life and persuaded old Friends and Family members that they were true.


Of course, this intensified my need to know what has been said. Anyone known to act adversely towards me based on any wrongful allegation will be punished to the full extent of International and U.S. Law - there will be no exceptions!


SVC's "Retirement In America" Series has won a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting and has been the subject of nearly 600 Articles in SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT. Social Security in America has received much coverage the past 21 years, some 337 Articles to be exact. Why? Because there is a rare American who is not in some way affected and concerned about their own Social Security or that of a loved one.


According to the Social Security Administration's own Guidelines, any American who has earned 40 "work Credits" and attained the age of 62 is eligible for Retirement Benefits and guaranteed Benefits period! A work credit is a three month period in which a worker contributes to the Social Security Trust Fund. A would-be Beneficiary only need work and contribute for a full 10 years to qualify. The Benefits are determined by formulas based on age at retirement (62 to 70) and contributions made up to the maximum amount a worker needs to contribute by law, which is currently $168,600.00 or $10,453.20/year.

Then why is it that I have been denied his Social Security Retirement Benefits? I have worked and contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund for 49.5 years or 198 work credits, almost five times the number I need to qualify for Benefits, technically.

Indeed, I have paid the maximum amount required by Law for 14 years or 56 work credits, giving me the right to collect the maximum Social Security Retirement Benefit. I have reviewed his Self-Employment Tax (Form SE) contributions from 1988-1997 (10 years) and 2005-2008 (4 years) back to the 1988 tax year and he paid the maximum required under law to the Social Security Trust Fund.

The only years I have not made any contributions to the Social Security Trust Fund from the last quarter in 1974 to the present quarter were 2013-2016 when I did not make enough money to file a tax return due to business losses having to do with the Old Jore bankruptcy, repairing the $500,000+ in damage done by the squatters ay Sutton Manor North south of Bozeman; pay nearly $3 million in Medical bills to survive my beating by Trowbridge in April 2012.

It has been suggested that I am ineligible because I have made more money than allowed as a self-employed individual. Not in 2023. Once again, I didn't make nearly enough to file my income taxes, but I can show I made contributions to the Social Security Trust Fund and that I have been discriminated against in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for employment. This has been done by the traitors/terrorists so I would appear homeless and look like the worthless human being the traitors/ terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium made me out to be and has caused irreparable damaged my reputation.

I applied for my Retirement Benefits on 9 September 2023 to try to stabilize my financial situation because Colorado income must be paid Colorado bills so I and my Business Affiliates would not further aggrandize Colorado's Economy (See Colorado International Judgment abstract: and not have to execute my International/U.S. Federal Judgments which would devastate millions of Americans.

The Colorado Springs, Colorado, Social Security Administration Office stated the processing of my claim would take 2 to 4 weeks with the anticipation of receiving my first Benefit check on 25 October 2023 because I chose to retire at age 64 years, 2 months. The declination letter was actually mailed at the beginning of the 22nd week.

I made at least 37 calls to the COS SSA Office and the one time he actually got through, I was hung up on half way into providing the intake information. I sought help and guidance through U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn's Office. Setting an one-on-one appointment was discussed and I suggested correspondence to resolve the alleged issues. There was never any follow-up on either suggestion.

The declination letter came out of the blue and is dated 1 February from California, but it was actually sent overnight on 5 February and received 6 February, indicating the letter is considered a crime of retaliation against a witness under U.S. law.

Retiring at age 64, 2 months, I am due 81.1% of the full retirement benefit at age 66 years 10 months ($3,822) because I was born in 1959 or $3,099.64. Now the next payment date to me would have been 24 April and I must be paid for October, November, December, January, February. March and April or $21,697.48 or have my retirement age moved up to 64 years, 8 months, adding additional amounts at 85.6% of the full retirement benefits to be exact or $3271.63/month.

Plus, I should be paid Survivorship Benefits from my First Wife's Social Security contributions. Patti was murdered at age 27 years and four months, but she would have earned her 10 work credits.

