The Baltic States and Poland were made famous by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri on March 5, 1946:
“It is my duty, however, to place before you certain facts about the present position in Europe. From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow.”
Indeed, these States would become part of the Soviet Union and/or Soviet bloc in the late 1940’s. Stettin is in Poland where SVC is now. Actually, the SVC National Office is in Gdansk where Lech Walesa led the Polish uprising Solidarity. The first Democratically Elected Polish President, President Walesa has joined us... (ovation)
It took 13 years for the Solidarity Movement to win Poland's Independence from communism and the Soviet bloc. The effort started in America's Bicentennial in 1976 and eventually led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. Lech was installed as President 13 months later and the Soviet Union was no more 368 days days after that... (ovation)
It took those same 13 years - 1763 to 1776 - for the American Colonists to decide their union with Great Britain would cease and another 13 years to actually win their Independence and establish the world's first Democratic Government in 1789.
The Independence Instinct knows no bounds. It may take years and years for right to defeat might, but it always will. Our Creator has made a world in which the forces of evil may prevail for a time, but they will ultimately fail at a time of Our Creator's choosing. That is what I know for sure.
History has taught us that there are reoccurring themes that predominate our Destiny. One such theme is that all Great Civilizations have their moments of glory and then they crash and burn. I have spent a large portion of my adult life seeking an antidote to that theme for the United States.
While it is difficult to discern whether or not all my work has been in vain, my fellow Americans are indicating they are accepting a mediocre future and they are not willing to rise up as past generations of Americans have and overcome the malaise that has gripped the United States of America.
The good news is I have Foreign Friends like you that have been incredibly supportive and insightful. You tell me we don't need the United States to achieve a Peaceful and Democratic world where all inhabitants of this Earth are achieving their Divine Destiny. That I need to continue my work with the SVC Dreamweaver Plexus and SVC Trailblazer Program independent of any American concerns and maybe someday my fellow Americans will join us. I am inclined to do the latter...
(Standing Ovation lasting 15 minutes)
Eighty-four years ago this month, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union attacked Poland, starting the Second World War. Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin dared the world to oppose them. They finally did.
Last October, I delivered my Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration. In it I outlined why it is important to take a stand against despotism, tyranny and terrorism just as the Allies did against the Nazi horror.
I spoke about the Four Freedoms US President Franklin Roosevelt wanted all human beings to enjoy and how British Prime Minister Winston Churchill attempted to warn the world about the Nazis, but no one listened; ”It is my purpose, as one who Lived in these days, first show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been prevented; how the the malice of the wicked was reinforced by weakness of virtuous."
As I said then: “…history is repeating itself and I am wearing the metaphoric shoes my two cousins wore over 80 years ago. World War II was the Creator's last warning concerning Armageddon, plain and simple. We have what should be a relatively simple choice, but there are forces who are dead set against creating a peaceful, democratic world.”
As Sir Winston reported in the “Gathering Storm”, the Nazis seized the advantage due to Allied weakness, vacillation and appeasement to take over most of mainland Europe and the British Isles were next. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, organized terrorism has cells in over 60 countries worldwide. Further, organized terrorism has now successfully infiltrated the United States, Afghanistan, among others.
This is not a wild conspiracy theory, it is simple fact. As US Navy Commander Logan C. Ramsey wrote to all commanders in the Pacific Fleet when Pearl Harbor was being bombed by the Japanese, “THIS IS NO DRILL”. Ramsey ordered the telegram to be sent to all ships in the Hawaiian area after watching a low-flying plane drop a bomb on Ford Island. Ramsey had in fact just witnessed the very beginning of a coordinated attack on Pearl Harbor in which the Japanese would ultimately destroy 188 aircraft and either damage or sink 21 ships. As a result of the attack 2,457 people, including 55 Japanese personnel, died. The next day, the United States declared war against Japan and America entered the Second World War.
Pearl Harbor was a successful attack because of American arrogance. The United States Navy could not deliver such an attack on Japan, thus there was no way the Japan could. The famous Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in April 1942 was an admission of it.
The 16 B-25 bombers that took off on the USS Hornet's decks could not complete the round trip back to the Hornet, so the Pilots had to land in China, Russia, other land masses or simply ditch their planes into the sea.
Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle's plane crashed in north Quzhou, China. The only American ever to be awarded both the Medal of Honor from his branch of the service – the Air Force - and the Presidential Medal of Freedom cried because he thought he was failure. The Great Man understood his failure was his Country's failure and it hurt him very deeply.
I get a little emotional when I tell that story because I am a US Naval Aviator and flown in combat just as General Doolittle did. He is one my heroes.
The same kind of arrogance was in involved with 9/11. The al Qaeda attack was the first successful attack on the American mainland since August 1814 during the War of 1812 and no one saw it coming. In 1991, I had Reported that Osama bin Laden was a diabolical genius after meeting him four separate times in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. That viewpoint of him was certainly vindicated on September 11, 2001.
So is the viewpoint that organized terrorism has successfully infiltrated the United States and has done the once great Country severe harm. For the last 21¾ years, I have been a direct Victim of bin Laden's wrath. While I can understand why he and his fellow travelers have taken after me, I fail to comprehend why over 525,000 of my fellow Americans have or why the last three American Administrations have not protected me and my fellow 10,000+ Victims as required by International and US Federal Law.
This is how this affects you folks in eastern Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed that the United Nations appoint me as UN Emissary to negotiate a settlement between Russia and Ukraine. The United States turned it down flat. Why? Because of all the bad blood between Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Putin over Crimea; what happened to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and al Qaeda's role in the Benghazi Raid where four Americans lost their lives.
The war is more about Putin and Biden settling old scores than as it is land disputes between the two largest countries geographically in Europe. Russia doesn't need anymore territory, it is easily the largest nation on Earth.
Putin didn't go into Crimea until Clinton was no longer US Secretary of State and he could embarrass Biden concerning his botched policies. Then he didn't invade Ukraine until Biden became President. It is obvious Putin miscalculated how vehement Biden's vendetta is towards him and how well he could handle the American response. It's very personal.
(UPDATE 26 SEPTEMBER 2023: The United States wants SVC's President to retract his statements about the relationship between Biden and Putin. He has refused saying once again the truth is now out of the proverbial bag and Biden and his Administration will now have to deal with it forthrightly like everything else having to do with the American Opprobrium.)
We also now know that the Obama Administration planned the Benghazi Raid with al Qaeda to cover up both the reasons for my International Complaint and Russia's opposition to how the fall of Gaddafi was handled, a longtime Russian/Soviet Ally, so the Obama-Biden ticket could win re-election in 2012.
The Creator only knows what else has occurred because I stood up to bin Laden and all his surrogates for so long ago. With the Final Kibosh of American Opprobrium underway in the United States, it is inevitable we are going to discover why all this has happened the way it has and why so many have bought into it. We are going to find out what the incentive has been for so many Americans to turn on their own Country and their fellow Americans.
While I have been the primary target, it would be a mistake to assume that just about anyone else could somehow stumble into the pit as I have. That's why it is imperative to put down the American Opprobrium with all due dispatch. We must work to bring this world to a peaceful conclusion and eliminate the possibility of anything like the American Opprobrium could ever, ever, ever happen again... (Continual applause)
Phil Sutton,
SVC International President & Chief Executive Officer
Over 750 million People worldwide recorded their approval and support of what was stated in this speech!!!!!!!