“The International Criminal Court and the Office of the Prosecutor will no longer make any distinction between those who commit crimes as defined under International Law and under complimentary enforcement of National Laws of an offending nation and those who harbour them, are complicit in the execution of such crimes or conspire to aid them evade Justice.”
“I have cherished the ideal of a Democratic and Free Society in which all persons will live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realized. But, my lord, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” — Nelson Mandela
“Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny.” - Phil Sutton
The first incredible quote came from the International Tribunals and Office of the International Prosecutor after an Emergency Conference 23 August 2023. The International Community is through accepting American malfeasance in the enforcement of International Law and its own National Laws.
The other two quotes are from two personal Friends who were born 40 years and 10,000 miles apart on two different continents, in two different hemispheres and represent the three races on earth, but somehow they shared the same Vision of the world.
The reaction to the “We Know” Article is enlightening and even inspiring for a few Americans, but devastating to most Americans because it discussed the harsh truth about America now.
It was on 22 February 2008, SVC's President Phil Sutton, stated at Mount Vernon that his Generation could be the first failed Generation in American History. Everything that has happened since has only enhanced that prophetic viewpoint. Now, there are revelations which are as mindboggling regarding organized terrorism's insidious growth in power and influence in the United States.
As stated in a prior SVC Publication, SVC and its President have received several offers of Legal Advise and assistance from Attorneys from China, Japan, India, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, several nations in Africa, Central and America; and of course, Canada and Mexico. They all want to nail America, Americans and their National Government for their hypocrisy. No such offers have ever come from any American Law Firms or Civil Rights organizations such as the ACLU or League of Women Voters.
Apparently, these offers are a precursor to a massive International Economic boycott against the United States. The SVC International Board of Governors has unanimously Commissioned the search for the most effective Economic Sanctions against the United States, which appear to be necessary at this time. There are 119 nations who are already discussing their participation in this unprecedented endeavor and the number is growing by the day.
What's triggered this almost universal consensus something must done is the arrogance shown by the Biden Administration when the International Judgment had been served and did not publicly recognize it all and the exposure of the massive national cover-up of the American Opprobrium and how far the traitors/terrorists have gone to place the blame on their Victims for their plight.
The outrage should be shared by all Patriotic and loyal Americans, but it has not been. That too is a source of the great angst that has fomented in the past month.
Of course, the traitors/terrorists are now saying that just because SVC's Presidents “got off on technicalities” doesn't mean he was not guilty and thus deserves the treatment he has received. What technicalities? He didn't know how and why the last two charges made against were dismissed until last week, 147 months after the fact! And no one ever deserves to be beaten or harassed 24/7.
This gives you an idea of how central what happened to SVC's President in Missoula has driven the campaign against him in Bozeman, Colorado Springs and elsewhere in the United States. The traitors/ terrorists are holding onto their own lies for dear life!
Evidently, these people don't know that it is a Federal felony to use a bogus criminal record adversely and materially against someone and is libel and slander if they continue to justify their crimes by the alleged crimes of their Victims. With this, both the Serial Crimes List of the al Qaeda script has been expanded and the numbers of Americans who will be prosecuted has just grown immensely.
In addition, the traitors/terrorists have taken solace when they “act out” in great numbers and they only see their human punching bag who opposes them. That's been because those who were are supposed to intervene haven't or couldn't be trusted because they are part of the problem (primarily American Law Enforcement).
Now that the U.S. Government is for all tense and purposes owned by the Victims, Federal Courts will Order U.S. Soldiers and equipment to intervene at their leisure as well as call-in U.N. Peacekeeping Troops if these people want to get stupid.
Hope that there is an alternative has long since passed. Even when the traitors/terrorist have heeded the warnings given, they have only been able to behave 4 or 5 days in a row and then they have been right back following the al Qaeda script to perfection. They just cannot help themselves. That's why they must be removed from Civilized Society ASAP so they will not be free to terrorize others.
