SVC already has the influence Worldwide to bring about World Democratization, especially if SVC's President, Phil Sutton, is at the helm. That is the point. There is a broad consensus that the Author of the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes and Revival Series of books is key to World Democratization and if SVC's President became President of the United States that consensus and influence would be at risk. WOW!!!!!!!


Just to place an emphasis on all this, SVC has received several offers of Legal Advise and assistance from Attorneys from China, Japan, India, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, several nations in Africa, Central and South America; and of course, Canada and Mexico. They all want to nail America, Americans and their National Government for their hypocrisy. No such offers have come from any American Law Firms or Civil Rights organizations such as the ACLU or League of Women Voters.


The “New Evidence” blew the doors off the old Missoula Scandal.  We know the truth about the American Opprobrium and the primary epicenter of where it started. By accident, the anonymous informant revealed what the University of Montana and the City of Missoula have held onto for dear life the past 11 years and the reason why so many in Missoula and Colorado Springs ganged up on SVC's President for not owning up to his alleged crimes. And his continual insistence that Trowbridge be brought to Justice is what really sent the traitors/terrorists into their decade long frenzy of terrorism against him in Bozeman, Montana and Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.


SVC's President was emailed an old note out of his Legal File concerning the Trowbridge beating that he had long since forgotten. Trowbridge and O'Leary charged him with resisting arrest to justify the beating:



The first attachment is one of several pics which indicate we have incontrovertible proof I was beaten (kicked, kneed or otherwise hit with malicious intent) from behind (in two separate and distinct areas of my right leg). It was most likely done by Trowbridge given O'Leary's Report.

The second attachment is the NAA Lead signed by Owen requesting information just as I always have claimed. The time I arrived there could not have been much past 20:30 hours, not 21:30 hours as O'Leary claimed. I walked down from the Owen Residence and went to the old Walmart and bought groceries. That, with the long checkout line, could not have taken less than 45 minutes, probably more like an hour. Then I had to walk back out to 39th & Gharrett before they stopped me.

NAA has had its Lead System for over 10 Years - the very same, but improved over time - that was utilized to get contact Owen. No one has ever complained like Owen and certainly my beating at the hands of Missoula Police was absolutely an unprecedented event.

The third attachment is a copy of my Insurance License. I have been Licensed in the State of Montana since June 1990.

The fourth attachment is a copy of my US Marshal Contact's business card. Marv Goffena and his office were the ones I was attempting to make a speed dial call off my cell phone to and have O'Leary, Trowbridge and O'Reilly (third officer not mentioned in Report) arrested. O'Leary doesn't dare mention that in his report or the fact he yelled out, "don't call" when lunging towards me, indicating he knew full-well the implications of the call and that he was the one indeed under arrest.

It is also telling that with two squad cars parked with the fronts of each car pointing straight at the crime scene (their crimes, not mine), there is no videotape of the incident.

This alone should suffice to make a successful Motion To Dismiss.

Finally, I may have permanent tendon and knee damage which may require surgery. The City of Missoula is most certainly responsible for every kind of damages imaginable in this case.



Dr Phil Sutton, PhD 

Personal E-mail :pbsarena@hotmail.com

NAA E-Mail: familyprotectioncenter.sutton@gmail.com

SVC E-mail: svcceo@lycos.com

Publishing E-Mail: revivalamericandream@lycos.com

(406) 214-8962




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SVC's President e-mailed this to his Appointed Public Defender three days after his release from jail on 30 April 2012. (If your computer system does not open the jpg files, please request your copies be emailed from the office of SVC International Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, Diane Freola: dfsundquist.cco.svci@gmail.com)


Osama bin Laden who originally commissioned this barrage against his “only worthy adversary” was brought to Justice exactly two months (2 May 2023) after the Mansfield Library incident (2 March 2023) which was the basis for SVC President's expulsion from the University of Montana campus and subsequent trespassing charge when current SVC International Chief and then U.S. Marshal Gary Norman accidently fell asleep in the now infamous Skaggs Building investigating the illegal drug manufacturing and trafficking scandal.


SVC's President had been cleared of the two shoplifting charges and was acquitted during trial over the Federal charge against him. The fact that City Judge Marie Andersen dismissed the criminal trespassing charge after SVC President's Public Defender had revealed all that happened and showed the Judge the pictures taken by a State Investigator in the PD's Office and dismissed the resisting arrest charge made by O'Leary and Trowbridge, which was obviously being used as the “legal excuse” for beating SVC's President to death.


At that point, SVC President's ultimate survival was still in question and he was in surgery in New York City on 4 May 2012, 29 days after the beating and one week after his release from jail. He was denied medical attention three times while in the Missoula County Detention Center from April 5-27, 2012. He was not declared medically fit by Doctors until 17 May 2013 and after three more surgeries. His total medical bills topped $2.8 million on 16 August 2023.


Judge Andersen did this all in her chambers and not in open court. She did not require SVC President's presence and did this on her own motion. The fact that the Defendant did not know of this until 15 August 2023 when it happened in early May 2012 and the informant knew of all of this and did not report it for 11 years tells you something was already amiss and the cover-up is still transpiring in Missoula, Montana.


It is a known fact that the current UM President Seth Bodnar has been told that SVC's President had been convicted in a court of law of criminal trespassing and deserved to be permanently expelled off the campus and thus is not worthy of reinstatement. That is putting the cart ahead of the horse even if all the accusations against SVC's President were true, but we now know all these slanderous accusations against SVC's President is the true criminal behavior involved and those who have made them and acted upon them as true are civilly and criminally liable.


Further, the Administration at Montana State University in Bozeman led by Waded Cruzado acted upon this criminally and civilly liable information and she once commented, “At least he is not staying in any of the buildings on this campus.” That's because it didn't happen in Missoula either, dear. UM campus security trumped up the whole story without any basis and they know it.


UM Campus Security even accused SVC's President of attacking an individual in the University Center twice and he was not only out of Missoula at the time, but out of the country. That's how badly that they wanted to get something – anything – on SVC's President so they could justify all that they had done to him.


This is why The Hague and their Federal Court Partners have been so harsh in their Rulings. The Justices and Judges know this all started 17½ years ago with all what happened in Missoula to SVC's President and is why it has chased him almost 1,000 miles to Colorado Springs where he has been the soul Victim and his persecution continues to this very moment.


Most importantly, The Hague and their Federal Court Partners know that particularly the Obama, but also Trump and Biden Administrations are responsible for this travesty according to International Law as if they committed these crimes themselves. Along with the 470,000+ Americans who have participated must lose everything of value and know the financial destitution that they have caused and/or allowed in these Victims' lives; have their lives ruined; and their reputations ruined to make it right. And that's just for starters.