Now, the letter requires an appeal within six weeks. Appeal what? No explanation was given. Of course, the reason for this is there no valid reason under law Benefits could declined in the first place!

Further, the Trowbridge beating left me 70% disabled and with $3 million in medical expenses. I have been turned down for disability benefits four times and again without any reasonable explanation.

Experts unanimously agree that my claim is valid and my disability rating made by Dr. Bill Frist, MD, the Former Majority Leader of the United States Senate, should have been more than enough to approve my benefits back in 2013 with help to pay my burgeoning medical bills which included four major surgeries.

The problem obviously is that no one in officialdom desires to have this whole sorry episode on the "official record" and that police violence is the predominant cause for my disabilities.

For the record, so to speak, the Social Security Administration officially has no record of my attempts to receive disability benefits and it is a good bet that the "official record" of my contributions to the Social Security Trust Fund have been doctored and/or disappeared entirely. It is the only plausible explanation.

This and the fact that I have always been in favor of phasing out Social Security and making Retirement In America a completely private endeavor, there is no alternative but to utilize the International Judgment to permanently close the Social Security Program and teach this valuable lesson to the American People.

International Investigators have overheard and intercepted other correspondence between the traitors/terrorists that it had always been part of the traitors'/terrorists' motives to chase me out of Colorado Springs like they believed they did in Montana. Angelica and I planned to make our final move to our land in what is now Colorado over 20 years ago. I am not going anywhere no matter what.
All they did is create a very impressive rap sheet that entitles them to permanent exile from Colorado and never spending any time with their Families again in retribution for keeping me from my Family, both to protect my Family and their antics that kept me pinned down in Montana because they never wanted me in Colorado to begin with just as Osama bin Laden wanted!

On 21 April 2023, the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium were granted a Judgment for $250 trillion with 10% monthly interest for failing to meet its Responsibility To Protect its Citizens under International and U.S. Federal laws.

Right now, the Judgment is commemorating its anniversary and stands at approximately $784.7 trillion and growing at about $2.35 trillion per diem. The amount in the Social Security Trust Fund is about $2.9 trillion and American workers pay about $1.4 trillion per year in Social Security taxes.

In 2023, 21% of the U.S. Federal budget, or $1.4 trillion, was paid for Social Security, which will provide monthly Retirement Benefits averaging $1,836 to 48.6 million retired workers. Social Security also expects to provide benefits to 2.7 million spouses and children of retired workers, 5.9 million surviving children and spouses of deceased workers, and 8.8 million disabled workers and their eligible dependents.

If any American believes this cannot happen, keep in mind that SSA's Trustees have informed the U.S. Congress that since 2010, the Social Security Fund that SSA uses to pay benefits to Retirees has been paying out more money than it has been receiving in taxes. At the current rate, the Trustees estimate that it will exhaust its reserves in 2033 and be unable to pay full scheduled benefits.

With this International and U.S. Federal Judgment, no American will now receive any Benefits, but American Workers will still pay the payroll taxes to even begin to make a down payment on the debt and this will never end even when Social Security dies of natural causes, so to speak. This is what the traitors/terrorists have wrought for every American. Remember who is responsible!

Bottom line, the traitors/terrorists are desperate to get out of the deep trouble they are in and never thought they would be brought to Justice. They have now created a monster no one can contain through their hatred and vehemence towards SVC's President and their own selfishness and lawlessness.

The 528,000+ traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium were promised again and again that if they continued their crime spree, they would adversely affect themselves, their families, their communities, their States and their Nation. Those promises will be kept and the traitors/ terrorists will always be remembered for it!

Further, SVC begged the American People for sanity and saying Americans ( should not be forced to care, but after seven months of waiting, that is ( what has become necessary. There was no response.

