“Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.” -Eleanor Roosevelt, American Delegate to the United Nations
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau
"We must endeavor to learn from history. Otherwise, all that our forebears learned will be lost or will have to be relearned, usually the hard way." -Phil Sutton
U.S. President Joe Biden has decided by his inaction to turn over all control to the International Community regarding the American Criminal Opprobrium and for the first time in United States and World History a supposed sovereign Nation could actually be occupied by International Peacekeeping forces.
Special International Prosecutor Norman Farrell, spoke directly from the United Nations General Assembly and evinced the Directives from the UN and The Hague as the 5 PM EDT deadline for U.S. Government intervention in the American Criminal Opprobrium passed. In the end, the Members of the SVC International Executive Committee did not have much to discuss, only confirm what now must happen to put down the American Criminal Opprobrium!
Through the past 18 months of enforcing International Law regardless if Nation has an UN Security Council Veto or has not Ratified the Rome Statutes and acknowledgement SVC President's own Responsibility to Protect Principle, there is no longer any escape available for despots, fellow travelers, members of rogue regimes terrorists.
Enforcement of these basic tenets of International Law is a major shift in power and will be transferred to International Peacekeeping Forces so there will be no question regarding the United Nations’ Authority to intervene in Reforming a rogue Nation like the United States!
This is the real big news that the International Responsibility to Protect Principle will be universally enforced whether or not any Nation is a signatory to them. The rift that Donald Trump created by placing Sanctions on the International Criminal Court, the Chief International Prosecutor, et al, will be handled in ways the 45th U.S. President will wish he had never dared to question The Hague’s authority. His insolence and disrespect for the Rule of Law at whatever level will not be tolerated any more than the rest of his fellow American traitors and/or Foreign terrorists crimes will be!
The idiocies now transpiring within and by the USA has given SVC no alternative but to acquiesce completely to the Reform-minded International Community. No one can justifiably defend the United States and its Leadership at all levels anymore!!!!!!!
SVC's President reiterated International Policy towards the traitors/ terrorists. The Hague and their Partner Federal Courts will have the traitors/terrorists work to rebuild the infrastructure of the States and/or Nations they betrayed and Non-Profit Organizations and Schools so that these entities better can help all unemployed People with Reeducation and Training for new jobs and basic survival needs. This will be part of SVC's 21st Century Marshall Plan!
Perhaps the most important aspect of this for SVC is the healing that has occurred for all of us at SVC. The International Community views SVC as the Leader for the rest of the World, regardless of what happens in the USA!
Last May, the University of Montana; the University of Colorado Denver; and the University of Colorado Colorado Springs all had their Commencement Exercises simultaneously. This would have been an ideal time for the Biden Administration to follow Court Orders to shutdown all three campuses for good and partition Colorado so the remainder of the Colorado University System campuses could be reformed and saved.
This means 10's of thousands of University Students will lose their University with no provision made for continuing their Education elsewhere.
It is the height of hypocrisy and criminality that Biden and Public Officials in Colorado and Montana are placing their futures in jeopardy like this!
But then again, this is nothing new. The traitors/terrorists are experts are ruining innocent People's lives. The 118 Women who would not ever receive Justice for being sexually assaulted unless the Sutton International Complaint had been recorded 12 years ago.
The 10,000 other individuals have had their lives systematically ruined in Missoula County, USA, alone. There is no questions about this. None!!!!!!! And if Americans are crazy enough to believe what's happened in Missoula is an insolated incident, SVC has a news bulletin for you!
The International Community has discussed the disposition of all the Judgments and properties involved with the American Criminal opprobrium, now it will pertain to United States, State of Colorado and State of Montana land.
What has been decided is not necessarily seizing assets and selling them at auction to satisfy the Judgments, but to own the property and lease them back to the governments in question at a generous discount but tax free for the Victims thereby providing them a substantial cashflow until the Judgments are satisfied.
Here is a map of all Federal Lands in each State:
The only assets which will be sold at auction and/or closed will be the personal property and business property of the traitors and terrorists and portions of the Colorado State and Montana State University systems and the appropriate Professional Licensing, Certifications and Professional Degrees institutions in each State.
The newest Rulings from the International Tribunals in April 2023 levied a $250 trillion Judgment against the United States government for failing to meet the Responsibility To Protect Principles with 10% per month as further penalty and against the Social Security Administration in February for the full amounts of the Trust Funds for Retirement, Disability and Medicare makes it clear the International Community means business.