For the past 22 years, the SVC VPCG/TPCG has covered the whole gambit of issues which have cropped up from the 9-11-01 al Qaeda attacks; from sorting out how al Qaeda pulled off 9/11 to the deterioration of American resolve to continue the battle against organized terrorism within the United States.
U.S. President George W. Bush, who was President at the time of 9/11, spoke on the twentieth anniversary of of the attack when he commented: “In the weeks and months after the 9/11 attacks, I was proud to lead an amazing, resilient and united people. When it comes to America's unity, those days seem distant from out own. A malign force seems at work in our common life that turns every disagreement into an argument, and every argument into a clash of cultures. So much of our politics has become a naked appeal to anger and resentment. That leaves us worried about our nation and our future together.”
The ironic aspect of it is President Bush was speaking from his heart and how he feels about the current state of affairs in the United States and he hoped he had illuminated how most Americans feel. Probably not.
As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Americans have been caught flatfooted by the WE KNOW article. What we know is that malign force is organized terrorism's aggression into the USA. What we know is that the primary target has been SVC's President and his complete vindication is inevitable.
The traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium recruited at least a half million people to their cause and spent estimated $8.75 billion in a smear campaign by telling despicable lies about SVC's President and creating the circumstances which are tended to make it look true. He never did anything to them or anything to deserve any of their garbage.
It has now come down to asking the most important question: Why? Why did all of this happen to a single human being? Who benefitted? Who had the power to cover it up? Who?
That discussion with all the revelations about what happened, particularly in Missoula, Montana, this past week, the most stunning is the fact that there were members of the Obama Administration who had a "working relationship" with al Qaeda.
What is not commonly known is bin Laden was not only hunted by the USA after 9/11 for nearly 10 years, but by his own people. One of the reasons why bin Laden eluded capture for so long is he escaped from Afghanistan completely separated himself from the organization he founded in 1989. U.S. Intelligence continued to follow his organization not knowing they had a falling out. Bin Laden crossed over to Pakistan claiming a kidney ailment he never had in January 2002 after NATO forces took over in Afghanistan. His own operatives resented the fact he ran out on them to face the NATO and American occupation alone.
It is not known precisely where bin Laden spent 2002 through the first half of 2005, but he spent the last six years of his life in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where he was killed on 2 May 2011 by U.S. Navy Seals Team Six. Abbottabad is about 375 kilometers or 233 miles from the Afghan-Pakistani border. Four days after his death, al Qaeda acknowledged the event and vowed revenge which never occurred. They really didn't care. He was no longer their leader and hadn't been for some time.
However, it is known that bin Laden did move his base of operations to the to Old Colorado City, Colorado, USA in late 2003. There he started the American version of al Qaeda just as he did in Afghanistan a decade before raising money on the opiate trade. The State of Colorado had made medicinal marijuana legal in 2000.
This is also why his operatives have commandeered the Skaggs Pharmacy School on the University of Montana for manufacturing performance-enhancing drugs. Al Qaeda's annual budget was about $20-$30 million annually and could easily be made by selling these drugs.
When UM campus security arrested then-U.S. Marshal Gary Norman who was investigating the drug scandal in March 2011, the Report read like a Sherlock Holmes mystery and made the campus cops sound like Sherlock himself. It was nonsense, but it was the basis for the criminal trespass charge against SVC's President and one of the subjects of WE KNOW. Campus security was in cahoots with the al Qaeda operatives when the Grizzly football team was in Spring Drills and in need of the illicit drugs.
Also in 2003, REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM became a worldwide bestseller nine months after its publication in August/September 2002. Ironically, its bestselling run ended a decade later when the Author recorded his International Complaint and INDEPENDENCE FOREVER! IN PURSUIT OF THE AMERICAN DREAM was published.
All in all, SVC President's books have sold over three billion copies. Most Americans are unfamiliar with his work even though his writings have been intended predominantly for an American audience. Only the Holy Bible with its multiple Authors have sold more.
Just 240,000 copies or an average of 11,425 copies a year have been sold in the United States the past 21 years due to blacklisting during the American Opprobrium.
