“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours...You can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego. It’s your call.” – Wayne Dyer

“Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ - Jesus (Luke 23:32)

"Do not ever underestimate the righteous indignation of an oppressed people." - Phil Sutton

"Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions." - Tony Robbins

"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela




Over the past 23 years SVC has travelled all over the world and the SVC International Governors have enjoyed convening in many of the most spectacular locales imaginable. Such is the case here in London today and we are ever so grateful to our hosts!


In the United States today it is Indigenous Peoples Day. They are the true descendants of America's Founders and they have little to show for it. Ironically, SVC's President and his three Children, all of whom are now Members of this Board, are the only ones of "SVC's BIG 50" who can claim that ancestry. Just like SVC's President, the Indigenous Peoples of North America have been divested of almost all of their value as Human Beings due to no fault of their own.


There is little way we can help the Indigenous Peoples gain what they have lost, but we can make certain that their losses will not occur in Human Civilization ever again and that the value of all Human Beings is recognized and rewarded for who they are: the Creator's Children!!!!!!!


It has come to this. America is now the #1 Human Rights abuser in the World. With the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium in the United States and the Bashir regime out of power in Sudan, the United States of America is now the #1 Human Rights abuser - it is not even close.

The USA often chides other Nations for Human Rights abuses. That is why previously known primary abusers like China and Russia have been so supportive of the Sutton International Complaint. They love to dig at the USA for its hypocrisy and they have every Right to.

Therefore, these countries, in turn, are typically quick to pounce on examples of American hypocrisy. That is certainly been the case with the 1,300+ Police killings in the USA in 2023. The USA Today reported:

The U.S. set another grim record last year as the number of people killed by police continued its steady increase, according to a new Report released Wednesday, January 2024, by Mapping Police Violence.

Police killed more than 1,300 people in 2023, a year that saw several high-profile cases including the fatal beating of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee; the shooting of an environmental activist who was protesting the construction of a police and fire training center near Atlanta and the death of a Virginia man who was "smothered" in a hospital. There were only 14 days without a police killing last year and on average, law enforcement officers killed someone every 6.6 hours, according to the Report, which is primarily based on news reports and includes data from state and local government agencies"; which are not always forthcoming on such matters.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry put out a Statement that noted, “All these homicides by government are from the first in a series of manifestations of lawlessness and unjustified violence by the ‘Law Enforcement Officers’ in the United States.” It went on to state that “systemic problems in the Human Rights sphere have clearly accumulated." 

"Among them: discrimination on Racial, Ethnic, and Religious grounds; Police arbitrariness; bias of Justice; overcrowding in prisons; uncontrolled use of firearms and ‘means of self-defense’ by private individuals and many others.” It ends by noting the recent US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council and urging Washington to return to compliance with Global Human Rights norms. U.S. Political elites still believe the United States has the best Human Rights record Worldwide which is far from the truth as it could possibly be!"

Naturally, when SVC and SVC's President won the premier Award for their work in the Field of Human Rights from the United Nations, no praise is heard from our fellow Americans, but the rest of Civilized World is simply aglow about it!

For the first time, SVC issued a Press Release about the UN Human Rights Prize going to the Sutton Viewpoint Center as an Organization and its President, Phil Sutton, DBA, as an Individual. Would you expect there might be inquiries and at least some congratulations for such a rare Award and the first given to anybody in almost nine years? None at all. When is this hypocrisy and duplicity going to stop?

Americans and their Leaders must wake-up to the fact that such hypocrisy has consequences and their sanctimonious attitude will incur the wrath of the Almighty and the Righteous indignation those of the Creator's Children who simply will not allow Americans to live in their Stage III Psychotic Denial much longer!

Then they will actually wonder why their own matriculation through the International/Federal Justice system has been so swift. If they treat Phil Sutton as they have who has not even had a speeding ticket in his life, how could they possibly expect to be treated when they quite literally have committed hundreds of millions of felonies against him and believe they could get away with it? The Judges have every reason to absolutely throw the book at them - and have!


