...The past few months have been a rollercoaster ride for this organization, its Founder and the world. During SVC Annual Africa Tour last December I informed the world that no one is above International Law and that International Judicial System would no longer allow nations and their leaders to avert International Justice by simply having a veto in the United Nations Security Council or failed to ratify the Statutes of Rome or both. It's incredibly convenient that the three Permanent Members of UN Security Council who have the veto just happen to be the ones who are misbehaving – China, Russia and the United States – are also the ones who have not ratified the Statutes. The other two – France and the United Kingdom – have fully recognized and abide by International Law.
While this fell upon deaf ears in Beijing and Washington, the Russians heard it loud and clear. Vladimir Putin attempted to squeeze me and use past kindnesses to influence his standing with the UN and The Hague. It didn't work. Although it was greatly embarrassing for me to admit that the Russians care more about me as a Human Being than my fellow Americans, at least we secured Brittney Griner's release from a Russian penal colony.
On SVC International Communication Day, the SVC International Board of Governors took the extraordinary step to abandon all support of the United States and fully apply International Law as per my International Complaint and UNSC Resolutions passed in January 2014.
The Board also received sealed Reports regarding what was known then as al Qaeda-gate and centered in the States of Montana and Colorado had now become a full blown National Scandal. The scandals within the largest criminal scandal in US History has now become an absolute and total public disgrace, thus the American Opprobrium.
Four days later on 14 March 2023, The Hague affirmed its support of SVC with new Rulings. Three days after that the International Criminal Court issued its Arrest Warrants for Putin. The next day I gave my Presentation on the Power of Decision as my high school basketball coach taught me when Bozeman Senior High School won its first State Basketball Championship in 60 years. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/power-of-decision)
The Hague followed all this up with additional Rulings against the United States on 21 April 2023 and gave us both the legal and economic power to determine the ultimate outcome of the American Opprobrium. The SVC 2023 International Declaration of Concerns Committee Addendum outlines what will now be done. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/real-state-of-the-union-addendum)
Just like the arrest warrants against Putin came one day before the 45th anniversary of basketball championship, another significant event of my senior year in high school, I received a message on Classmates from the daughter of my Journalism Advisor, Jerome McNichol, the day before 45th anniversary of the Hawk Tawk Staff I served on was awarded the Six-Star Pacemaker Award by the Columbia University School of Journalism, which is considered the Junior Pulitzer Prize. I told Kim about the “real” Pulitzer Prizes I and others had won.
Like Joe McKethen, “McNick” taught me a valuable lesson I have applied ever since in my adult life. I remember how intensely I wanted to be on the Hawk Tawk staff. When McNick made those appointments in May 1977, he looked right at me and stated that he knew some of us doubted we could do it. I never doubted again that I could do anything I really wanted to achieve.
Years later, McNick earned his masters at the University of Arkansas at about the same time Patti and I earned our bachelors degrees and became brand new parents. He spotted us in the old Lamme Library in Bozeman which now serves as City Hall.
I was holding Alicia and McNick kidded me by saying, “There's no way she's yours.” When I acknowledged she was, he asked to hold her. We talked and I asked him about that day. He told me he knew I had my doubts, he counted on me to be a key staff member and wanted to alleviate those doubts from the beginning.
My partner on the Sports pages was Kurt Seel who was also appointed Business Manager. McNick knew that would make me the layout editor pro tempore because not only did Kurt and I need to layout our sports articles in an appropriate fashion, we needed to paste-up all the advertising Kurt sold over the previous two weeks plus find room for the Feature Editors' stories which were often small books. Kurt and I were always the first staffers in and the last out every other Wednesday night. We also learned valuable lessons about our work ethic necessary to be successful in the “real world.”
Every seven weeks I share what these two Scotch-Irishmen taught me so long ago and what my two Sainted Grandmothers, from whom I have all my famous ancestry, taught me. I do this to impress upon everyone that the Creator is operating in our lives all the time and we need to be grateful for all our blessings.
Concerning my ancestry is the next incredible event in my life. King Charles III asked me to conduct a Public Policy Forum Series in all the provincial capitals in the United Kingdom – Cardiff, Wales; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Edinburgh, Scotland; and London, England – in the run-up to his Coronation on 6 May 2023.
