If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. - Jesus (Matthew 10:14–15)


Special International Prosecutor Norman Farrell began his Presentation by stating the above quote says it all in terms of those who serve the Creator and how they are treated by the world.

There has never been a time in human history that a seemingly “normal” group of so many individuals have committed so many crimes not only against one person but against their country in order to destroy that one person. The world awaits their explanation and what motivated them. No matter what, the cause(s) for the American Opprobrium will and must be known in the end.

The defamation case in Georgia is a small microcosm of what is transpiring in the United States of America. Rudy Giuliani has been Ordered by a Georgia Court to pay $148 million in damages to former Georgia Election Workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, whom he defamed following the 2020 Presidential Election.

But as with all major jury awards, the question is whether Freeman and Moss will see any of that money. The former New York mayor and onetime attorney to former President Donald Trump, has vowed to appeal the jury’s verdict. During the trial, he and his attorneys repeatedly said that he already doesn’t have funds to cover his various debts, but it’s unclear how much the former New York mayor actually has. Attorneys for Freeman and Moss said in court they had tried to find out Giuliani’s net worth, but because he hadn’t responded to many of their subpoenas in the lawsuit, they couldn’t determine a figure.

The Special International Prosecutor states that as much as Freeman and Moss probably deserve the huge award given what they went through to defend America's Democracy, what does this say about how much SVC's President should be awarded after 20 over years of defamation and discrediting efforts by the United States and States of Colorado and Montana Governments for defending America's Democracy and National Security and Defense, let alone the 527,000+ Americans who are known to be involved with the American Opprobrium?

After all, Freeman and Moss were never subjected to 15 assassination attempts; wrongful incarceration; and his undergraduate and masters alma mater, the University of Montana, booting him off campus for no reason whatsoever and accusing him of crimes when he was not even in the country, let alone on campus; and UM, the City & County of Missoula governments jointly paying Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge at least $50,000 to beat to him to death; and the States of Montana and Colorado intentionally and abruptly ending a 32-year career in Financial Services for specious reasons which remain completely incoherent and incomprehensible . And that's just for starters!

What is really unbelievable is that the traitors/terrorists are in Third Stage Psychotic denial about their criminality and have never denied that have done what they have to SVC's President, SVC and his fellow Victims, instead they have the unmitigated gall to attempt to defend the indefensible just as Giuliani still does even after the verdict and justify everything they have done.

With the precedent set by the Giuliani case, there can no longer be a question for Americans that the prescribed punishment for the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium and the United States, Colorado State; Montana State and subordinate governments in those States by the International Tribunals and their partner United States Federal Courts are in any way unreasonable and unjust. Indeed, they are bear minimum retribution and could be worse if the traitors/terrorists continue to insist they are right and/or resist what they have, by law, coming!



18 December 2023

SVC's President bought a new cell phone at Briargate Walmart in Colorado Springs Thursday because his old phone could no longer be recharged. Then his new phone acted out and would not download any of the apps and became virtually useless. He spent three hours talking to Tracfone to fix it himself. Eventually, he decided to return the phone and get a new one this afternoon.

When SVC's President tried to return the phone, he was told he could not return because the serial number on the receipt and the phone did not match. He asked the Manager named "Rose" how that could have happened? She told him it couldn't have because the box carrying the phone was sealed. When he told her it was not, she refused to believe him and he was forced to leave the building.

SVC's Investigators and IT Experts discovered that the phone had been used previously and needed to have a new SIM card. Once installed the phone began to work fine. The Walmart electronics workers had opened the box and replaced a new phone with this faulty one.  

The intent by Walmart was to defraud SVC's President and/or make it appear he stole the phone from elsewhere and then attempted to use the receipt to obtain a refund. The catch there is that SVC's President paid by debit card and the charge was verified by the bank at the same time the receipt had been issued with the wrong serial number on it. There was no way SVC's President had any knowledge that the phone was faulty and the serial numbers on the receipt and the box would not match. Right out of the Make Victims Unit's bag of tricks in Missoula...

The conversation about SVC's President taking Rob Walton's share of the Denver Broncos football team through a Judgment he had already had against Walmart is now going beyond a simple possibility and moving the team elsewhere before the 2026 season could very well happen! Enough is enough!


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