As of today, 15 June April 2024, the International Judgment is over $930 trillion. This amount is growing at $3.21 trillion per diem pace and will clear the $1 quadrillion mark on 7 July 2024.
The Social Security matter is more important because it affects just about every American either by collecting benefits or paying into the fund. Ironically, the first time benefits will not be received will probably be 14 August 2024, the 89th Anniversary of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing the Legislation into law.
Social Security would eventually become extinct, anyway. The Biden Administration and their SSA bureaucrats in Colorado Springs decided upon this course of action and now all of America must pay the price!
Just as with the traitors/terrorists have created a generational debt that their Families will never be able to pay because the US government has failed to bring them to Justice, the same will be true for the US government for all-time!
A brief summary can be found on SVC's Public Web Site:
The traitors/terrorists were repeatedly warned beginning in 2010 that if they continued to follow the al Qaeda script, which they are to this very moment, and commit US Federal Felonies at a rate of 100+ per hour in some cases, there would be consequences for them, their Families, their communities, their State and the United States.
In terms of the numerical aspect of all this, the United Nations has at almost 1 Peacekeeper for every traitor/terrorist and now that the process has officially been transferred to the International Community's Jurisdiction to bring all 539,000+ to Justice, it should happen rather rapidly.
The U.S. Government has had 15 years since the discovery of the Public Funds Embezzling (March 2009); Make Victims Units (Judicial/Law Enforcement corruption)(June 2009); and the illicit drug manufacturing/ trafficking (August 2009) scandals in Missoula County, Montana, USA to resolve these issues and do all the Negotiations and Investigations imaginable. There is simply no excuse for this malfeasance and the U.S. Government and the People it represents are now culpable for all damages sustained by the Victims.
This harsh reality for some of the Victims goes back at least 21 years when Public records first substantiate the existence of the MVU's (February 2003). Now the responsibility for all this lands firmly on the Biden Administration. The reasons for this are irrelevant and now Uncle Sam must pay the piper for this malfeasance and outright criminal corruption of top Public figures.
The righteousness of the Victims' cause cannot be in question! But why the Victims have been made to suffer in silence when the entire nation gave George Floyd a tribute of two months of protests in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic is. What is the difference?
In Missoula County alone there have been Law Enforcement Officers who have had the City & County of Missoula sued repeatedly for use of excessive force and one in particular who has murdered 24 Human Beings we know of and can prove but still wear badges. How can that be?
It should not matter that local Officials and the mass media did everything to hide videos of the events in question and in one instance the State Attorney General paid hush money to bury private videos which is what set off the Rodney King (1991) and Floyd protests, especially after they are eventually recovered and the Media refuses to play them because the Victims are not Black and thus not good for their ratings. How can that be? Is there any sense of personal responsibility or fairness in American Society anymore?
There are some thoughtful People who have suggested the Victims should just simply just get over it and go on with their Lives. First, why would any one ask someone else to do something they simply could not do so themselves?
Second, given that there are dozens who have have died during the American Opprobrium and many of their families do not know what happened to them, how could anyone ask them to give up their search for Justice about what happened to their Family members?
Third, it is awfully difficult to “just get over it” when the penetrators always want to remind you they enjoy letting you know they are there; continue to work to ruin your life, reputation and careers 24/7 with impunity when you have not done a thing to them?!
The traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium in Colorado Springs think this is all is very funny and have only seen SVC's President and SVC's International Security Chief to contend with. They don't know and do not want to understand that most of what they do is recorded for posterity and is monitored at close range by other Investigators. They are like little brats always testing their limits and the “adults” will make sure they are well-disciplined in the end. All Investigators and the two Victims now have the “arrest at will authority” they always needed.
The traitors/terrorists have taken great sadistic pride in creating situations which portrayed SVC's President as a rogue citizen and as a criminal. The reason for the homelessness in Missoula was the Old Jore scandal; in Bozeman, the virtual destruction of Sutton Manor North through horrific acts of vandalism and the subsequent need for years of reconstruction; and in Colorado, the surprisingly vicious singling out of SVC's President by nearly 400,000 Coloradans when SVC's President had quite literally had thousands of fellow victims in Montana and the Licensing and Kushnir Assassination scandals. None of this was ever SVC President's fault or based on any reliable and verifiable source(s) of any wrongdoing by him, but there is plenty of videos, evidence and witnesses to the crimes against SVC's President.
