"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Jesus (John 7:1-3)

"When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” - Earl Nightingale


For some reason, People love to Judge other People. Whenever we slip up and start becoming Judgmental of others, we should take a step back and remind ourselves of this truth: We usually Judge others in the areas where we feel the weakest. Seriously, think about it.


A judgmental person is precisely the kind to go beyond discerning differences in people's abilities to make inferences about their overall worthiness. To a judgmental person, a bad singer is inferior not just on the dimension of singing but is inferior on the more fundamental dimension of being human as well.


At first blush, it may seem that a discerning person would have no choice but to be judgmental. However, that is not true, and to see why, consider what we know about intelligence, and about what it takes to be successful.


Many of us equate intelligence with analytical, mathematical, and verbal intelligence-IQ. However, several researchers, most notably Howard Gardner, have found that intelligence comes in many varieties: social intelligence (the ability to get along with people), emotional intelligence (an important aspect of which is to stay motivated in the face of obstacles), musical intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence (which is important for athletes and dancers), spatial intelligence (important for architects), etc.


What Howard Gardner and others have found is that, just as some people are higher in IQ than others, there is variation in terms of the other types of intelligence as well. As it turns out, there is no correlation between one type of intelligence and another type, which is to say that a person with high IQ is not necessarily high in the other types of intelligences.


What this translates into is this: Given that there is no limit to the number of dimensions of intelligence, no one person dominates any other person on all dimensions of intelligence. In other words, no human being is "superior," overall, to any other. Indeed, one could even go so far as to argue that, when all dimensions of intelligences are considered, everyone is equally gifted in their own particular way.


But if everyone is equally gifted, why are some people more successful in life than others? Why do some people (e g, Federer in tennis) master a domain while others flounder at anything they do?


There are two reasons for this. First, most of us never get to realize what our specific intelligence or "God-given" talent is. This is partly because we pay too much attention to what others (parents, teachers, and especially peers) say we should do and partly because our schools and universities don't focus on helping us discover our true talents. Second, as Simonton and Gladwell argued so eloquently in their respective books, Genius 101 and Outliers, success depends to a large extent on chance occurrences and circumstances that put us in the "right place at the right time" to take advantage of our talents, and most of us are just not lucky enough to have gotten the right breaks in life-breaks that, had they occurred, would have allowed our special talents to blossom.


To a person who recognizes both these aspects, namely that no one is superior to anyone else in terms of overall intelligence, and that success depends critically on chance events, it is possible to be both discerning and non-judgmental at the same time. But, even for such a person, it may be difficult to sustain being a "non-judgmental discerner," since most of us are so used to equating people's overall worthiness to their success that we are usually either discerning and judgmental or neither.


But a person who learns to be both discerning and non-judgmental will experience tremendous freedom in expressing his true, authentic, opinions about others-since he or she will not feel weighed down by the worry that he is being judgmental. Further, such a person will exhibit the twin qualities of being motivated to look for everyone's true-but perhaps hidden-talents, and of compassion towards those who haven't had the luck to make them successful. And finally, people will find it easier to take negative feedback from such a person since they will recognize that the feedback is not meant to be malicious.


If you’re being honest with yourself, we are sure that you can relate to some of the common examples below: Ugh, why can’t that Mother control her unruly kids? They are running through the store like animals!” (Translation: “I don’t feel great about my abilities as a Mother, and it makes Me feel a little better to judge a Woman who appears to be struggling in her duties more than I am.”)


Why is this guy’s blog more popular than mine? His blog posts look like a third-grader wrote them.” (Translation: “I wish that My blog was as popular as his is, and I’m insecure about the fact that it isn’t.”)


This woman thinks that she’s all that because she drives a fancy car and has so much money–it’s disgusting.” (Translation: “I wish that I had as much money as she did, and by judging her as a villain, it makes me feel a little better about being broke.”)


Look at that dude smiling all of the time, he’s so fake and annoying.” (Translation: “I wish that I was happy enough to smile all of the time. But since I’m not, I’m going to judge this guy as a phony and a fraud.”)


Look at that fat-ass whale on the treadmill, she’s such a mess.” (Translation: “I don’t feel great about how I look, and it makes me feel good to viciously judge someone who I believe looks worse than I do.”)


Be real with us–do you know anyone who is completely secure with him/herself who also consistently and harshly judges other People in the ways described above?


That’s because our Judgments reveals our soft-spots. Our insecurities. Our weaknesses.


When it comes to the American Opprobrium, the insolent arrogance of the traitors/terrorists have consistently exhibited is a travesty of Justice of epic and historic proportions only previously exhibited by Leaders of Khmer Rouge, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and Sudan.


The causes of the lawlessness manifested by the 527,000+ known Americans involved in the American Opprobrium is unique to history because the United States is supposed to be a democratic, civilized and well-ordered society where the situations that created the violent environment in Cambodia, Soviet Union, Germany and Sudan verged on anarchy.