The night before, the new King surprised me by Knighting me into the Order of the Garter, the highest Order of Knighthood in the British system. It is rare honor for anyone, but particularly someone who is not British or a resident of a British Commonwealth Country.
In Cardiff, the Welsh treated Angelica and I to private exhibits concerning the Royal Family going back to William I, The Conqueror. The Sutton Family knew about of our ties to the Normans, but our direct descendancy from The Conqueror because his Child we were supposed to be descended from was incorrectly thought to be a Nun, thus incapable of being our link to William.
As it turns out, Adela was a Catholic Saint, not a Nun. She had 10 Children with her husband, Stephen II of Blois. One Son, Stephen III of Blois, became King Stephen I of England; two sons became Bishops and the Son we are descended from, Theobald II “The Great” of Champagne, turned down the throne in London in favor of his younger brother and created several Kingdoms, Duchies and Counts from Jerusalem to Edinburgh.
Theo and his Father died fighting in the Crusades called for by Pope Urban II in 1096, nine years after the Conqueror's death. Stephen's installation as King triggered the English Civil War, dubbed as the “Anarchy” by Historians just as Abraham Lincoln's election as President by the Electoral College would trigger the American Civil War 725 years later almost to the day.
But what meant the most to me personally was the tremendous love and respect Adela received from her Father the King and her Son the King. I hadn't been sure about how I should feel about being related to the only man known to history as “The Conqueror”, but discovering Adela was his favorite and read her poetry as a young girl just as I have with my Daughters convinced me he couldn't possibly be all bad.
The exhibit we saw was placed there by King Stephen as a tribute to his Mother. She was a very beautiful woman both inside and out and had to have performed at least one miracle to be considered a Saint of the Church. I believe her miracles are multiple and the source of those miracles came from her love for our Creator and all creation to have such a profound impact on history.
This experience answered a lot questions I had about my own identity and my own place in history. As Marti and Jack have informed the world the past three years on UN day, George Washington also descended from The Conqueror, but through King Henry I, Adela's only younger sibling and Stephen's direct predecessor. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/family-values-iii)
The Sutton Family line matches with the Washington Family's line 10 to 13 generations down from the Conqueror and seven generations before America's first President.
In the second Generation of the match is where Daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh, John Sutton, Mary married the Son of Edward Spencer, the Duke of Marlborough, is the place in history which matches the current Monarch, Charles III with a Spencer Daughter, Diana.
During Princess Diana's State Funeral in 1997, an American Commentator stated that a Washington relative was buried at the Spencer Estate of Al Thorp. That's Mary Sutton Spencer. Like Adela, Mary had a unusual impact on history because of her close friendship with Queen Elizabeth I.
When the Hanovers replaced the Stuarts as the Royal Family in 1714 after Queen Anne died, my ancestors accepted exile to the New World and received a land grant from King George I in what is now West Virginia. A small community bears the family name and is the county seat for Braxton County, named after a signer of the Declaration of Independence, Carter Braxton.
The Duke of Edinburgh title became extinct until King George I recreated it for his Grandson, Prince Frederick. Frederick died prematurely and never succeeded his Father King George II to the throne. Instead his Son became King George III and the infamous King recreated the title for his seventh Son, Prince William.
After William died, the Duke of Edinburgh title once again became extinct until King George VI recreated it for his Son-in-law, Prince Philip, my namesake. As his Father wanted, King Charles recently gave his younger Brother, Edward, the title.
The Spencers were stripped of the Duke of Marlborough title and reduced to an Earldom. Diana's only Brother, Charles, is the Ninth Earl Spencer. The Duke of Marborough title went to the Churchill Family because they supported the Hanovers.
Many would expect that I would be somehow in line to the throne, especially when I am the eldest Son of a long line of first Children within the Sutton Family. I might be 150th in line or something like that, but I am not at all in line to the British throne. You must be a direct Descendant of Sophia, the Electress of Hanover, to be King or Queen. I am not.
It is interesting that George Washington and I are closer in relation to the original Royal Family in England than the British Monarchs of our generations, George III and Charles III. Prince William will eventually be the first Monarch of 44 who will be a direct Descendant of all his predecessors over the last millennium because of his Mother, Princess Diana's, ancestry.