Americans as a whole deserve better than this and this is why those who have betrayed the Public Trust will be the ones who will be punished most severely. America cannot have bureaucrats "setting law gospel according to them" and which is designed to increase their power and reduce Public control over what they collectively own. It is an outrage on its face!

What the International Community and their Partner Federal Courts intend to do about all this has been known for years, but the impetus for bringing the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium to heel has finally reached a fever pitch! Civilization, let alone the United States, cannot afford to have such people at-large any longer!


During a White House Reception for Nelson Mandela in June 1990, the Black South African Political Leader made a beeline towards Phil, one of the American Leaders of the International Anti-Apartheid Boycott, who had contributed to the former's release from prison after 27 years of captivity.


Both Leaders cherished the moment when they finally got to meet after hearing so much about the other. The latter changed the focus of the Boycott to the specific release of African National Congress Members and in two short years accomplished their release after decades of futility of opposing Apartheid. Four years later Nelson Mandela would become the first Black, majority President of South Africa.


Nelson told Phil he always knew his wrongful incarceration would either manifest in his martyrdom and bring down the Apartheid regime or the regime would be replaced and a democratic South Africa would be created after his release. The two would work together for the rest of Nelson's life for World Democratization and International Justice.


Less than six weeks later Iraq would invade Kuwait. This event would eventually and permanently place the 30-year old Montanan on a collision course with history. He would accept the U.S. Navy's invitation back to fight the United Nations Authorized war against Iraq and in process made him an International hero but a pariah in the United States at the behest of al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden and organized terrorism.


Like Nelson, Phil would be wrongfully incarcerated and have his life and reputation thoroughly trashed. Nelson attempted to return the favor and spoke highly of Phil to the Obama Administration to get him released in 2012. Obama Administration was part of the cover-up of what was transpiring in Missoula, Montana, USA and delighted, just as the Apartheid government did with Nelson, that their Political adversary was being treated like the criminal and wrongdoer, utterly discredited with the public at-large. Nelson never cared too much for Barack Obama and probably sensed that he was never true to the cause and is racist himself. The facts bear it out.


In South Africa, Bishop Desmond Tutu, started The Truth and Reconciliation Commission focused on what had happened in South Africa between 1960 and 1994. This included political crimes of mass violence committed by Black South Africans along with the much larger number of abuses committed by White South Africans on behalf of the Apartheid government. (


The Commission received 7,112 amnesty applications. Amnesty was granted in 849 cases and refused in 5,392 cases, while other applications were withdrawn. In its use of amnesty, the TRC decided not to use trials like those at Nuremberg after World War II and suggested an alternative path that emphasized telling and hearing the truth rather than punishment or retribution.


The TRC brought the history of apartheid and the role of the government in enforcing it out into the open and made it harder to deny the truth of the past. Many South Africans agree that the work of the commission was critical and that it indeed played a vital role in a transition to democracy that all could participate in.


While truth commissions can’t reconcile societies all by themselves, they are increasingly seen as a crucial tool for transition. Despite its limitations, South Africa’s TRC helped to popularize and make legitimate the use of truth commissions at the national level, and in recent years countries as diverse as Nepal and Canada have used this tool. Cities, states, towns, and even Schools have also adapted elements of truth commissions in their efforts to establish a common history, rebuild trust, and secure peace.


No such effort has been made with the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium even though the Sutton International Complaint received United Nations approval almost 11 years ago on 22 January 2014.


Over 27,000 Victims in Missoula alone have applied for Recovery Assistance through SVC and over 10,000 have been accepted, including nearly 120 Women still awaiting Justice after being sexually assaulted well over decade ago. There has been nothing but stonewalling from the University of Montana, and the City & County of Missoula governments.


Until August 15, 2023, SVC's President knew nothing of what had become of the criminal charges against him made in 2009, 2011 and 2012. Two months later, International Investigators not only confirmed that Trowbridge had been paid $16,500 to assassinate SVC's President - Investigators had the checks for $15,000 and $1,500 from the University of Montana by late 2012 - but the City of Missoula and the County of Missoula had contributed matching amounts bringing the bounty on Phil Sutton's life to $50,000. There was no reaction from either the U.S. Government nor the three Montana governmental entities upon this Announcement last year. Not even a hint of denial that all this is quite true.