Why should Members of SVC - especially Foreigners - care anymore than the American people do? Social Security has been lost. What else will be lost until the American People join forces with us and put down their Criminal Opprobrium and bring these 528,000+ traitors/terrorists to Justice?


Three of America's Founders - Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson - shared these sentiments with me when they were dissed by George III and his government in London.


The events of January 29, 1774, turned Benjamin Franklin from a loyal British subject to a devoted Revolutionary. On that day, Franklin appeared before the Privy Council supposedly to hear if the British government would approve a petition by Massachusetts to replace the current governor, Thomas Hutchinson, and lieutenant governor, Andrew Oliver. The two men had exchanged letters in which they floated ideas of how to control the agitation in Massachusetts, including the suggestion that some of their “English liberties” be curtailed. The letters came into Franklin’s possession - this day it is not certain who gave them to him - sent them to Thomas Cushing, Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly. Despite Franklin’s wish that the letters remain closely guarded, their content got out, further angering the Colonists and spurring the recall petition.


Franklin appeared in the Cockpit, so named because cock fights occurred there during the reign of Henry VIII. Alexander Wedderburn, solicitor general, spoke for the government. The meeting was well-attended by distinguished people, mostly sympathetic to the government’s position. Franklin had some distinguished supporters of his own, including Burke and Joseph Priestley.


Wedderburn spoke for over an hour, not about the merits of the petition but about the letters, Massachusetts, and Franklin’s character. “Private correspondence has hitherto been held sacred,” he bellowed. Franklin “has forfeited all the respect of societies and of men" and "is the prime conductor of this whole contrivance against his Majesty’s two Governors” and accused Franklin and the radical coterie in Massachusetts of spreading sedition.


Through it all, Franklin stood still, showing no emotion, “conspicuously erect, without the smallest movement of any part of his body,” his unchanging expression tranquil and placid. His dignity and forbearance made him the strongest presence in a room full of powerful men.


After the diatribe, Wedderburn declared that he was ready to examine the witness, Franklin replied that he did not chose to be examined. After the chamber was cleared of spectators, the Privy Council turned down the petition.


The attack on Franklin was almost too much for him to bear. But then he learned the next day that he had been removed as postmaster, he was furious. His character had been attacked, his work for conciliation ignored, his contributions to efficient government in the Colonies dismissed. From then on, Franklin would work for American Independence.


George Washington knew his Family was considered "second tier" aristocracy in Virginia and his primary ambition was to be first tier. He was a member of the Virginia militia and believed a promotion to the regular British Army would be a great place to start.


The British Army coldly turned him down saying he was sub-standard and a lowly Colonist, not worthy to be a regular red coat. George Washington would wear his militia uniform in the Continental Congress over 20 years later and would be selected as the Commanding General of the Continental Army.


Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant Philosopher and an even better Writer. He was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence because he essentially had already written the Declaration in his "1774 Summary View of the Rights of British America," a landmark in Virginia history.


Jefferson's criticism of the king in the Summary View and statements that the Colonies were already autonomous from Britain and had no power over them caused a a row between him and Virginia Royal Governor John Murray, the 4th Earl Dunmore. Lord Dunmore told Jefferson his statements constituted treason and his government would act accordingly if Jefferson continued to propagate such ideas.


Arguably three of the greatest Americans in history all had been insulted and threatened by King George III's government. This caused a very personal animus for Franklin, Washington and Jefferson. Fortunately, the tyrant and his despotic government would rue the day they crossed these three Great Men.


Fifth, International Law will be strictly enforced. Gone are the days any nation can claim they are exempt due to the fact they have a veto in the UN Security Council or have not Ratified the Statutes of Rome.


The future of Civilization depends on our ability to enforce International Law to create positive outcomes across the board. In terms of International respect for the United States, the only thing propping that up is the Military and Naval power America has. The recent retaliatory strikes against Iranian militias is a demonstration of that power. To some, it appeared the US Forces used excessive force when making our strikes, but really didn't.