The classic in the American Opprobrium is the power the terrorists have given to SVC President, Phil Sutton's, apparent socioeconomic status. More backbiting and innuendo has materialized because of all the luggage his Personage must carry around with him.


From the Obama and Trump Administrations now the Biden Administration on down, the powers that be have consistently denied SVC's President any assistance in coping with the situation with Sutton Manor North in Bozeman, the MVU's in Missoula and being the soul target of 400,000+ people's Judgment in Colorado.


The apparent emerging battle over SVC President's Social Security is where corrupt Public Officials have pushed their luck too far. Most of the issues involved in the American Opprobrium have been open to interpretation and easily distorted to one's viewpoint whereas Social Security is virtually every American's concern for one reason or another.


It will not be too difficult for SVC's President and his Attorneys to make the case that what the corrupt Federal Officials in Colorado Springs are doing is stealing from him. He has worked and contributed to Social Security for over 49 years and is earning his 197th Work Credit this quarter. He only needs 40 Work Credits to qualify for Social Security benefits under Law.


Further, all Americans can see the handwriting on the wall. SVC's President has made the maximum contributions to Social Security and Medicare for at least 40 Work Credits, thus entitling him to the highest benefits possible.


If SVC's President continues to be denied his Social Security benefits, how likely is it other corrupt Public Officials can deny/have denied any American they please those same benefits? Right, no American is exempt. No possibility of distorting that potential reality.


SVC's President is 70% disabled but has consistently been turned down for Social Security disability benefits. He also has been turned down for all kinds of assistance others receive/received out of hand because on paper he is worth too much and/or makes too much. Not exactly what the hyper-judgmental traitors/terrorists want to know about SVC's President, is it?


While the terrorists of the American Opprobrium have habitually demonstrated they are not fit to Live in Civilized Society and are thusly incorrigible beyond reform and their sins in a spiritual sense are unforgiveable, meaning Jesus did not die to forgive their sins, thus the terrorists are condemned in this life and the next. This is the harsh Judgment against the traitors/terrorists already made by the Creator and they could not be more deserving!


Recently, The Hague and SVC have commented that a full Investigation would be launched concerning how the traitors/terrorists managed to so thoroughly confuse the American Public about their criminal activities and making them look good and how they successfully worked to destroy reputations of legitimate true International and American Heroes.


When it comes to the travails of SVC's President in particular, the motive for the world record crime wave against him is jealousy just as was with Jesus, severe judgmentalism and projecting the traitors/terrorists shortcomings onto the other person.


The traitors/terrorists have taken great sadistic pride in creating situations which portrayed SVC's President as a rogue citizen and as a criminal. The reason for the homelessness in Missoula was the Old Jore scandal; in Bozeman, the virtual destruction of Sutton Manor North through horrific acts of vandalism and the subsequent need for years of reconstruction; and in Colorado, the surprisingly vicious singling out of SVC's President by 400,000 Coloradans when Phil had quite literally had thousands of fellow victims in Montana and the Licensing and Kushnir Assassination scandals. None of this was ever SVC President's fault or based on any reliable and verifiable source(s) of any wrongdoing by him, but there is plenty of videos, evidence and witnesses to the crimes against him.


The supreme irony of this is that all the efforts by traitors/terrorists to create abject poverty in the life of SVC's President and be able to tell their recruits that he has to be judged as a worthless person and that it is a joke that any retribution against them could be possible, inevitably had to backfire and now the punishment they will receive has to be so severe that no one would ever want to emulate them. The traitors/terrorists must be held out as an example of never, ever again so the world will never see their evil brand of judgmentalism ever, ever again. Or, if we do, we will know what to do with them!


Consider this description of a physical disease as the judgment mentality the traitors/terrorism have:


Rhabdomyolysis (often called rhabdo) is a serious medical condition that can be fatal or result in permanent disability. Rhabdo occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases its proteins and electrolytes into the blood. These substances can damage the heart and kidneys and cause permanent disability or even death.


This is the Medical and Legal Definition of the disease Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge meant to inflict upon SVC's President when beating him on 5 April 2012. The Soviet Gulag Technique Trowbridge used is designed to raise the toxic levels of myoglobin in the body and effectively shut down the kidney and causing death.


At the time SVC's President was first diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis nearly 10 months after the beating, the levels of myoglobin had reached double the thought-to-be lethal levels in his body. What saved SVC's President is he has two healthy kidneys and a strong heart. There have been 24 other poor souls in Missoula who were not so fortunate and Trowbridge still wears a badge.


Fortunately, SVC's President has survived the paid assassination attempt by the University of Montana and the City & County Governments of Missoula, but it has taken nearly $3 million in Medical services to keep him alive:


The recent discovery of the $50,000+ assassination fee did nothing to raise awareness amongst the American People of organize terrorism's infiltration into the United States.


Nor did US Senator Steve Daine's disclosures concerning his discovery of known terrorist groups illegal immigration into America at the southern border.