SVC's President utilized the royalties from the books sales to purchase the International Independence Creek Properties in a Federal land auction in south central Colorado and created Trust Funds for his Children, SVC and the Dream Weaver Plexus which cannot be touched for over 21 years when he turns 65 or suffer severe financial penalties.
Meanwhile in Missoula, SVC's President was working odds jobs to pay the bills because of the Old Jore bankruptcy. SVC's President was the Benefits Manager for Jore Industries which had 173 employees at the time Rick Jore declared corporate bankruptcy. Because Montana had not passed the required companion laws with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (1994), Jore simply was allowed to cancel the benefits for his former Employees and SVC's President was left holding a $175,000+ contract balance in commissions he had to pay back in Primerica sales. The catch is that those sales had to be made only in Montana. This is what kept SVC's President in Missoula so bin Laden's minions could use him as a human punching bag as they did.
On 16 March 2004, SVC was at Princeton commemorating U.S. President James Madison's Birthday at his alma mater. While there SVC's President made a historic speech regarding the American Presidency and drew parallels between President Madison and his policies concerning the War of 1812 and Princeton's President and alum Woodrow Wilson's policies regarding World War I.
For the first time, SVC's President was in the conversation to be U.S. President and became a Visiting Professor at Harvard for the 2004-2005 academic year. This led to earning his second doctorate in Public Policy in 2007, the same class Bill Gates received his honorary doctorate.
On the same date two years later, SVC was at Montpelier once again commemorating the 4th President's Birthday. Upon leaving came SVC President's infamous quote, “Now we will go and see if Mr. Madison's Constitution means anything in Missoula, Montana.” His menagerie with the Make Victims Units and the corrupt Judiciary in Missoula County had begun and only truly ended last week, 197½ months later.
On SVC International Children's Day, 19 May 2006, SVC-TV debuted in Moscow, Russia at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. SVC's President had negotiated the renewal of the Nuclear Waste Treaty with Russia in 2005 as U.S. Ambassador Plenipotentiary and they had become acquainted.
Considered a Diplomatic Tour, it was perfect timing to role out the new television network that would become the #1 International Television Network in the world the past 13 years.
However, the “Information Age Industries” - mass media, publishing and social media were getting antsy about SVC's growing power outside the USA which was out of their control. Osama bin Laden and organized terrorism didn't like it either.
To top it off, SVC's President had written the Responsibility To Protect Statutes, now Principle, at the behest of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan. It had passed the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. By the time the Republicans had lost both Houses of Congress in the 2006 midterms, SVC's President had become a potential dark horse candidate for the Presidency.
In March 2007, under the direction of CIA Director, Air Force General Michael Hayden, Intelligence Officials called the brand new Father and U.S. Secretary of State for Economic, Energy & Agriculture Affairs and told him he needed to sit down. The U.S. Army's G-2 Unit in Kabul uncovered a conversation bin Laden had had with his remaining associates and had stated that the 47-year old former U.S. Navy Captain was his (bin Laden's) “Only Worthy Adversary.”
SVC's President didn't think much of it at the time because he had no idea about all the work bin Laden already had gone to subvert his counterterrorism work and “eliminate” him. He has never reacted to terrorism with fear as the terrorists want, but great anger instead.
Days after Marti and Jack Sutton were born, Royce Engstrom was the new Provost at UM and he had SVC's President ejected from the locker in Schreiber Gym he had had since 1994. He had paid the quarterly payments for over 12 years, yet Campus Recreation had no record of it. He showed them the receipts he had kept for tax purposes as a self-employed Business Man and his personal records. But to no avail.
As SVC Civil Rights Division Associate Director, Gary Shriver, Esq, put it, “These people turn the Golden Rule on its head.” To this day, that statement has guided SVC's viewpoint of the traitors/terrorists and will be the basis for their criminal punishment. They must know the same pain they have inflicted upon their fellow human beings for the rest of their lives because they deserve it, their Victims do not.
At this point, SVC's President was well aware people were after him and the Bush Administration had sent an Investigator to find out why. While the CIA Director had told him bin Laden was thinking about him, it would not be confirmed it was al Qaeda for over seven years and 3½ years after bin Laden's death.
