The SVC International Roundtable XXI Sessions in Texas were especially emotional for everyone and SVC's President, Phil Sutton, struggled to talk about the Events of the last year. SVC's President thought about the many analogies drawn between the American Opprobrium, the Allies fighting the Nazis during World War II and what has happened to SVC's President in the United States to what happened to John Kennedy nearly 60 years ago.


When the American Soldiers first engaged the Germans in North Africa in 1942, FDR simply Reported to the American People, “We are fighting back.” SVC's President Affirmed his Cousin’s words making it analogous to the American Opprobrium, in a whisper holding back the great emotion he was feeling and adding a word, “We are finally fighting back.”


The deadline for the Biden Administration to act was actually 7 July 2023, but SVC anticipated no action would be taken four months ago and planned accordingly. Now the Final Kibosh will be rolled out consist with plans laid out by the SVC Montana Reform and Executive Advisory Commissions before the Covid-19 Pandemic.  


Tony Blair ’s analogies to SVC President's warnings about organized terrorism’s growth in the World and infiltration in the United States to Winston Churchill’s “The Gathering Storm” warning concerning the Nazi threat was also discussed.


Then all that has happened to free SVC from our dependence on American resources and power and how key that has been to freeing SVC's President to accomplish what he must. 


Obviously, the success of SVC's President's Living Security Financial Services Product in the British Commonwealth, France and Germany has been huge. While the US Government is fighting over the viability and efficacy of Obama/Bidencare, the first cradle to grave insurance product everybody wants in the United States is fittingly out of reach for Americans and will be until America and Americans gets their act together!!!!!!!


This year's SVC International Declaration of Concerns Report verified the conspiracy to kill SVC's President has been between the Information age establishment, International organized terrorism and those who oppose World Democratization, both Economic and Political, and Development of International Law & Universal Human Rights.


Those who threaten the “establishment” usually have their problems with it and because a few of us are destined to push back the envelope a little bit more than most would dare, place our Lives in danger.


SVC's President enjoys talking about having “serious Political DNA.” With his Ancestry, he definitely has that. The aspects that set his and SVC Vice President, Angelica Sutton,  specific Ancestries aside from most is the sense of righteous indignations at wrongs that exist in our Society.


Nelson Mandela taught SVC's President that there is good and bad in all of us. The key is to understand those who are the “liberators”; and understand who are the “oppressors”. It does not take a rocket scientist to know who Nelson meant to be the liberators and those who are the oppressors.


Jesus’ version of this is that on the Judgment Day everyone will be separated into two groups: the sheep and the goats. The battle throughout History has been between these two groups.


This is why in his Hastings Declaration SVC's President asked everyone to pick which side you are on. Do you support Jesus and Nelson or do you support Satan and Osama bin Laden? Pick!!!!!!!



SVC's President long since had made his Decision and bin Laden knew where SVC's future President stood in 1991 and what his relationship is with the Creator and Nelson, who had been released from prison in South Africa almost exactly a year before!!!!!!!


After SVC's President has been released from prison after Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge failed to brutally beat him to death just as Missoula County Sheriff Deputies had failed to murder him four and five years before and Recorded his International Complaint, he placed himself firmly on the side of the Liberators:


"...whatever deprives People of basic Human dignity & Rights, whatever is defaming, whatever is wrong, whatever is criminal, whatever is destructive, whatever is corrupt - if anything is deceptive and unjust - We will oppose it - sure as the Sun comes up in the morning, We will oppose it." - Phil Sutton, Ball State University, Muncie Indiana, September 19, 2012


Our attitudes at SVC must be that if your message is one of fear, hate and bigotry, shove it. If your message, thoughts and actions pursue Love, compassion and enhancing the condition of the Human Family, then join Us in our Great Crusade to bring our World to a Peaceful conclusion where everyone is pursuing their Divine Destiny!!!!!!! -Phil Sutton, SVC Africa Tour XV General Conference, December 5, 2021


Crusade is the key word here. As often has happened, SVC's President has stated a truth and somehow history has vindicated that viewpoint. It has not just been Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and despotic National Leaders who did not care too much for SVC President's ideas, it was a large swath of American Business Leaders and the American News Media wanted SVC's President dead just as the Confederates wanted Lincoln to be assassinated and they have made 12 attempts of which we have knowledge.