The National Administrations of Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden have steadfastly refused to protect these Victims as required by International Law and applicable U.S. Federal Law. The Responsibility To Protect Principle was primarily written, ironically enough, by former Undersecretary of State, Phil Sutton, in 2005 and passed overwhelming passed by United Nations General Assembly in 2006.


Just like Nelson knew concerning Apartheid, Phil knows the 735,000+ known traitors/terrorists of the AOTO will be brought to Justice. It is inevitable. The question is just how the Final Kibosh will unfold. It is a case of we can do it easy or we can do it hard. Either way, the traitors/terrorists will be held completely responsible and somehow will be astonished that their punishment will match what they did to their Victim(s). Truly punishment to fit the crime!


The traitors/terrorists will lose everything of value; never be able to own a home, car or have a regular job again; leave a generational debt their Family's will never be able to repay; work at hard labor while wearing clothing that says: "Proud To Be A Traitor To the USA." And that's just for starters.


The fact that Phil has been and continues to be the traitors'/terrorists' of the AOTO primary target just as Nelson was the primary target of Apartheid government in South Africa should tell everyone something.


Nelson spent 27 years in prison and all his oppressors thought they had him buried. He was completely exonerated and venerated. The Old Jore scandal started for Phil almost 23 years ago. No one knows what the Creator's Timetable is, but we know for certain SVC's Founder and President is here to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion through the SVC DreamWeaver Plexus Programs of World Political Democratization; Economic Democracy; Living Security; and Trailblazer Education & Training.


Nelson gave the most glory to the Creator by faithfully suffering the most and thus received the most accolades in return. Likewise, Phil has given the most glory to the Creator in his handling of the AOTO and the Creator has promised that Phil will also be completely exonerated and venerated as a reward for all his suffering.  Phil and SVC have been given the authority to vanquish all those who think, speak and act like the traitors/terrorists. (


To give you an idea of Phil's and SVC's Contributions, there is an Anonymous review of Phil's new book, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, that can be found on Amazon (


Dr. Phil Sutton is a respected authority on International Relations, Business and the Law. There are very few individuals who are still with us who have contributed more to the development of International Law and World Democratization.


The Sutton Viewpoint Center, which Dr. Sutton founded in 1996, has built the largest non-profit Public Affairs organization in history with over 15,000 offices worldwide. SVC and its affiliates have created the Africa Project and the Trailblazer Training Programs, helping over 90 million Africans to a better life.


In TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, Dr. Sutton outlines his Economic Democracy and Living Security Proposals which will eliminate poverty and give all inhabitants on earth control of their own destiny.


Two years ago today, SVC's President gave his Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration speech:




It is difficult for most People to understand all that has happened the past seven months because the reality of the situation we have been facing has been altered so much. The primary changes are the rapid deterioration of America’s standing in the World and the concomitant rise in support of SVC President, Phil Sutton’s, Vision for the World. We are light years away from where we were just 90 days ago!


The disconnect between of SVC President’s hellish Life in the United States and exemplary Life in the rest of the World is finally beginning to disappear. Americans may need to be led kicking and screaming while reforming their Country into anything resembling what it is supposed to be, but they failed to listen to more 17 years of warnings and/or simply care about the things that really matter!


While SVC's President could be horribly bitter about hundreds of millions of transgressions which have been committed against him, he's not. Instead, he will build Medical Schools, Hospitals and creating the Peaceful World we all hope for and Jesus can return to.


During the SVC International Trailblazer Celebration, SVC's President invoked Nelson Mandela’s Legacy for standing up to Apartheid in South Africa and that SVC’ers can do no less when it pertains to the AOTO!!!!!!! 


With SVC President’s Leadership, SVC is keeping one eye on all this and the other eye on what can be done to advance the cause of Democracy, Peace & Justice. There is no point in doing anything else!!!!!!!


The Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration spells it all out....