The specter of United Nations Peacekeepers occupying certain areas of the USA is a very real possibility. The U.S. government has no problem knocking out terrorist installations on foreign soil, why do we have such a problem when Americans are defending their own country?


The other aspect of International Law that has rarely been discussed is the World Trade Organization. For quite literally two decades, my books have encountered unfair trade practices within the United States.


The WTO has Ruled that such practices have and do exist against my and SVC Affiliates' creative works in the USA. Effective immediately, all creative arts products from the United States will be assessed a 10% tariff until the $245 billion in damages is recovered and the trade issues persist.


The lost revenue is not what is important to me, it is that the ideas in the book get to as many Americans as possible. Given a fair hearing, I know these ideas will at least spur a constructive conversation about the future of America Economically, Politically and Culturally.


SVC has already acknowledged the role of the Information Age Industries in all this. Particularly CNN and Fox News Channel have been inordinately partisan in their coverage of events – CNN in favor of the Democrats; Fox News in favor of the Republicans. No thinking person can challenge this, it simply has been the case. This is why they will be replaced by SVC-TV and SVC-TV International as part of the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium.


SVC-TV and SVC-TV International have been the #1 television network in the world almost 14 years running, but most Americans have never heard of them. I am the most popular individual author in book sales, only the Holy Bible has sold more copies. Yet, he has problems selling just a handful of his awarding books in the United States. The WTO Rulings will change all that or he will also own the most of publishing industry and the booksellers who are supposed to have his books on their shelves, but don't.


As Reported on 3 June 2023, the determination has been made that the National Government of the United States of America has willfully chosen to defy International Law which requires the National Government to protect its Citizens and intentionally made decisions which have subjected the Victims to an atrocious existence at the hands of their fellow human beings.


After more than 14 years of trying to work with the last three Administrations in Washington, D.C., there seems to be no significant measure of contrition concerning the International and U.S. Federal crimes committed against American Citizens by domestic and foreign terrorists as defined by United Nations Resolutions and International Law.


Because The Hague has worked with US Federal Courts to adjudicate the over 528,000 cases, it is irrelevant that the United States does not recognize the Statutes of Rome, the Responsibility to Protect Principles, World Trade Organization Rulings or any other aspect of International Law and US Federal Law appertaining.


It is curious that in less than a week after the International Tribunals, the Chief International Prosecutor's Office and the United Nations decided that they needed to move forward with the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium independent of the Biden Administration, Special Counsel and former International Investigator Jack Smith Announced Indictments against former US President Donald Trump for his allegedly criminal mishandling of Classified Documents and as the Final Kibosh is moving forward, another Indictment has been made.


Also, it now appears Tom Brokaw was in cahoots with al Qaeda operatives and the one who betrayed Phil and I to the Obama Administration and Engstrom. SVC Private Investigators uncovered evident at the former Brokaw home in Montana that led them to several now confirmed al Qaeda/organized terrorist cells.


SVC applauds the Special Counsel pursuing such a case against a former President and making the very clear statement no one is above the law in the United States of America. That is the very same statement SVC has been making for better than 17 years now when it comes to the American Criminal Opprobrium!


In this same spirit, the United States of America in every way is required to be in compliance with International and its own laws. Below are the primary list of violations of the traitors/terrorists:


“ a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and International, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.”

Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11.
(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence
(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or International law, at the time when it was committed.
(3) Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 21.
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 25.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

Article 27.
(1)Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2)Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29.
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.


The Hague has mighty long arms and will use what it takes to make sure no one will ever believe they can get away with any of these US Federal Felonies, among others:


1) Conspiracy;
2) criminal intimidation;
3) criminal defamation;
4) identification theft/Fraud;
5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;
6) Obstruction of Justice;
7) Treason & Sedition;
8) Patent & Copyright Infringement;
9) Kidnapping;
10) Theft;
11) Fraud;
12) Contempt of Court;
13) Aggravated assault;
14) attempted murder; and
15) murder.


