"...I have carefully guided your life and you accepted all the hardships you have borne as training for a larger cause and, amazingly, you have understood it for the past 55 years and grown into the person I always wanted you to be. Your sense of obedience and devotion has been extraordinary.” - The Creator      


Last year during the Opening Ceremonies of the SVC International 2023, Twenty-Third Annual Convention, SVC's President started having Whitney Houston’s “One Moment In Time” played. He started the Final Public Policy Forum for this year’s SVC Seventeenth World Democratization Conference the same way, just hours before the Olympiad XXXIII began here in Paris.


SVC's President started to sing along with the song and we joined him beginning at “My finest day is yet unknown.” He emphasized for himself, “When I’m more than I thought I could be. When all my dreams are a heartbeat away. And all the answers are all up to me… When I’m racing with destiny. Then in that one moment of time. I will feel. I will feel eternity. I lived to be the very best. I want it all. No time for less. I have laid the plans…I will be…I’ll be free!”


The video is so powerful and so fitting for the moment and the WDC! SVC's President made the entire four hours which are dedicated to World Democratization as also part of “Seeing The Hand of God Series” so we could better understand why he has lived his Life the way he has, carefully following the Creator’s Grand Design.


SVC's President noted that the video had pictures of the Soviets celebrating their victories during the Seoul Olympics and the trademark “CCCP” on their uniforms. The Seoul Olympics was the last time the world would see that from the USSR’s Athletes competing in the Olympics because the Soviet Union was dissolved on Christmas Day 1991. In 2024, the Russians are banned from Paris Olympics because of their aggression against their former Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine.


The previous two Olympics in Moscow (1980) and Los Angeles (1984) had been boycotted by the other because the USSR had invaded Afghanistan exactly 12 years before its demise.


The next historic irony would occur when the Taliban - with American support -would expel the Soviets from Afghanistan in February 1989. Further, Osama bin Laden would form al Qaeda to aid the Taliban to form a new Jihadist government in Kabul and the Berlin Wall would fall that same year. 


The reforms that the last General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Mikhail Gorbachev, made – perestroika and glasnost – had overwhelmed his ability to control the outbreak of Democracy in Moscow and he was forced to dissolve the Soviet Union. What SVC's President calls “the Independence Instinctand General Semantics of History” in TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM had took over historic events just as the Creator had intended. 


Prior to the Seoul Olympics on Nelson Mandela’s 70th Birthday on 18 July 1988, SVC's President led the Tribute to President Mandela and an American-based group supporting the International Boycott of Apartheid in South Africa, raising funds and awareness that targeted President Mandela’s release from prison. Two months after the Berlin Wall fell on 11 February 1990, President Mandela and several Members of the Africa National Congress were released.


U.S. President George H.W. Bush held a Reception for President Mandela at the White House that June. This event began a 23-year collaboration between the two men which simply changed the world. The South African became the first majority President in his country in 1994 and served a single five-year term; the creation of the Rome Statutes; the Adoption of the Responsibility to Protect Principle; the creation of the Africa Project; and eventually leading to the SVC Trailblazer Education & Training Program after the President Mandela’s passing.


Prior to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, South Africa was banned from these Olympics just after the Apartheid government jailed President Mandela in 1963. South Africa would be reinstated 28 years later during Barcelona Olympics in 1992 as the reforms began to take place and pleased the International Olympic Committee.


The unfortunate aspect is that the Olympics, designed to promote Peace and harmony between nations, has been utilized as a geopolitical tool of hostility and this is an atrocity in and of itself. Further, the ancient Olympics started in Greece and the word Democracy is a Greek word. It highlights the hypocrisy we often see whenever Democracy and what it is supposed to mean is discussed!


As events inside the Soviet Union led to its dissolution, Iraq invaded Kuwait about five weeks after the White House Reception in August 1990. The USSR sided against its satellite country and supported the United Nations Resolution to eject Iraq from Kuwait. The U.S Navy invited SVC's President back to fight in the Persian Gulf War. This would culminate with SVC President’s confrontations with bin Laden and creating the impetus for the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium as far as al Qaeda was concerned.


As the quote above suggests, the Creator would carefully guide SVC's President future so that at every step of bin Laden’s plot to successfully infiltrate the United States just as he did in Afghanistan and took over the Taliban government, would be forestalled by activities SVC's President was involved in. The timing of events in this regard has been remarkable. Out of frustration bin Laden would eventually label SVC's President as his “only worthy adversary.”


The newest evidence is that organized terrorism had already targeted SVC's President long before he ever met bin Laden. The fact that the Kushnirs, who attempted to assassinate SVC's President in 2019, were told by al Qaeda when they were recruited to murder him that it was a big deal to bin Laden that President Mandela and Phil were/are Methodists.


International Investigators have discovered that this was what current al Qaeda leaders made up and never was a bin Laden concern. Methodist Church Founder John Wesley was a contemporary of George Washington's and America’s Founders. Wesley brought Democracy to the Christian Church in ways that had never been done before in the same way Washington and company brought Political Democracy to the world, an anathema to bin Laden and to all those of his ilk.


