"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Jesus (John 7:1-3)
"When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” - Earl Nightingale
The Rwandan genocide in Africa occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias.
In 2003, retired Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, who was force commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), claimed that United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan was overly passive in his response to the imminent genocide.
In his book. “Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda” (2003), Dallaire asserted that Annan held back UN Troops from intervening to settle the conflict and from providing more logistical and material support. Dallaire claimed that Annan failed to respond to his repeated faxes asking for access to a weapons depository; such weapons could have helped Dallaire defend the endangered Tutsis.
In 2004, ten years after the genocide in which an estimated 800,000 people were killed, Annan said: "I could and should have done more to sound the alarm and rally support."
In his book “Interventions: A Life in War & Peace,” Annan again argued that the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations could have made better use of the media to raise awareness of the violence in Rwanda and put pressure on governments to provide the troops necessary for an intervention.
Annan explained that the events in Somalia and the collapse of the UNOSOM II Mission fostered a hesitation among UN member States to approve robust Peacekeeping Operations. As a result, when the UNAMIR mission was approved just days after the battle, the resulting force lacked the troop levels, resources and mandate to operate effectively.
Responsibility to Protect
Following the failure of Annan and the International Community to intervene in the genocide in Rwanda and in Srebrenica, Annan asked whether the International Community had an obligation in such situations to intervene to protect Civilian populations.
In a speech to the General Assembly on 20 September 1999, "to address the prospects for human security and intervention in the next century", Annan argued that individual sovereignty - the protections afforded by the Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the UN - was being strengthened, while the notion of State Sovereignty was being redefined by Globalization and International co-operation.
As a result, the UN and its member States had to consider a willingness to act to prevent conflict and civilian suffering, a dilemma between "two concepts of sovereignty" that Annan also presented in a preceding article in The Economist on 16 September 1999.
In the March 2000 Millennium Report to the UN, Annan asked: "If humanitarian intervention is, indeed, an unacceptable assault on sovereignty, how should we respond to a Rwanda, to a Srebrenica – to gross and systematic violations of Human Rights that affect every precept of our common humanity?"
In September 2001, al Qaeda made a surprise attack on the World Trade Center, not three miles from the United Nations Secretariat in New York City, and the Pentagon. It was the first successful mainland attack on the United States in 187 years.
That night, on 11 September 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush described his counterterrorism policy this way: “The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I've directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.”
The last line in the Statement that would become known as the Bush Doctrine first appeared in the Doctoral Dissertation of Phillip B. Sutton, a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Oklahoma. OU President David L. Boren, a former U.S. Senator and Intelligence Committee Chairman, passed a copy of the manuscript of Sutton's book based on his Dissertation, “The Arena: A Guide To America's Future” to CIA Director George J. Tenet. The two men just happened to be having breakfast when the 9/11 attacks occurred.
“The Arena” was scheduled to go to press three days later, but never did. The years delay in publication caused the book to be retitled “Revival of the American Dream” and Sutton refined many of his Proposals, particularly in Foreign Policy.
After the Rome Statutes went in force on 1 July 2002, the International Criminal Court was created and the International Community began creating enforcement mechanisms for the new International Laws.
Currently, 124 of the 193 nations recognized by the UN have Ratified the Rome Statutes. After Sutton's Declaration in Africa last December that the International Tribunals and the UN would no longer allow nations who have not ratified the statutes or have UN Security Council veto to skirt International Law and that all nations are required to comply with the same, ratification has become an academic notion. The ICC arrest warrants against Russian President Vladimir Putin on 17 March 2023 are meant to emphasize this policy. Russia has neither ratified the Treaty and has a UNSC veto. Mr. Putin will be brought to justice.
Annan and Sutton were familiar with each other as both did their part in getting Nelson Mandela and other members of the Africa National Congress freed from prison in South Africa. One of the ironies in all this is Mandela was sworn as the first President of South Africa elected by all the people on 10 May 1994, right in the middle of the Rwandan Civil War.
Annan read “Revival” and saw merit in the Sutton Doctrine. The doctrine mapped out a five-step process to allow the International Community to remove despotic National Leaders and their regimes and replace them with democracies, just as what happened in South Africa.
This obviously supported Annan's concept that national sovereignty should mean nothing when those in power are abusing their own people and violating their Human Rights.
Sutton makes the bold statement in “Revival” that the real reason for the American Revolution was King George III was committing what we would consider today “acts of war” against his own people. The British Monarch was a Constitutional Monarch which meant there were legal and constitutional limits on his power he would not accept and the Colonists simply called him on it.
In 2005, Annan asked Sutton to write the Responsibility to Protect Statutes. Annan included the doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect” in his report, “In Larger Freedom.” When the UN General Assembly endorsed that report in 2006, it amounted to the first formal endorsement by UN member States of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect.
The International Community must strictly enforce the Responsibility To Protect Principle so the world does not have to shake hands with the devil again.
Once a Nation’s reputation is established, it is difficult to change. There are certain expectations in behavior which is either helpful or harmful to the rest of the International Community. As a rule, there is general agreement regarding which Countries fit each category and most are somewhere in the middle. No Country has established a reputation greater than the United States of America, at least in the past.
But no Nation can rest on its laurels. That goes double for the USA. As fair or unfair as it may seem, Americans are expected to be the models to the rest of the World and when those expectations are not met it can cause a great deal of angst among the disappointed parties.
