"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!" - Psalm 37:7
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." - Matthew 5:10-12
"...I have carefully guided your life and you accepted all the hardships you have borne as training for a larger cause and, amazingly, you have understood it for the past 55 years and grown into the person I always wanted you to be. Your sense of obedience and devotion has been extraordinary." -
There are very few Human Beings who have lived on this Earth who better personify the above Biblical quotes from the Psalms and the Beatitudes than SVC's President, Phil Sutton. His "Avenging Creator" Dream on 14 April 2024 discussed all the Events that will transpire between now and Jesus' return and why it has all been necessary as well as what the retribution will be for those who have betrayed both the Creator and SVC's President!
1 June 2024 is the Eleventh Anniversary of SVC President's Longfellow Dream in which the Creator first visited him and revealed what SVC's President true Destiny is. Phil has done his best to be true to his identity as the harbinger to Jesus' Second Coming and to build a Civilization of Peace & Democracy rather than Jesus returning to an Armageddon-torn disaster.
For the past quarter century SVC President's focus has been to eliminate material need and greed from the world and eliminate obstacles which impede anyone's ability to realize his or her Divine Destiny. That's why he has built the Sutton Viewpoint Center; the DreamWeaver Plexus; and the Africa Project the way he has; and developed his Public Policy Initiatives regarding the Trailblazer Education & Training Program; World Democratization; Economic Democracy; and his Living Security Insurance Product. His search for answers to many of the age-old questions concerning the human condition have been brilliant!
There are signs that SVC President's message is finally breaking through in the United States. When SVC was at the Kennedy Presidential Library for JFK's Birthday Commemoration, SVC's First Couple thoroughly enjoyed the Public Policy Forum being taken over by all 50 SVC State Chairs in their Honor.
The American SVC Allied Advocates are well aware of the comparison of what happened to President Kennedy and what is happening to Phil. If the President was still alive he would be in absolute support of what SVC is doing for Human Rights and our attitude that what is being Proposed for Reforming the USA are not just Proposals but will become reality!
As a quick example, SVC's President discussed why he took such an interest in the Shannon Schweyan's case at the University of Montana. Other than the fact that the sex discrimination case stunk to high heaven like everything else in Missoula, Shannon was being underpaid as compared to her male counterpart as Head Coach of the UM Woman's Basketball Team. The facts are undeniable. Yet U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen granted Summary Judgment to UM and the case never went to trial, thus burying the sorry truth.
In the United States, Women are paid on average about three-quarters of what Men are for doing the same job. Americans are rightly concerned about systemic racism in their country, try systemic sexism. It is much worse and so much more obvious. Just like there should be little or no disagreement about why the American Criminal Opprobrium should be put down ASAP, there is actual debate that sexism is a problem in the USA. How could that possibly be? But it is!
Rest assured, reforms coming with putting down the ACO will prioritize the end of wrongful discrimination wherever it exists in America!
Speaking of which, the Bully from Queens, Donald Trump, was convicted of all 34 counts in his hush money trial to cover up his liaison with porn star Stormy Daniels. This is yet another example of abuse of Women in America. The true irony is that Trump used this cover up to defeat the first major party female Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton!
Even U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) said he thought the case was garbage and if Trump is convicted in the New York case, what chance does he stand of acquittal in the Federal and Georgia State cases?
Furthermore, Trump and his second Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have already been Convicted of the International crimes concerning Obstruction of Peace & Justice for putting Sanctions on then-Chief International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda for Investigating War Crimes in Afghanistan and Crimes Against Humanity by separating Immigrant Families at the border. There is no way Trump will ever be President again. The Republicans had best move on and find someone else to Nominate for President next month in Milwaukee. (EDITORS NOTE: Trump sent a note to SVC's President on 2 June 2024 inquiring: "You declined being my Secretary of State in 2016, how about being my Vice President beginning in January 2025?...)
