Get behind me, Satan” - Jesus to Peter, Matthew 16:23


Go tell that fox (Herod), ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ - Jesus, Luke 13:32


During Holy Week in 2018, SVC's President Phil Sutton was introduced to how important Jesus' “Alpha-Omega” Messages in the Book Revelation are:


When I first understood who I really am was during My Longfellow Dream. Longfellow Elementary School was where My Formal Education began in Bozeman and the date was June 1st, the date I Graduated from Bozeman Senior High School. The Alpha & Omega message is unmistakable.


In Revelation 1:8 , John wrote: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the LORD, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."


In Revelation 21: 6a Jesus said to John: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.”


In Revelation 22:13 John wrote: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”


The Book of Revelation only has 22 Chapters, so the fact that these quotes appeared in the first and last two Chapters is an Alpha & Omega message in themselves.


All my Dreams with Jesus and Patti (his First Wife) have been rich in allegory and metaphor. Jesus often spoke in Parables and Patti was a Literature Teacher and Loved this stuff. It is by no mistake that Revelation was Patti’s favorite book in the Holy Bible.


It has been said that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus frequently used parables as a means of illustrating profound, Divine truths. Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Parables were a common form of Teaching in Judaism.


Before a certain point in His ministry, Jesus had employed many graphic analogies using common things that would be familiar to everyone (salt, bread, sheep, etc.) and their meaning was fairly clear in the context of His Teaching. Parables required more explanation, and at one point in His ministry, Jesus began to Teach using parables exclusively.

The question is why Jesus would let most people wonder about the meaning of His parables. The first instance of this is in His telling the parable of the seed and the soils. Before He interpreted this parable, He drew His disciples away from the crowd. They said to Him, "Why do You speak to them in parables?"


Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (Jesus’ Kingdom), but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says:

‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand. And seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts of this People have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it" (Matthew 13:10-17).


From this point on in Jesus’ Ministry, when He spoke in parables, He explained them only to His Disciples. But those who had continually rejected His message were left in their Spiritual blindness to wonder as to His meaning. He made a clear distinction between those who had been given “ears to hear” and those who persisted in unbelief-ever hearing, but never actually perceiving and “always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). The Disciples had been given the gift of Spiritual discernment by which things of the spirit were made clear to them. Because they accepted truth from Jesus, they were given more and more truth. The same is true today of believers who have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth (John 16:13). He has opened our eyes to the light of truth and our ears to the sweet words of eternal life.

Jesus understood that truth is not sweet music to all ears. Simply put, there are those who have neither interest nor regard in the deep things of God. So why, then, did He speak in parables? To those with a genuine hunger for God, the parable is both an effective and memorable vehicle for the conveyance of Divine truths.


Our Lord’s Parables contain great volumes of truth in very few words-and His parables, rich in imagery, are not easily forgotten. So, then, the Parable is a blessing to those with willing ears. But to those with dull hearts and ears that are slow to hear, the Parable is also an instrument of both Judgment and mercy.


Jesus took the time to Teach me how to discern the messages in World Events. One of the most striking of these as it pertains to Me is the Alpha & Omega message of the virtually simultaneous deaths of Princess Diane and Mother Teresa in 1997.


With the recently unveiled statute of the Princess, the message is clear. When I first saw the Statute a couple of days before its unveiling as we were working through the visual coverage of the Event on SVC-TV International, Prince William asked why I had a particularly big smile on face. He obviously desired that would be the case for everyone, but he knew me well enough my smile had a special meaning.


I think it a beautiful depiction of who the Princess really was – a Kindergarten School Teacher guiding her Students. That was who she was when William’s Father, Prince Charles, plucked her out of obscurity 42 years ago.


I went on to explain that the Princess of Wales was ill-suited for that job and that she was so very unhappy. William and Prince Harry are the only joy she had in her Life and it breaks her heart that they have had a falling out.


Being a Teacher was all Diana wanted to be. It was a mistake for all involved she Married Charles. I Married Patti 17 days later. She was the same way. All she wanted to be was an English & Literature Teacher and a Speech & Debate Coach. Absolutely, nothing wrong with that. It was who Diana and Patti were meant to be!!!!!!! The World Witnessed the disaster that Diana’s Life became when she denied her Divine Destiny. It is profound lesson for Us all!!!!!!!


Further, it is very interesting that the two Princes chose Women who are very different from their Mother and better suited to be Members of the British Royal Family, at least from a Professional Training viewpoint.