Historians would find it difficult to discover a time where that disappointment has ever been greater than it is now in the United States or in other Nation in Human History for that matter.
Not only has the USA gone rogue in terms of its Democracy and the exercise of the concomitant Principles therein, the International Community feels the need to rally to punish the United States for its violations of Human Rights and the International Responsibility to Protect Statutes; Crimes Against Humanity; and allowing a terrorist insurgency within its borders.
Once upon a time not too long ago, it was always the United States which led the International Community in Crusades against such lawlessness and tyrants such as Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milošević, Omar Bashar and Muammar Gaddafi.
Now, the United States finds itself with example of two of its Presidents who are only a couple of tiers down from the infamy of these tyrants. For starters, every President from George Washington to George W Bush always put the National Interest of the United States ahead of party, ahead of ideology, ahead of their own self-interest. Not Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Just look at the record.
It is now known that Obama sacrificed four Americans at Benghazi to cover-up and deflect attention to the multiple scandals of his Administration and get re-elected. The Members of the American Mass Media threatened their Foreign counterparts if they exposed what really happened during the second 9/11.
Further, there are multiple examples of where the US Justice Department led by Eric Holder failed to protect non-Black Americans against Crime Against Humanity; Police violence; and sexual assault.
When the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor’s Office broke the news in May 2020, the American Mass Media not only covered-up for Obama again, but blew the incident with George Floyd way out of proportion and made a National Hero out of a Man who once mugged a little old Lady for drugs and money and disgracing the memories of Americans who are true heroes.
The legitimate concern over systemic racism also ran aground. When Judge Peter A. Cahill Sentenced Derek Chauvin for Floyd’s murder, he found no blatant racism existed, thus Chauvin did not receive the maximum 30-year sentence he could have under Minnesota Law. Chauvin is an example of a rogue Policeman abusing his authority, not a racist.
Further, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights found that the true problem to be addressed is the incredibly violent nature of American society and American Law Enforcement killing over a thousand Americans every year, not systemic racism.
The Commissioner found that the reason why American Law Enforcement “hover” around the Black Community in the USA is the simple fact that it is more likely that a Black American will commit a violent crime than the rest of the American population combined. Law Enforcement that practice this surveillance are not racist per se, they are just doing their best to protect the Public.
Also in the bizarro world of Barack Obama and his lackeys in the American Mass Media, it is perfectly fair Reporting to concentrate on the Only Black Lives Matter Movement and if other Americans who are not Black are brutalized and/or murdered by Law Enforcement, so be it.
No coverage has been given to the thousands of the videos and pictures of murders and beatings of non-Black Americans committed by American Law Enforcement every year, thus emboldening these rogue cops to believe they can get away with it because they have. Nobody cares about what has happened to these poor Souls and their Families because they are not Black. At least that is how the International Community perceives it. If this is not true, how do you explain five Black cops beating Tyre Nichols to death?
Then there is the insane Trump and his supporters who make Obama’s People look like Angels. The U.S. Constitution requires two Witnesses to treason for a Conviction. Well, eight billion people saw Trump’s outright sedition and treason on January 6th, 2021. It is by no mistake that Special Counsel Jack Smith has recently found the proverbial "smoking gun" and started discussing Trump's involvement in the planning of 1/6. His "Freedom of Speech" words at the ellipse were in fact "code words", marching orders to do exactly what they did.
No other Nation on the planet would have even remotely tolerated a National Leader’s attempt to flaunt Democracy and stay in power like Trump did. Yet, seven months later, Americans just began to inquire into it and millions of Americans believe Trump’s contention the Election was stolen from him.
The fear must be that Trump has permanently damaged the Electoral process in the USA and it may be a generation or so before the natural trust required for a functional Democracy can be restored.
In a matter of hours, Trump did more damage to America’s future than all his predecessors combined, albeit mostly unintentional unlike Trump’s was. Wonder why the International Community is so concerned?
Then there is Joe Biden. One of the reasons why Trump sought to find dirt on his successor and his Son, Hunter, is because no one can quite believe Biden could serve eight years as Vice President in the most scandal-ridden Administration in American History and have no taint fall upon him. Fortunately for America, Biden somehow managed it.
The reason why other National Leaders like Russia’s Vladimir Putin have toyed with America’s last three Presidents is because they know the truth about America’s upside down Society and the hypocrisy of complaining they abuse their Citizens with all that has occurred within the al Qaeda-gate scandal alone.
America, this is your wake-up call. As Jesus put it, take the log out of your own eye before you pretend to take the speck out of your Brother’s. America has no moral authority in the World right now and for good reason. What America is now speaks so loud no one can remotely hear any possible rebuttal!
SVC's President, Phil Sutton, has always commented that the key to being successful is to resist the temptation to judge others and to exercise power over others in a ruthless manner. These are the personality traits that all despots have exhibited throughout Human History.
George Washington was the first Man to exhibit extraordinarily different traits and it is the primary reason why America was the World’s first Democracy. Without Washington to appropriately be the Trailblazer as a National Leader in a Self-Governing Society. Without him, this sorry World may still be without any form of Democracy!
Washington disavowed any attempt to make him King of America and called such a notion treasonous. America’s First President steadfastly refused to judge his fellow Human Beings and adjudge himself superior to them although he was in many ways!