Further, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was also a Methodist and it was Secretary Annan that asked SVC's President to expound upon his Namesake Foreign Policy Doctrine and write the Responsibility to Protect Statutes, now Principle. This infuriated bin Laden because it codified into International Law, among other things, the Right of the United States to retaliate against Afghanistan and go after him after 9/11.


It might also be mentioned that the U.S. President at the time, George W. Bush, is also a Methodist. SVC is not making any of this up. Check the record!


These new revelations also prove that the traitors/terrorists of the AOTO have not only followed the International Prosecutor’s tool of the al Qaeda-script to the nth degree, they have enhanced it for their own purposes.


The American brand of organized terrorism is not as physically violent as al Qaeda’s and much more subtle, but it is very effective terrorism nonetheless. It essentially borrows from the concern of child and spousal abuse and subjects their Victim to endless gas lighting; attacks on their reputation and life; and acts of intimidation typically deemed as terrorism.


One of the reasons the U.S. Government gives for not supporting the Victims of the AOTO is that their situations have not differed much from others and thus is no never mind.


When that façade began falling apart in Missoula, Montana, USA, after the Public Funds Embezzling; Make Victims Units; Drug trafficking; and Sexual Assault Scandals broke in 2009 and 2010, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder conducted a series of farcical attempts to do his job in protecting the American Public.


For Instance, the best the Obama Administration could do after Investigating the Sexual Assault scandal for a year is scold the University of Montana for having violations of Title IV (Financial Aid) and Title IX (Gender Equality). There are still at least 118 Women who deserve Justice a decade and a half later!


Further, the NCAA spent 18 months investigating the ordeal and gave the UM a slap on the wrist when a Federal Court in Indianapolis gave the Grizzly football team the proverbial NCAA “Death Penalty” after  the NCAA failed to so and has never been enforced. Why don’t the American People know this and demand action? The case(s) is/are incontrovertible!


The Political Leaders in Missoula formed the MVU’s to destroy the lives of those who opposed them independent of organized terrorism. SVC’s Civil Rights Office interviewed over 27,000 alleged Victims of the corrupt Judiciary & Law Enforcement in Missoula County and discovered that over 10,000 had legitimate cases where they were framed for minor crimes; wrongfully incarcerated; forced into plea bargains; and had their lives systematically ruined.


Of course, the most famous of these Victims is SVC’s President himself. It is very clear al Qaeda took advantage of the situation in Missoula to punish SVC’s President for standing up to bin laden and all those who think, speak and act as he did then and they do now.


On 15 August 2023, an informant came forward and sent SVC’s President information that blew away all legitimacy that SVC’s President had ever done anything criminally wrong in his life and clearly debunked any notion that the entire multi-billion dollar discrediting campaign against him had any lawful, legal, and licit bearing at all! No word came from Missoula either confirming or denying the Informant’s correct assessment of the evidence and testimony!


Worse, incontrovertible evidence later surfaced that Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge demanded at least $50,000 to assassinate SVC’s President and that University of Montana President Royce Engstrom; Missoula Mayor John Engen; and Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg met the demand. Again, no public reaction or denial from Missoula. Why?


One of the "charms" of the AOTO is the Public Officials and Employees responsible for these atrocities or sanctioned their occurrence would respond to any question about it in a manner of something like this: "You can't possibly believe I/we have been involved with something like that?" But they have been. No doubt about it!


The difference between the U.S. Justice Department’s attitude of “no never mind” toward the case(s) and the reason why that’s garbage is that if what has happened to the Victims of the AOTO is what happens to anybody and/or is not in the National Interest to do anything about it necessarily, then consider why it was so very important to Engstrom to assassinate SVC’s President or why have there been 16 other attempts on SVC President's life - two before and 14 after the Trowbridge beating?


Or why did the U.S. State Department concoct the Benghazi ruse to block interest in the Sutton International Complaint?


Or why did American Journalists threatened their foreign counterparts if they covered the truth about Benghazi?


Or why did Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock’s Office pay hush money to two Women who taped the beating?


Or when that revelation was made finally, did Holder resign?


Or why has no one bothered to deny all this if it’s not true?


Why? Why? Why?... And this is about a single incident in the entire story!


Most poignantly, none of the 420,000,000+ Federal Felonies committed against SVC’s President are not by accident. They were intentionally done to SVC’s President over the past 270 months. They were not accidental or simple slights which the USDOJ’s attitude suggests, they were meant to disparage and harm. That is why this number is so high and is a conservative estimate.


Regardless of the motivations of the 538,000+ known perpetrators or their belief they are just in doing what they have done, the fact is that the International Tribunals, their Partner U.S. Federal Courts and the International Prosecutors and Investigators clearly view their actions as a massive crime wave against one of the most important individuals in developing, implementing and enforcing International Law and must be quelled ASAP.


Americans are about to relinquish their Social Security Benefits and they understandably will want to know why. Join the club. SVC would like to know why this has all been necessary too!



3 AUGUST 2024