A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. - Christopher Reeve
The only difference between a hero and the villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people. - Chadwick Boseman
“The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me. The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” - Jesus (Matthew 26:23-24)
Russian Officials Announced that Opposition Leader, Alexi Navalny, died of "sudden death syndrome" on Friday in prison. Announcement was such a surprise that veteran Writers and Journalists such as the Undersigned were caught flat-footed. Immediate suspicion surrounded a plot by Vladimir Putin to eliminate his best known rival a month before the Russian Presidential Election.
On 20 August 2020, Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, PhD, wrote a Column for the Washington Post where he wrote that "Vladimir Putin is evil" and was berated by many. That same day, Navalny was poisoned with with Novichok nerve agent and was hospitalized in serious condition. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-russian-dissident-is-fighting-for-his-life-where-is-the-us/2020/08/20/2acf79ca-e31f-11ea-8181-606e603bb1c4_story.html)
The Post webmaster asked the most pertinent question in the URL "a-russian-dissident-is-fighting-for-his-life-where-is-the-us"?
Exactly 61 weeks before on 21 June 2019, Former U.S. Secretary of State For Economic, Energy & Agriculture Affairs and Ambassador Plenipotentiary, Phil Sutton, D.B.A., was poisoned in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a WMD radioactive derivative by al Qaeda operatives Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir from Crimea. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/america-s-idea-man
The Kushnirs almost made it home before they were apprehended by Russian Authorities. The Russians in turn handed the Kushnirs over to The Hague because they knew if the Kushnirs were returned to the U.S.A., the Federal and State of Colorado Governments would release them and Justice would not be done. Again, where was the United States Government?
Putin would try to use the fact that Americans cared more about Navalny than they cared about their fellow American and drive a wedge between the Former Undersecretary of State and his Countrymen and Women.
It didn't work. The Former Undersecretary of State and current SVC President stood tall as he did against Osama bin Laden in 1991. He refused to assure Putin he would have immunity against International Prosecution for invading Ukraine in return for past favors.
At least SVC's President secured Britney Griner's release from Russia in the process and in March 2023 the International Criminal Court issued Warrants for Putin. Both the ICC and SVC's President were subsequently Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
At a News Conference in October 2023, U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) raised concern over terrorists entering the United States through America's southern border: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO1mv6ATX9s
The Senator Reported his conversation with U.S. Border Patrol Agents: When I met with U.S. Border Patrol at the southern border, their accounts were shocking. The border agents told me that migrants are not just coming from Latin America - since the beginning of October, they have apprehended individuals from 28 Middle Eastern countries. Including Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen all in matter of days.
What's curious: why now? The Senator correctly views the National Security threat posed by these migrants as a serious one. Most of these nations he named are the traditional sources of organized terrorism and the timing of the incursion by Middle Eastern terrorists is very ominous, indeed.
The Hamas attack on Israel directly coincides with this incursion. The United States is particularly vulnerable right now to further infiltration of organized terrorism due to the fact that past three Administrations have not heeded all the warnings provided by the International Tribunals, United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the Sutton Viewpoint Center. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/truth-about-judgmentalism)
It's by no mistake that SVC's President represented the United States as Ambassador Plenipotentiary when Israel technically ceded control of Gaza to the Palestinians in September 2005.
What's incredible is that the Ambassador, the Undersecretary, and the Senator all grew-up together in Bozeman, Montana, and none them have found a very sympathetic ear regarding their concerns. Wonder why that is?
Like the confluence of great rivers, all these events have come together to warn the American People that the time has come to end their great national hypocrisy.
Last week it was SVC President's Presentation in Laramie, Wyoming, that laid down the Law! (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/search-for-an-international-declaration-of-independence). This week it is the The Hague, the United Nations and the Chief and Special International Prosecutors!
Now suddenly, SVC's President has had his Social Security Retirement Benefits declined. SVC International Security Chief & Investigator Gary Norman stated that a letter from the Social Security Administration Office in California said his benefits have been declined for no specific reasons, simply that he is ineligible. The letter is dated February 1, 2024, but Investigators have discovered it was sent February 5, 2024 overnight to arrive in his UPS mailbox February 6, 2024, so it was in response to the Laramie Presentation.
Time Magazine entitled its August 28, 1989 Issue, "World War II: The Day Darkness Fell" to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Germany's invasion of Poland which triggered the beginnings of World War II. The Allies drew this line in the sand and if Germany crossed it, then the worst conflagration in history would ensue.
Poland had done nothing to provoke the attack and was quickly subdued by Germany coming from the west and the Soviet Union from east. It is exactly what the Russians wanted to happen when they attacked neighboring Ukraine almost two years ago.
The Allies had tolerated Germany's previous military advances and hoped Chancellor Adolf Hitler would live by his Agreement at the Munich Conference and end his aggression. The Poland invasion embarrassed the Allies and they had no choice but to declare war.