Franklin Delano Roosevelt began his unprecedented third term as U.S. President with his now heralded “Four Freedoms Speech”. In what was technically his Annual State of the Union Speech, FDR, proposed four fundamental and essential Freedoms that people "everywhere in the world" ought to enjoy:


1) Freedom of Speech

2) Freedom of Worship

3) Freedom from Want

4) Freedom from Fear


The creator of the United Nations made his plea for universal suffrage 16 months after the beginning of World War II and 11 months before America's entry into that war.


These Freedoms would be expanded upon in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights primarily written by FDR's Wife, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and in the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes primarily written by yours truly.


In that speech FDR addressed his concern that the cause of Human Rights and Democracy was at the greatest risk in history. At that time he was unquestionably correct. No one could have foreseen, however, what would happen 728 months later when al Qaeda became the first foreign enemy to successfully attack the United States mainland in 187 years.


British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill wrote a book he entitled, "The Gathering Storm." In it he promised, "It is my purpose, as one who Lived in these days, first show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been prevented; how the the malice of the wicked was reinforced by weakness of the virtuous."


Despite Sir Winston's best intentions, the Second World War did occur and 70 to 85 million died. The biggest reason why is no one listened to his perspectives in time so the world could have been spared its greatest holocaust.


As it almost always does, history is repeating itself and I am wearing the metaphoric shoes my two cousins wore over 80 years ago. World War II was the Creator's last warning concerning Armageddon, plain and simple. We have what should be a relatively simple choice, but there are forces who are dead set against creating a peaceful, democratic world.


According to the 9/11 Commission Report, al Qaeda created a 60-nation confederacy of organized terrorism during the 1990's. Al Qaeda's paramount target has been the United States. No one knows that better than I.


In 2007, al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden designated me as his only “worthy adversary” in the west and already had launched organized terrorism's greatest assault on a single individual in history.


From bin Laden's viewpoint, he had good reason to despise me. I had been the American fundamentally responsible for his exile from Saudi Arabia. I led America's original sorties into Afghanistan and I wrote the International Responsibility To Protect Statutes that essentially codified into International Law NATO's right to attack the Taliban government after 9/11.


For all my dedicated Public Service, the Obama Administration refused to protect me and thousands of others in Missoula County, Montana, USA, against the ravages of domestic terrorism led and sponsored by al Qaeda.


In her SVC International Compliance Committee Report this morning, SVC International Counseling Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, Diane Freola, Esq & CPA, profoundly gave the correct perspective on what is transpiring in the United States:


"The 20th anniversary of 9/11 and since had a reverse affect upon Americans than would ordinarily be expected. Instead of acting as a wake-up call to the larger concern of organized terrorism's successful infiltration of the United States and demands for action opposing it, it was more of the same. Nothing has been learned the past 21 years and it cannot be any surprise that the USA is in worse shape than the vast majority of Americans can remember.


There is something so drastically wrong with America and Americans that the best thing the International Community can do is provide several severe wake-up calls which are unmistakable.


Well, it is about to get much worse because somebody has to have the courage to stand up to Osama bin Laden and his band of renowned and up until now, SVC's President and our organization are the only ones on the ball." Indeed.


In January 2017, a new United Nations Secretary-General and a new President of the United States took over. Antonio Guterres bluntly informed Donald Trump that if it was Trump's intent to withdraw the United States from World Affairs that America would be replaced.


Clearly the Secretary-General, who was successfully re-elected to a new five-year term while Trump was defeated for a second term and cannot bring himself to admit it, appreciated the past influence of the USA in World Affairs and did not desire to have to deal with a world devoid of that usually positive leadership.


What is also incredibly insightful is the acknowledgement of the damage that the Barack Obama Administration had already done to America's reputation abroad and the Secretary General knew Trump's campaign rhetoric - if implemented - would destroy it. That is precisely what happened.


Exactly 80 years to the day after FDR's speech, the greatest internal challenge to American Democracy occurred. On January 6, 2021, the U.S Capitol was plundered by Trump supporters in an attempt to keep him in power. Only recently has this activity been viewed as the outright treason to the United States of America that it is.


