Many moons ago, I started talking about Gratitude as a necessary aspect that our Personalities must possess to be successful in this life. By bemoaning our current circumstances we only attract more of it into our lives.
As an adult I have been unable to break the cycle of abuse in my life that has been present really from the day I was born. I was born with minor birth defects which caused my Father, who was in his Medical Residency, to view me as an embarrassment to him and that never changed. That set the pattern.
Obviously, the traitors/terrorists of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium have sensed that vulnerability and readily have taken advantage of it, although it has been more the Creator’s way of exposing who they really are. You press unsubstantiated “facts” against someone knowing full well they are wrong it will have a nasty tendency to boomerang on you and that’s exactly what is happening now.
But first, the advantages of feeling grateful for what currently have. Practicing gratitude is a way for us to appreciate what they have, instead of always vainly reaching for a grandiose goal in the hope it will make them happier, or thinking you can't feel satisfied until every material need and selfish greed is met. Gratitude is the Creator’s gift to us that allows us to refocus on what we should be grateful to have instead of what they lack.
First, gratitude can free us from toxic beliefs and emotions. In the Holy Bible, James 3:1-12 discusses the power of the tongue and how to watch what we say. What we verbalize can often materialize because that is what we are focusing upon.
Like everything else in our world, what we say must first come from a thought and thoughts are things. Speaking ingratitude inevitably assures us of more grief and that presumably is not what we want. So why do we do it? Because it reinforces we are being treated unfairly and we are helpless to do anything about it.
For me personally, that has been the most difficult aspect of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium. For nearly a quarter century, things have happened that I not only could not control or am not responsible for in any way, but powerless to help myself. I was not imagining that people were/are intentionally wanting to harm me with no cause or justification whatsoever.
I was supposed to just take it and allow my life to be ruined. I am grateful, very grateful that the Creator has worked through very wonderful people and now the tables have turned. Now, as the Creator has promised, there will be a better life for me and those who have had Faith in our Creator.
As my Attorneys wrote to Montana State Auditor Matt Rosendale when he refused to renew my Professional Licenses in Montana: ”What you have done is executed Dr. Sutton and now you have learned he was never there (at the murder scene).”
That story has been repeated over and over again during the scandal. The nasty truth is finally coming forth despite mighty efforts to prevent it. Incontrovertible evidence has been all over the internet and the traitors/terrorists must know their Professional Lives and those who they have worked for must be put asunder for good reason so that Justice can be done for their professional and reputational lynching of me.
Gratitude also creates positive engrams in our brains and are reinforced with continued feelings of gratitude. Eventually, our response to outside stimuli will be based on these positive engrams or memories and that will alter our behavior and lives for the better!
To practice gratitude authentically, you must remain honest about your feelings, allowing gratitude to emerge amid your circumstances and emotions. Mastering how to practice gratitude boils down to setting your mind on all the positives that exist in your life in the present moment instead of worrying about the past, future or what you lack. Rather than depending on externals (like your circumstances or achievements) to make you happy, you must accept that lasting happiness comes from within.
This is not to say you should stagnate in your personal and professional life. Instead, while striving for growth, you must also practice gratitude for the abundance you currently have. It is this type of abundance mindset that will set you free from feeling perpetually discontent or restless for more and from never enjoying the fruits of your labor. As we practice gratitude consistently, we’re able to shift our States and mood toward the positive, becoming masters of our emotions. Take a moment to practice gratitude, and you’ll buy yourself a moment in time where you’re connected with your life and all its abundance.
When we inquire about how to practice gratitude, it is also crucial to distinguish between linguistic gratitude (i e saying “thank you”) and “felt” gratitude (i. e., cultivating a deep, lasting sense of thankfulness). That difference has been the topic of much research, some of which underscores the complex relationship between the words and actions. In American society, it is perfectly acceptable and expected for dinner guests to thank their host for dinner.
Why is gratitude important? By embracing a mentality of abundance, you’re able to experience the benefits of gratitude and the stillness it brings. Research confirms the neuroscience of gratitude: The brain in gratitude is much like the brain in love. When we express thankfulness, our brain’s neural circuitry releases a cocktail of dopamine and serotonin, feel-good neurochemicals that foster optimism, camaraderie, willpower and positive emotions. The more we practice gratitude, the more we activate the neurocircuitry responsible for this “gratitude response.” The circuits then become stronger and, with time, the positive feelings they herald become more stable fixtures in our outlook. As such, research underscores the potential impact of gratitude exercises, for example, on outcomes ranging from Employee retention to time management to running a successful business.