During the Yorktown PPF in February 2020, Former US Vice President Al Gore stated that SVC's President has survived all that he has because "Phil's Spirit is as big, strong and rugged as the mountains he came from." It has had to be.
The ways of the Creator can seem incredibly asperous and harsh at times, but there has always been reasons for it. Even the most devout Christian can entirely understand the reasons for Jesus' Crucifixion, but the grandness of the Resurrection and its omnipotent significance is something few have difficulty understanding.
SVC's President and his fellow Victims of the American Opprobrium universally would have been better off if they had been left alone by the traitors/terrorists. The Jewish betrayal of Jesus led to the exile of the Hebrews from their Holy Land in AD 70 and it took the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust to raise Worldwide sympathy enough to return Israel to Palestine nearly 19 centuries later in AD 1948. The same United Nations Resolutions that Created modern Israel in 1948 also called for a separate Palestinian State. The failure over the past 76 years to meet those obligations to the Palestinians is now and has always been the basis for the conflict between the two Nationalities directly Descendant from Abraham.
Now, Americans face the retribution for the American Opprobrium and not insisting upon the put down. It is amazing to hear so many Americans complain that it is “not Christian” to do what the International Community has planned for our Friends the American traitors and/or International terrorists because it makes us look bitter.
Crucifixion is a metaphor for horrible tribulations and suffering. One of SVC President's most famous and personally favorite sayings is: "For every crucifixion, there is a Resurrection."
The retribution the Creator has in store for the scoundrels of the American Opprobrium will all be a part of Jesus' Second Coming to a Peaceful World and Satan's ultimate defeat. You can count on that!
From the beginning, the traitors/terrorists have been seen as twenty-first century Nazis. Long before the International Community knew al Qaeda is behind their namesake scandals within a scandal, the Deputy International Prosecutors from Slovakia, Poland and, ironically, Ukraine viewed them as latter-day fascists and or Stalinist communists. Now Colorado is scheduled to be partitioned like Germany was after World war II!
The criminally insane behavior which has always been exhibited by the traitors/ terrorists readily lends to the Prosecutorial viewpoint that they must be removed from Civilized Society – or be shunned to the point they would desire to die and go to hell because that would be better off!
It has been remarkable how consistent their behavior has matched in Missoula, Bozeman, Colorado Springs, the Denver Metro area and Pueblo. Missoula and Pueblo are 1,030 miles apart on the highway. The only way that could happen is supreme organization which sprang from the same source – al Qaeda.
SVC International Security Chief, Gary Norman, pictured a University of Montana "Griz" baseball cap at the voyager Walmart. If there is no connection between the traitors/terrorists in Missoula and those in Colorado Springs, why would a Walmart use valuable shelf space to offer and sell such a commodity 1,000 miles apart?
This profound criminality is why the International Tribunals and their Partner Federal Courts have and will Grant extraordinary Judgment amounts to the Victims and “Criminal Justice sentences” against these criminals will be unprecedentedly high for good reason!
There is a sense in America that what has transpired with the American Opprobrium is right and the Victims somehow deserve what has happened to them. Blaming the Victims for their plight is hardly a new phenomenon in Human History. After all, the Jews were scapegoated by the Nazis to the tune of murdering over six million innocent Victims.
It took the defeat of Nazi Germany and the Nuremburg Trials to teach the German People specifically and the World in general that such notions are criminally insane and cannot be allowed exist in Civilized Society!
Now that neo-Nazism has returned to the World - and in the United States of America of all places - no punishment or expense is too great to once again put down these hideous notions.
Until the terrorists acknowledge what they have done is wrong and encourage Civilized behavior in their cohorts behavior, no punishment is too harsh!
It has been a while since she has made this comment, but former Chief International Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, has always affirmed that the terrorists are beyond guilty of their crimes and redemption. Her successor, Karim Khan has reaffirmed this stand. There is no point in trials and the traditional Judicial Proceedings.
What is even more bizarre is the terrorists feel they are entitled to treat their fellow Human Beings the way they do. Very early in the saga, the terrorists always made sure they outnumbered SVC's President and attempted to mock his apparent weakness to do anything about it. They are bullies.
The classic is that this is exactly what the bully from Queens believes about levying Sanctions against The Hague and commit treason against his own Country when he is still President by inciting he Capitol Hill Insurrection on January 6, 2021.
Dr. Alicia Ford, PhD, SVC International Governor & Canadian National Chair, for work in Genetics pertaining to what she calls “the nasty German Gene” has taken a very interesting turn. Those Americans who have not been mesmerized by Donald Trump’s diatribes find themselves completely miffed about how he can hold so much support among Republicans.
Well, it is not without precedent and it fits Alicia’s hypothesis perfectly. The best match in History to Trump, as Alicia’s Father would Teach us, is none other than Adolph Hitler. Hitler had a similar hold on the German People. It was inexplicable, but very real.
Further, it may be a Genetic prejudicial disposition towards other races by those of German descent that explains Trump’s White supremacy attitudes and, of course, the Nazi belief that Germans are a “super race”.
Alicia also made the point that the recent difficulties within the British Royal Family may have as its origins in German racism. The Hanovers are from Germany and are very distinct from the rest of the Royal line down from William the Conqueror.