International and Private Investigators have always insisted that there was only one distinction between the al Qaeda terrorists which hit America on 9/11/2001 in New York and at the Pentagon; on 9/11/2012 at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya; and on 1/6/2021 at the U.S. Capitol: their nationality.


Suffice it to say, there are at least 427,000 Americans (now 735,000+) who have chosen to adopt organized terrorism's viewpoint of the world and believe violence and conflict is the way to settle matters.


The time has come that an International Declaration of Independence against oppression and terrorism be adopted and strictly enforced by the International Community.


All we have heard is lip service from the various National Leaders in terms of enforcing Human Rights within their own countries let alone abiding by International Law. It is hunky dory to press charges against their adversaries, but when it pertains to them or members of their government or political allies, forget it.


As a crucial first step in the universal enforcement of International and applicable National Laws in each country, the American criminal scandal known al Qaeda-gate will be put down with all due dispatch.


The International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts have laid the groundwork for both civil as well as criminal justice. Anyone who attempts to obstruct this justice to be applied will themselves be considered fugitives from International Justice and will be treated accordingly.


Those interested in participating in this historic crusade creating a better world for all and the writing the International Declaration of Independence, can join SVC's Trailblazer Coalition to work on realizing our ultimate Goal: the Dream of a Peaceful World where all inhabitants are achieving their Divine Destiny.


America's Founders made a solemn promise to each other in 1776 and we must affirm the same: “we mutually pledge our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor” to the cause of securing Human Rights and Democracy for everyone on planet Earth.


Phil Sutton, DBA

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

October 14, 2022

(Related Material:


Few if any heeded this Declaration. Now after what has transpired the past two years, particularly with the Russo-Ukrainian War and the new ever-expanding war in the Middle East, very specific attention must be given to enforcing International Law. It doesn't help when the American News Media is mocking the United Nations and the International Tribunals. SVC is quite aware we hold responsibility here by not pursuing the Final Kibosh of the AOTO more vigorously.


The obvious contradiction is having SVC's President in a very compromising position in the United States. While SVC is helping tens of millions in Africa, SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief are living in abject poverty in Colorado Springs. The reasons for this primarily are security for all those loyal to SVC and our families and our affiliates; preventing a "mass escape episode" by the traitors/ terrorists; and the UN's reticence in having its Peacekeeping Troops active in the USA and not doing something similar in Europe and the Middle East.


It has now been decided the world needs to have a much more aggressive posture by the International Legal structure and remove all notions that International Tribunal Rulings are simply advisory and do not have to be adhered to. The derisive, contemptuous and financially damaging activities towards SVC's President this calendar year have now become the traitor's/terrorists undoing. 


Jesus told Phil: "Our enemies have ensnared themselves in quicksand that they meant for you and now the more they struggle to free themselves, the quicker and deeper they will go and they will never escape."


In the United States, the U.S. Federal Court partners will begin enforcing applicable Federal Law to the letter, beginning with International Judgment against the United States Government which has now reached approximately $1.73 quadrillion and the Social Security Judgment which is for the entire value of the Trust Funds now and any amount in future through payment of the FICA tax.


After the discovery of the Social Security Smoking Gun Letter in May 2024, it was confirmed that SVC's President paid the maximum amount in FICA Taxes for 18 years and paid 78% of the maximum for his highest 35 earning years which is what the Social Security Benefits are supposed to be based upon. He paid nearly $350,000 into the program over the past 50 years, thus easily requiring a maximum pay out at age 64 when he technically retired or $2,710 per month. As of September 25, 2024, SVC's President is already owed $32,520 in back benefits. That would have allowed him to live comfortably all year long when in Colorado and pay his Colorado bills with no problem. But that did not happen, and of course, that was exactly what the traitor's/terrorist's intended to make sure he appeared to the public as they said he was.  (


Because the Social Security Administration made all September 2024 payments and are in the process of paying October 2024 payments, the aspect in the International Judgment which required Americans still working to pay the FICA taxes will now be strictly enforced. SVC's President did not want this aspect in the execution of the Judgment as the International Court of Justice Ruled. That's further retribution for Americans who did not support SVC's President against the U.S. Government's maltreatment of him. SVC's President is now being overruled by the International Tribunals!