Kate was Model before she Married William and Meghan was a Television Actress when she Married Harry. Unlike their Mother-in-Law, who they never met, had an intense disliking for the camera, they very much wanted to be in front of the camera.


When Diana died she was at the beginning of her Life at age 36; Teresa was at the end of hers at age 87. Independently and from two very different Countries and backgrounds, they represented the good one Person could do in the World and what their loss meant to it!!!!!!!


In Preparation for his Ministry, Jesus traveled to India where Mother Teresa was from and learned much about the mystic cults in existence at the time. Jesus referred to these cults in his Ministry and warned about the consequences of being ensnared. Jesus had a comprehensive Worldview which has never been matched before or since.


The Spencer and Sutton Families have intermarried twice and share their very same French Norman Ancestry. Diane died in France with a Man – Dodi Fayed – whose Mother is Author, Samira Khashoggi. Her Family has significant roots in Palestine and, like Jesus, shares King David in her ancestry. Diana’s and Fayed’s romantic relationship is the only known one between Descendants of both King William I, The Conqueror, and King David. Obviously, this has very significant meaning to Me and My Ministry.


It is eerie to think that at this time I had made the Decision to return to School to pursue My Doctorate at the University of Oklahoma and ironically give up my Insurance Agency with Primerica, I would never again be full-time in Financial Services.


Prior to that, I had made the Decisions to write REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, which was first Published by the OU Press and the University Consortium that sponsored our first Book Tour in the Autumn of 2002. SVC. Jesus told me that this is when he started guiding My Life inexorably toward My Destiny!!!!!!!


Look for these Alpha & Omega messages in your own Life. Chances are it is Jesus telling you your own Personal Parable about where your Life is to wind up…


Almost exactly 25 years to the days that Princess Diana and Mother Teresa died, Mikhail Gorbachev (August 31, 1997; August 30, 2022) and Queen Elizabeth II (September 5, 1997; September 8, 1998).


This was far from a Alpha-Omega message. Instead it was a Omega-Omega message that SVC's President had been told to expect. Both Gorbachev and the Queen were well into their 90's.


When Jesus was told his Cousin John the Baptist had been beheaded by Herod Antipas, he knew the time had come for him to fulfill his earthly Divine Destiny and turned his attention to returning to Jerusalem and facing down his enemies.


When Queen Elizabeth died and the Omega-Omega message was received, SVC's President knew his time had come to fulfill his earthly Divine Destiny. That's the reason for the bold Declarations at Hastings and during the Africa Tour one and three months later.


SVC's President had no authorization to declare that International Law would be universally enforced when he did so during the Annual SVC Africa Tour in support of the Africa Project. It is his own Initiative. Three months later, The Hague dramatically made it so.


The day after the International Criminal Court handed down its Arrest Warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and made history, SVC's President talked about the Power of Decision. The timing has been unmistakable. The Creator is fulfilling all the promises made to SVC's President and to those who believe it is possible for a Peaceful conclusion to world history when Jesus' returns.


And as if the world needs any more confirmation that the wind of change is coming (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/wind-of-change), SVC's South American Leaders really let America and Americans have it in their Communique: https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/gospel-justice-vindication-report


Suffice it say, once a Nation’s reputation is established, it is difficult to change. There are certain expectations in behavior which is either helpful or harmful to the rest of the International Community. As a rule, there is general agreement regarding which Countries fit each category and most are somewhere in the middle. No Country has established a reputation greater than the United States of America, at least in the past.


But no Nation can rest on its laurels. That goes double for the USA. As fair or unfair as it may seem, Americans are expected to be the models to the rest of the World and when those expectations are not met it can cause a great deal of angst among the disappointed parties.


Historians would find it difficult to discover a time where that disappointment has ever been greater than it is now in the United States or in other Nation in Human History for that matter.


Not only has the USA gone rogue in terms of its Democracy and the exercise of the concomitant Principles therein, the International Community feels the need to rally to punish the United States for its violations of Human Rights and the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes; Crimes Against Humanity; and allowing a terrorist insurgency within its borders.


Once upon a time not too long ago, it was always the United States which led the International Community in Crusades against such lawlessness and tyrants such as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milošević, Omar Bashar and Muammar Gaddafi.