The supreme irony of this is that all the efforts by traitors/terrorists to create abject poverty in the life of SVC's President and be able to tell their recruits that he has to be judged as a worthless person and that it is a joke that any retribution against them could be possible, inevitably had to backfire and now the punishment they will receive has to be so severe that no one would ever want to emulate them. The traitors/terrorists must be held out as an example of never, ever again so the world will never see their evil brand of judgmentalism ever, ever again. Or, if we do, we will know what to do with them!
Consider this description of a physical disease as a mentality:
Rhabdomyolysis (often called rhabdo) is a serious medical condition that can be fatal or result in permanent disability. Rhabdo occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases its proteins and electrolytes into the blood. These substances can damage the heart and kidneys and cause permanent disability or even death.
This is the Medical and Legal Definition of the disease Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge meant to inflict upon SVC's President when beating him on 5 April 2012. The Soviet Gulag Technique Trowbridge used is designed to raise the toxic levels of myoglobin in the body and effectively shut down the kidney(s) and causing death.
At the time SVC's President was first diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis nearly 10 months after the beating, the levels of myoglobin had reached double the thought-to-be lethal levels in his body. What saved SVC's President is he has two healthy kidneys and a strong heart. There have been 24 other poor souls in Missoula who were not so fortunate and Trowbridge still wears a badge.
Fortunately, SVC's President has survived the paid assassination attempt by the University of Montana and the City & County Governments of Missoula, but it has taken over $3 million in Medical procedures to keep him alive.
While on the SVC Sixteenth Democratization Conference July 24-28, 2023, a Consensus has building that the Biden Administration is daring the United Nations to intervene. This came from audiences in Beijing, China and four pod locations; New Delhi, India and four pod locations; Amman, Jordan and four pod locations; Alexandria, Egypt, and four pod locations; and Managua, Nicaragua and four pod locations. In all, nearly two billion People and their governments support whatever the United Nations must do.
In the way of disclosure, all these nations have their own Human Rights questions and possible violations of International Law. That's why SVC's President Scheduled the WDC the way he did.
That's the point, if the United States is allowed to getaway with all that has happened with the American Criminal Opprobrium, then what is the hope that the People in Nations like China, India, Jordan, Egypt and Nicaragua have witnessing true Democracy and Human Rights upheld in their own countries?
Another aspect is the Federal Judges have all kinds of takers on the free labor the traitors/terrorists represent to countries who are definitely building for the future. They are growing impatient for the help as are thousands of businesses and organizations in the USA and Canada.
The Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium is a Peacekeeping Mission. The entire world, let alone Americans, have a vested interested in the Mission's stated goals being accomplished.
It should be noted that 189 of the 193 Nations recognized by the UN have Voted in support of the Sutton International Complaint. Only Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan oppose it and the United States abstained!!!!!!!
Pursuant to the Rulings of the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts, the State of Colorado is hereby partitioned thus:
The Territory/State of Jefferson will start in Colorado’s north border with Larimer County and Weld County west of Highway 85 south to its intersection with Highway 52; then west to Boulder County’s east border; then Jefferson County will of course be in the State of Jefferson and will carve the western Denver metro area out of old Colorado; then include all of Elbert and Arapahoe Counties parallel with the eastern border of Elbert County then south to Elbert-El Paso County line on the western side of I-25 to catch the US Air Force Academy to its far southern borders and then west through the Blodgett Open Space to the 105th parallel west longitude and south to the southern El Paso County Border with Pueblo County; then east along the Lincoln County and Cheyenne County southern borders to the Kansas line. The portions of western El Paso County bordering Teller and Fremont Counties will be annexed by those counties in Jefferson.
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs, the University of Colorado Denver and the Anschutz Medical Campus will be closed and assets transported to the International Independence Creek Properties where a Medical and Environmental Studies School will be built and/or to compensate Former U.S. Marshal & SVC Security Chief Gary Norman and Former U.S. Marshal Ron Halvorson for doubling for SVC's President.
If Colorado is not partitioned, the entire Colorado University System must be closed because the State of Colorado can no longer offer Higher Education as per Colorado's own laws and as per the Professional Licensing Scandal.
The soul Victim of the AOC in Colorado is SVC's President and he will utilize the payments of the $22 trillion Judgment to build the new schools, reimburse SVC for all the good it has done in Colorado and reimburse himself in a very small way for all he has been put through in Colorado the past five and a half years.
The State of Colorado targeted and allowed others to commit unprecedented numbers of Crimes Against Humanity and Human Rights violations against a single human being. The approval of the State of Jefferson by the US Congress must be considered academic given the US Government’s malfeasance in the matter known as the American Criminal Opprobrium.