The Sutton Family accepted exile to the New World in 1714 when the Hanovers took over from the Stuarts. Alicia’s Ancestors knew as she suspects now that trying to Live with the Hanovers would not be easy. This sentiment was confirmed by all the American Colonists 49-62 years later culminating in the Adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
When Princess Diana died she was doing her upmost to get out of London as much as she could because she could not stand the Hanovers. Prince Harry is his Mother’s Son, a Spencer/Sutton. He and Meghan discovered they could not either.
Now they could be stripped of their royal titles.
The Stuart’s started the Black slave trade. This Created what Alicia believes is the opposite of the nasty German Gene and causes a predisposition within populations towards the acceptance of victimization and always seeing yourself as a Victim of judgmentalism and prejudice. These groups gain power by playing themselves up as Victims.
This is why the American Black Community has been so vicious towards Judge Cahill's and the UN High Commission on Human Rights' Findings that Chauvin's murder of Floyd has nothing to do with systemic racism and everything to do with police violence in America.
This describes Black Lives Matters Movement perfectly. This was also acceptable to the American News Media and how loudly they complained that the mob that stormed the US Capitol was allowed to go home and not be arrested when they knew very well that thousands of thugs who committed crimes in the name of George Floyd will never be brought to Justice.
The Media does not cover the fact that the primary instigators of the riot have been arrested and their crimes are being taken very seriously when the criminals who set fire to a Minneapolis Police Station, for instance, are still at-large more than 3½ years later.
The sad thing...American Blacks must maintain this “victim image” at all costs. This must be why only Black Lives and their victimization matter. It does not make sense otherwise. On top of that, American Blacks have alienated the very People that could make a difference for them and end their perceived victimization, thus perpetuating it.
None of this makes sense, but it is very real. Just as real as the Holocaust was in during World War II. But the kicker is that it makes just as much sense to a majority of Americans now as it did to Germans then, otherwise it simply would not be!
This is not judgmental to say that the whole misbegotten farce of truly epic proportions was contrived by America's mass media and was designed to hide the evolving revelations concerning Benghazi.
It will be absolutely fascinating to hear how the Anchors, Producers, Editors, Publishers and Reporters attempt to explain there way out of this to The Hague. Heads will roll really big time!
Enter the Golden Rule: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” – Matthew 7:12
Judgment can really be an ugly thing. There is no greater example of this than the American Opprobrium. SVC's President has been the target of the greatest barrage of Judgment in Human History. He just has.
During the SVC 2021 International Founder's Day General Conference & PPF Series, SVC's President stated the way Nelson Mandela endured 27 years in prison and survived the greatest persecution of any Human Being in History is because they both knew is in charge and that their suffering would be awarded big time!
Even with all of what the terrorists have done to him, SVC's President still wants to give them an opportunity redeem themselves. A high percentage of the terrorists will be sentenced to life at hard labor and there is plenty of work to be done to build and rebuild the World most impoverished areas.
American Society will be left out, however, because of SVC's Social Infrastructure Program - part of SVC's 21st century Marshall Plan - because of the lack of gratitude and appreciation shown SVC and our great Affiliates by the American People!!!!!!
SVC President wants to privatize most Social Services and make it possible for the providers of those services – Churches and other Social Service organizations; Nursing Homes, Outpatient Facilities, Homeless Shelters, Hospices, etc. – to expand and rebuild their infrastructure so they have greater capacity to help those in need. While the Judgments involved are not a bottomless cup of funds, they will help replace financially strapped Government agencies and the like and encourage eventual independence from such programs!!!!!!!
In addition, SVC President’s “Education as a Right” Proposal could also be implemented. There could not be a better time for this. As with all major Economic downturns, jobs are lost permanently with disenfranchised Workers left out in the cold and few options to recover.
Obviously, if the terrorists and their fellow travelers would be or could be honest - even remotely honest - with themselves and knew the truth behind all that has happened to the Sutton Family, they’d understand the damage that they have done in their own Lives, the Lives of their Families and their Communities as a result because Civilized Society cannot tolerate having such hateful and judgmental individuals in it. Indeed, We are all just beginning to discover how damaging it really has been and will be.
What was transpiring in Bozeman and Missoula and now in Colorado Springs and Denver metro area is a classic example of what We mean. For 5½ years or so Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda shared her frustration with what to do with the terrorists of the American Opprobrium because they are so arrogant and actually believe they will get away with what they are doing. Their behavior has become so socially unacceptable that there are avenues being reviewed to Judicially Execute more of them because Civilization simply cannot have their kind at-large and must have a deterrent established to assure the World we will not see another American Opprobrium!!!!!!!
The traitors/terrorists have always involved themselves in Group Think and have allowed themselves to be captive of their Third Stage Psychotic Denial. They have never bothered to confront the truth about their activities which match them with al Qaeda and what that means for their future. Committing once crime on Judge Brinkema’s Serial Crimes List makes them guilty of all the rest.
In the harsh Judgment of the International Tribunals against the traitors/ terrorists is a direct result of matching the al Qaeda Script and makes the notion of a trial irrelevant, only the punishment phase is necessary. History will remember them as al Qaeda operatives for all time!
So is the power the traitors/terrorists have given their Victims to exact absolute retribution upon the traitors/terrorists, their Families, their Employers, their Communities, their States and the United States. Missoula is going to be driven into oblivion in order to make sure no one ever thinks or believes they can replicate the evil found there. That cannot be allowed to happen ever again! That is not being judgmental, it must happen to save Civilized Society!
This has become particularly true now that SVC knows the score and why this Great Organization has suffered so when there is no obvious reason for it!
