The International Tribunals, their Partner US Federal Courts and SVC will make no distinction between those who have propagated these evil lies and those who have acted upon them as true. - SVC Cayenne General Conference, 21 January 2023
On 18 March 2023, SVC's Founder & President, Phil Sutton, remembered when he first learned about the Power of Decision 45 years before. He didn't tell us that he had utilized that same power starting on SVC International Trailblazer Day by making his Hastings Trailblazer Day Declaration. No one could have predicted what has happened the past 24 weeks because he alone decided it is going to be.
Now, International Law is being universally enforced and it is having an incredible impact. The goal now is not only to put the Final kibosh on al Qaeda-gate but to bring the entire world into Compliance with International Law. It is the best way to bring the world to a Peaceful conclusion by the time Jesus returns.
About this time nine years ago, the world we know now took shape. On 22 January 2023, the Sutton International Complaint is Adopted by the United Nations Security Council. Eight weeks later, Russia formally annexed Crimea in Ukraine.
The senselessness of the al Qaeda-gate traitors/terrorists' hate crimes towards SVC's President matches Russia's war on Ukraine and both have the intractable sense that neither the traitors/terrorists nor Vladimir Putin know when to quit and cannot seem to admit that all the ongoing tragedies created by their actions is their fault and no one else's. Phil Sutton and the Ukrainian People have the right to defend themselves and they have done so brilliantly because they have the Creator behind them.
Just take a look at the crimes committed against SVC's President tens of thousands of times on a daily basis the past 17 years:
The Serial Crimes List which was created in 2010 Serial Crimes List being Utilized by the International Tribunals, Chief International Prosecutor’s Office and by their Partner U.S. Federal Courts:
1) Crimes Against Humanity; 2) Hate Crimes; 3) Crimes of Aggression; 4) Obstruction of  Peace; 5) Obstruction of Justice; 6) Genocide; and 7) Contempt of Court.
1) Conspiracy; 2) criminal intimidation; 3) criminal defamation 4) identification theft/Fraud; 5) Discrimination & Human Rights violations; 6) Obstruction of Justice; 7) Treason; 8) Patent & Copyright Infringement; 9) Kidnapping; 10) Theft; 11) Fraud; 12) Contempt of Court; 13) Aggravated assault; 14) Attempted murder; and 15) Murder.
Nearly 456,000 Americans are already convicted of any number of these crimes. As soon as they exhibited the al Qaeda Script, they are automatically convicted of all the crimes due to the Conspiracy Rule save copyright infringement. SVC's President has suffered the infliction of more than 357 million of these crimes the past 17 years; more than 20 million per year; approximately 783 per traitor/terrorist; and 25 million more than the entire population of the United States. And he is only one person of 10,000 people who are known to be are true Victims of al Qaeda-gate. How can there be any questions regarding the importance of putting down al Qaeda-gate?
Also, al Qaeda is responsible for over 343,000 murders in its 33-year history. All these convicted criminals could be held responsible for these murders and be judicially executed. Those who were involved with the Poe Meadows and Owens incidents in Missoula, Montana, USA, will be judicially executed and those who planned with the Benghazi raid on 9/11/2012 and the 1/6/2021 insurrection could be.
As per usual, the traitors/terrorists cannot help themselves but return to their old patterns. Even in their benevolent periods they have only managed to behave four or five days in a row until the traitors/terrorists follow the al Qaeda script to the letter once again. The traitors/terrorists know what they are doing is wrong, but the evil inside them just cannot be overcome by warnings to them regarding the consequences of their behavior.
This is why the traitors/terrorists are in so much trouble and they created so much trouble for their Families, their communities, their States, their Country. Their punishment must reflect what the traitors/terrorists have shown the world to be them and deter such behavior so Civilized Society will not have to deal with them at-large anymore. If others reflect the al Qaeda script in the future, the civilized world will know what to do with them.
SVC has spent nearly $100 million Investigating, cooperating with the International Tribunals and Chief Prosecutor's Office and attempting to reach out to the traitors/terrorists in an attempt to avert what now must be. Instead of biting the hand that fed them, the American People should have rallied to help International Justice prevail. There will be consequences for that, too.
Finally, the Preliminary Investigations during the current 2023 Montana Legislative Session indicate the total known Montana University System Public Funds Embezzlements have topped $10 billion. According to the records from the 2023 Montana Legislative Session so far, the total known embezzlements which cannot be accounted for in the ordinary course of business has reached approximately $10.5 billion.
The International and SVC Investigations continue with the likelihood of additional traitors/terrorists being added to the rolls. The preparation for the full and complete adjudication of these civil and criminal cases in about seven dozen of the 677 US District Courts is almost complete. The hope is that it will be US Troops who will provide security when arrests are made and assets seized and Americans will be allowed to handle internal matters within the United States of America themselves, otherwise United Nations Peacekeepers will perform that function.
30 MARCH 2023