The Poe Meadows Incident was the first assassination attempt on 21 September 2007. In their Reports, Sheriff's Deputy Jonathan Stineford and Foresters Al Hilshey and Brian Lockhead admitted in their Reports of the incident that they meant to murder SVC's President.
Previous cases of excessive force by Stineford had led to Missoula County being sued twice and SVC's President could have been shot to death simply because Stineford thought he heard a gun being cocked inside the tent. He was tased and Stineford pulled the rod out his arm like you would remove a hook from a fishes mouth and it led to a nasty scar.
When SVC's President was acquitted in the Federal trial, Justice of the Peace Karen Orzech refused to dismiss the obstruction of a Peace Officer charge and SVC's President was placed in the Federal Witness Program. The case was dismissed by a Federal Court because the whole mess constituted a violation of his Federal Rights.
Orzech continued. She wanted to try SVC's President in absentia and find him guilty. She went on vacation, but before she did she issued a warrant for his arrest, telling the jailers, ”Don't bail him out. I will deal with him personally when I get back.”
SVC's President spent the next 19 days in jail without the possibility of bail, which is blatantly unconstitutional. He never even had been arrested before. President Bush came close to intervening, with Troops if necessary.
When he was arrested, SVC's President was finger printed and Deputy Christian Kneib got frustrated with the machine, so naturally he decided to ram the prisoner's head into a concrete wall, sending SVC's President to the hospital for a concussion and possible cerebral hemorrhage.
If you think the bruises on his legs make you sick, the bruises around his eyes will really stir your stomach. SVC's President nearly died in a maximum security cell that night, right next to “the chair” where the jailers torture prisoners until they confess in the Missoula County Detention Center.
The official reasons or justification for what Orzech did has never been explained and was clearly extrajudicial. She had a personal vendetta against SVC's President. It has always been curious why both of the three-week long wrongful incarcerations in 2008 and 2012 occurred in the Spring of Presidential Election years that Barack Obama won.
SVC's President was not allowed to Vote in the Montana Primary on 3 June 2008, the primary in which Obama locked-up the Democratic Presidential Nomination over Hillary Clinton.
Further, because an IED went off in Iraq killing 17 people that SVC's President would have prevented had he not been wrongfully incarcerated, Stineford, Orzech, Kneib, Hilshey and Lockhead will be judicially executed. This is not only murder, but a war crime. So much for saying International Law is not inapplicable in the American Opprobrium. It very much is.
Further, all of them were Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury which the new U.S. Attorney General in 2009, Eric Holder, chose not to prosecute, along with about 1,100 other Indictments. This brings us to the whole thing about al Qaeda terrorists in the Obama Administration, but the undersigned needed to give you the background first.
At the time the Sutton International Complaint was recorded on 27 August 2012, it was believed that Obama and Holder were Black racists and acted accordingly by not pursuing Justice in any meaningful way in Missoula because none of the Victims are Black. While that still may be the case, an alternative viewpoint has emerged.
As stated previously, SVC's President was seen as a viable Presidential Candidate in 2008. In late January 2008, Ted Kennedy endorsed Obama for President. This endorsement was key to the defeat of Clinton for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.
Two weeks prior to the Poe Meadows Incident, SVC was at the Kennedy Presidential Library for SVC International Human Rights Day & Public Policy Forum Series, later called SVC International Peace & Democracy Day & PPF Series, where Senator Kennedy sounded out SVC's President about a possible run and inferred he might endorse him he chose to run, even though he was serving in a Republican Administration at the time.
SVC's President was noncommittal. The Senator eventually endorsed the future 44th President. The above quote on George Washington's Birthday was both made as concern about the United States' future as well as his disappointment. From that point on, Obama saw SVC's President as a political rival.
What makes this even more interesting, Joe Biden was either the ranking member or Chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee when SVC's President was Confirmed in 2004 and 2007 and his future running mate in 2008 and 2012 was the most junior Democrat on the Committee. SVC's President first met them both then.