It has always been curious why al Qaeda would spend billions of dollars to obstruct the truth one Person carried. Now we know that is chump change as compared to the threat perceived by al Qaeda and its fellow travelers in all that SVC Represents and is getting Accomplished worldwide. There must be somebody who has sat down and decided no amount is too great to expend to destroy these good works!
Judge Brinkema’s Federal Restraining Orders and Judge Irigoine’s State of Montana Restraining Orders have long since become the standard in which the terrorists will be Judged. The Colorado terrorists have their own “Felonies List”. Most of them will not receive trials because there simply is no point in them, especially after the increasingly dumb stunts in Colorado Springs. Their guilt is a known quantity!!!!!!! They have just kept piling onto their own records of transparent, despicable evil! It is too bad there is no way they can be adequately punished or their Victims adequately compensated for their grief!
Just where were those scowls and activities of disapproval and criminal intimidation when the terrorists and fellow travelers first knew SVC's President was nearly beaten to death by Trowbridge or Kelsey Belnap was gang raped by four Grizzly Football Players which caused this calamity in the first place?
That hypocrisy will cost the States of Colorado and Montana and all others involved outside of Colorado and Montana everything they have of financial value. Worse, the bad news is that these Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes of Aggression are spreading in the World and that must be stopped!!!!!!!!
Indeed, the whole racial aspect of Police violence when Ethnic Minorities are the primary targets is exactly what SVC's President targeted when he Recorded his International Complaint.
When it appeared the Africa Project may be suspended due to Black Americans turning the very noble Black Lives Matters Movement into the very awkward and selfish Only Black Lives Matters Movement, the Foreign Protesters made it clear that their Protests, particularly in London and Berlin, opposed all Police and gun violence in America and Black Americans are mistaken if they believed otherwise. The British are particularly sensitive to the racial issues because of what happened with Prince Harry and Meghan, who is a Mulatto.
The traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium obviously believe they can enforce their judgment - their brand of terrorism - anywhere. They can expect they can get away with it because there is Government corruption at all levels. What else can explain it?
In the USA, SVC’s President remains the terrorists’ only worthy adversary just as bin Laden stated. That’s why they would go to the trouble of spending billions of dollars and Victimizing thousands in Montana creating the ruse that al Qaeda was based in Montana when all along the “al Qaeda USA” has been based almost a thousand miles away in Colorado Springs all along.
This is why International Community will not back down and let the traitors/ terrorists continue to get away with what they are doing. It is also is what implicates them as al Qaeda operatives. If it wasn’t for the fact that the traitors/terrorists follow the al Qaeda script with such perfection and known al Qaeda operatives like the Kushnirs have fingered their fellow terrorists, what else could possibly motivate their actions otherwise? This is not judgmental it is only dealing with some very obvious facts. Their actions speak for themselves!
This aspect of the American Opprobrium has also taken another curious turn. International Investigators have uncovered that the reason the terrorists are so fixated upon Phil’s luggage is that it represents his deceptive practices both in Montana and in Colorado.
Judgmentalism aside, even if SVC's President has been wanting to deceive others about his situation it is entirely irrelevant to the case. It’s his Personal Business and none of theirs!!!!!!! Making it their business only betrays their criminal mentality!!!!!!!
Again, the traitors/terrorists would not want to be treated this way. They would expect to be able rely upon the Law and Government to protect them; stop it from happening; and mete out Justice towards those who even thought about treating them that way!!!!!!!
The whole matter of the American Opprobrium is the injustice done to over ten thousand Human Beings which can be proved and the intentional systematic ruining of their Lives!!!!!!!
The difficulty encountered in bringing their Victimizers to Justice will now be equal to the price that must be paid by all Americans. Keep in mind, the terrorists kept on upping the ante, the powers-that-be if not the American News Media knew and the American People themselves knew what was transpiring and they did nothing but rub salt into the wounds of Victims. You have to know the consequences will be dire.
For instance, the staff at Rodeway Inn on South Nevada in Colorado Springs on the night of 8/9 December 2023 decided to create a room of horrors for SVC's President and have him sleep in a bed with sheets which were or appeared to be blood stained, among many other things. The management did nothing and wrote it off as a mistake even though the evidence clearly showed the staff members had it all planned from the get-go. Nobody is kidding anybody here. The video evidence has forwarded to The Hague and could trigger the Lockdowns everyone on this side of the issue hoped to avoid.
Further, a supposed homeless person posing as a UCCS employee blocked SVC Security Chief Gary Norman's way into the El Pomar entrance this morning, 13 December 2023. Chief Norman inquired about what was the idea. After it was clear this soon to be identified traitor/terrorist was determined to bar entry, Chief Norman placed him under arrest. He resisted and then got physical, which is assault.
Eventually, Chief Norman forced his way in, discovered there were others who knew about the incident and Reported it. UCCS Finals Week is in progress. Chief Norman's usefulness for UCCS was going to end soon and then he would decide whether not to close UCCS permanently, sell the assets at auction so he could have his own library if he wants. Three guesses what his decision will be now. What a dumb stunt.
Indeed, The Hague and International Prosecutor's Office have Formally Ordered the United States of America to put down the American Opprobrium in the States of Colorado and Montana or yield the matter to the United Nations and its Peacekeeping Forces without delay. SVC's President or SVC's Security Chief will no longer have discretion to negotiate the end of the conflict. It has become apparent that Policy has only inspired more terrorism activity against them.