Given the fact that SVC's President and his fellow Victims own the U.S. Government lock, stock and barrel, it is logical that any decisions concerning the use of all government assets is no longer in the hands of the U.S. President or U.S. Congress, including its military prowess. Thus, it does not necessarily have to be UN troops which partition Colorado; sequester what's left and Missoula County, Montana; temporarily occupy other areas, etc., and otherwise enforce International and U.S. Law, it can and will be U.S. Armed Forces, if necessary. The U.S. Federal Courts will make sure that this does not violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and subsequent amendments.


Further, the WTO Sanctions against blacklisting has now been moved to 21% from 10% and all creative art products will cost approximately 21% greater in the USA until the blacklisting ends and the Revival Series of books reach the minimum of 750 sales per day. The proceeds started to be collected October 1 and should be paid to SVC and its President with all due to dispatch.


Overall, SVC will move past the AOTO and direct our attention to building the SVC DreamWeaver Plexus and all its composite parts. None of us will hold any grudges, but will listen to the wisdom of Martin Luther King: "In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but will remember the silence of our (supposed) friends."



 SVC Vice President Angelica E. T. Sutton, PhD


Many years ago, shortly after Nelson Mandela died, SVC's President commented Nelson was one of but a handful of Great Men who emerge with each passing Generation. Now, there are Historians around the World who are beginning to discuss Phil in the same light.


Phil readily acknowledges how the Creator and Jesus have touched his Life, but when he first realized he is something Special was when he realized how special America’s Founders were.


Few Historians would disagree that America’s Founders were the most special group of People who happened to be together in one Country and one time in Human History.


In his Research, Phil discovered that Ben Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Jefferson, et al, knew that they not only were making profound History, they were History. America’s Founders had been sent by the Creator to do exactly what they were doing. They were that handful of Great Ones for their Generations.


Phil has always stated that this discovery would haunt him for the rest of his Life. Especially now it is all too obvious he is one who shares the same relationship with the Creator as America’s Founders, all the Biblical Heroes and Nelson!!!!!!!


And what has Phil done with that? Told the rest of us that we are special, too, that’s what!!!!!!! Of all those Characters through History, the only other one who has done the same is Jesus. What does that tell you?


The reasons Phil wrote TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN: THEMES THAT TRANSFORM OUR DESTINY are the same reasons he does everything he has done the last quarter century: his belief that America does not have to follow History’s pattern for all previous Great Civilizations and has actually developed the Policies that would reverse history if given a chance.


The attempts on Phil's Life by the Missoula County Sheriff's Office and Missoula City Police Force opened the door into the dark world of Police brutality in America, yet no one in Authority cares from the least three US Presidents on down that dozens of Lives lost to this brutality and many of their Families don't even know what became of their Loved Ones; about the thousands of Lives which have been systematically ruined; the 100+ Women's Lives shattered by rape; or the billions in Public funds embezzled in within the Montana University alone. How can that be? But it is as I stated!


The State of Colorado never intended to issue Phil’s Licenses and preferred to believe Montana Insurance Commissioner Matt Rosendale and his Insurance Bureau Chief Jeannie Keller’s version of Events concerning renewing his Licenses in Montana.


Later, Rosendale and his counterpart in Colorado Marguerite Salazar are named in a Australian Report on Insurance Kickbacks. Rosendale was named by Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant as one his contacts in the USA.


Further, Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir named the Colorado gang of Insurance Investigator Angela Seaberg; her boss, Steven Giampaolo; Colorado First Attorney General, Peter Frigo; and current Insurance Commissioner, Michael Conway as co-conspirators in their assassination of attempt of Phil On June 21, 2019.


In light of the Ukrainian War, it is especially curious the Kushnirs joined al Qaeda because of the Russian incursion in Crimea and it was the Russians who arrested them miles from home in Crimea.


The Russians in turn handed the Kushnirs over to The Hague because they knew if the Kushnirs were returned to the US, the Federal and State of Colorado Governments would release them and Justice would not be done.


