It is all but certain tyranny will reign and Democracy will fail when Public Officials and Employees are themselves the perpetrators. This in turn creates an impossible scenario for Citizens to trust their Governments again and creates a debilitating cynicism that no one can overcome. I am ever so concerned that is exactly what has and is transpiring in America as I speak. - Phil Sutton, 6 September 2023

We are going to find out what the incentive for these people has been, who has carried Osama bin Laden's vendetta against me forward the past eighth century since he was killed and how the traitors/terrorists have managed to compromise America's National Security so very well. - Phil Sutton, 30 September 2023


First, The International Criminal Court was a Nominee for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize in part because of its work regarding the Sutton International Complaint and making the Sutton Doctrine and the true enforcement of International Law under the Responsibility to Protect Principle as a viable alternative to war. Imprisoned Iranian Activist Narges Mohammadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against the oppression of Women in Iran.

The Hague and SVC wish to state our gratitude to the Nobel Prize Committee for their Nomination and its acknowledgement of our Partnership in establishing International Law as a viable option for the cause of Peace and Justice all over the world!  

Both of the above quotes were made last month by SVC's President, Phil Sutton. They both indicated frustration with the situation in America and how the traitors/terrorists actually managed their successful infiltration into United States.

It was quite obvious Saturday that SVC's President has had it with the American Opprobrium, wants to thoroughly put it down with all due dispatch and grow SVC as originally intended when he created it 27½ years ago.

SVC's President also discussed how to utilize our minds to bring about the life we envision. It took five days for the secrets of the cover ups to begin to unravel. The Preliminary Findings suggest that the answer lies in large part in General Electric.

In a complicated set of events since 1980, there are a number of prominent characters involved with the American Opprobrium who also have or had connections with GE, its ownership of NBC going back to its radio days in the 1920's and its Healthcare business, the latter two are areas SVC's President has been a player himself.

In 1996, SVC Vice President Angelica Sutton first came to Missoula, Montana, from Boston, Massachusetts, to start the “Montana Today” program with Monte Turner at NBC affiliate KECI-TV. She had the ambition to be her generation's Jane Pauley. SVC's Vice President spent three years at KECI, signed a new contract and then abruptly left in 1999 when she got a better position in a larger market in North Carolina. She was never forgiven for that and saw Turner betray her and her husband in the coverage of her husband's brutal beating by Missoula Police Officer, Kurt Trowbridge on 5 April 2012.

In fact, all of Missoula, the University of Montana and the State of Montana did everything they could to cover-up the incident and the wrongful incarceration where SVC's President was expected to die a painful death in prison as the myoglobin produced from his injuries inflicted by Trowbridge would shutdown his kidney and kill him.

Trowbridge had murdered three others prior to beating SVC's President utilizing the same Soviet Gulag Technique and has killed at least 21 others since.

University of Montana President Royce Engstrom remunerated Trowbridge to assassinate SVC's President with UM funds paid Trowbridge in what ordinarily would be payment for running security at UM events, but the checks had a few more zeroes. International Investigators have copies of two such checks that the American mass media has never shown any interest in.

Both videos of the beating from Trowbridge's and Officer Chris O'Leary's squad cars very quickly disappeared via KECI and the Missoulian for safe keeping. SVC President's troubles began in Missoula started when John Engen became Mayor in January 2006. They both worked together at the Missoulian in the middle 1990's.

The two private videos taken by two Women were buried by the Office of State Attorney General Steve Bullock with hush money payments in the six digits. When the two Women came forward with their stories, US Attorney General Eric Holder resigned.

In June 2016, Lee Enterprises hired Pulitzer Prize Winning Investigative Reporter Kathy Best away from the Seattle Times to do the same job at the Missoulian. Along with KECI, she clamped down any unfavorable coverage against the City and County of Missoula and UM, including her unfavorable treatment of a Sport Reporter who blew the whistle on several curious moves by UM's Athletic Department. Her successor in Seattle, who had been the Sports Editor prior to becoming Editor, alerted SVC's President of the true reason for her change of venue.

SVC's Vice President became a NBC National Correspondent in 2001. She moved to Washington, DC, the day before 9/11 and won her first of 20 Peabody Awards by covering the attack on the Pentagon the next day.

Her performance impressed Nightly News Anchor Tom Brokaw and he began to mentor her on her career course. When her then-Boyfriend went to war after 9/11, she spent considerable time in New York and began to believe she wanted to own and operate her own Television Network.

When SVC's President returned from the Indian Ocean and Afghanistan, he proposed to her. War has a way of setting one's priorities in order. They were married the following Independence Day.

But SVC's President had renewed his nasty habit of getting into Osama bin Laden's way and the creation of SVC-TV would not sit well with power brokers both in business and politics. They would collude and begin to recruit the list of over 525,000+ individuals who would make SVC's President the most persecuted human being known to history.

The connections to GE and the American Opprobrium only started there. Then came the 2008 Financial Crisis, the Obama Administration and the creation of Obamacare.