Obviously, the Democrats cannot rest easily neither. Barack Obama and his first Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been convicted of Obstruction of Peace & Justice for staging the Benghazi raid in 2012 just in time to deflect interest from the Sutton International Complaint and getting the Obama-Biden ticket re-elected and then-Attorney General Eric Holder for refusing to prosecute a single one of over 1,100 Indictments handed down by a Federal Grand Jury against the traitors/terrorists in Montana. If Holder had done his job much of what the ACO has become could have been prevented.
Then the incumbent President. Joe Biden has roughly another three weeks to finally put the ACO or face serious repercussions himself. Not only has he not put down the ACO, but his support of Israel where International crimes are being committed on both sides and his new provocation against Russia could trigger World War III does not sit well with the already riled United Nations, International Tribunals and the current International Prosecutor.
To top it off, the whole Social Security debacle is indicating just how far out of reality the traitors/terrorists are. They actually believe they can send SVC's President a carefully disguised apology and then expect him to go through the whole process again only to receive a miniscule monthly payment - if he's lucky - when he now owns the entire Trust Fund and he and his Family can become the world's first trillionaires is ridiculous!
The International Tribunals have Granted such generous Judgments against the traitors/terrorists and/or their benefactors and employers because they realize over 22 years of SVC President's life has been consumed by this scandal and there is no way he can ever get that lost time with his Family and building his Career and developing SVC back.
It is the same Legal Theory that is often given to justify paying Professional Athletes millions to play a game because their Careers are so short as compared to the length of most People's Careers.
The traitors/terrorists are of the mistaken belief that SVC's President has any power to stop the International Tribunals and their Federal Court Partners' intentions. He does not. He is like any other Plaintiff/Crime Witness and while he can initiate legal action, he cannot dictate to the Courts and Prosecutors how they will handle the Judgments and sentences handed down. Thus, continuing their crime wave against SVC's President only makes matters much worse like any other criminal case known in Human History!
Many thoughtful People have stated they believe much of the retribution to be dealt to the traitors/terrorists is over the top and will lead to proverbially "throwing out the baby with the bath water." No the intention is to put the traitors/ terrorists through the same things they put their Victims through because they deserve it and the Victims didn't and for them to be examples of never, ever again. Civilization cannot survive individuals who think, speak and act as they do!
A good example of this is the Jefferson State Constitution actually adopts the concept of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), but will make the Executive Director an Elected Official by the People like the Montana State Auditor's Office is. The Concepts are good ones, but too many corrupt Officials were involved in Colorado and Montana and they must be eliminated.
Those same corrupt Officials must explain to the People of Colorado why their State can no longer have Professionally Certified and Licensed individuals or have Higher Education within its borders; and explain to Montanans why they will no longer have Licensed Insurance Agents or Securities Brokers in Montana and must go out of State for those Financial Services.
The realization that the traitors/terrorists have resorted to violent means to defend themselves has the International Community very hyper about preserving the progress which has been made in Creating International Law and Justice and rewarding SVC's President enormous contributions to the same.
Perhaps the greatest mistake that the traitors/terrorists have made is to wallow in their Stage III Psychotic Denial and entertain delusions of grandeur they could get away with their treasonous/terrorist ways indefinitely. Historically, their predecessors in this regard have not, so why do they believe they will?
The traitors/terrorists must finally take personal responsibility for what they have done and realize they alone must bear the brunt of the consequences of their actions. The lesser players in the ACO may feel they themselves were deceived and lied to when they became involved. The fact is they should not have been doing what they were/are in any event. The world quite literally awaits their explanation!
The byword for the traitors/terrorists when they actually show concern when they are about to get nailed is they always blame their Victim and hope their continued persecution of him will save them. While that has worked in the past, it will not now. Everyone on this side has had enough and it must come to an end!
Indeed, everyone on this side has adopted Tony Robbins' axiom: Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life eight (now 41) years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming. BELIEVE IT!
1 JUNE 2024
4 JUNE 2024
A good reminder of the Creator's intention when it comes to retribution is from the Holy Bible. In 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
Most of SVC President's discouragement and frustration has been generated from people not doing what they know they must or achievement of Justice simply taking far longer than it should have. SVC' President has exhibited the patience of a Saint, but he no longer can afford to be patient because the traitors/ terrorists exhibit no inclination toward repentance as the Creator requires for forgiveness and reconciliation.