The Biden Democratic Party is mightily attempting to get SVC's President to become a card-carrying Democrat because the last thing he did in Montana in 2018 is defeat Donald Trump's vendetta against John Tester and defeat Matt Rosendale for the U.S. senate, the Man who disbarred him.
According to CNN, the Coalition SVC's President built added 35,000 Votes to Senator Tester's ledger. He won the election by 18,000 Votes. The Democrats would love for him to return to Montana in 2024 and save the Senator again. Don't think so.
SVC's President was canvassing in the early Montana snows while he watched Air Force One land at Yellowstone International Airport in Belgrade, Montana, on 3 November 2018. It is supposed to be an honor to fly air cover for Air Force One, but the decorated Combat Veteran didn't see it that way. President Donald Trump was campaigning for Greg Gianforte, who is now Governor of Montana, and Matt Rosendale, who has been Elected to replace Gianforte in the US House of Representatives. Gianforte had body slammed a Reporter the night before his Special Election to the US House of Representatives in 2017. Rosendale was bribed to disbar SVC's President from his 32-year Career in Financial Services.
At a previous rally for Rosendale in Great Falls, Montana, Trump himself had made fun of President George H. W. Bush’s Thousand Points of Light Program and U.S. Senator John McCain’s stands on National Defense. Both Men were fellow Naval Aviators, Decorated Combat Veterans and would die later that year. SVC's President took exception to it.
At President Bush’s State Funeral on December 5, 2018, five years to the day after Nelson Mandela died, SVC's President and his Wife, SVC Vice President, Angelica Sutton, went upfront in the National Cathedral to shake the hands of all the First and Second Couples in attendance, starting with Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. They intentionally snubbed the Trumps, Obamas and Clintons and it was caught on National Television. The Suttons have always been a Man and Woman of Principle.
There is also the matter of each Man's relationship with Nelson Mandela, who died in 2013. SVC's President had a good working relationship with the Great Man, his fellow American did not and that bothered Obama.
What is inescapable is the timing of the Financial Crisis in 2008 which all-but elected Obama. While there are many reasons for the crisis, organized terrorism's tampering in the International markets had to effect the timing. OPEC oil from the Middle East became a commodity that “infidels” cannot have and many oil fields had been threatened by terrorist attacks.
New evidence indicates that bin Laden's American al Qaeda group favored Obama's election because John McCain was seen as a continuation of Bush policies which is what al Qaeda struck against on 9/11. The Democratic Convention was also in Denver, perfect for attaining new recruits to their cause.
The Missoula Scandal began to unravel almost as soon as the Obama Administration entered office. The Public Funds scandal was discovered in March 2009; the Make Victims Units in June 2009; and the illegal drug manufacturing and trafficking scandal in August 2009.
That Labor Day, the MVU's tried to pin a second shoplifting charge on SVC's President in retaliation. While they tried him in absentia without informing him there would be a trial and U.S. Marshal Ron Halvorson was arrested and jailed one night with his wrists badly bruised when the campus police placed his handcuffs on too tightly, SVC's President produced a receipt for all the alleged stolen items and the case was eventually dismissed.
On 14 November 2009, there were three Phil Suttons on the University of Montana campus. The real one and his Family attended the football against Northern Colorado at Washington-Grizzly Stadium. Marshal Halvorson as himself was witnessing the players shooting up or taking performance enhancing drugs and the new kid on the block, Marshal Gary Norman, posing as SVC's President in the Mansfield Library where students and staff were readily committing a 100 felonies an hour against him. It was Marshal Norman's first day on the job and he remembers it well.
By the time UM President George Dennison gave his State of the University Address in January 2010, he knew the wheels were coming off the Missoula Scandal cover-ups and he abruptly retired after 20 years service. His handpicked successor would be Engstrom.
The Obama Administration responded to all this with copious reassurances of action that it never intended to fulfill. In November 2010 after Engstrom had assumed the presidency and the first of the infamous sexual assaults occurred, Holder showed the SVC International Board of Governors his plan of action. By the Cornell General Conference in January 2011, the Governors began to question Holder's sincerity.
