Published on 7 November 2024 at 09:31



KEY QUOTES: All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts. - William Shakespeare 

Phil (SVC's President) is conservative on all the right issues; the Social Issues are a matter of conscience. - U.S. President George H.W. Bush

Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself. - Richard Nixon




The very first e-SVC International Viewpoint Published on 22 June 2000 predicted that the 2000 Presidential Election between sitting Democratic Vice President Al Gore and Republican Texas Governor George W. Bush would eclipse the 1960 Presidential Election between sitting Republican Vice President Richard Nixon and Democratic U.S. Senator John Kennedy as the closest Presidential Election in U.S. History.  It was. SVC's President joined NBC Newsman Tim Russert as the only National Commentators saying the 2000 election would come down to Florida. It did.


In 2024, the must win State was Pennsylvania. When SVC-TV called The Keystone State for Donald Trump just minutes before midnight MST, SVC's President Declared that it was over. Even though Trump had not reached the magic 270 Electoral Votes yet, SVC's President already knew Trump had won a second term. He cited the slowness that Delaware and Minnesota were carried by Kamala Harris as the earliest signs that the Vice President was in serious trouble.


Also, the major networks were slow to notice the obvious shift of Independents to Trump that only Republican candidates Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan had enjoyed in history. This running against a Black-Asian Woman who would have figured to be extraordinarily popular amongst Independents of Ethnic Minorities. Not so in 2024.


As it turns out, there are behind-the-scenes activities which partially explains Trump’s otherwise inexplicable strong support by Independents. A week apart in July, both Trump and SVC's President suffered assassination attempts and Joe Biden withdrew from the Presidential race just after Trump and JD Vance were formally Nominated in Milwaukee.  The virtually simultaneous events caused Trump to reconsider a great many things. Among them, his Administration’s response to the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.


Three weeks later, Trump appeared in SVC President's hometown of Bozeman, Montana, in support of now U.S. Senator-Elect Tim Sheehy. Trump found a rich reservoir of support for SVC’s President and his Announced intention to stay out of the fracas of the election and return to Montana to help Incumbent Jon Tester win as he did in 2018. The Democrats offered very lucrative contracts to SVC's President, but he declined.


Up until October 19th, Tester’s Campaign hoped SVC's President would reconsider.  That was the date of the record-setting SVC Foreign Policy Blog:


Over 3.15 million have responded to the Blog which is still available on the SVC Websites. The Blog has confirmed SVC's President immense popularity abroad and new-found support within the United States. Trump knew he needed the support of the Man he once considered for Secretary of State to win the Presidency again.


To get it, Trump would have to Formally apologize to the International Tribunals and Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda for Sanctioning her in 2020. Trump appeared not only willing but anxious to do so.


Further, Trump had to agree to all the Reforms required by the United Nations and would pursue them if he was re-elected as President. In exchange, the International Tribunals have delayed Prosecution of Trump for his International and Federal Crimes if he in fact follows through and will permanently expunge the record if he does.


That is exactly what supporters of SVC’s President wanted to hear, all of whom are Independents and voted. The Democrats were given the same opportunity to save Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder, but refused to do so. The results of their refusal are now history.


Interestingly, Trump’s Staff has taken special note of which National Leaders called him to offer him congratulations and when. That’s by no mistake.  Trump will hold them accountable just as they have with him during his first term and his violations of International Law.


Speaking of violation of Human and Voting Rights, SVC's President has been intentionally barred from registering to Vote in the last six elections when Jena Griswold has been Colorado Secretary of State. She also attempted to ban Trump from the ballot and lost her case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The wrath of the International Tribunals, their Federal Court Partners and the new Administration upon Colorado will be particularly harsh. What could they possibly expect otherwise?...


The Question: What are your expectations of the new Administration?


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