The International Community has similarly asked the United States to put down its Criminal Opprobrium and stop the aggression by the traitors/ terrorists against its innocent Citizens. The traitors/terrorists have also been repeatedly warned about their aggression and terrorism and told of the consequences if they continued. Like Hitler and Nazis the traitors/terrorists have only advanced their lawless rampage. Now, they have crossed the line and their terrorism simply must be terminated permanently.
For over two decades the traitors/terrorists have been primarily focusing upon SVC's President. It is amazing what he has had to endure. SVC President's Laramie Presentation was designed to leave little question about this side's intent regarding the newly named "American Criminal Opprobrium". He was simply stating the way its going to be. Americans better get use to that. Those who are in charge of the Final Kibosh do not want to get to the point that they will tell the President of the United States exactly what he must do, but it is likely it will come to that, given the track record of the past three Administrations!
Indeed, the last couple of dumb stunts by the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium indicates their desperation. They have run out ways they can destroy the life of SVC's President and hope to get away with it. Now it will affect everyone in America.
SVC's "Retirement In America" Series has won a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting and has been the subject of nearly 600 Articles in SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT. Social Security in America has received much coverage the past 21 years, some 317 Articles to be exact. Why? Because there is a rare American who is not in some way affected and concerned about their own Social Security or that of a loved one.
According to the Social Security Administration's own Guidelines, any American who has earned 40 "work Credits" and attained the age of 62 is eligible for Retirement Benefits and guaranteed Benefits period! A work credit is a three month period in which a worker contributes to the Social Security Trust Fund. A would-be Beneficiary only need work and contribute for a full 10 years to qualify. The Benefits are determined by formulas based on age at retirement (62 to 70) and contributions made up to the maximum amount a worker needs to contribute by law, which is currently $168,600.00 or $10,453.20/year.
Then why is it that SVC's President has now been denied his Social Security Retirement Benefits? He has worked and contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund for 49.5 years or 198 work credits, almost five times the number he needs to qualify for Benefits, technically.
Indeed, SVC's President has paid the maximum amount required by Law for 14 years or 56 work credits, giving him the right to collect the maximum Social Security Retirement Benefit. He has reviewed his Self-Employment Tax (Form SE) contributions from 1988-1997 (10 years) and 2005-2008 (4 years) back to the 1988 tax year and he paid the maximum required under law to the Social Security Trust Fund.
The only years SVC's President have not made any contributions to the Social Security Trust Fund from the last quarter in 1974 to the present quarter were 2013-2016 when he did not make enough money to file a tax return due to business losses having to do with the Old Jore bankruptcy, repairing the $500,000+ in damages done by the squatters at Sutton Manor North south of Bozeman; pay nearly $3 million in Medical bills to survive his beating by Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge in April 2012.
It has been suggested that SVC's President is not eligible because he has made more money than allowed as a self-employed individual. Not in 2023. Once again, he didn't make nearly enough to file his income taxes, but will so he can show he made contributions to the Social Security Trust Fund and that he has been discriminated against in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for employment. This has been done by the traitors/terrorists so he would appear homeless and look like the worthless human being the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium made him out to be and has caused irreparably damaged his reputation.
SVC's President applied for his Retirement Benefits on 9 September 2023 to try to stabilize his financial situation because Colorado bills must be paid by Colorado income so he and his Business Affiliates would not further aggrandize Colorado's Economy (See Colorado International Judgment abstract: https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/colorado-montana-rulings-updated) and not have to execute his International/U.S. Federal Judgments which would devastate millions of Americans.
The Colorado Springs, Colorado, Social Security Administration Office stated the processing of SVC's President claim would take 2 to 4 weeks with the anticipation of receiving his first Benefit check on 25 October 2023 because he chose to retire at age 64 years, 2 months. The declination letter was actually mailed at the beginning of the 22nd week.
SVC's President made at least 37 calls to the COS SSA Office and the one time he actually got through, he was hung up on half way into providing the intake information. He sought help and guidance through U.S. Representative Dan Lamborn's Office. Setting an one-on-one appointment was discussed and he suggested correspondence to resolve the alleged issues. There was never any follow-up on either suggestion.
The declination letter came out of the blue and is dated 1 February from California, but it was actually sent overnight on 5 February and received 6 February, indicating the letter is considered a crime of retaliation against a witness under U.S. law in reaction to SVC President's Presentation in Laramie, Wyoming (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/search-for-an-international-declaration-of-independence), comparing the Victims of American Criminal Opprobrium to the American Colonists and how they were treated by King George III's government.
Retiring at age 64, 2 months, SVC's President is due 81.1% of the full retirement benefit at age 66 years 10 months ($3,822) because he was born in 1959 or $3,099.64. Now the next payment date to him would have been 28 February and he must be paid for October, November, December, January and February ($15,498.21) or have his retirement age moved up to 64 years, 6 months, adding additional amounts or 83.3% to be exact or $3,183.73/month.