Less than a week later, Holder appeared on the UM campus making a speech for the UM Law School. He spent all of 105 minutes in Missoula and never spoke a word with Marshals Halvorson or Norman.
Exactly one month later came the Mansfield Library Incident that caused SVC's President to be kicked-off his beloved campus and started the last set of dramas for him in Missoula. Marshal Halvorson abruptly resigned in protest of the Obama Administration's inaction. A lockdown of UM with U.S. Troops was promised if anything like this ever happened. This set the precedent for Troops to be utilized when UM, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and the University of Colorado Denver are closed.
Not soon thereafter at the SVC Seattle General Conference, SVC's President dressed down Holder with no uncertain terms. It was at this point SVC's President first spoke of recording an International Complaint against the United States, had the Freola Commission disbanded, and created the Montana Reform Commission.
The Commission would set the parameters for reform in Montana for all levels of government while SVC exhausted all legal remedies within the U.S. Federal and State of Montana Judicial Systems,clearing the way for recording the Sutton International Complaint. He had no idea what a massive, $57 million undertaking that would be and it is awaiting full implementation an eighth century later.
The new evidence indicates that the Obama Administration began to discover bin Laden's whereabouts at the same time Holder assured the SVC International Governors of his support in November 2010. What is key here is that when SVC's President decided he had enough with the scandals within a scandal that were burgeoning out of control in Missoula in late March 2011 and moved to correct them on his own, Washington begin to get desparate to bring bin Laden to Justice, but not for the reasons you might think.
Bin Laden had become a witness to and participant in the Missoula Scandal. Just like the mafia that “eliminates” its enemies, bin Laden had to be eliminated. There was only one person or thing bin Laden had an interest in Missoula and it was SVC's President.
The MVU's and the Public Funds embezzlement scandals were someone else's idea for the most part. Bin Laden knew he could make a pretty penny selling performance-enhancing drugs and the unintended consequences of making the Grizzly football players more sexually aggressive because of the drugs they were taking explains the increased number of sexual assaults, thus explaining what led up to that scandal.
Unfortunately, sexual assaults on college campuses in America are almost proverbial, so the UM situation didn't become significant until the greater number of sexual assaults and the involvement of the players on UM's sacred football team became known.
This explicates SVC's President two decade-long passion in exemplary fashion. It explains why it appeared Missoula is the epicenter of al Qaeda's infiltration when Colorado Springs really is. It explains why SVC's President appears to have thousands of fellow Victims in Montana, but is the soul Victim in Colorado. He was never meant to get to Colorado where bin Laden had set up shop. The evidence and events confirm that incontrovertibly.
It explains why the past three Administrations have allowed and indeed have supported, beginning in 2002, the saddling of SVC's President with the Old Jore debacle; siccing the MVU's after him; spending billions to ruin his life, careers, and reputation; doctoring his health, school, Navy, Business and other personal records; blacklisting his and other SVC creative efforts within the United States; forcing him into homelessness and destitution to save his and his Family's security and financial future; attempting to assassinate him at least a dozen times; and in general making his life in Montana and Colorado a living hell.
It also explains why the Obama Administration made a lot of promises but never kept any of them. The unfortunate and unnecessary suffering of thousands could have been prevented and the size of the scandal would have been kept to a miniscule size as compared to what it is 14 years later if Holder acted appropriately in 2009 and 2010.
It explains why the Obama Administration called for the Investigation into the sexual assaults just as SVC's President was moving towards his first Court Hearing and the presentation of the nasty pictures in open court after Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge attempted to assassinate him.
It explains why the City & County of Missoula governments and the mass media buried the two squad car and two private videos of the beating with the Montana State Attorney General's office paying hush money to keep all of it quiet. SVC's President was released from prison three days later with no forum or videotapes to inspire public protest or action by the U.S. Justice Department. Part of the inexplicability of the scandal is why the pictures were not enough to, at the very least, get Trowbridge Investigated.
