Last year in my eighth Burning Bush Dream with my First Wife Patti told me to intensely watch the growing and obvious aggressiveness of Russia and China and that Russia President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping would readily take advantage of American weakness in International relations because the US Government's hypocrisy concerning the American Opprobrium and not complying with International Law and protecting its Citizens against the infiltration of organized terrorism in the USA. 


So that you do not think that its just me that believes this, U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) has been hitting this subject hard them past 100 days:

Further indication of the seriousness of the matter and the difficulty of being taken seriously came when the "On online Book Club" sent this lead to SVC:

Re: *Automatically Flagged as Potential Spam (Score 7.3)* : Social Justice American Opprobrium


This is what they are calling spam:

Social Justice American Opprobrium

The Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium carries a heavy social Responsibility. It is imperative that not only Justice be done for all the Victims, but make sure the punishment for the traitors/terrorists is sufficient to deter any such a recurrence again. 

One of the most troubling aspects of the American Opprobrium is why so many Americans have gotten involved and what has motivated their profound narcissistic and criminal behavior from the top levels of business, public service organizations and government at all levels.

There can be no controversy that the Opprobrium is very real or that the most foul activities of the traitors/ terrorists have taken place. SVC has reported, for instance, that the University of Montana, City and County of Missoula governments raised at least $50,000 to pay Missoula Policeman Kurt Trowbridge to assassinate SVC's President using a Soviet Gulag Technique Trowbridge learned as a Marine.

This is a rather fantastic allegation and one would think these government entities would go out of their way to deny the incident, let alone the implications of such a charge. Nary a word for going on 12 years now.

The traitors/terrorists have received good legal advice that any Public Statement would only invite an Investigation that should have been automatic 140 months ago after the State Investigator's picture of SVC's President injuries were made public and serious Public questions and Mass Media inquiries they have worked so hard to avoid in Missoula.

One of the strangest aspects of terrorism is that the perpetrators take pride in their acts of terror and want the world to know who is responsible. More importantly, they will get away with what they have done with impunity. In the case of the American Opprobrium, this has become manifestly obvious. They have expended billions of dollars to discredit their prize Victim and ruin his life, careers and reputation within the United States. They point to his destitution of their making as proof he is who and what they say he is and are certain no one will ever believe what the truth is and that their behavior could be so wretched, but it is! 

The successful Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium in the United States in the ways prescribed by International Law, The Hague, their Partner US Federal Courts, SVC and SVC's Affiliates will be the prototype in the future of International Law enforcement!


Further, Patti asserted that if I called either President both would readily talk to me; if Joe Biden called them, they would think about talking with him and probably would not, at least not immediately. Indeed, Putin had proposed that I act as an United Nations, not United States Envoy to resolve Russia's conflict with Ukraine and it was the Biden Administration who nixed that proposal and five days later Russia invaded Ukraine.


In December during SVC's Africa Tour XVIII, I asserted that International Law would be resolutely and universally enforced from now on – period!


Having an UN Security Council Veto or not being a signatory to the Statutes of Rome would no longer save them from being brought to International Justice. In a rare moment, Russia inquired if I meant them, even after all the support that had given my International Complaint and had apprehended the Kushnirs when American co-conspirators had allowed them to escape the USA unscathed.


When I affirmed that I did, Russia moved very quickly to consolidate what support they felt they still had, and negotiated the release a key military and arms expert Viktor Bout in exchange for American Black Lesbian Brittney Griner. At least, some good came of it.


The Chinese have stirred up matters with their own favorite former member Province, Taiwan. Again, the new aggressive activity that Patti warned me about is entirely concerning American weakness and hypocrisy.


The spy balloon over my home State of Montana is a curious event for several reasons but the most important is that Montana has close to 40% of America's nuclear arsenal within its borders and it is obvious to me the Chinese wanted a clear view of the missile silos in the wheat fields along Montana's northern tier.


Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls is only Montana's token Military Base and has a small role in America's NORAD Defense system. In 1958, the Pentagon decided to sacrifice the Rocky Mountain States in case of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union and based NORAD ironically in Colorado Springs, Colorado where al Qaeda is based within the USA.


SVC has moved its State Offices from Billings and Boulder to Malmstrom and originally the Air Force Academy due to security concerns. The Chinese are sending SVC a message they too feel SVC and I owe them something for their support of my International Complaint.


SVC knew about the balloon not by reported sightings but the fact SVC International's security circuit breakers shut down our computer system when the Chinese tried to hack it just before the balloon first entered US air space before sunrise.


It is also interesting that US Vice President Kamala Harris and US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Shaack have all the sudden been talking about enforcing International Law big time because the Biden Administration has no room to talk and are once again attempting to deflect attention from ongoing American violations of International Law and end the travesty of the American Opprobrium on American terms.


The Chinese and Russians also know they are fortunate I am not the Man sitting in the Oval Office. President George H W Bush was the last American President who is a Decorated Combat Veteran and is a fellow Naval Aviator.


President Bush didn't put up with Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait and rallied the International Community to eject Iraq from Kuwait. My own participation in the Persian Gulf War is what eventually positioned me to be in the role I have now: to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.


Just like Moses speaking to the Burning Bush asking how it was he who was going to free the Hebrews slaves, I have asked the same question of the Creator about how I am to accomplish my assigned task. The answer was the same and you don't argue with the Almighty.


On the morning February 19, 2023 Patti gave me a good idea about how soon Jesus will return. She told me that the Sixth Seal of the Revelation had been opened with the earthquake in Turkey 13 days before: “And when I saw a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat of goat hair and the moon turned blood red...(Revelation 6:12 & 13).


The Apostle John experienced his Revelations with Jesus and wrote down what he saw on the Island of Patmos, an island which is quite close to modern day Turkey. It would be possible for him to witness the earth shaking from there if not feel it on Patmos himself.


Patti reminded me that I was born 12 days after the Yellowstone earthquake in 1959; 22 years before our Wedding Day; and 55 years before the birth of our Grandsons. Many Scientists use the creation of Quake Lake out of Hebgen Lake in Gallatin County, Montana, as a natural example of how the parting of the Red Sea could have happened.


Mount Ararat is the highest point in Turkey (16,854 feet) and is the fabled location of where Noah's Ark rested after the Great Flood. This is significant because even the most atheistic Scientist will tell you that the Great Deluge occurred. Because of this, all history recorded in the Holy Bible is verified from that point forward. Granted, there are different versions of that history, but the accounts in the Holy Bible are essentially historic verified fact.


It is also an extinct volcano. The epicenter of the Turkey earthquake is roughly the same distance from Mount Arafat as the epicenter of the Yellowstone earthquake is from another extinct volcano, Mount Lady Blackmore.


As most of you know, I chose Mount Blackmore as the primary symbol in the SVC logo. Lord and Lady Blackmore traveled to United States over 7,000 miles from England to attend the Grand Opening of the world's first National Park in 1872. Lady Blackmore became ill in Bozeman and stayed behind.


When Lord Blackmore returned he discovered his Wife had died. He bought five acres and donated it to the City of Bozeman. She was buried in what is now Sunset Cemetery with a depiction of the mountain that lords over the Gallatin Valley on her tombstone.


My Father led the annual hike up Mount Blackmore for the Montana Wilderness Association for a number of years and always told this story. For me, it is a poignant example of what a fellow grieving Widower did to positively deal with his grief and made a positive, lasting impact upon generations just as I have done by creating SVC and SVC's 101 Days of Summer, the time between Alicia's and my birthdays with Patti's birthday in between.


When I was born in Ogden, Utah, my Parents had no idea that they would eventually wind-up in Montana, let alone Bozeman. It is yet another example of one my favorite SVC Public Policy Forum Topics, “Seeing The Hand of God.”