The Kushnirs also claim that Americans are thoroughly cowed from their President on down by al Qaeda and that’s why persecuting my Adorable Husband has been so easy. Unlike their legitimate National Hero, Americans lack Phil’s enormous courage and vision. 


And, most importantly, SVC International Viewpoint has made sure most Americans know of it. SVC has done its level best to get the American People behind the Crusade which is definitely in their best interests, but we have failed miserably.


Through The Hague, United Nations and SVC-TV International, Americans have been warned concerning their Nation's fallen Greatness and what the repercussions are, but it has not moved Americans to sincerely address the Reforms necessary to America to its rightful place among Nations. And they wonder why what’s coming is so very necessary for true Justice to be done!!!!!!


On the night of August 15-16, 2018, in Oshawa, Ontario Canada, the Creator told Phil to keep two of the Dreams he had in mind, the Doe Dreams in 2000 and the Elizabethan almost exactly three years earlier and concentrate on their meaning.


Phil knew why his Elizabethan Dream was significant. He had it in our home in Charlottesville on Labor Day, September 7, 2015. It was and is a reminder of our Ancestry and Phil's own significance in History.


This is also the day the squatters finally vacated Sutton Manor North after doing over $500,000 damage that would take over three years to reconstruct. We scrambled to Bozeman from the University of Delaware in Newark, where SVC was conducting the second Public Policy Forum of the Annual SVC Peace & Democracy Day PPF Series.


Ray Stetler found it positively eery to hear Phil's Testimony in Church on August 29, 2021, and then watched the Bidens preside over what Ray termed the "morg detail" in Dover. All US Armed Service Personnel who die in Foreign lands are first brought back to Dover Air Force base. Ray served on that detail when he was in the Air Force in the 1980's.


As we all know, Phil led the lead the initial American sorties into Afghanistan after 9/11. The thing Phil is most proud of during his Service in the US Navy is that as a Squadron Commander, he never lost a Pilot in 3,787 sorties under his Command in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kuwait.


This is a rare feat and is why Admiral Stan Arthur made Phil the Naval Liaison after the Persian Gulf War and as part of that duty, had to mess in-person with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Phil has told Us when he shook their hands, he could feel the incredible evil festering inside them.


It all also about this time 13 years ago, Ron Halvorson and Ray discovered the al Qaeda drug and sexual assault scandals at the University of Montana. Although we did not know al Qaeda was behind all that was transpiring in Missoula at the time, it was later revealed that al Qaeda was raising funds for its infiltration into the United States through illicit drug sales just as the terrorists did in Afghanistan with the opiate trade and why al Qaeda based its operations in Colorado where marijuana is Legal.


If the Obama Administration had done its job 13 (now 15) years ago and intervened at that time, so much of what has happened since would not have occurred and dozens of People in the United States, Iraq and Afghanistan would be alive today!


The Doe Dream is particularly personal one for Phil. It is the Dream he saw two sets of dear families across from each other on the UM campus. One family was sickly with one unhealthy doe with a healthy female fawn and a sickly baby buck. The other family was all healthy, a doe and her two healthy babies.


The sickly family represented the one Phil had lost over a decade before, his First Wife Patti, Alicia and an unborn Son who Patti was pregnant with when she was murdered. The healthy Family was Marti, Jack and I. The female fawn is Alicia who reentered Phil's Life after decades.


The Doe Dream occurred during the Bitterroot fire conflagration in 2000. The rains that fell that Labor Day Weekend put out the fires six weeks of firefighting could not.


It came with a message from the Creator: "Sometimes I must destroy and destroy absolutely to build something better in its place." Later that Autumn, Phil was traveling on Business to Idaho Falls. He stopped to rest at Lost Trail Pass when he noticed grass already growing around the burned out crags. Mother Nature was already making her comeback in fulfillment of what the Creator had told Phil.


On the morning of August 28, 2021 in Kumamoto - ironically Missoula's Sister City in Japan - the Creator personalized the Doe Dream even more when he told Phil, "I have allowed Satan's people to destroy your life and now I am building something spectacular in its place”…




14 OCTOBER 2024