The primary reason for this change of heart by The Hague derives from the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:14–15:
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town" - in this case Colorado Springs.
Jesus is implying that the grave sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, and of any towns that refuse his disciples, is that of inhospitality. Additionally, Ezekiel 16:49 mentions the inhabitants’ refusal to care for the poor and actually add to their Victims suffering despite their prosperity. It is their hatred for SVC's President and continued and escalating evil acts towards him that condemn them by their own acts.
What makes the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium believe they are somehow immune to Righteous retribution? The Righteous Wrath of the Almighty will catch up with them as sure as the Sun rises in the morning!
The fact is that the bear minimum punishment for the traitors/terrorists is that they must pay with their lives, their careers and their reputations being ruined just as they have done to their Victims. What will save them is the Civilized World cannot lower ourselves to their level. Right, they are getting off very easy, but it is necessary to uphold the perspective that is what got the traitors/terrorists in trouble in the first place and to completely treat them as they have treated others would defeat the purpose of keeping the sanctity of the Golden Rule.
Furthermore, the Russian activity on SVC International Public Website has increased more than eight times this past week. The Russians are attempting to play both ends against the middle and take advantage of American Hypocrisy concerning the American Opprobrium. It appears that the UN must finally send its Peacekeeping Troops to USA or lose face in the eyes of the world.
The Russians have also put pressure on the Biden Administration and the American Mass Media by upping the ante regarding Alexie Navalny and further driving a wedge between SVC's President and his fellow Americans because they have cared more about Navalny than him. SVC's President, who was poisoned by Ukrainians with impunity on American soil and the Russians are the ones who brought the Kushnirs to Justice, has been treated much worse by his fellow Americans than Navalny has been by his fellow Russians. That comparison sticks in the craw of every Justice-loving Human Being on the planet and makes it far more likely that International Economic Sanctions will be levied against the United States in the coming weeks and months.
The U.S. Government didn't help matters when it staunchly defended Israel's War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity against the Palestinians. The UN Resolution for cessation of hostilities to allow for Humanitarian Aid was finally passed when the USA agreed to abstain and not Veto the Resolution in the UN Security Council. This whole situation has underscored America's fall from grace in the eyes of the world!
Bottom line, the real reason why the traitors/terrorists have taken after SVC's President is because he essentially is turning them in and bringing them to Justice. There is a bit of jealousy, too. No one in the History of the World has been able to accomplish so much under so much adversity as SVC's President has!
The traitor/terrorists have no sense of Personal Responsibility. They judge their Victims so harshly that they somehow rationalize their crimes towards their fellow Human Beings. It is the only way they can Live with themselves and each other!
Utilizing the Star Wars analogy, Luke Skywalker saw there was still some good in his Father, Anikan, who had turned to the dark side in the form of Darth Vader.
Unfortunately, no good is left in the traitors/terrorists, at least that they have been willing to show. They are profoundly evil!
Anything about SVC's President personally other than being their Victim is completely irrelevant to the obvious fact that Civilization simply cannot have individuals who take such delight in systematically ruining other People’s Lives and support rape of Women with impunity; Public funds embezzling in the billions of dollars and the beating to death of innocent Citizens by Law Enforcement, not to mention proceeds from illegal drug use & trafficking allowing the infiltration of al Qaeda and organized terror into the USA.
And that is just for starters. With the Revelations regarding a second illegal drug use & trafficking and money laundering scandals in Bozeman and that Colorado Georgia and Montana State Officials have been directly involved with al Qaeda and participated in the insurance kickback scandals, the USA may have waited too long to put down al Qaeda-gate and now al Qaeda’s script for America is firmly in place!
If this was not so and the traitors/terrorists in the Denver metro area, Colorado Springs, Missoula, Bozeman, Helena and Denver hadn’t been caught red-handed, they would have been in the front of Phil’s ranks supporting him long ago!!!!!!!! It betrays the terrorists’ true identity and any possible defense for their behavior!!!!!!! These People simply do not get that!
Here are negative effects of Judgment that we should take note of before we Judge Others:
1) People are hurt by Judgment
People might not hear you saying or thinking something about them does not make it any better. Our thoughts and words don’t just disappear into never, never land. Judging someone is a release of negative energy that does more harm that we can imagine, especially to Us!!!!!!!
As Nelson Mandela reminded Us, "As we Judge others so are we Judged by others. The suspicious will always be tormented by suspicion. I don’t have time for that.”
2) It hampers your happiness
Research demonstrates that seeing others People positively, shows how satisfied we are with our own life and how much we are liked by others. It was found that positively Judging Others effects how enthusiastic, happy, kind-hearted, courteous, emotionally stable we are and vice versa. If we make an effort to stop Judging Others negatively, our own well-being and happiness will improve great.
3) It makes you more close-minded
The more stereotypes that get formed in our mind, the narrower our viewpoint of the World becomes. It’s like building high walls around ourselves and then getting trapped in a deep well. Our perception of reality becomes a tiny opening above our head and we are no longer able to see, experience or appreciate the richness and diversity of the World. Breaking free from the habit of Judging is actually one of the biggest steps that you can take towards embracing a more fulfilling, abundant and satisfying Life.