One of Noah's Grandsons was named Magog. His name is the root word for Moscow. His Descendants became the Russians, the Northern King in the Armageddon Prophecies. The only nation ever to field an army of 200 million or more is China. The Prophecies say that China is therefore the Eastern King.


By tradition, the Southern King has been considered to be Egypt. Patti redirected me east to Saudi Arabia which makes sense given its relatively greater power and influence and Osama bin Laden was a Saudi Prince.


The Western King has always been the greatest mystery. In Jesus' time, it was thought to be Rome. The designation moved steadily northwest to the Holy Roman Empire, Napoleonic France and the British Empire.


The lands of the Western King would not be known to the civilized world for over a millennium after Jesus' Resurrection. It is the United States of America. The USA has always been the only true supporter of the restored Israel in the Holy Land and the Armageddon Prophecies say Israel will enter into a defense pact with the Anti-Christ ~ the President of the United States.


Recently, the United States suffered yet another hit upon its International reputation when it was forced to abstain in the Vote in United Nations Security Council against Israel for its alleged Crimes Against Humanity and possible War Crimes in its war against Hamas in Gaza.


The Biden Administration followed the Obama Administration's example against my International Complaint 10 years ago next Monday (22 January 2014) and abstain instead of casting an infamous Veto that would have made the USA an International outcast. If you don't think Putin and Xi are loving every minute of this you would be quite wrong.


On the day of Armageddon, Israel would incite attack by the Northern, Eastern and Southern Kings with the Anti-Christ attempting to come to Israel's rescue in the Valley of Megiddo in Israel. Total annihilation could be averted only with Jesus' Second Coming. With all of Creation destroyed, Satan would finally win over the Creator.


What is not know by most is that this is not necessary. Never has been. Even with Christians, they get upset when I have raised the possibility that Jesus will return to a Peaceful World, not an Armageddon-torn one. They are looking forward to God nailing their adversaries through Armageddon. At best they are immature Christians and obviously do not understand that the true victory will be enjoying eternity with Jesus and knowing their adversaries will be forever cast out.


Patti affirmed that there are only seven seals and the sixth one has just been opened. Time is of the essence. It took 10 plagues and 430 years of suffering to free the Hebrew slaves. It took nearly a thousand years and 28 generations from King David's triumph over Goliath to Jesus' First Coming.


It took another millennium between the writing of the Book of Revelation to William the Conqueror's victory at Hastings. It took another millennium and 28 Generations to restore Israel to the Holy Land and begin the Final Countdown to Jesus' Second Coming. The stage is set.


The “blood red” moon the prophecy discusses did occur on Holy Thursday in 2023. This full moon is known as the Paschal Moon, the full moon which directly follows the vernal equinox and determines when the Jews celebrate Passover and the Christians Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday.


In 2023 was particularly special because Thursday April 6th will be the correct date in 1566 BC when the Jews first experienced the Passover and Jesus shared the Last Supper with his Disciples in AD 30.


The next day in 1566 the 10th and final plague hit Egypt and all the eldest Children in each Egyptian Family perished and in AD 30, Jesus was crucified. On Sunday April 9th in 1566 the Hebrews finally left Egypt and in AD 30, Jesus is Resurrected. The Creator's Grand Design is omnipresent in these events and definitely lends a clue when Jesus will return.

For my part, Patti also affirmed the Economic and Political Democratization of the entire world is key and that eliminating material need and greed through Living Security absolutely required.

This process begins with the manner in which we continue to pursue the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium. For instance, taking the Professional Insurance Licensing power from the States of Montana and Colorado may seem drastic, but the fact of the matter is this conversation of Federalizing the Insurance Industry Regulation has been in the works for decades.


The American Life Insurance Industry is the largest industry in the history of the world and has gotten there by gouging Americans for 160 years, a situation which cries out for reform.


In the same way as the Creator gave Jesus the power to grant Spiritual Salvation to anyone who believes through his Crucifixion and Resurrection, the Creator has put me through the licensure scandals in Montana and Colorado so I have the power to change how insurance products are developed, sold and serviced to the definite benefit of the American People.