What is also fascinating is Prince Harry is now talking about changing his surname to Spencer to save his marriage with Meghan just as I changed my surname to Sutton to save my marriage with Patti. Both of us very much alienated our “nuclear Family” to make our marriages work. I hope Meghan survives to make that all worth it for Harry.
The Suttons are on my Mother's side as well. My ancestry on my Father's side is also significant. My paternal Grandmother's family are Descendants of William and Mary Randolph, the “Adam and Eve of famous Virginians”. The Mothers of Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall and Richard Henry Lee are First Cousins, their Fathers are William's and Mary's Sons.
Richard married two Woman named Anne and had five Children with each. His very last Child, Francis Lightfoot Lee, is our ancestor within the Randolph Dynasty. My Great Grandmother was also a Marshall and it is with those two surnames my Grandmother named my Father.
What has always tickled me is the fact that because I am my parents' eldest Child, all these famous people became blood relatives when I was born.
Enter Angelica's ancestry in Massachusetts. She is a direct Descendant of John and John Quincy Adams through her Mother's relations with Abigail (Smith) Adams and her Father was named after John Hancock, a Cousin on his Maternal Grandmother's side of the Family.
It was Richard and Second Cousin Samuel Adams who worked together to form the Correspondence Committee between the Colonies that led to the creation of the Continental Congress.
It was Richard who also authored the Virginia Resolution for Independence and it was John Adams' idea to write a Declaration of Independency in order to garner support of other nations. When Richard had to return to Virginia, John insisted that Thomas utilize his vaunted writing talent to author the Declaration. Of all my famous ancestors, I most closely identify with Thomas. From a very young age I knew I thought and wrote like him.
James Madison is both a Sutton and Randolph Cousin. He of course was the primary author of the US Constitution. Thomas rendered the argument of why a beleaguered people have the right to reform their government when necessary in the Declaration; James gave the world the foundation of democratic government for the first time in the Constitution.
Thomas also made the case that Human Rights do not derive from a government or sovereign, but the Creator. Contrary to his own words, this incredible breakthrough in political thought was evident to him alone. No one ever dared to think such thing, let alone write it down for posterity.
Fast forward 170 years. Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the United Nations to assure peace in the post-World War II era. Franklin was named after his Grand Uncle Franklin Hugh Delano. My Third Generation Grandfather, Felix Sutton, married Susan Skidmore, first cousin to Maria Kranz Delano Hudkins, Sister to Franklin Hugh and FDR's Maternal Grandfather, Warren Delano.
It was FDR's Wife and Fifth Cousin, Eleanor, who would become the primary author of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document served the same purpose in its time as the Declaration of Independence did in its, namely: defining the world as it should be and decrying the reasons why it wasn't.
In 2005 and 2006, I became the primary author of the Responsibility to Protect Principle which gave the concept of International Law a firm foundation for the first time. I have joked that it is the Family Business to author the most important Political Documents of History. It has been.
When I did my research for my Doctoral Dissertation and eventually my book “Revival of the American Dream,” the one aspect I discovered that was present in all the primary players in the American Revolution was that they were not only making history but they were history, meaning they had been sent by the Creator to do exactly what they were doing.
What I share with my famous Ancestors is a devotion to Public Service, a profound sense of right and wrong and we are willing to stake our very lives in pursuit of Justice.
On 9/11, I stated that the al Qaeda attacks were made because of what the United States of America has traditionally stood for; that the war on terrorism would be covert just as the Cold War had been; that Osama bin Laden was fighting the ninth Crusade; and that al Qaeda and the Taliban intended to make the world live back in the 12th and 13th centuries when the original crusades took place.
It is clearer to me than it has ever been before that like my Ancestors, I have been sent by the Creator to do my part to create a peaceful, just and Democratic World before Jesus returns.
When Jesus learned of the beheading of his Cousin, John the Baptist, he knew it was time for him to go to Jerusalem and do what he had come to Earth to do. When my Cousin, Queen Elizabeth II, passed away, I knew my time had come.
As I stated in my Hastings Declaration on 14 October 2022, (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/hastings-trailblazer-day-declaration) there can be no fence-sitters. Every inhabitant on this planet must choose whether they support the Creator or Satan. The separation of the sheep and the goats Jesus talked about is underway...
Phil Sutton, DBA
SVC President & CEO
4 July 2023