Americans can continue to live in denial concerning this problem at their own peril. SVC-TV and SVC-TV International looks forward to further educating Americans concerning this growing threat when it takes over CNN's and HLN's cable licenses.


Also, when SVC will be able to replace Fox News, the new spin-off Peace & Democracy Channel will be the premier 24/7 news channel on television and will challenge C-Span for the first time.


Just as CNN's bias in favor of the Democrats and Fox News Channel bias in favor of Republicans has become destructive journalism, C-Span's refusal to cover History in an objective way and interview SVC's President and other enlightened Authors concerning their books has been a travesty to the First Amendment and the concept of Equal time.


Bottom line, when the Leaders of the American Opprobrium are denied their chief power source of their cover-up activities, the American People will be outraged and finally demand action!







We all wish this turbulent period was over - but it is not and will not be soon. Many of the issues and changes are going to be around for a long time.

But one area we are particularly concerned about as a long-term threat is Social Security. We started this RETIREMENT IN AMERICA series over ten years ago and the first 23 installments won a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2014. 

While Retirement assets for most Americans have held up well so far thanks to the liquidity generated by monetary stimulus from the Federal Reserve and fiscal stimulus from the Federal Government, that is all poised for radical change.

Experts in Financial Planning such as Phil commonly argue that the average American’s choice about when and how to claim their Social Security benefit is the single most important financial decision they will make in their lifetime.

On the other hand, making mistakes can result in undue financial hardship during retirement, especially in cases where married couples fail to carefully coordinate their claiming strategies. It is also critical to put the Social Security claiming decision in its proper context - alongside considerations about the Client’s broader investment portfolio, lifestyle expectations and longevity projections.

Americans are by now used to hearing about Social Security going bust sometime in the mid-2030s. Concerns about the long-term stability of the program are well-founded, Experts say, but overblown fears could damage the program further.

The truth is that fixing Social Security will require setting politics aside and getting good information into the hands of both Policymakers and the Public.

In REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, Phil Proposed a phasing out plan for Social Security. He Proposed that Americans 44 and younger would be permanently dropped from the program, but would be instructed to place the 7.6% FICA Payroll deduction in private investments.

Americans 55 and older would not have the time for private investments to replace Social Security, so they would have to ride out the storm to its original conclusion and Social Security would be no more as the last of them passed away.

Americans 45 to 54 would have the option of dropping Social Security and going with private investments or continuing with Social Security to the end. It was thought then few would be so stupid to continue with Social Security.

Unfortunately, time ran out on this Proposal and it would no longer be mathematically viable. Back then, 2028 was the magical moment when Social Security would crash leaving millions of Americans in Retirement purgatory.

It may seem unfair that the 44 and younger crowd would lose all their contributions, but when we both started working at age 15 some 49 years ago that's exactly what we thought would happen, anyway. We were working to support our Grandparents and Parents and we would never see a damn dime of it.

Phil's recent decision to apply for his Retirement Benefits was based upon the need to stabilize his financial situation because the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium are having him squeezed financially to the hilt, continuing to make his life a living hell with impunity and making it impossible to delay foreclosures upon his thousands of Judgments, thereby throwing millions out of work and forcing closures of Universities in both Colorado and Montana, etc., before a better settlement could be reached.

Plus, other potential income sources such as publication of Phil's newest book, “TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM” within the United States has been inexplicably waylaid. The book was supposed to Published by Christmas 2022, now it appears it will not be Published until after Christmas 2023, if then.

Now that the Social Security Administration has decided to play games with Phil's Social Security Benefits, he has no choice but to pursue the execution of the Judgments. Keep in mind, the US Government alone owes him and his fellow Victims approximately $470 trillion as of 8 November 2023 and the International Judgment is growing by $1.4 trillion per diem.

On top of all this, Social Security “faces a customer service crisis,” former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, who President Joe Biden Nominated in late July to serve as the next Commissioner for the Social Security Administration, told Senators.

During this testimony before the US Senate Finance Committee, O’Malley said that for all its historic strengths, “we must acknowledge that Social Security faces a customer service crisis. The truth is, today, the Social Security Administration is serving a 50% increase in beneficiary customers with the same levels of staffing they had in 1995.

As it stands now, a ”senior citizen who calls the 800 number of the Social Security Administration will face an average hold time of 37 long minutes,” O’Malley testified. An American in need of disability benefits, he said, “will wait 220 days for an initial decision, and perhaps as long as two years for an appeal. This is not the greatness of America. This is not acceptable.”

Someone who wants a face-to-face meeting with a Social Security employee to claim benefits “should be able to get one,” O’Malley told the Senators.

-Phil Sutton, SVC President/CEO, DBA & PhD & SVC International Governor & Minnesota State Chair, Dan O’Loughlin, PhD, SVC TRAILBLAZER PUBLICATIONS, VOL XXII, #21,490,777,777,700,000,000,000,000,003, 11/8/2023