If people feel financially insecure and they become desperate to survive, just about every evil known to us becomes possible for normally good Citizens. I have designed Living Security so that no one will ever fall below a certain level of financial support, thus eliminating material need and greed – Satan's primary hook in us – and making it possible that the Mission Statement of the SVC International Dreamweaver Plexus be accomplished and Jesus returning to a Peaceful world:




But that cannot be done unless the proper reforms take place, all the traitors/ terrorists are brought to Justice and the American People wake-up and begin to support the Creator, Jesus, SVC and our Affiliates, not Satan and organized terrorism....


We are quite literally a part of the constant Spiritual Warfare between them and the Prophecies of Armageddon are in place as a warning to all that the Creator will have this victory that way if We cannot collectively Achieve the MISSION STATEMENT of SVC INTERNATIONAL DREAMWEAVER PLEXUS. That is the Key!!!!!!!


The primary thrusts of the Burning Bush Dream IV and V are why all the Events which have transpired in My Life have been necessary. Most of it was difficult to make sense of. But that is the point. When it said that the Creator works in mysterious ways, no one has a clue like I do now how true that is.

For instance, the Burning Bush Dreams have occurred on February 19th because it is the 50th day of the Year on Pope Gregory XIII’s Calendar and it Commemorates the Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit – the Comforter as Jesus called it.


The Revelations Burning Bush Dream I had with Patti is essentially a Report Card about how I am doing and what must be accomplished before Jesus returns.


I already had sense of what most of that is, but the most stunning Revelations concerning the fact that very current Events are squeezing the Anti-Christ out of his Destiny. That is the real good news!


If you will recall, Jesus has consistently reminded me of My Elizabethan and my Doe Dreams. He did so to remind me why I am here and who I am. But most important to me, Jesus helped me understand that I was judging myself by earthly standards not by the Spiritual standards that matter.


Jesus joked with me that my Spiritual accomplishments may cause him to return earlier than planned. What Patti told me is the flipside of what Jesus has been telling me the previous 7½ years.


The Spiritual warfare which is constantly transpiring cannot be seen or perceived most of the time, but it most certainly is there. This is where the fence sitters get into real trouble and so much is made of the separation of the sheep and goats which will occur on the Judgment Day.


This is not meant to scare anybody. Like so much which has to do with the Spiritual World, if you are uncommitted, both sides will attempt to knock you off the fence and you probably will not land in a good place.
Everyone must understand there are many Principles on which the World is built and the Creator has revealed them to a chosen few. The Revelation of the General Semantics of History is My Contribution to that understanding.
The Creator has set in place Principles which control Human existence on this Planet similar to those which control animals in nature. The animals act instinctively, Humans act by choice. These choices, our Decisions control our destiny.
In order to better understand the ways of the Creator, you first must breakthrough the monolith of false Beliefs and Principles most of Us have, both Personally decided upon and induced by the outside World.
First and foremost, it is natural to be in awe of the Creator's World and its Spiritual - almost mystical - aspects. Wayne was so successful as an Author and Lecturer because in large part he was not only unafraid but fascinated by it. You need to be, too.
Once you have a firm connection to the Creator, you become a Co-Creator of your World. Once this is established and vigilantly maintained, nothing - and I mean nothing - you can imagine is impossible to you!


But this is the key: you must be able to focus upon your Vision and nothing else can be allowed to distract you. This is what Tony Robbins and I have worked so hard upon the past few years to develop the means by which all of you can join Us Create the World We all desire Individually and collectively:


Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny!



I have always been moved that I first found out I was a Grandfather when Liberty Bell II was taxiing down the runway at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport. It just happened to be the 33rd Anniversary of Patti’s and My Wedding on August 15th, 1981.


We had just come from a conflict-torn Nation, Kosovo, in the same area of the World where almost exactly 100 Years before Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his Wife, Sophie, were assassinated and triggered the First World War. The Alpha & Omega message is unmistakable.