Plus, he should be paid Survivorship Benefits from his First Wife's Social Security contributions. Patti was murdered at age 27 years and four months, but she would have earned her 10 work credits.
Now, the letter requires an appeal within six weeks. Appeal what? No explanation was given. Of course, the reason for this is there no valid reason under law Benefits could declined in the first place!
This is reminiscent of what the State of Colorado did declining SVC President's Professional Insurance Licenses in 2018, which set this whole menagerie in motion in Colorado. The International Tribunals and U.S. District Court Partners Ruled that Colorado had baited him to get licensed in Colorado and never intended to grant him his Licenses in defiance of Colorado State law itself. Thus, Colorado will no longer be allowed to grant Professional Licenses and Certificates or College degrees.
Likewise, The Social Security Administration never intended to grant SVC's President Retirement Benefits. That's quite clear. At least, no one at SSA appears to be part of any assassination plot against SVC's President as there was in the the case of the State of Colorado Officials and the Kushnirs.
But this is the kicker. The International Tribunals and their U.S. District Court Partners have ruled that if SVC's President is denied Professional Insurance Licensing, given his stellar record in his 32-year practice in Financial Services, no one can be licensed. If he is not welcome on the University of Montana or University of Colorado Colorado Springs campuses (UCCS had a shooting on campus recently, so who would want to be on campus, anyway?), then no one can be and they must be closed and assets sold at auction to satisfy the Judgments against them; etc, etc.
The natural extension of this has now been Adjudicated. The new Ruling and Judgment in SVC President's favor by The International Tribunals and their U.S. District Court Partners Orders that if SVC's President cannot have his Social Security Retirement Benefits, then no American can. The Biden Administration has now lost the Social Security Trust Fund and Social Security itself!
The manner in which The International Tribunals and their U.S. District Court Partners will enforce this Decision is quite different from times past, however.
In the past, The International Tribunals and their U.S. District Court Partners simply relied upon the United Nations and the International Community to enforce their Rulings. Now, the Biden Administration must explain in writing why it has not enforced International Law and U.S. Federal Law and lay-out specific plans to do to make the United States a law-abiding nation once again and meet United Nations Guidelines for Reform or face further Sanctions and Judgments. There are no set limits for these Sanctions or amounts of Judgments.
On 21 April 2023, the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium were granted a Judgment for $250 trillion with 10% monthly interest for failing to meet its Responsibility To Protect its Citizens under International and U.S. Federal laws. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/united-states-rulings-updated)
Right now, the Judgment is around $631 trillion and growing at about $2 trillion per diem. The amount in the Social Security Trust Fund is about $2.9 trillion and American workers pay about $1.4 trillion per year in Social Security taxes.
In 2023, 21% of the U.S. Federal budget, or $1.4 trillion, was paid for Social Security, which will provide monthly Retirement Benefits averaging $1,836 to 48.6 million retired workers. Social Security also expects to provide Benefits to 2.7 million spouses and children of retired workers, 5.9 million surviving children and spouses of deceased workers, and 8.8 million disabled workers and their eligible dependents.
If any American believes this cannot happen, keep in mind that SSA's Trustees have informed the U.S. Congress that since 2010, the Social Security Fund that SSA uses to pay benefits to Retirees has been paying out more money than it has been receiving in taxes. At the current rate, the Trustees estimate that it will exhaust its reserves in 2033 and be unable to pay full scheduled Benefits.
With this new International and U.S. Federal Judgment, no American will now receive any Benefits, but American Workers will still pay the payroll taxes to even begin to make a down payment on the debt and this will never end even when Social Security dies of natural causes, so to speak. This is what the traitors/terrorists have wrought for every American. Remember who is responsible!
Bottom line, the traitors/terrorists are desperate to get out of the deep trouble they are in and never thought they would be brought to Justice. They have now created a monster no one can contain through their hatred and vehemence towards SVC's President and their own selfishness and lawlessness.
The 527,000+ traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium were promised again and again that if they continued their crime spree, they would adversely affect themselves, their families, their communities, their States and their Nation. Those promises will be kept and the traitors/ terrorists will always be remembered for it!!!!!!!
Further, SVC begged the American People for sanity and saying Americans (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/one-last-appeal-for-sanity) should not be forced to care, but after seven months of waiting, that is (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/americans-should-not-be-forced-to-care) what has become necessary. There was no response.
If this all seems "over the top", then consider it is so because of what SVC's President has had to endure is completely over the top and there is no possible limit to the compensation he is due. What else will be lost until the American People join forces with us and put down their Criminal Opprobrium and bring the known 527,000+ traitors/terrorists to Justice? (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/truth-about-judgmentalism-expanded)
17 FEBRUARY 2024