The Citizens in the 51st State of Jefferson will Vote on the Proposed Constitution as soon as applicable. Once approved, the State Government will be duly installed upon Election.
The county and local governments will be allowed to continue as is until the ensuing Elections on November 5, 2024 and thereafter.
Process for arrests and sentencing will follow the U.S. Code Annotated Procedures. Whoever the arresting Federal Officials are, they will be accompanied by the necessary number of UN Peacekeepers in order to maintain the Peace and Public Safety.
The Execution of Judgments will also be served and all encumbered assets will be seized and/or locked down as required. There will be no monkey business. The UN No Tolerance Terrorist Policy Adopted in support of the Sutton International Complaint in January and March 2014 by the UN Security Council 14-0 with USA abstaining will be enforced to the letter!
16 JUNE: SVC's Security Chief has been staying with Lynn Alan in his home and when he is up in Denver celebrating Father's Day with his Family, he is abruptly kicking him out. Unbelievable! The Investigation continues.
17 JUNE: Alan claims he had to evict SVC's Security Chief because some people he trusts advised him that it was not a good idea to have some one stay with him after his Twin Brother died 10 June. SVC's Security Chief told him that is what he would like to believe, but all the natural skepticism created by ACO leads him to know differently, especially when it was Father's Day 21 June 2015 when the squatters first occupied Sutton Manor North. It was yet another cycle of abuse repeated in the SVC's President life.
Alan betrayed the truth when he stated he thought the ACO was craziness and was irrelevant to the situation. This has always been SOP for the traitors/terrorists when all else fails to claim SVC's President is crazy or his claims are fantasy. SVC's President spoke to this in his SVC International Executive Committee Presentation on 15 June 2024 by saying what the traitors/terrorists have done to him is know by at least 75% of the inhabitants on the planet and they haven't even bothered to deny it themselves and bring even more attention ton their misdeeds!
19 JUNE: The traitors/terrorists just cannot help themselves. It was a known quantity more than a decade ago in Missoula that the traitors/terrorists could only behave four or five days in a row before that began committing up to a hundred Federal Felonies an hour.
The East Library Staff of the Pikes Peak Library District in Colorado Springs have decided to ratchet up the their taunting, criminal intimidation and copyright infringement efforts and SVC's Security Chief needs to be relieved of duty after all he's been through. The easiest way for SVC's Security Chief to do that is have the staff arrested, close all the PPLD Libraries as per the International Judgment and sell all the assets at auction so he will not need their lousy internet which has lost him at least $300 in income.
Further, the Security Staff still has not discovered who stole his phone charger during their Open House 8 April 2024, so they naturally make a big deal that SVC's Security Chief has to be working in an inconvenient, but the only place where he can receive the internet and keep his charged computer in the entire library!
A brief summary can be found on SVC's Public Web Site:
The FCC is being held in Contempt by the International Tribunals and its Federal Court Partners. The required access to American airwaves for SVC-TV and SVC-TV International is to occur at any time and appropriate penalties will be assessed at that time.
Thus, the sudden demise of CNN, HLN and Fox News is imminent. No longer will they be able to keep the truth from the American people about the American Criminal Opprobrium or anything else for that matter!
The World Trade Organization (WTO) stressed the paramount importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Microsoft and SVC Trailblazer Publications and were Granted Sanctions against American Publishers, booksellers and search engine blacklisting!
The primary blacklisters in the Publishing Industry are: 1) Pearson PLC and Bertelsmann, parent company of Penguin Random House; 2) News Corp parent company of HarperCollins; 3) Simon-Schuster; and 4) Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, parent company of MacMillan Publishers.
These are four of the largest and most powerful Publishers in the United States and have made a mockery of the concept of fair trade and business practices in any manner. These conglomerates love to deride what they branded as "vanity presses" who help Authors publish their books.
SVC's President will institute a no tolerance blacklisting policy in the Publishing Industry and utilize the proceeds of the sale of these Publishing giants to make sure Authors are judged by the quality and content of their work and ideas and not because they threaten the hegemony of the rich and famous.
Obviously, SVC is planning relaunches of all the Books SVC Authors have had blacklisted particularly those of SVC's President and his Official Biographer. Those Announcements are coming soon!
Effective immediately, all creative arts products from the United States will be assessed a 10% tariff until the $441 billion in damages is recovered and the trade issues persist in any way.