When I first understood who I really am was during My Longfellow Dream. Longfellow Elementary School was where My Formal Education began in Bozeman and the date was June 1st, the date I Graduated from Bozeman Senior High School. Again, the Alpha & Omega message is unmistakable.


In Revelation 1:8 John wrote: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the LORD, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."


In Revelation 21: 6a Jesus said to John: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.”


In Revelation 22:13 John wrote: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”


The Book of Revelation only has 22 Chapters, so the fact that these quotes appeared in the first and last two Chapters is an Alpha & Omega message in themselves.


All my Dreams with Jesus and Patti have been rich in allegory and metaphor. Jesus often spoke in Parables and Patti was a Literature Teacher and Loved this stuff. It is by no mistake that Revelation was Patti’s favorite book in the Holy Bible.


It has been said that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus frequently used parables as a means of illustrating profound, Divine truths. Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Parables were a common form of Teaching in Judaism.


Before a certain point in His ministry, Jesus had employed many graphic analogies using common things that would be familiar to everyone (salt, bread, sheep, etc.) and their meaning was fairly clear in the context of His Teaching. Parables required more explanation, and at one point in His ministry, Jesus began to Teach using parables exclusively.


The question is why Jesus would let most people wonder about the meaning of His parables. The first instance of this is in His telling the parable of the seed and the soils. Before He interpreted this parable, He drew His disciples away from the crowd. They said to Him, "Why do You speak to them in parables?"


Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (Jesus’ Kingdom), but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says:


‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand. And seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts of this People have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it" (Matthew 13:10-17).


From this point on in Jesus’ Ministry, when He spoke in parables, He explained them only to His Disciples. But those who had continually rejected His message were left in their Spiritual blindness to wonder as to His meaning. He made a clear distinction between those who had been given “ears to hear” and those who persisted in unbelief-ever hearing, but never actually perceiving and “always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). The Disciples had been given the gift of Spiritual discernment by which things of the spirit were made clear to them. Because they accepted truth from Jesus, they were given more and more truth. The same is true today of believers who have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth (John 16:13). He has opened our eyes to the light of truth and our ears to the sweet words of eternal life.


Jesus understood that truth is not sweet music to all ears. Simply put, there are those who have neither interest nor regard in the deep things of God. So why, then, did He speak in parables? To those with a genuine hunger for God, the parable is both an effective and memorable vehicle for the conveyance of Divine truths.


Our Lord’s Parables contain great volumes of truth in very few words-and His parables, rich in imagery, are not easily forgotten. So, then, the Parable is a blessing to those with willing ears. But to those with dull hearts and ears that are slow to hear, the Parable is also an instrument of both Judgment and mercy.


Jesus took the time to Teach me how to discern the messages in World Events. One of the most striking of these as it pertains to Me is the Alpha & Omega message of the virtually simultaneous deaths of Princess Diane and Mother Teresa in 1997.


With the newly unveiled statute of the Princess, the message is clear. When I first saw the Statute a couple of days before its unveiling as we were working through the visual coverage of the Event on SVC-TV International, Prince William asked why I had a particularly big smile on face. He obviously desired that would be the case for everyone, but he knew me well enough my smile had a special meaning.


I think it a beautiful depiction of who the Princess really was – a Kindergarten School Teacher guiding her Students. That was who she was when William’s Father, then-Prince Charles, plucked her out of obscurity 40 years ago.


I went on to explain that the Princess of Wales was ill-suited for that job and that she was so very unhappy. William and Prince Harry are the only joy she had in her Life and it breaks her heart that they have had a falling out.


Being a Teacher was all Diana wanted to be. It was a mistake for all involved she Married Charles. I Married Patti 17 days later. She was the same way. All she wanted to be was an English & Literature Teacher and a Speech & Debate Coach. Absolutely, nothing wrong with that. It was who Diana and Patti were meant to be! The World Witnessed the disaster that Diana’s Life became when she denied her Divine Destiny. It is profound lesson for Us all!