Now the Russians and their President Vladimir Putin are playing a very dangerous gambit to force the United States, the United Nations and the International Tribunals to put up or shut up.
Either the USA, UN and International Tribunals put the Final Kibosh on the American Opprobrium or shut up about ever trying Putin and his underlings for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and genocide. Putin actually has a point and SVC's President is stuck in the middle.
Given the fact SVC's President stood up to Putin before, secured the release of Brittney Griner by so doing and received no support or credit from the Biden Administration or our fellow Americans, he has essentially become a "free Agent" and is free to do what he wants without raising questions of his patriotism or any collusion with Putin. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Meanwhile, the prioritization of the serving of the Judgments and the arrests of the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium is progressing smoothly. SVC is not getting any positive feedback, not that SVC expected such, anyway.
SVC Chief Investigator & Security Officer Gary Norman Reports even those who have been supportive in the past in Colorado Springs have reacted in untoward ways to SVC Counselling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer Diane Freola's brilliant diatribes about Social Security and the Stage III Psychotic denial exhibited by the traitors/terrorists.
These newest traitors/terrorists need to be reminded that the last thing they need to do is have any appearance of switching sides. We are so close to the Victory we have so long sought!
The Creator will not care how long you have been on the right or wrong side of things only which side you have chosen to be on in the end!
5 JUNE 2024
The traitors/terrorists in Colorado Springs are resorting to their old tricks first Witnessed in Missoula. They believe they can heckle and intimidate SVC's President by cleverly using their job descriptions. That evil gambit led to the Creation of the Serial Crimes List and eventual recognition of the al Qaeda Script which streamlines the traitors'/terrorists' prosecution without trial or appeal because it is contempt of the International Tribunals and their Federal Court Partners as well as Justice and conviction is at the discretion of the Court and usually automatic when the Defendants are this incorrigible.
Consistent with the Courts warnings of the consequences of their acts, the traitors/terrorists have now shortened the time the Biden Administration must act to put them down or it becomes the providence of the International Community to act with UN Peacekeeping Troops, if necessary.
6 JUNE 2024
For over a decade now the International Community and SVC have watched the traitors/terrorists do what they do with aggravated disgust. The past three Federal Administrations have allowed the very successful infiltration of organized terrorism into the United States. SVC's President has been the primary and in Colorado the single target of all their psychotic criminality. Deadline after deadline has past for Washington to intervene and there has been nothing but ostensible support for the traitors/terrorists! D-Day for all that has finally arrived!
From the time the Sutton International Complaint was recorded in 2012, the International Prosecutors and Investigators have favorably compared the American Criminal Opprobrium to the Nazi horror in Germany. It has all the earmarks. The original three International Investigators were from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. All three remembered Josef Stalin and one even remembered Adolf Hitler.
Just like with the Nazis, it is quite clear the traitors/terrorists believe they can still prevail and will get away with what they have done and are still doing. That is precisely why they must be put down and put down hard. We cannot have individuals at-large in Civilization who thrive on making others miserable and actually believe they are right in doing it just like the Nazis did.
After the traitors/terrorists in Missoula placed a price on the head of SVC's President, anted up the $50,000 Trowbridge set and failed to assassinate him, they promised him that he would wish he had died like he was supposed to. The traitors/terrorists in Colorado Springs have most certainly have made good on that!
The way you know all this is true is that these profound criminals have never denied any and all of the nasty things they have done to SVC's President. To do so is to admit SVC's President has always been right about them and everything they have stated about him is false and that Justice must be done not to save him as much but to save Civilization itself from the traitors/terrorists!
Just to make sure the Final Kibosh is conducted with the greatest precision possible, International Peacekeepers are already in place to make sure none of the traitors/terrorists can escape their date with Justice and if armed security escorts are necessary for all SVC Personnel's safety, it will be provided.
It is interesting that all the angst about what now must happen is being thrown at SVC's President direction when it should be going towards those who are responsible. That should go without saying! Anyone caught being directionally-challenged will suffer the same fate as the traitors/terrorists. That's how they would want it if the roles are reversed!