With saber-rattling and war rapidly becoming the norm in World Affairs, the wonderfully successful SVC Fifteenth Democratization Conference just completed and the Final Kibosh for the al Qaeda-gate Scandals fits perfectly. The disrespect for International Justice is spreading and the UN and The Hague intend to flex their muscles to enhance that respect and compliance by all!!!!!!!


Last week during the SVC International Finance Committee Septimal Conference, we learned what the future of the International Judgments for the Victims of al Qaeda-gate are and a much larger idea about who or what those Judgments are against.


This weekend during the SVC International Compliance Committee Septimal Conference, we have learned what the Lives of the traitors/terrorists will be like and how Justice will finally be administered!!!!!!!


The discussion brought back memories of when SVC Commemorated the 150th Anniversary of Robert E Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865.


There SVC's President declared if he became US President he would utilize the lessons learned from and exhibited by George Washington's Leadership qualities while pursuing the Policies of Thomas Jefferson. Lincoln Historian Michael Burlingame added, with the flamboyant Personalities of his Rooseveltian Cousins, Theodore and Franklin.


It is that flamboyant Personality that surprises most if they knew SVC's President as a Child or young Adult. SVC has known only the flamboyant Phil for the past 26 years, so somewhere in the middle the transformation occurred.


The conversation then turned to the unfortunate topic of Political assassination and why individuals like Abraham Lincoln and Phil Sutton tend to be targets multiple times. What is it about them that attracts "human parasites" like John Wilkes Booth and Kurt Trowbridge to try to kill them?


SVC's President answered in French with his favorite Author, Victor Hugo's,  words translated into English are: "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."


In his Doctoral Dissertation and then in REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, his ideas of a No Tolerance Terrorism Policy and World Democratization would be the catalyst for International Law finally becoming something more than a theory!!!!!!!


The Sutton Doctrine Outlines a Five-Step Plan to Democratize the World and have everyone's Human Rights universally recognized!!!!!!! The Five-Step Plan caught the eye of then-UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and asked Phil to write the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes.


The Five-Step Plan is a process by which despotic regimes either reform and Democratize or be removed. The late Secretary of State Colin Powell coined the phrase, "regime change" to reflect what the Sutton Doctrine meant.


It was not just Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and despotic National Leaders who did not care too much for the SVC Presidents ideas, it was a large group of American Business Leaders and the American News Media who wanted Phil dead just as the Confederates wanted Lincoln to be assassinated and they have made seven attempts on Phil's of which we have knowledge. 


The Kushner Testimony about why they poisoned SVC's President was a revelation. Phil has joked it was worth getting poisoned if only to discover why al Qaeda had been hired Kushners to assassinate him, what Osama bin Laden thought about him and how al Qaeda operates.


SVC's President knew bin Laden was a diabolical genius in 1991 and told everyone to watch him very carefully. This was the reason why he developed his No Tolerance Terrorism Policy and stated, "The United States should make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them." Sound familiar?


SVC's President also was the first to say bin Laden and al Qaeda had attacked the United States because of what America believes, not Rudolph Giuliani. Phil also commented that the War on Terrorism would be fought covertly and through surrogates like the Taliban and ISIS just as the first Cold War.


Further, it was al Qaeda's and the Taliban's intention to fight the Sixth Crusade and the Society they want to form is right out of the 12th and 13th centuries. They are that backward.


Phil's "Politics of hope" turned into Barack Obama's "Audacity of Hope"; his "Revival of the American Dream" has turned into Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" and now "Save America"; and so forth and so on.


SVC's President has been gifted by the Creator as the "Idea Man" and everyone in and around power just despise him for it, tried to kill seven times and destroy him and his reputation in every way conceivable manner.


Osama bin Laden conceived his revenge on SVC's President for his exile from Saudi Arabia 31 years ago and hundreds of thousands of Americans have thrown in with him.


In earthly terms bin Laden and his surrogates have succeeded - so far. In Spiritual terms, SVC's President's enemies have given him and his surrogates the power to achieve the Creator's ultimate Goal for him and the World.


The theme of revenge and betrayal is so strong in Jesus' and Phil's Lives because it first appeared in the Creator's own existence. It is Satan who led one-third of the Angels out of Heaven in rebellion against the Almighty and conceived evil creatures like bin Laden and the traitors/terrorists of al Qaeda-gate.


In DECLARING GREATNESS: THEMES THAT TRANSFORM OUR DESTINY, Phil explains the Creator's Grand Design for Jesus' return to a Peaceful World. He expands on his ideas about World Democratization and Universal Human Rights and Proposes sweeping Reforms in the US Political System, Economic Democracy and his cradle to grave financial solution to rid the World of material need and greed, LIVING SECURITY.


None of these ideas sit well with the powers-that-be and definitely imply changes in their precious status quo. The resistance to Phil ideas in the United States are unprecedented and have assumed epic proportions. Things have finally come to a head just as the issue of slavery did with the American Civil War!!!!!!!