Further, it is very interesting that the two Princes chose Women who are very different from their Mother and better suited to be Members of the British Royal Family, at least from a Professional Training viewpoint.


Kate was Model before she Married William and Meghan was a Television Actress when she Married Harry. Unlike their Mother-in-Law, who they never met and had an intense disliking for the camera, they very much wanted to be in front of the camera.


When Diana died she was at the beginning of her Life at age 36; Teresa was at the end of hers at age 87. Independently and from two very different Countries and backgrounds, they represented the good one Person could do in the World and what their loss meant to it!


In Preparation for his Ministry, Jesus traveled to India where Mother Teresa was from and learned much about the mystic cults in existence at the time. Jesus referred to these cults in his Ministry and warned about the consequences of being ensnared. Jesus had a comprehensive Worldview which has never been matched before or since.


The Spencer and Sutton Families have intermarried twice and share their very same French Norman Ancestry. Diane died in France with a Man – Dodi Fayed – whose Mother is Author, Samira Khashoggi. Her Family has significant roots in Palestine and, like Jesus, shares King David in her ancestry. Diana’s and Fayed’s romantic relationship is the only known one between Descendants of both King William I, The Conqueror, and King David. Obviously, this has very significant meaning to Me and My Ministry.


It is eerie to think that at this time I had made the Decision to return to School to pursue My Doctorate at the University of Oklahoma and ironically give up my Insurance Agency with Primerica, I would never again be full-time in Financial Services.


Prior to that, I had made the Decisions to write REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, which was first Published by the OU Press and the University Consortium that sponsored our first Book Tour in the Autumn of 2002; and create SVC. Jesus told me that this is when he started guiding My Life inexorably toward My Destiny!


Look for these Alpha & Omega messages in your own Life. Chances are it is Jesus telling you your own Personal Parable about where your Life is to wind up…


REVIVAL was not an immediate success. It was the University Book Tour which brought it to light and the sales took off. Nine month later, it became a runaway Bestseller and would become the most popular secular book ever written worldwide over the next decade. It is believed only the Holy Bible has sold more copies.


My new book, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL AMERICAN DREAM will be rolled out in the same way.


During the original book tour, we discussed and debated each of the seven chapters in turn for a week. The SVC Public Policy Forums will fulfill that purpose along with a blog on SVC's Public Website:


I also will begin lecturing at selected Universities and Colleges and the book will be used as textbooks beginning in the Fall of 2024. Ultimately, the concepts of World Democratization, Economy Democracy and Living Security will be known to all and supported by most Americans because these concepts simply are Humanity's Last Best Hope for a Peaceful World. Please devise even better solutions to the world's problems if you can.


With SVC-TV replacing CNN; the new Peace & Democracy channel replacing Fox News channel; and SVC-TV International replacing HLN, unbiased Television Journalism will be a real treat SVC will have in store for the American People. So much of the angst and misconceptions concerning events of the past couple of decades have been the direct result of the American mass media and social media being allowed to hurtle out of control.


I chose Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the United States to make this Announcement because today is actually Dr. King's Birthday - he was born January 15, 1929 - and those same people who worked to make the King Day Holiday a reality in 1986 rolled over their energies to ending Apartheid in South Africa. It is that group I became involved with a year later and it changed my life forever.


The fact is that South Africans under Nelson Mandela's Leadership have become more successful in battling Societal Injustice than Americans in our Country. It is the reason why I invoke what Nelson taught me every chance I get.


What all three of us had in common is the certain knowledge that our adversaries knew/know their oppression was/is wrong. The Jim Crow South and Apartheid came to an end because that acknowledgment finally became reality.


That said, the American Opprobrium is not only wrong, but is profoundly criminal and corrupt with International and U.S. Laws in place not so when oppression of Blacks in both Countries were taking place. The International Community's and their Partner Federal Court's ability to enforce these Laws will directly impact our ability to avert Armageddon and bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion. It is as simple as that...




15 JANUARY 2024