SVC's President knew bin Laden was a diabolical genius in 1991 and told everyone to watch him very carefully. This was the reason why SVC's President developed his No Tolerance Terrorism Policy and stated, "The United States should make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them." Sound familiar?


SVC's President also was the first to say bin Laden and al Qaeda had attacked the United States because of what America believes, not Rudolph Giuliani. Phil also commented that the War on Terrorism would be fought covertly and through surrogates like the Taliban and ISIS just as Cold War I had.


Further, it was al Qaeda's and the Taliban's intention to fight the Ninth Crusade and the Society they want to form is right out of the 12th and 13th centuries. They are that backward.


SVC's President "Politics of hope" turned into Barack Obama's "Audacity of Hope"; SVC President's "Revival of the American Dream" turned into Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" and now "Save America"; and so forth and so on.


SVC's President has been gifted by the Creator as the "Idea Man" and everyone in and around power just despise him for it, tried to kill 12 times and destroy him and his reputation in every way conceivable manner.


Osama bin Laden conceived his revenge on SVC's President for his exile from Saudi Arabia 32 years ago and hundreds of thousands of Americans have thrown in with bin Laden.


The largest injustice throughout the American Opprobrium has been why SVC's President has been the object of so much grief. He has not done anything to the traitors/ terrorists at all. It has been completely them and that is why what they have done to SVC's President and his fellow Victims will be returned in full measure following the Golden Rule.


The traitors/terrorists have recruited others to their side by saying SVC's President is saying he will do this or he will do that, thus he must be opposed. The truth of the matter is SVC's President is acting as a good Citizen and turning these people in for their crimes against him, realizing the traitors/terrorists are dangerous to civilized society.


There is no excuse for the treatment of the Victims of the American Opprobrium and everyone knows it. And everyone knows they are entitled to Justice. So why has it been so difficult for the Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations to do right for these poor people? The American people and the American News Media have done it for Rodney King, Floyd George and Tyre Nichols.  What is the difference here? Now the problem will be solved by outside forces and no thinking person American can be happy about it. 


There are too many things which never should have happened to the detriment of thousands of Americans and much to few things which should have happened but did not. This situation must be corrected with with dispatch. America must be restored to its status as a model to the rest of the world as it has been rather than the disgrace that it has become. 


Martin Luther King knew that the White southerners who opposed him knew they were wrong all along. The facade of white supremacy eventually became untenable and unsustainable. So will the beliefs of the traitors and terrorists of the American Opprobrium. How they think, talk and act cannot be tolerated in civilized society ever again.


It will be 8 years ago Saturday 15 July that Jesus first told SVC's President, Phil Sutton: "The World has waylaid you long enough. You will now achieve beyond measure."


In his “Spring Creek Dream” Jesus took SVC's President back to his old Neighborhood in Bozeman, Montana before Spring Creek's natural flow was diverted and showed him a butterfly leaving its cocoon. This butterfly had all the colors of the rainbow and was incredibly beautiful. SVC's President called it a “Rainbow Butterfly.”


Then suddenly they witnessed the same marvelous act of creation on the Nile River in Egypt. Jesus then asked SVC's President if he knew why they were there. He answered he knew and that he knew it had to do with his Dream with Sharouse nearly two Years before.


In that Dream, Sharouse told SVC's President he always saw him as a magnificent butterfly struggling to leave its cocoon and why all the prominent Players in his Life had appeared. Jesus told SVC's President that that no more training was necessary, made the above comment and the Dream ended.


SVC's President would struggle with what Jesus meant for more than four years until Jesus told him what he meant was SVC's President had and would remove many Spiritual obstacles to Achieving his Destiny and that SVC's President was mistakenly Judged those words and himself on an earthly plain not the Spiritual one intended.


The ideals and Principles that the United States were founded upon simple do not exist in the hearts and minds of a good many Americans today. If they did, they would be following SVC’s lead and the Revival of the American Dream would be quite possible.