First, the Crisis started when too many homeowners' mortgages went underwater and GE's Credit Union played its role. Organized terrorism also placed heavy pressure on the oil market through their terrorist activities and the fear of disruption oil deliveries from the Middle East. Since the crisis hit right in the middle of the General Election campaign, it all but assured Barack Obama's election as President. Evidence now suggests that is exactly what bin Laden and company wanted.

Second, UM Graduate Jim Messina became Obama's White House Deputy Chief of Staff and earned the nickname “the fixer” and reputation of being “the most powerful man you haven't heard of.”

Messina had been on US Senator Max Baucus' (D-MT) Staff. After US Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) came down with his brain tumor, Baucus became the point man for Obamacare in the Congress and Messina worked very hard for its passage.

Through Parliamentary maneuvers, new US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gained technical passage in the House. Obamacare never did pass the House Representatives in a straight up or down Vote and Baucus had no problem securing passage in the Senate. Opposition to Obamacare would become the third Holy Grail of Montana Politics and Baucus would not seek a seventh term in 2014 and instead became Ambassador to China.

Messina had been the Obama Campaign's Finance Manager in 2008 and would become Obama's Campaign Manager for Re-Election in 2012. He fixed SVC's President first wrongful incarceration in Missoula to eliminate him from contention as an Independent Candidate for President.

After it was known that SVC's President would survive the Trowbridge beating, Messina was part of the cover-up efforts and suggested the Benghazi travesty to make sure the Sutton International Complaint would not be allowed to expose the American Opprobrium and all the scandalous revelations of 2009 including the 1,100 Federal Grand Jury Indictments that US Attorney General Eric Holder never pursued.

Third, in 2009 GE was charged with accounting fraud by the SEC. This began a series of SEC Investigations. The key discovery in this joint International/SVC Investigation is that the SEC was also investigating revenue recognition accounting at the company business.

In 2017 and 2018, GE's stock price fell almost 75% as challenges in its power and insurance businesses were disclosed to the public. This directly coincides with one Seth Bodnar's departure from GE to become UM President in January 2018.

Bodnar was hired to do the same thing for the University of Montana that Best was for the City and County of Missoula. While he has done some good things for UM and improved Student recruiting and retention and raised the university's standing in research, Bodnar has suspiciously participated and supported the continual prevarications concerning the American Opprobrium. The existence of the university he heads is at stake and as it stands now, UM must be closed as a example of never, ever again. It has been that bad – no further discussion!

Fourth, 2018 was also the year Brokaw was charged with sexual harassment and was again just five days ago. It is now known that as of the Financial Crisis and his mutual admiration society with Obama, Brokaw went from acting as a mentor for the Suttons (SVC's President was a Political & Economics Analyst for MSNBC and CNBC, respectively) to a critic and then traitor/terrorist.

Brokaw allowed his ranch between Bozeman and Livingston to be used as a staging ground for not only surveillance of SVC's President, but for the squatters who unlawfully occupied the Sutton home south of Bozeman for 80 days in 2015 and did over $500,000 damage that took three years to repair.

Fifth, November 2018 was also when Sutton Manor North was repaired, it could then be sold and SVC's President left Montana as would have been preferred 16½ years earlier after the Suttons were married.

The reason the owners of the Kagy Korner car knew SVC's President had finally been able to leave was KECI's NBC sister stations in Bozeman, Denver and Colorado Springs told them.

SVC International Security Chief & Investigator (SISCI) Gary Norman first knew that he had not escaped the traitors/terrorists was in Kraemer Library on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus. Just like they had in the Mansfield Library on the UM Campus and the Renne Library on the Montana State University Campus, the Students (aka, the frontline traitors/terrorists) have always followed the al Qaeda script to the letter.

On 4 October 2023, the Students at UCCS cut a large hole in SISCI's carrying bag and destroyed its usefulness. That is the crime of wanton destruction of property. But more importantly, it is designed to intimidate and force SVC's President to lower the boom. Or as Mumford and the COS businessmen who was him on SISCI wanted, for him to become so depressed about his situation he might commit suicide.

The Students also surround him in Kraemer even though there are 50 or more seats within 25 yards that they could sit in. The Students don't understand that videos and pictures have been made that show what they are doing and the Judges who will sentence them will throw the book at them because they are so heartless and cruel - it is beyond belief.

At this point, the traitors/terrorists feel they have nothing to lose so they might as well keep on tormenting a man who wishes them no harm even after all they have done to SVC's President. All they have to do is leave him alone like they do everyone else. But they just cannot do that for some reason.

The primary reason for the new Investigation is to discover what the incentive has been for the traitors/terrorists to do all this. It has never made sense. Even those who stand to gain from all this have grown silent and been give SVC's President the idea that they will pay a price if they continue to support him and SVC.

For instance, the people in Billings might lose their intended Medical School. Or the benefits the Victims are anticipating may not be given to them in the end because they have become gutless wonders.

When his own Sister talks about a “phantom SVC” and says he does not have his doctorate after admitting she has lied about having one her own, you have to wonder what she has been told and by whom. Or if she has lost her mind. SVC's President has two doctorates and has been granted four honorary doctorates and one JD-MBA.

It is SVC's President who has nothing to lose by becoming the worlds' first trillionaire and spreading that wealth that will only help those who have helped him and/or have not taken him for granted.