Montana State Felonies:

1) Conspiracy;
2) Criminal Intimidation;
3) Criminal Defamation;
4) Identification theft;
5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;
6) Official Misconduct;
7) Criminal Incitement;
8) Theft;
9) Fraud; 
10) Contempt of Court; and

11) Obstruction of Justice


Colorado State Felonies:

1) Conspiracy;
2) Criminal Intimidation;
3) Criminal Defamation;
4) Identification theft;
5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations;
6) Patent & Copyright Infringement;
7) Theft;
8) Fraud; 
9) Contempt of Court; and 

10) Obstruction of Justice


Keep in mind, under the US Conspiracy Rule, if the traitors/terrorists commit one of these crimes, they commit them all. That is how quickly the criminals can condemn themselves to the equivalent of a life-in-prison sentence.

It is astounding how the traitors/terrorists do not comprehend their actions as criminal or wrong in any way even though they know they would never tolerate being treated as they treat others. It is their arrogance that is the primary reason that the retribution for their acts has to be so severe so no one will ever again feel so self-important and haughty to believe the way they think, talk and act as they have and do and have any place in civilized society.

The most dramatic sanction of all will be the partition of State of Colorado into two States. Colorado will be partitioned as follows:
The east-west border between Jefferson and what’s left of Colorado will carve the Denver metro area and Colorado Springs in such a way so that the US Air Force Academy, the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, University of North Colorado in Greeley and all of Colorado’s famous 14,000-foot mountains will be in the new State of Jefferson:

The Territory of Jefferson will start in Colorado’s north border with Larimer County; south on Boulder County’s east border; Jefferson County will of course be in the State of Jefferson and will carve the western Denver metro area out of old Colorado; then include all of Douglas, Elbert County and of Arapahoe County alongside Denver and Adams Counties.

Then south to Douglas-Elbert-El Paso tri-County line on the western side of I-25 to catch the US Air Force Academy to its far southern borders and then west through the Blodgett Open Space to the 105th parallel west longitude and south to the southern El Paso County Border with Pueblo County; then east along the Lincoln County and Cheyenne County southern borders to the Kansas line. The portions of western El Paso County bordering Teller and Fremont Counties will be annexed by those counties.

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs and the University of Colorado Denver will closed and assets sold at auction. The Anschutz Medical Campus and assets will transported to the International Independence Creek Properties where a Medical and Environmental Studies School that will be built.


The former UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital and Fitzsimons Army Medical Center will be annexed by the SVC International Institute of Peace & Democracy as part of the Medical School.


Given the population, location and prominence of Aurora, it is likely to be the State capital of Jefferson, although that will be decided by the People by popular ballot.


In another ironic twist, Rob Walton has successfully bought the Denver Broncos, the first National Football League team to be up for sale in four years. The Broncos sold for more than $4.65 billion, a new record for a sports franchise.

Walton, with pressure from me, has agreed to keep the Denver Broncos in Denver, but there will be a change in what the stationary will read. They will be playing in Denver, Jefferson, not Denver, Colorado. The new State of Jefferson will have a bridge of land to Broncos Headquarters and Empower field similar to the one Denver County has in Adams County to the Denver International Airport.
The other major sports franchises - the Denver Nuggets, would-be Jefferson Rockies and would-be Jefferson Avalanche will have the same option. The idea is to deny anything favorable to the continued successful existence of the State of Colorado.

Both what is left of the State of Colorado and Missoula County, Montana will be sequestered from the rest of the United States so the real lesson that will be taught in all this can be administered. Colorado and Missoula County will be driven straight into the ground economically as an example of never, ever again as the modern Sodom and Gommorah they are.

Beyond these advantages of the partition, the remaining parts of the Colorado University System can be saved and I can act as Territorial and then elected Governor of Jefferson so we can employee Economic Democracy and my Living Security Insurance Program within the United States.