4) It puts negativity into the World
Judgments do not add any positive thoughts or emotions into the World. No matter how you may rationalize them. Not only do they bring other people down. Then they bring you down as well. If we stopped judging our own children or spouse, we would have much more loving relationships. If we stopped Judging our Co-Workers, we would have a much more enjoyable atmosphere at work. If we stopped judging People we meet for the first time, the whole world would become a much better place. Don’t you think?
5) It affects your self-Esteem.
If you have the habit of Judging Others, you probably Judge yourself harshly as well. It’s a vicious cycle. The more you Judge how other people dress, the more you worry and become self-conscious about your own looks. The more you judge others for their lack of common sense, the more you feel the need to prove your own self-worth.
How to overcome Judgmentalism of Others
1. Do not take anything personally.
This is a difficult one for most People. Ignore their comments, laugh about them, and then eventually find some good things that they like. But above all, do not take it personally. You have other things that you do really well in life, so not being a good cook or something like that doesn’t really bother me. Just shrug it off and do the best you can.
Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.
“When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.” -Don Miguel Ruiz
2. Be compassionate.
Nasty, judgmental people are made, not born. Think about what could have possibly happened to this Person in their life to make them this way. A Child does not become judgmental unless that behavior is modeled for them. So maybe their Parents judged everything too - including them. You never know what kind of negative message they received about themselves growing up. So while it doesn’t make their behavior any more tolerable, remembering this will at least help you have a little bit of empathy for them.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” - Dalai Lama
3. Look at it as a life lesson.
I think life is all about learning. If we don’t keep learning how to be a better person, then what’s the point of it all? So if you view judgmental people as just another life lesson, it will help. View every interaction with them as a “test” that you need to pass. Are you going to respond with negativity? Or are you going to rise above your instinct to attack them back and decide to be the better person? You always have a choice. So work on choosing positive responses.
“I am not someone who is ashamed of my past. I’m actually really proud. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but they, in turn, were my life lessons.” -Drew Barrymore
4. Do not sink to their level.
Like I just said, when someone criticizes us, our first instinct is to become defensive and protect ourselves. Or maybe you just attack back. But doing this makes you no better than them. If you do not like their behavior, then don’t give them the power to change who you are. Do not let their negativity turn you into a cranky, crabby person who plays the judgmental game right along with them. Choose to be the classy person and walk away with your head held high.
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” -Coco Chanel
5. Look beyond the obvious. There are many different types of judgmental People, but most of them are also critical of themselves. That might be hard to believe, but we have no way of knowing all the negative thoughts that go through their heads about themselves.
For example, we know a guy once who was criticizing all the overweight People at a beach. He said they had no right to “flaunt” their flabby bodies so everyone had to see them. But guess what? He had severe body image issues himself. So his words were just a reflection of how he really felt about himself.
“The struggle of my life created empathy - I could relate to pain, being abandoned, having People not love me.” -Oprah Winfrey
6. See them as if they were a Child.
Some people just don’t have a “filter” and they blurt out their thoughts without thinking about it. For example, I once gave a friend a really nice pearl necklace for her birthday. The look on her face said it all - even before she said “oh thanks ... but I don’t really wear jewelry.”
As shocked as I was, I had to reframe her behavior differently. Think about this — we don’t expect children to know everything. That’s why we tolerate and accept bad behavior from them more often than we do from adults. We think that once a person grows up, they should know better. They should have figured it all out. But that’s not how it works. Many adults don’t quite “get it” yet - just like my friend. So if you view them as a Child - someone who is still learning and growing and doesn’t know any better — then it will be easier to be more compassionate.
“It is easier to build strong Children than to repair broken Men.” -Frederick Douglass
7. Reframe it.
Maybe the judgmental person is your boss. It’s obviously difficult to have to work with someone like that eight hours a day five days a week. But maybe you should focus on the fact that you even have a job. Or that other people you work with are really awesome. The judgmental person does not have to be the focus of your life unless you allow it. Put their behavior into context and try to look for the positives in the situation - or even in them.
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” -Winston Churchill
8. Have an attitude of gratitude.
Be thankful that YOU are not a bitter, judgmental Person like they are. Be grateful that perhaps your Parents didn’t criticize and tear you down like their Parents did to them. Be happy that other People like you more than they like them. You can always find something to be grateful for in every situation - even if it is a difficult one. Anything can be seen as a life lesson if you choose to see it that way
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” -Melody Beattie
9. Focus your attention on other people who love and support you.
If you can avoid or remove the judgmental person from your life, then do it! Even if the judgmental person is your own mother, that doesn’t mean you have to talk to her every day. You can put distance between yourself and them. If the person is your boss, try to fly under the radar as much as possible. Maybe the person will forget about criticizing you and then go pick on someone else. So make a conscious effort to hang around positive people so that you don’t get dragged down.
“You have to surround yourself with people who love you and want the best for you.” -Mena Suvari
10. Don’t believe them.
Just because a person judges you do not mean that what they are saying is right! Just because someone calls you stupid, does not mean that it’s true! Just because someone calls you fat, it does not mean other people think the same thing! One thing I know for sure in life is this: there are very few facts. Most of it is just someone’s opinion. So don’t confuse facts with opinion.
Here is the takeaway: do not play into their negativity. Do not take that on. Most judgmental people take pride in tearing other people down in attempt to feel better about themselves. But don’t let them drag you down with them.