Now, the United States finds itself with example of two of its Presidents who are only a couple of tiers down from the infamy of these tyrants. For starters, every President from George Washington to George W Bush always put the National Interest of the United States ahead of party, ahead of ideology, ahead of their own self-interest. Not Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Just look at the record.


It is now known that Obama sacrificed four Americans at Benghazi to cover-up and deflect attention to the multiple scandals of his Administration and get re-elected. The Members of the American Mass Media threatened their Foreign counterparts if they exposed what really happened during the second 9/11.


Further, there are multiple examples of where the US Justice Department led by Eric Holder failed to protect non-Black Americans against Crime Against Humanity; Law Enforcement violence; and sexual assault.


When the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor’s Office broke the news in May 2020, the American Mass Media not only covered-up for Obama again, but blew the incident with George Floyd way out of proportion and made a National Hero out of a Man who once mugged a little old Lady for drugs and money, thus disgracing the memories of Americans who are true heroes.


The legitimate concern over systemic racism also ran aground. When Judge Peter A Cahill Sentenced Derek Chauvin for Floyd’s murder, he found no blatant racism existed. Chauvin is an example of a rogue Policeman abusing his authority, not a racist.


Further, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights found that the true problem to be addressed is the incredibly violent nature of American society and American Law Enforcement killing over a thousand Americans every year, not systemic racism.


The Commissioner found that the reason why American Law Enforcement “hover” around the Black Community in the USA is the simple fact that it is more likely that a Black American will commit a violent crime than the rest of the American population combined. Law Enforcement that practice this surveillance are not racist per se, they are just doing their best to protect the Public.


Further, the American Black Community struggled to keep the focus on systemic racism when five Black Law Enforcement officers killed Tyre Nichols. How could they say systemic racism is present when five Black Men murder one of their own?


Also in the bizarro world of Barack Obama and his lackeys in the American Mass Media, it is perfectly fair Reporting to concentrate on the Only Black Lives Matter Movement and if other Americans who are not Black are brutalized and/or murdered by Law Enforcement, so be it. Who cares?


That attitude is what the South American decried and went to some detail about what now must happen to Missoula County, Montana, USA as a result. The criminals in Missoula are not getting nearly the punishment they deserve.


No coverage has been given to the thousands of the videos and pictures of murders and beatings of non-Black Americans committed by American Law Enforcement every year, thus emboldening these rogue cops to believe they can get away with it because they have. Nobody cares about what has happened to these poor Souls and their Families because they are not Black. At least that is how the International Community perceives it. What else could they see?


Then there is the insane Donald Trump and his supporters who make Obama’s People look like Angels. The US Constitution requires two Witnesses to treason for a Conviction. Well, eight billion people saw Trump’s outright sedition and treason on January 6th, 2021.


No other Nation on the planet would have even remotely tolerated a National Leader’s attempt to flaunt Democracy and stay in power like Trump did. Yet, 27 months later, Americans are just beginning to understand the meaning of 1/6 to America's future.

The fear must be that Trump has permanently damaged the Electoral process in the USA and it may be a generation or so before the natural trust required for a functional Democracy can be restored.


In a matter of hours, Trump did more damage to America’s future than all his predecessors combined, albeit mostly unintentional unlike Trump’s was. Wonder why the International Community is so concerned?


Then there is Joe Biden. One of the reasons why Trump sought to find dirt on his successor and his Son, Hunter, is because no one can quite believe Biden could serve eight years as Vice President in the most scandal-ridden Administration in American History and have no taint fall upon him. Biden was not as much in the loop as he and his supporters want too think during the Obama Administration.


And then there is gun violence in America. The first quarter of 2023 is nearing its end and already 130 mass shooting have occurred. Just like US Law Enforcement killing 1,000 people a year, the fact that 25,000 Americans die at the hands of gunmen or gunwomen every year is uniquely an American problem.


Naturally, most Americans want something done about this, but when Americans make SVC's President Public Enemy #1 just as the Romans and Sanhedrin did to Jesus in his day, not withstanding the fact that Phil's First Wife was kidnapped and murdered by a gunman and he himself has nearly been murdered by Law Enforcement three times,  what can Americans expect? What would you do if you are him?


America, this is your wake-up call. As Jesus put it, take the log out of your own eye before you pretend to take the speck out of your Brother’s. America has no moral authority in the World right now and for good reason. What America is in 2023 speaks so loudly no one can remotely hear anything else!!!!!!!





DATED: 30 MARCH 2023