It explains why the Obama Administration found it easy to negotiate with al Qaeda to conduct the Benghazi raid on 9/11/2012 and further bury the tragedy of Missoula Scandal when the Sutton International Complaint became public on 9/17/2012. Obama, then-Secretary of State Clinton, et al, are guilty of both International and Federal crimes involved with the raid and the four American deaths on foreign soil. Once again, very much an International Law issue.
It explains why when the two Women had a case of a guilty conscience just as the informant did last week and turned over their private videos of the beating, Holder resigned the job he always wanted. The USDOJ refused to pursue the case with the new evidence.
Conversations started at The Hague concerning removing Obama according to the Responsibility To Protect Principle (née Statutes) and the Sutton Doctrine on which it was based. If the USDOJ was not interested in the videos, neither was the mass media.
This explains why Filipino and Japanese Students who were involved with the Mansfield Incident in 2011 attempted to assassinate SVC's President in Manila and Tokyo in December 2014 . This came after over 5,000 “haters”, as they were called then by International Investigators then, past and present Missoulians turned themselves in and sang like songbirds about why they participated in the persecution of SVC's President in Missoula. The Asian Students likewise saved themselves by giving up al Qaeda and for the first time, al Qaeda is named as active in the American Opprobrium.
It explains why the Kushnirs managed to move so easily in Colorado Springs to poison SVC's President on 21 June 2019. They had no passports and had never been to Colorado Springs. As al Qaeda operatives, the Kushnirs were simply working out of their home base. Their uneventful escape was equally impressive. They made it back to their native Crimea before they were arrested. During questioning, the Kushnirs implicated several Colorado Public Officials involved with SVC President's disbarment and the plot to murder him.
It explains why the murder of George Floyd received so much coverage in the middle of the covid 19 pandemic. A week before during the SVC 2020 International Children's Day General Conference, The Hague revealed it was in the process of closing the file on Muammar Gaddafi when the Investigators discovered Reports of American Reporters threatening Foreign Reporters such as the Undersigned not to reveal what really happened at Benghazi and why.
Particularly CNN and the NBC networks made the coverage into a three-ring circus and made a National Hero out of a Man who once mugged a elderly Woman for drugs and money. It disgraced all of America's true Heroes and again distracted the public's attention from the horrible truth about Missoula and al Qaeda's foray into America, just as planned.
It explains why al Qaeda's American version of terrorists let it be known that they most certainly exist by ransacking the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/2001. International Investigators, SVC's Private Investigators and the Undersigned knew on 1/7 that the only difference between the terrorists of the two 9/11's and 1/6 was the nationality of the terrorists.
Obama won re-election in 2012 in part by staging Benghazi; Donald Trump was trying to stay in power through 1/6. Both Men not only betrayed their Presidential Oaths, they committed two of the greatest acts of treason against the United States of America ever perpetrated and nine innocent Americans died.
There are those in the International Community who envision judicially executing Obama and Trump. This would not be so much to punish the two Men for what they have done, but punish the American people for putting them in the most important position in the world and still supporting them!
Pardon us, but as Non-Americans we have a difficult time understanding why Americans are not reacting in traditional ways and demanding Justice and reform. This would be amazingly nonpartisan and the right thing to do.
Could it be that that is where bin laden and his American version of al Qaeda comes in? The malign force President Bush spoke about is definitely al Qaeda, organized terrorism and fellow travelers. They come in the form as the mass shooters; law enforcement who should never have worn a badge in the first place; and they steep poisonous political fire which destroys not only any chance of consensus in American Politics, but the very fabric of American Society is put asunder. None other than George Washington warned this could happen in his Farewell Address.
Americans have now lost a significant opportunity to make a breakthrough in countering this malign force. The Undersigned tried a positive ending first in an effort to make a breakthrough every innocent American could live with. SVC knew it was inevitable that threats and new underhanded efforts would be made to tarnish SVC and its President's image and reputation. Again the traitors/ terrorists are up to their old tricks and have ruined it for everyone else...