Given the political climate and the obvious current aversion to my ideas in the United States, this could be the only real opportunity to get either Economic Democracy or Living Security interjected in the United States. When proven successful in Jefferson, the tables will be turned and Americans will eventually beg these Concepts to be available to them!

The primary concerns the International Community has always been and will continue to be:


(1) Preserve Peace wherever it resides;
(2) Bring Peace where armed conflict exist;
(3) Assert as much control over Climate Change and reverse its negative impacts as much as possible; (4) Feed, clothe and see to the Health of the needy and sick; and (5) Protect the Human Rights of all the Inhabitants of the Earth and make sure those who violate those Rights are brought to Justice.”

The Secretary General is ever so sick and tired of America being the example of how not be to the rest of Nations of the World rather than the primary example of how every Nation should be.

To that end, Serious Reforms must take place before the United States can be fully reinstated as a Nation in good standing. The consequences for American noncompliance with International Law and the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes just begins the list of necessary International Reforms and the USA must now be an example to the World of what not to do rather than the other way around!!!!!!!

The USA would have no viable way of extricating itself from its current malaise or have hope for a constructive future if I hadn't had not filed my International Complaint!

Indeed, the Secretary General understands that Russian President Vladimir Putin has a legitimate argument to pick when his Country is seen as the rogue Country over Ukraine when it is the United States leads the NATO Allies against him over Ukraine and then refuses to see the hypocrisy of its own aggression against its own People by allowing the American Criminal Opprobrium to grow unabated for longer than he has been Leader of Russia (24 years)!

This is what makes Resolution of the Ukraine Crisis so difficult. Both the United States and Russia cannot see the proverbial forest for the trees and both a have veto power in the UN Security Council. In fact, Russia was President of the UNSC in February 2022 just as the Soviet Union was during the Cuban Missile Crisis broke in October 1962. True story!

The following Reforms are necessary for the USA to be in good standing with the International Community again, the USA must: 

1) Meet the Responsibility To Protect its Citizens, which not only includes putting down the American Opprobrium in all its faucets and Formally Apologize to its aggrieved Citizens.

2) Rejoin the International Community in reversing the effects of Climate Change and be a Partner in the Paris Accords. Given Biden's efforts and Statements in this regard, it appears the USA is reinstating its previous stand on Climate Change before Trump abrogated American approval of the Paris Accords.

3) The Territory of Jefferson has been Created and is Formally Recognized January 21, 2024. The State of Jefferson will become the Model for Political Reform in the USA as well as be the ultimate put down of the American Criminal Opprobrium. The Statehood Enabling Act has been consummated by the United Nations UN Troops will be called to keep the peace if there is any unrest of resistance.

The key to this will be the fact that SVC’s President owes no loyalty to Colorado like he does to Montana. Colorado owes him over 2,830 jobs and over $1.19 trillion dollars in Economic wealth over the past 21 years.

All that and any future aggrandizement of Colorado’s Economy will be accrued to the new State of Jefferson as it will be the new custodian of all Colorado’s worthwhile Tourist attractions!!!!!!!

The key is that everyone understands that the traitors'/terrorists' behavior has been completely unacceptable in Civilized Society, they will be punished to the extent that no one would ever want to emulate that behavior!!!!!!!

Another aspect in all this is the fact that Colorado and Montana have both picked up seats in the US House of Representatives due to the 2020 Census Results. In the old Colorado, the four current Democratic US Representatives from the Denver Metro area will be split. Districts 1; Northern 60% of District 4; and 5 and the new 8th District will remain known as Colorado Districts.
Districts 2, 3; Southern 40% of District 4; District 6 and District 7 will be in the new State of Jefferson. The portion of District 4 will simply meld into District 3 & 6 south of the El Paso County Line due east to the old Colorado and Kansas border, thus giving old Colorado and Jefferson four Members of Congress each. A Complete reapportionment must be made once Jefferson has an operational government.