A brief summary can be found on SVC's Public Web Site:
Today is the 809th Anniversary of the Magna Carta. King John I of England signed the "Magna Carta Libertatum" (which is Medieval Latin for "Great Charter of Freedoms"), commonly called Magna Carta or sometimes Magna Charta ("Great Charter"). It is a "royal charter of rights" agreed to by King John Lackland of England at Runnymede (near Windsor) on 15 June 1215.
The historic event is the first time the Rights of Humankind are recognized and codified. King John is known as the most tyrannical King in English History and the primary reason his reign was brought to heel by the Nobles through the Magna Carta. He survived only 16 months after the Magna Carta went into effect.
A number of the terms found in the Magna Carta found their way into the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution 561 and 572 years later creating the concepts of the Rule of Law and Legal Precedence that guides Human Civilization today and always will.
When Abraham Lincoln gave his "Gettysburg Address" in 1863 and Winston Churchill made his "We will Never Surrender Speech" in 1940, they were informing their Constituents that the American Civil War and World War II were for the "whole ball of wax". They believed that all progress in the development of Universal Human Rights were directly threatened by the Confederates and Nazis. Just try to imagine what the world be like today if America had been split into two in the 1860's and/or the Nazis prevailed 80 years later.
Now another 80 more years have passed and it is organized terrorism which threatens Civilization. Just like Abe and Sir Winston, I have found myself warning that our modern conflict with organized terrorism could be just as destructive as what they faced 160 and 80 years ago. I do not intend to back down in my time any more than these two Great Men and Leaders did in theirs.
I have been accused of making myself self-important. Really? I have been confronted with many very real threats to my life, my family, my safety, my careers and most certainly my reputation. Am I not entitled to defend myself like everyone else?
Just like my shy and reserved famous Virginia Cousins, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, I would have been perfectly content to be left alone and be relatively anonymous. The Creator and History had very different ideas for all three of us!
The fact is that the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium are most responsible for bringing me to prominence. If it had not been for them attempting to destroy me and my life to the nth degree and transforming me into the most persecuted person in Human History - at least by the numbers - my work in the development of Universal Human Rights and defeat of organized terrorism would have remained relatively obscure and only known to others who have worked in these fields.
Where I do have to take some credit is my willingness to remain a "worthy adversary" as Osama bin Laden put it and the Creator placing me consistently in organized terrorism's way. It has been remarkable how this has unfolded. Everyone can readily see God's hand in it!
Now it has become time for the Civilized World to permanently bury bin Laden's legacy and any notion that the manner by which he and those of his ilk think, talk and act is even remotely acceptable!
Jesus took delight in confronting his adversaries with great sarcasm because he knew they knew they were wrong and just could not bring themselves to admit it. As always, I will follow Jesus' example and deal with the traitors/ terrorists in the same way.
Ultimately, there are three aspects of the ACO the traitors/terrorists can't quite believe. First, traitors/terrorists cannot believe I have survived all their garbage. Now, the cat is proverbially out of the bag and there is nothing they can do to put the feline back.
Quite literally, at least 3 out every 4 individuals on this planet know what the traitors/terrorists have done through SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT and SVC's Affiliates' Publications; and International Pronouncements. The traitors/ terrorists have no defense whatsoever and they are all but done.
Second, while the traitors/terrorists have managed to thoroughly cow Public Officials from the last three U.S. Presidents on down and have the mass and social media predominantly on their side and covering up for the traitors/ terrorists, the traitors/terrorists cannot believe that defense is soon to melt away. The traitors/terrorists and all their warts will be laid bare for all to see!
Third, the traitors/terrorists cannot quite believe they have to answer for what they have done and the consequences thereof. The traitors/terrorists will attempt to pin the blame on me. Our side has always maintained that the blame will be placed firmly at traitors'/terrorists' doorsteps because the International Prosecutor, International Tribunals, their Partner U.S. Federal Courts and the United Nations know I am completely blameless from a legal viewpoint and any attempts to reverse polarity on the facts and that viewpoint, so to speak, will only result in more traitors/terrorists exposed and being at hard labor for the rest of their lives.
I very much look forward to SVC being freed up to function as originally intended 28 long years ago instead of acting as the World's Chief Investigator and International Law Enforcement Organization the past 22.5 years. Working to Democratizing the World both Economically and Politically; providing Living Security to everyone possible; Developing and Building the SVC DreamWeaver Plexus, The Africa Project and The Trailblazer Education & Trailblazer Program will now be the focus of SVC!
15 JUNE 2024