"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering".

- Yoda, The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode I


"Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny!" - Phil Sutton, Marrakesh, Morocco, December 5, 2021

Every year during the SVC International Inspiration Day and Public Policy Forum Series, SVC's President quotes Yoda from Star Wars on Commitment in Life and particularly to success, "Do or do not. There is no try." This year he added from the Jedi Grand Master's wisdom by quoting the above.

The traitors/ terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium have always exhibited an inexplicable hatred for SVC's President and what he stands for. He says his ability to withstand all the barbs and survive 17 attempts on his life comes directly from The Creator and Jesus' example.

From the cross, Jesus said of his adversaries, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34). The ability to return Love and forgiveness for those that have only blind hate in their hearts towards you is the key power that both Jesus and Phil exhibit. The best Leaders are those who lead by example and you will not find better examples of this in history than these two Men.


When Members at SVC have inquired why our President can keep his good spirits when he has experienced all these acts of hatred and jealousy directed at him, he replies, "I know what the end is." Indeed, he does. Both Jesus and Phil knew/know why they visited planet Earth during their Spiritual journey and that the Creator has already decided they would succeed no matter what befalls them!

Once again the traitors/terrorists have shown hatred for SVC's President and audaciously broken the U.S. Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) with the soul purpose of denying SVC's President means of survival and thereby contributing to the facade he is a homeless, worthless person and worthy of all their angst against him.


The FCRA is supposed to be an American's firewall against having any of his or hers Personal Records falsified. The traitors/terrorists have already falsified SVC President's Health, Academic, Criminal, U.S. Naval and Financial Records. Now they have presumed to strip away all the legal protection he supposed to have from such falsification and fraud!


In what should have been a routine Background Check, Employment Background Screening of Colorado (EBS) in Lakewood, Colorado deliberately fabricated and/or maliciously reported "records" pertaining to "Phil Norman", not Phil Sutton. The "Phil Norman" name has never appeared in any Personal or Professional records of SVC's President until now.

International and Private Investigators have confirmed that the alleged records are EBS's invention and/or were contrived by those who have malicious intent towards SVC's President. There is no other interpretation that can be made given the facts.

Below are the entries by EBS in its report that mention "Phil Norman" and the errant notion SVC's President ever resided in Billings, Yellowstone County, Montana:




PHIL NORMAN XXXX-08-27 EL PASO COLORADO SPRINGS, CO First: 2018-06 Last: 2024-03 1 PS

PHIL NORMAN XXXX-08-27 GALLATIN BOZEMAN, MT First: 2012-06 Last: 2024-01 1 PS

PHIL NORMAN XXXX-08-27 GALLATIN BELGRADE, MT First: 2014-10 Last: 2018-09 1 PS

PHIL NORMAN XXXX-08-27 MISSOULA MISSOULA, MT First: 2015-11 Last: 2015-11 1 PS

PHIL NORMAN XXXX-08-27 MISSOULA MISSOULA, MT First: 2015-11 Last: 2015-11 1 PS


PHIL B SUTTON XXXX-08-27 YELLOWSTONE BILLINGS, MT First: 2012-05 Last: 2012-05 1 PS

PHILLIP SUTTON XXXX-08-27 YELLOWSTONE BILLINGS, MT First: 2012-05 Last: 2012-05 1 PS


To reiterate, "Phil Norman" does not exist in Phil Sutton's world - period! SVC's President was born Phillip Bryan Whitehair in Ogden, Weber County, Utah, on 27 August 1959, and legally changed his name to Sutton, not "Norman" on October 1, 1984.

It is curious that the Background Check does not mention this little fact if the report is completely legitimate given that it so readily mentions the "Norman" name in an attempt to infer SVC's President has used "Norman" as an alias and is hiding something.

Then there is the issue of Billings. The only reason this location would appear in a Background Check of Phil Sutton is that a friend temporarily received his mail in Billings and/or SVC's Montana State Office was in Billings for a time.

Plus SVC has discussed building a Medical School with the proceeds from the closure and sale of the University of Montana in Missoula and moving its assets to Billings to fund and support the project. At any rate, SVC's President has never actually resided in Billings and the inference that he has is yet another suspicious aspect of the EBS Report.

In addition, the Report accurately states that SVC's President has no criminal record at the Federal level or in the States of Montana and Colorado. EBS took its sweet time coming to that conclusion, however. Thus, this indicates a desire on EBS's part to dig up as much dirt as possible on SVC's President. The evidence of malicious intent is incontrovertible in any event.

Finally, SVC's President still uses his Montana ID and not one in Colorado because the USPS refuses to deliver mail to the Sutton's home in south central Colorado west of Colorado Springs and personal mail addressed to the actual residence of the applicant for a driver's license is required.

SVC's President essentially owns the U.S. Government, and the States of Colorado and Montana through Judgments by the International Tribunals and its Partner U.S. Federal Courts. The State of Colorado has been ordered partitioned and the temporary Capital of the new State of Jefferson will be the SVC Institute of Peace & Democracy.

Evidently, USPS must be forced through Federal Court Rulings to recognize the International Independence Creek Properties as having legitimate mailing addresses and thus must physically deliver mail to the SVC IIPD and discovering the SVC International Complex and Sutton Manor West as well instead of relying on a P.O. Box, which does not qualify as a residential address for licensing purposes!

Speaking of the International Tribunals, they have already levied a heavy Judgment against EBS and its Federal Court Partners are expected to approve the Judgments and amounts this week. If the State of Colorado does not revoke EBS's license to operate ASAP because of its violations of the FCRA, then Colorado will lose the right to license such companies in Colorado, forcing Colorado businesses to work with out-of-State companies for Background Checks, Credit Reports, etc.

These Rulings are expected to streamline such prosecutions under the FCRA for all Americans. It is clear EBS sought to delay SVC's President contracting with the company who ordered the Background Check during his contesting of the "Norman" elements of the Reports.

EBS knew that the work was only temporary and that it would eventually have to remove the "Norman" elements from the Report, but not soon enough that SVC's President could ever take advantage of the income producing opportunity and "inadvertently" damaging his reputation at the same time, although very much meaning to do so!


AMENDMENT: 25 JUNE 2024: The U.S. Federal Court Partners have decided to increase the Judgment rendered against Employment Background Screening of Colorado by the International Tribunals to $750 billion and have added the additional criminal charge of attempting to thwart an ongoing International Investigation and expose the primary International, Private & SVC Investigators involved. 


The most infamous parallel in Federal cases worth citing here was that of Lewis "Scooter" Libby. In October 2005, Libby resigned three government positions after he was Indicted and subsequently convicted on five counts by a Federal Grand Jury concerning the Investigation of leaking the covert identity of CIA Officer Valerie Plame Wilson. Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison and fined $250,000. U.S. President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence to no jail time, but kept the huge fine.


AMENDMENT: 26 JUNE 2024: It's been two full business days now that Employment Background Screening of Colorado was notified of its fraudulent Report concerning "Phil Norman" on SVC President's Background Check. It is one thing to make a mistake, even an intentional one, and then correct it, it is quite another not owning-up to the mistake and attempting to cover-up your crime. That's what must be punished no matter who is involved, especially when somebody's reputation is on the line!


AMENDMENT: 28 JUNE 2024: SVC's President has heard back from the prospective employer and supposedly he is now supposed to be onboarded. EBS has evidently stated that the "Phil Norman" entries are from some kind of credit report. No matter what the source, they must be eliminated forthwith so these entries will never appear anywhere else and a new Background Screening published with them wonderfully absent. Meanwhile, no onboarding paperwork has been sent to SVC's President yet...

23 JUNE 2024