“If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.” - Michael Jordan
SVC's President enrolled in what he believes is the best College Course he ever took: General Semantics. General Semantics is about perception and perspective. Over the years he developed his own Philosophy about the interpretation of Historic Events: The General Semantics of History.
General Semantics of History completed the argumentation for Natural Law first developed by Physician John Locke in the 17th and early 18th centuries and expanded by Thomas Jefferson in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
SVC's President would write a full Chapter in REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM called, “The Inevitable March of History.” In it, he now sets the stage for the Revival of the Four Universal Thematic Principles of the American Dream, he also turns on their heads many popular Historic Events and enlightens Us to new interpretations and understanding of many heretofore generally accepted viewpoints!!!!!!!
SVC's President work in this area has quite literally changed History and the Lessons to be learned from it. He has even gone so far to make the case that History is its own Entity and is what powers Human Events just as Natural Law controls Nature. No one will look at History as a mundane subject again. The Theme of Greatness had been sown.
At the end of his Junior Year in High School, SVC's President aspired to be Appointed to the Bozeman Senior High School Newspaper, “The Hawk Tawk.” When the Staff was named by Journalism Advisor Jerome McNichol, he remembers being on edge in ways he had never been before. He was almost sick to his stomach. It meant that much to him.
When “McNick” began to name the Staff, he looked very specifically and sternly into Phil’s eyes and stated, “I know there are those of you who feel inadequate to this task. I know you doubt you can do what is required to be on this Staff. Don’t. I know you can do it or I would not have named you to the Staff if I had any concerns over your abilities and skills.”
Phil was named as the Sports Editor. This was the first time in Phil’s Life someone had expressed unequivocally their Confidence in him. He never doubted his abilities to do anything he really wanted to do again.
McNick’s Confidence was well-placed, particularly in SVC's President. This Hawk Tawk Staff remains the only Six-Star Pacemaker Award (Junior Pulitzer) Winner from Montana. One of the reasons why the Hawk Tawk was named the best High School Newspaper in America the 1977-78 Academic Year was the Sports In A Nutshell Section (the precursor to the Public Policy In A Nutshell you see in every regular SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWOINT). Most real newspapers have adopted his Innovation and every Sports Fan in America is grateful 46 Years later. The Theme of Greatness was sown.
The following February as the Sports Editor, SVC's President Interviewed BSHS Athletic Director & Boys Head Basketball Coach Joe McKethen. He went to the AD's Office and found him on the phone. Before he could even get his Reporters Notepad out, the Coach hung up the phone and exclaimed, “Phil, that will never happen again.” He was concerned.
What the Coach meant was that the Bozeman Hawks would not lose another basketball game that season on their way to Bozeman’s first State Basketball Championship in 60 Years.
In 1971, McKethen had come to Bozeman from Miles City Community College. Normally, this would be considered a step down for a Coach – going from a JC back to High School - but he didn’t see it that way. He had come to Bozeman to create a winning Athletic Tradition.
The previous Season, the Hawks had made the Montana State AA Tournament and made a quick exit by losing their first two games. This was considered a fantastically successful season, the best the Bozemanites could do. The Professional Men’s Children from Bozeman could not compete with the Sons of Miners from Butte and Anaconda or the Sons of Loggers from Missoula, Kalispell and Libby. McKethen thought this was bunk.
As SVC's President wrote for BSHS Yearbook, The Aerie, at the Genesis of the 1977-78 Season, McKethen made a Speech to his Players that sounded like something out of the movie, “Rocky”. Just as McNichol did with his young charges the previous Spring, McKethen instilled the confidence they could win the Championship.
Prior to 1978, the Bozeman Children felt they could not win and they rarely did. Since 1978, Bozeman has repeatedly won State Championships and not only in Basketball. What McKethen had set out to accomplish had been Achieved. Bozeman is a Winner.
Both Scotch-Irishmen had Decided that one would Advise the best Junior Journalistic Staff in the Nation and the other Coach the best High School Basketball Team in Montana and that was all there would be to it!
More than four decades later, Phil still speaks with great emotion when he recalled that he was the only one of his relatively small Graduating Class of 340 Students to have something to do with both. The winning traditional in Bozeman had been sown by one Man who simply decided that was simply the way it was going to be!
Renowned Historian David McCullough is the only other American who was on a High School Newspaper who won the Six-Star Pacemaker Award and then went on to win two actual Pulitzer Prizes for his books.
The Themes of Greatness were sown in SVC's President by his two Sainted Grandmothers, McNichol and McKethen have emerged again and again over the past 46-55 Years since they occurred. By sharing this remarkable set of life stories, SVC's President has inspired Us all to Review Events in our own Lives and appreciate those special moments when our Lives are forever changed!
The highlight of the SVC Africa Tour XIX was conducting the SVC International General Conference in Nelson Mandela's home town. At the Nelson Mandela Exhibit Village of Mvezo in Umata, South Africa, the SVC International Board of Governors are treated to a lavish Banquet and tour of the Exhibit and village.
Worldwide, the audiences on SVC-TV International witnessed all the pageantry and enjoyed the entire SVC Public Policy Forum Tour in support of the Africa Project.
The SVC International Board of Governors reiterated the history of the SVC International Dreamweaver Plexus; the Africa Project; the SVC Trailblazer Training Program; the development of International Law; and another installment of “Truth About Judgmentalism.”
Also in Honor of Nelson, SVC President's new book is officially Published on December 5, 2023: