By Phil Sutton, D.B.A.
Dr. Phillip B. Sutton has dedicated his life to the enhancement of Human Rights, World Democratization and assisting others improve their lives and achieve their Divine Destiny all over the world.
Phil is a former U. S. Secretary of State for Economic, Energy & Agriculture Affairs; Ambassador Plenipotentiary; and Chairman & Member, Board of Director, U.S. Institute of Peace; Founder and President/CEO of the Sutton Viewpoint Center, Co-Founder of the Africa Project and Awarded the rare United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.
The Investigation match between the assassination of US President John F Kennedy and the 17 assassination attempts upon the life of SVC President & CEO Phil Sutton confirmed that instead of the National Defense Industry wanting Kennedy dead, it was the Information Industries – Publishing, Television/Media and Internet – that wanted SVC's President dead.
In the 1960’s, Government Defense Contracts, etc., were some of the most lucrative Business Deals in the US Economy, now the various aspects of the Information Age are.
As Announced November 14, 2021, the original and further Civil Judgments and Criminal Writs of Prosecution of the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts Ruled that all infringement on Phil’s and SVC’s Free Speech & Freedom Expression Rights must be removed anywhere they exist, but particularly in the United States.
Phil has received dozens of offers from other Publishers. All these Publishers would not be attempting to pry Phil away from Xulon Press if they didn't believe DECLARING GREATNESS: THEMES THAT TRANFORMS OUR DESTINY would not be successful from a commercial viewpoint!!!!!!!
What to do? Simple, all bookstores are to have DECLARING GREATNESS: THEMES THAT TRANFORMS OUR DESTINY, on their shelves or face the appropriate Sanctions, both Foreign and Domestic.
All we are doing is expecting fair and equal access to the markets that we quite literally have never seen it in the 21+ years SVC has been a going concern. That's all!!!!!!!
Obviously, our adversaries have made it extremely difficult to attain the book and this is the primary problem. All the People need is to do physically review the book and the vast majority will buy it.
Indeed, approximate 27.3 million SVC Allied Advocates have complained that they are told they may have to wait up to 10 days to receive their books, if then. They then intentionally waited until Phil went International as they knew he probably would and now they have their copies.
This is what we have always witnessed Internationally and there is no reason to believe Americans are that different from the rest of the Human race, especially when DECLARING GREATNESS: THEMES THAT TRANFORMS OUR DESTINY has everything to do about America's future!!!!!!!
The Federal Equal Time Rule requires Broadcasters to treat a Candidate for the same Political Office identically to every other Candidate for that Office. If a Radio or Television Station sells airtime to one candidate, the Rule states that it must offer to sell the same amount of time to other Candidates for that Office.
The same stipulation applies to free airtime. Although many argue that the Equal Time Rule is a reasonable means to regulate the Public airwaves and prevent Broadcasters from using their Media power to promote a particular Candidate.
The same stipulation applies to free airtime and airtime covering all sides of an Issue. Although many argue that the Equal Time Rule is a reasonable means to regulate the Public airwaves and prevent Broadcasters from using their Media power to promote a particular Candidate or issue, others see it as a violation of the First Amendment Free Speech and Freedom of the Press Rights of Radio and Television Station Owners.
The Equal Opportunity Section (315) of the Communication Act of 1934 attempts to further First Amendment freedoms by providing that broadcast licensees must permit equal use of broadcast facilities to all legally qualified Candidates for Political office and that the broadcast licensee may not censor the Candidates’ messages.
Equal time rule remains enforceable
Often confused with the Fairness Doctrine - a Federal Communications (FCC) Policy concerned with the overall balance of broadcast programming and repealed in 1987-the Equal Opportunity Provision remains an enforceable Congressional Statute. The Law first emerged in the the Radio Act of 1927 and was established by the Communications Act of 1934.
Court upheld Right of 'reasonable access'
In October 1979, CBS, NBC, and ABC denied the Carter-Mondale Presidential campaign’s request to purchase 30 minutes of prime time, stating that the 1980 presidential campaign was not under way. The Carter-Mondale campaign filed a complaint that eventually appeared before the US Supreme Court. In a 5-4 Decision in CBS, Inc v FCC (1981), the Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of the campaign's right of “reasonable access” to the Broadcast Media.
International Tribunals & Partner US Federal Courts Rule in Favor of SVC & the American Independence Party.
In a Ruling handed down by the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts on June 15, 2021, the Sutton Viewpoint Center’s Television Networks, SVC-TV; SVC-TV International and the Black News Channel, have been Granted relief from American Broadcast Networks, Cable News Networks and Carriers blacklisting them from American airwaves.
In a previous Ruling, the Federal Communications Commission is Ordered to deny Licensing and Renewals to any Carrier who would not allow equal airtime to SVC Networks in all Media markets where the Licensed Networks had airtime.
Also, the American Independence Party has been Granted similar relief in receiving equal airtime with the Democratic and Republican Parties. The reason the Courts Rule against CNN and Fox News specifically is their egregious violation Federal Equal Time Rule, CNN in favor of the Democrats and Fox in favor of the Republicans.
All this is now academic. As of April 22, 2022, it has been confirmed that both the International Tribunals and their Partner US Court Partners are prepared to move forward and bring the wayward American press to Justice.
The Black News Channel will officially replace CNN; SVC-TV International will replace HLN; and the SVC-TV will be replace Fox News on all cable and satellite offerings. Nothing has changed as of November 1, 2022.
The Federal Communication Licenses will be transferred to SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and Black News Networks to wit:
Fox News Channel:
The CNN License has expired as of November 1, 2022 and Renewal Applications for SVC-TV have already been filed. FCC has raised no objections to transfer of Licenses and the SVC Television Networks are now in Good Standing after the transfers have been made.
CNN, HLN and Fox News Channel are now operating unlawfully. The FCC is in charge of the process of transferring these Broadcast Licenses to SVC-TV and SVC-TV International.
SVC will continue to Report upon the progress of this epic transformation in American Television News & Public Broadcasting. The only question remains when CNN, HLN and Fox News will formally Announce their demise in favor SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and the Black news Channel, respectively.
Civil Judgments will be served in the normal course of business by the 77th Anniversary the United Nations founding October 24, 2022 and Criminal Prosecutions will be pursued as deemed necessary. The US Supreme Court and US Appellate Courts will hear no Appeals and no countersuits will be entertained.
With CNN failing financially due to low ratings and Fox News running aground due to the Dominion defamation lawsuit both will lead to their self-destruction.
The FCC is being held in Contempt by the International Tribunals and its Federal Court Partners. The required access to American airwaves for SVC-TV and SVC-TV International is to occur at any time and appropriate penalties will be assessed at that time.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) stressed the paramount importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Microsoft and SVC Trailblazer Publications and were Granted Sanctions against American Publishers, booksellers and search engine blacklisting!!!!!!!
Thus, the WTO recognizes that SVC-TV, SVC-TV International, Trailblazer Publications and other Affiliates of the Sutton Viewpoint Center have been victimized by unlawful blacklisting and denied free and fair access to American markets in the Mass Media, Social Media, Search Engines and Publishing.
Effective immediately, all creative arts products from the United States will be assessed a 10% tariff until the $245 billion of damages is recovered and the trade issues persist.