It is inexplicable why this has been and the traitors/terrorists must be punished in such way that are viewed by public as an example of never again and civilization will now know what to do if we have not made that vital point to everyone in the world.


The Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium is underway...



7-9 JULY 2023 





As Pogo creator Walt Kelly's 20th century parody of American Naval Officer Oliver Hazard Perry’s 1813 Report to Major General William Henry Harrison, “We have met the enemy and they are ours;” “We have met the enemy and he is us.” America and Americans have become their own worst enemies.


For 22 years, the largest group of organized terrorism (aka, al Qaeda) has slowly but surely infiltrated the United States just as they did in Afghanistan and have thoroughly cowed Biden and his direct predecessors Barack Obama and Donald Trump. It is obvious the last three US Presidents need training in enemy identification, if they are not members of the gang themselves.


Indeed, the Obama Administration consulted with al Qaeda and staged the Benghazi raid of the US Consulate on September 11, 2012 killing four Americans in order to deflect knowledge of what would become American Opprobrium within the United States and the Sutton International Complaint. It would also win Re-Election for Obama and Biden in 2012. Foreign Writers and Journalists such as ourselves were threatened by our American counterparts if we let the truth of Benghazi be known at the time.


Then on January 6, 2021, the entire world witnessed the once great United States experience angry mobs ransacking their Capitol Building. My, how the mighty have fallen. Most of the terrorists have gotten away with what they had done in the name of their kind of patriotism.


The kicker is that Trump instigated it all in an attempt to stay in power. In most Countries he would not be alive to brag about it. Only in the USA could he possibly be talking about running for President again in 2024 and not be imprisoned. How can that be?


International and SVC's Private Investigators knew 24 hours later that the only difference between the terrorists who leveled the World Trade Center in 2001; struck the Benghazi Consulate in 2012; and those who ransacked the US Capitol in 2021 is their nationality.


For the first 220 years of the American Republic, all Presidents from George Washington to George W Bush had one common ethic: they did what was in the best interests of America, not what favored them personally, politically or partisanly. Then something happened when Barack Obama became President. It wasn't just him, but it has been a general polarizing attitude that has gripped America and Americans ever since and destroyed the fabric of American Society.


President Bush decried the difference in his speech on the 20th anniversary of 9/11: "In the weeks and months following the 9/11 attacks, I was proud to lead an amazing, resilient, united people. When it comes to the unity of America, those days seem distant from our own.


"Malign force seems at work in our common life that turns every disagreement into an argument, and every argument into a clash of cultures. So much of our politics has become a naked appeal to anger, fear and resentment. That leaves us worried about our nation and our future together." Indeed.


Nobody could be more sensitive to this than SVC's President, Phil Sutton. Osama bin Laden's people have worked to make him statistically the most persecuted person in history. They are still at it.


Colorado Springs Hire Quest Direct owner Doc Williams denies SVC's President work even though the employer asks specifically for him and the folks at Easy Storage give him no end of grief and have raised his rates by more than 40% in an attempt to get rid of him. SVC's President now has a $750 Million Judgment against Williams and all Hire Quest outlets out of South Carolina. The Judgment will be served ASAP. 


Did it ever occur to these traitors/terrorists that neither of them would have the power to do this if SVC's President simply served all his judgments and sold a computer or two after closing UCCS where his old friend Shad Harder makes PC's for non-students useless while in Kraemer Library? Well?


Actually, there are several homes that SVC's Security Chief, Gary Norman, who is the SVC President double, is interested in and closing UCCS would make it possible for him to write a check and purchase his favorite home far away from these people so he would not to be subjected to this garbage anymore. Oh, by the way, it is a matter of time that SVC's President and SVC's Security Chief will now own Hire Quest and Easy Storage, too...


Whatever happened to the America where Americans would rally around the oppressed and help them in circumstances like this?


As President Bush notes in that same speech, "I come without explanations or solutions. I can only tell you what I've seen. On America's day of trial and grief, I saw millions of people instinctively grab for a neighbor's hand and rally to the cause of one another. That is the America I know." 


That's the America we want to know again.