Montana will once again be split in two along traditional 1912-1990 lines, with Gallatin County remaining in the Western District #1, but for the first time, Lewis & Clark, Broadwater and Jefferson Counties will be in the Eastern District #2. Pondera County is the only County split itself with the Blackfoot Indian Reservation remaining in District #1 and the eastern portions in District #2.
District #2 is 3,075 Residents larger than District #1 and favors the Republicans by seven percentage points. Historically, a Democrat has been Elected in District #1 and a Republican in District #2.
There is virtually no chance District #2 will be Represented by a Democrat and now it appears the GOP had an inside track in the new Congressional District as well.
5) Implementation of Economy Democracy could put Americans in the driver's seat again, controlling their own destinies!!!!!!! Especially with the Coalition for Revival of the American Dream acting as a Talisman.
The Secretary General reiterated that UN is encouraged by the development of the Coalition for Revival of the American Dream. Americans deciding their own Nation's fate has always been preferable.
Further, the truly Reform-minded Americans will now have the support of Coalition for Revival of the Divinity’s Dream Worldwide. The recognition that the hot button Issue in the USA is not racism against Blacks so much as it out of control Law Enforcement.

6) Universal implementation of Human Rights and returning the USA as role model to the rest of the World rather than a laughingstock. The whole George Floyd fracas has exposed this for all the World to see!

It is a perilous paradigm for Americans and their News Media to set that the horrible Police murder of a violent Convicted Felon like George Floyd would become the focus of such adulation and the 21 murders and attempted murder of a paid assassin like Kurt Trowbridge doesn’t merit any coverage at all. This is an outrage that no one will ever be able to explain adequately on behalf of the United States and that is why the USA is in so much trouble. There is no way to satisfactorily explain i

7) Set standards for good Government at all levels and what must be done with corrupt Public officials and employees in terms of retribution for betraying the Public Trust. The lack of enthusiasm for this provision in the Reforms speaks volumes of where the USA is at present.

8) Eliminate US Laws at all levels that invite vigilantism by Citizens or that have led to abuses of Human Rights by Government powers and Law Enforcement.

This is the clear Theme of the American traitors/terrorists and the Foreign terrorists have always exhibited. They can do anything they want to their Victims and there is no accountability. Right now, that is “American Law” in the United States and gospel according to the Obama, Trump and now Biden Administrations.

9) Set standards for UN Enforcement of International Law and direct interventions for Victims under the International Responsibility to Protect Principle.

This is what US Presidents Barack H Obama, Donald J Trump and now Joseph R Biden have or are contesting. The Right of the UN to intervene on behalf of the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium should have been a no-brainer and welcomed event.
But then again, no one ever thought the United States Government, the American People and the American News Media would defend al Qaeda and its operations within the United States or witness a US President receiving a pass when he supported/allowed al Qaeda’s sacking of an American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, or another President getting away with instigating an armed insurrection upon the US Capitol by domestic terrorists, either.

Just as Obama has not been nailed for planning the killings at the US Benghazi Consulate and is responsible for the four murders on 9/11/2012 there just as assuredly as he had done them himself, Trump has not been nailed for instigating 1/6 and the treason and sedition it represents against the very government he was leading at the time.

International Prosecutors and Investigators have known all along that Donald Trump not only instigated the Insurrection in an attempt to stay in power but was premeditatedly involved in the planning of the staged event prior to 1/6/2021.

Trump cannot claim his "Freedom of Speech Rights" protects him from criminal liability and it won't. If the US Government fails to duly Prosecute the Former President, The Hague will!!!!!!!

No one on the outside looking into the United States can make any sense of either act of treason by American Presidents. It should noted that no other Nation has attempted to flaunt International Justice as the United States, thus greatly complicating the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium.

10) Set standards for UN Enforcement of International Law under the International Responsibility to Protect Principle having to do with American News Media universal coverage of Human Rights violations in the USA and assuring access to the News Media by the suffering Public. If necessary, International Troops will be the enforcement mechanism.

