SVC's President, Phil Sutton, did it again! His Peace & Democracy Day Address captivated everyone and sent a very strong message about what he and SVC are all about. During the SVC Public Policy Forums since, there were many questions about the why and how of the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium.
SVC's President stated that we will get to know the feelings of America's Founders because what we are doing now has never been done before: “America's Founders created the first true Democracy and we are establishing the precedent for not only the creation of the Revival of the American Dream but establishing the groundwork for a true International Justice System that will guarantee that Democracy and Universal Human Rights will reign all over the globe. It is fitting that that effort will take place in the United States.”
What's going to happen next? There is no question now that CNN and Fox News will be replaced shortly by SVC-TV and SVC-TV International. Then the American People will be real happy campers when they learn what their government and the media have wrought.
One of the aspects that has caused the delay is the US Senate has confirmed the nomination of Anna Gomez as Commissioner on 7 September 2023. Lawmakers voted 55-43 in favor of Gomez, who will give Democrats the majority at the agency after more than two years of a partisan split and differences over prior Nominees.
Jessica Rosenworcel, who has met with the SVC International Board Governors at the SVC International Complex, is the Chairwoman; and Geoffrey Starks are the Democrat Appointees with Brendan Carr and Nathan Simington being the Republican Appointees.
Gomez is unlikely to stand for the bias reporting by CNN and Fox News Channel. There is ample and growing evidence that CNN was instrumental in keeping the Obama Administration afloat against the tide of scandal, particularly when it comes to the Benghazi raid and the American Opprobrium. Further, under the FCC Guidelines, CNN has been operating illegally since November 1st last year.
Fox's misdeeds on its reporting on alleged election fraud and running interference for Trump and his minions concerning 1/6 is just as damning as Benghazi in terms of the betrayal of the Public Trust and treason it representatives.
Almost simultaneously will come the evictions from the White House, US Capitol and US Supreme Court Building without the mass media running interference for the Politicians and blaming SVC, et al.
The closer this matter gets to the 2024 Elections the more discomfort it will cause the folks in Washington and the me a culpa we all have been seeking for ages should be forthcoming or a lot of people will not be returned to Washington and/or will join the others at hard labor. Getting the corrupt officials out of office so they can no longer do any damage is Job 1.
The local businesses and national chains which has been encumbered are cruising for a bruising. Manuel Mumford who was arrested on Labor Day by SVC International Security Chief Gary Norman was goaded by businesses owners to do what he did.
The business owners are under Investigation. The good news, if there is any, is these individuals showed they are desperate to reassure themselves and their fellow traitors/ terrorists they have nothing to worry about in terms of receiving retribution for what they have done. They discovered just the opposite.
Coincidently, taunting SVC's International Security Chief about his current economic strife will only make the selling of their assets to relieve the financial crisis more urgent and imperative, not defer or eliminate it.
In addition, Mumford has been relocated to Frankfort, Kentucky, where the Federal Court is making sure he has been positively identified and sentenced. If nothing else, the Ad Hoc Judicial System constructed for the matriculation of the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium has now been tested and is operating exactly as planned.
UPDATE: Mumford is actually his real name, but he has gone by at least four aliases before. The Judge has sentenced him to hard labor as he expected, but he could be paroled after 40 years if he behaves himself. The US District Judges have set a Five-level Penalty System. Mumford received a Level 1 sentence because this was his first offenses in this case, has a relatively minor criminal record, and has agreed to cooperate with Investigators.
Originally, the hard labor sentence was set aside for Public Officials and Employees who had betrayed the Public Trust. They are automatically Level 5 offenders and will be given a life sentence without possibility of parole and will have no time off and will be working dawn to dusk for the remainder of their lives. The middle three levels will have reduced hours and days off based on how many times that have committed al Qaeda script offenses and cooperate with Investigators. Without exception the offenders will be wearing clothing that declares: "PROUD TO BE TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES."
On the local level in Colorado and Montana, both States require Auctions for sale of State-0wned or Resident-owned property encumbered by the Judgments and will not be kept by the Plaintiff. SVC Public Policy Associate Director Paul Gray is a Professional Auctioneer and is in the process of setting up such auctions in Missoula, Bozeman, Kalispell and Helena, Montana; and Colorado Springs, Englewood and Aurora, Colorado. Public Notices will be made when the Auctions are to held and where.
Usually it is the County Sheriff who conducts such Auctions, but again in the process of acquiring the five Family homes SVC's President will deed over to Friends, Gallatin County, Montana, has balked at doing so and the alternative plan is put in place. Gallatin County is also under Judgment and will be responsible for the costs of the Auctions there.
In terms of the numerical aspect of all this, the United Nations has at least 1 Peacekeeper for every traitor/terrorist and once the process begins to bring all 470,000+ to Justice, it should happen rather rapidly.
As a heads up to Denver Broncos fans, an inquiry has been made to the NFL about the process of the transfer of the primary ownership of the Broncos and possibly moving the team prior to the 2025 season.
The traitors/terrorists were repeatedly warned that if they continued to follow the al Qaeda script, which they are to this very moment, and commit US Federal Felonies at a rate of 100+ per hour, there would be consequences for them, their Families, their communities, their State and the United States. Losing the Broncos would send the ultimate message.
Obviously, we have had it with all the delays and excuses and there is no turning back. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres winced about the fact that the American Opprobrium seems just as implacable as the Russo-Ukraine War. Under International Law it is very clear who should “win”, but the Russians and the traitors/terrorists were so sure of themselves when they started the conflicts that they never anticipated that as SVC's President puts it, “Right will always defeat might” and they would lose. The Creator will make it so!