Additional Studies expand the benefits of gratitude to include Social benefits (gratitude opens the door to more relationships while expanding one’s capacity for empathy); physical health (gratitude leads to better self-care, sleep and overall health) and psychological health (practicing gratitude helps manage negative feelings while increasing mental stamina). In studying how to practice gratitude, we encounter a subtle irony: By choosing thankfulness for what we have, we become stronger, not weaker.
Kris and Erica gave us a great example of this in their Report Thursday. While estimating the losses suffered to the AOTO, they, in reality, gave us wonderful reasons to be grateful. SVC has thrived throughout the AOTO because our focus has been in serving our Creator and others. It had not been, SVC may not now be in existence at all:
(Thursday, August 15, 2024)
During many of the SVC International Septimal and General Conferences and the SVC International National Conventions, the conversation has often turned to what would have been the impact of SVC if we didn't have to mess with the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.
The 2,437 Economists Worldwide who Participate in the SVC International Business Barometer decided to try to quantify the Economic impact of the Sutton Viewpoint Center, Inc., and then extrapolate those numbers in an attempt to delineate what the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has cost SVC let alone the World in terms of Economic well-being.
For starters, SVC International has 7,385 SVC Allied Advocates on Staff involved with the SVC International Complex. These are full-time positions and do not include support Staff which work only on maintenance of the Facilities and Custodial duties. They work for outside Employers, usually have several commercial Clients and are paid on a contract basis.
SVC has 16,807 (14,749 in 2023) National, State, Provincial, Territorial and Satellite Offices Worldwide where Four Corporate Officers at each level work with an average 27.5 support Staff or approximately 462,193 (320,277 in 2023) full-time Staff. If you include the Affiliate Staff, the total is 3.17 million Staff (2.2 million in 2023) worldwide. Again, support Staff for the Facilities are hired from outside sources and the number of their Employees cannot be estimated accurately or their hours worked specifically at SVC Offices.
All these numbers have to do with SVC alone. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by the SVC Trailblazer Publications Network and SVC’s International Publishing success.
Now the tricky question. What has been the Economic impact upon SVC and the World because of the Old Jore Debacle and the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.
In terms of SVC President’s time, the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has caused him an average of three days per Week away from SVC. It could easily be stated that SVC and its vaunted numbers would be at least 75% greater or about $1.7 trillion in annual payroll Worldwide.
The number of full-time jobs lost worldwide is the equivalent of over 4 million American jobs. This roughly 32 times what the U.S. Economy creates per month when it is growing and at its highest GDP.
The aggregate Human suffering cannot be quantified. Money and Economic value always talks. If U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris desire to Build America Back Better, end the violence and make America secure in its future prosperity, then U.S. Troops should be on their way to the Rockies ASAP!!!!!!!
Altogether, SVC has a total annual payroll in U.S. Dollars of approximately $975 billion annually. The approximate total annual payroll in the USA is approximately $10.5 trillion with its GDP at $28.78 trillion (August 2023-July 2024). This would give SVC an equivalent GDP of $9.75 trillion. This is according to the International Monetary Fund estimates in 2024.
To put things in perspective, China is the only other country which has a higher annual GDP than SVC at $18.53 trillion or almost double that of SVC. The next closest countries are Germany at $4.59 trillion and $4.11 trillion, not even half of SVC’s.
All these numbers have to do with SVC International and its affiliates, most of which are nonprofit. They do not include the Economic Growth spurred by SVC DreamWeaver Plexus and the SVC Trailblazer Education & Training Programs.
The U..S Economy constitutes 20% of the World Economy in terms of GDP. In comparison, this means SVC is equivalent of at least 33.88% of the U.S. Economy and 6.78% of the World Economy and could have been 59.3% and 11.87%, respectively, if it hadn't been for the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.
There are 161,270,000 million workers in the USA. This means each worker is responsible for approximately $178,500 in GDP. The American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium has cost at least 75% of the $975,000,000,000 GDP produced by SVC or $731,250,000,000 GDP. This is the equivalent of 4,097,000 American jobs.
This also means a loss of at least 4.1 million jobs and $731.24 billion in Economic wealth lost the past 12 months. If one figures the accumulative loss the past 16 years with the inflation rate of 2.39% ($1 in 2009 would be worth $1.41 now), between 32 and 33 million jobs have been lost and $5.85 trillion in GDP.
All this because the Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations in the USA have stubbornly resisted putting down the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium the past 16 years!
In my most recent speeches to SVC Allied Advocates, I have emphasized the importance to Focus on the Promise, not the problems.
This Concept first came to me from Rev. Joel Osteen in a Sermon exactly 10 years ago today.
What Joel means by this is instead focusing upon our problems and making them bigger than they really are, focus upon our Creator and the promises made to us in the Holy Bible. In our Prayers, thoughts, words and actions we must remind the Creator of those promises, thus making their fulfillment inevitable.
17 AUGUST 2024