International support for the immediate put down of the American Criminal Opprobrium continues grow rapidly. As a result of the SVC North American National Chairs pre--Summit Conference, the Organization of American States has Voted Unanimously to do so. The two non-Member States - Cuba and Honduras - also support the effort. This means all 36 Nations in the Western Hemisphere support the Sutton International Complaint!!!!!!! 

In addition, 189 of the 193 Nations recognized by the UN have Voted in support of the Sutton International Complaint. Only Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan oppose it and the United States abstained!!!!!!! (Syria now supports the International Complaint.) 

The Special International Prosecutor reiterated Former Chief International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s wonderful Statement about me:

“SVC's President is as unique to History as his 26th Generation Grandfather, William The Conqueror, and Cousin George Washington. His Contributions in the areas of Human Rights and Democratization are unparalleled in Human History and you get the idea he is just getting started!!!!!!!

"At a time when Democratic Countries see the future of American Democracy is at stake and are worried about its viability, SVC's President has been a beacon to the World that Justice will preside and the Democratic values ostensibly held by all will win in the end.

"The International Community owes an enormous debt to this Man for steadfastly resisting al Qaeda and organized terrorism. While the World can never repay this debt, the World can reward the Contributions and sacrifices made by decisively and resolutely putting down al Qaeda-gate!!!!!!!"

“Despite his Countrymen and Women betraying him en masse, SVC’s President has steered a course that only Great Men and Women have throughout History. He has Vision of the World coming to a Peaceful conclusion and all Inhabitants living as they have chosen to do without any outside influence and leading to the betterment of all.”

“That Vision should be held by all World Citizens!!!!!!! Those who seek to put it asunder must be dealt with so that a Civilized World based upon the Principles found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Statutes of Rome and Responsibility to Protect Statutes can and will be realized by everyone!!!!!!!”

The United Nations Commission on Higher Rights chimed in and stated they are Investigating the Fourth Estate intensely in the United States because it is obvious that the US News Media’s Decisions in what to cover and how not only can lead to serious violations of Citizen Human Rights, but endanger People Lives for retribution, especially when the cases involves corrupt Public Officials and Employees and Law Enforcement. With the Benghazi Revelations, there is proof those in the US News Media have threatened others to keep Human Rights violations quiet. Concern over this should not and cannot be higher!!!!!!!

Americans must acknowledge that U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was quite right when he said: We must be willing, individually and as a nation, to accept whatever sacrifices may be required of us. A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.


America is now on that precipice. Americans can choose to continue as we are and collectively leap off the cliff without any effort to save our great nation or will can see finally the light and begin the process of restoring sanity.


Angelica always reminds us that when we listen with less judgment, we always develop better relationships with each other. It’s not the differences that divide us. It’s our judgments about each other that do. Curiosity and good listening bring us back together.


My gorgeous Bride is 15 years younger than I am, but she is considerably wiser than most, including me. In her frustration over what's happened with the American Criminal Opprobrium she has studied the evils of Judgmentalism and how to overcome it.


There is no substitute for open, honest dialogue. If George III had gotten off his high horse and listened to the Colonists instead of viewing their concerns as disloyalty to him, history might have been profoundly altered.


As a Communication major and Former Professional Mental Health Counselor, my natural inclination is to seek common ground and understanding. I also devised ways to work out implacable situations and have helped millions of people to better lives. Now, I have to help free myself from a lifelong cycle of abuse and play the historic role our Creator has for me.


Sometimes, aggressive action is the only solution. I have spent 22 years watching my life being torn apart and destroyed by the American Criminal Opprobrium. All I have seen is modern George III's in my way. Just like my and Angelica's famous Relatives did we are fixing to follow their example and Declare our Independence from it!


I have always reminded everyone: There is nothing we can do about the past; there is everything we can do about the future.


The Apostle Paul challenged himself and all Christians to keep moving forward in the Christian walk of Faith: Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13–14)