SVC's President, Phil Sutton, took the floor and started this SVC International Finance Committee Septimal Conference by playing the Trailblazing Theme from the movie "The Secret". This is the same music South Africa President Nelson Mandela spoke to Phil through during his State Funeral in Qunu, South Africa on 15 December 2013: "Phil you must remain the Trailblazer you have always been."
I remember a few days before when I was conducting my CFO Tour Public Policy Forum in Ghana. Native, Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan stated, "Nelson held on long enough so Phil could be here in Africa to attend his State Funeral." Now you know why that was significant.
SVC's President completed his Introduction to his newest book, TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM this way::
As the world is currently discovering, the United
States of America – once the example to the rest
of the World in so many ways – can no longer be
trusted and viewed with such distinction. Americans
must endeavor to greatly change that.
The author first met Nelson Mandela at a White House
Reception in June 1990. I had spearheaded efforts to
persuade the Reagan Administration to support the
International Boycott against Apartheid in South
Africa. The Boycott began bearing fruit when we focused
upon freeing Nelson after 27 years in prison.
Nelson made a B-line in my direction to show his
appreciation for our activism and I was pleasantly
surprised to say the least. He immediately began to
discuss what else had to be done and asked for my
support, which I readily pledged.
When Nelson passed away in December 2013, I attended his
State Funeral in Qunu. It was there my thoughts of Nelson and
all he taught me led me to create the Sutton Viewpoint Center's
International Trailblazer Program.
The SVC Trailblazer Program has become the Chief Education &
Training Program in the world for Economic & Public Policy
Development. Many of the key proposals which are taught
worldwide and can make Revival of the American Dream inevitable
can be discovered in this opus. We must be certain no one is left
-Phil Sutton, DBA
International Independence Creek, Colorado
March 27, 2023
Indeed, the SVC Trailblazer Program has helped over 94 million People to a better life. The Program adds another 50,000 per week on average and is the personification of the two Men who first gave the Program its inspiration and the one who actually Created it.
In a larger sense, Nelson's, Kofi's and Phil's inventiveness made any semblance of International Law possible. Their focus was and is the defense and procurement of Universal Human Rights for all. Nelson and Phil have paid a horrendous price for what they believe is right and as both of them stated/continue to state that price is set by the Creator and the Creator will make it right for them and everyone else who supports them!
Many years ago, SVC Vice President Angelica Sutton was asked by their Twins, Marti and Jack, why their Father and the Kennedy Brothers are/were the target of so much hatred. She responded: "Because their Grandparents taught them an appreciation of their Family Legacy, History and their future role in it. Men like Jack and Bobby Kennedy and your Father are Dreamers. They see a wonderful World none of the rest of us are capable of envisioning and it scares the hell out of the old guard. They see everyone sharing in God’s abundance...”
The newest breakthrough in the ongoing Investigation of the American Criminal Opprobrium indicates it was the Mass Media, Information Age Industries and General Electric which has led the ACO against SVC's President and bought Osama bin Laden's garbage against him.
We now have the clearest viewpoint of why the worst criminal scandal in American History has unfolded and who and what is responsible. We cannot elaborate here for obvious reasons, but suffice it to say, Actor Kevin Costner's analogy between what happened to the 35th U.S. President and what continues to happen to SVC's only President is a valid one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSw9sjqYK_I
Pay attention to all of the things JFK wanted to accomplish in the second term, but never had the chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuUtu2xRGgY No less for SVC's President 60 years later. What all these Men wanted to accomplish on Humanity's behalf at the behest of the Creator matters more than we will ever be able to understand!
As far as the Final Kibosh is concerned, CNN, HLN and Fox News are to be replaced by SVC-TV, the new Peace & Democracy channel and SVC-TV International, respectively, ASAP. The timing will be determined by whether or not the Biden Administration participates with U.S. Troops or not by the new United Nations Mandate.
Ditto with the partition of the State of Colorado; what is left of the State and Missoula County, Montana will be sequestered and treated as the modern Sodom and Gomorrah that they are; all the Professional Licensing and Higher Education Reform in both States; and disposition of all the property and wealth of all 528,000+ traitors/terrorists; and the length and severity of their criminal sentences. There are over 7,000 work locations already designated where the traitors/terrorists will serve their sentences at hard labor.
This Report is delayed until today because on 26 May 1864 the Territory of Montana was Created and four days later came America's first Memorial Day. SVC's President does not have a degree in History but he might as well have.
When SVC's President left Montana for good 5.5 years ago it also lost its foremost living Historian. He jokes he got the job when former Montana Governor Ted Schwinden died last October. His Truman Scholarship Paper on Montana's 1989 Statehood Constitution and his Watkins Scholarship Paper in his comparative Study with the 1972 Constitution Convention became the primary source for Montana PBS Documentary on the subject.
Governor Schwinden Chaired the Executive Branch Committee on SVC's Montana Reform Commission and was SVC's President Mentor and Friend for over 40 years. The Governor was the last of Montana's Great Reformers to pass away after Montana ceased to be a company-owned State in 1959. So many of SVC President's Proposals concerning government reform derived from these early learning experiences.
When Hillarycare was all the rage 30 years ago is where SVC's President began to explore the different possibilities in Financial Service Products. He knew the primary reason why universal healthcare simply is not possible for the American People is the vaunted Life & Health Insurance Industry had become the largest industry in history by selling cash value life insurance. U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) tried to make it illegal in the late 1980's. He failed.
One of the Reforms necessary for Living Security to come to the United States is cash value life insurance must be made illegal, save Final Expense Insurance. The vaunted life Insurance Industry must pay the cash values to their clients they never intended to pay within a year. With the product Client believes he/she is paying for life insurance and a saving/investment product but can only have one of them in the end. It is truly a great rip-off.
Whether or not these companies can financially survive without their cash value, this will discipline the industry to be honest with the American People and create an environment where affordable healthcare is possible for the American People for the first time.
The phrase "never intended" is a key to what will happen in the United Nations Mandated Reforms for United States of America. Because the State of Montana never intended to renew SVC President's Professional Insurance Licenses in 2017 and 2018, Montana will lose its right to license Insurance and Securities Professionals.
Because the State of Colorado never intended to license SVC's President even though he went through all the hoops to become licensed like he was a new Agent instead a Veteran of 32 years combined in both States, Colorado will never professional license or certify anyone again and they will lose all rights to have Higher Education within its borders.
While SVC's President had 10,000+ fellow Victims in Montana, he is a lone wolf in Colorado. They just plain picked on him. Colorado will be partitioned and what is left of it and Missoula County, Montana will be driven into economic oblivion as an example of never, ever again. All vestiges of this American form of organized terrorism will simply not be allowed to exist in the USA, let alone the rest of the World!
When in Financial Services, SVC's President warned his Clients not to be entirely dependent on Social Security and have other Investments for their Retirement. They didn't listen to him then, either. The Social Security Administration in Colorado Springs never intended to grant SVC President's Retirement Benefits let alone Disability Benefits even after a separate letter from Washington D.C. four years before stated he already had qualified before turning 62! The American People can thank these bureaucrats for losing Social Security for them. Approximately 40 million Americans will now be without any means of support in retirement...
26 MAY 2024