"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1:8

This has been the best SVC International Children's Day ever. For the first time since the American Opprobrium broke against SVC's President in July 2001 with the Jore Corporation bankruptcy, SVC did not spend an inordinate amount of time with it.


Instead the Board and it 150,000 guests spent most of our time discussing all the possibilities of SVC's future. Our mindset is set for Greatness and the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium will fund that effort both in Judgment Proceeds and the hard labor the traitors/terrorists will spend the rest of their lives doing. There are million if not billions all over the world who need SVC's help and now we can see clear in ways that their patience and support will be well-rewarded.


In the above scripture, James is warning us not to be wobbly in our Faith because those weak in Faith are driven to and fro by the winds.

By definition, double mindedness is the mental state of believing or attempting to believe two opposing thoughts at the same time. This simple and brief Teaching of James 1:8 on the double minded Man or Woman is one of the most profound in Scripture.

The Scriptural charge of being unstable is of serious importance. The American Heritage Dictionary defines unstable as fickle and lacking control of one's emotions, characterized by unpredictable behavior.


We believe that double mindedness is a recognizable Psychological phenomenon and that it is used to neutralize Human thought and action. It is very subtle because it almost defies description. Herein lies its power to deceive and control Human emotions.

There is both collective and individual double mindedness. Almost all Politicians are aware of this phenomenon and use it to deceive the Electorate. The the United State of America has fallen so fall that its glory is hardly recognizable in Americans today.

As SVC has stated ad infinitum, the primary cause is the successful infiltration of organized terrorism and like minded groups. There is no point in arguing it any longer.


SVC's President, Phil Sutton, was the first National Commentator in the USA to make these three brilliant observations about 9-11 going on 22 years ago:


1) The USA was attacked for what Americans believed and what the Nation has historically stood for;


2) That the War on Terror was an extension of the Cold War in Geopolitical terms and it would be fought in the same covert manner using surrogates; and


3) That the Taliban and al Qaeda meant their attacks upon the Western World to be an extension of the Crusades and that Afghans had reverted back to 12th & 13th Century Islamic Values and Political Beliefs.


SVC's repeated warnings have been met with scorn and more grief for SVC There will be no stone unturned to bring the haters to Justice, no matter who they are.


SVC's North American National Chairs Final Warning for the United States must be taken seriously. Particularly, America's neighbors directly to the north and south are very concerned about the violent society America has become and can no longer be trusted to do the right things when it comes to reforming the USA.


This matter has been turned over to International Peacekeeping Forces and requires no further SVC input. SVC's President, SVC and our fellow Victims and Allies have the financial and legal resources and Judgments to do whatever is necessary to overcome any opposition that is encountered.


Keep in mind who is responsible for all this and any genuine support is welcomed.