Americans have rarely found themselves in such a perplexing time. It is therefore difficult for anyone to believe there are answers, especially when we had a President like Donald Trump who is only lucid half the time and his Democratic replacement, Joe Biden, while well-meaning, does not have the foggiest damn clue.


Seriously, most observers are finding it mindboggling how the USA managed to get into this predicament and how the American People allowed it to happen. First, the United States has not really had the makings of a great President in the White House since Richard Nixon 50 years ago and we all know where that led.


Second, the baby boomer generation has produced Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump as Presidents for 28 years. It has only gotten worse, not better, with each successive President on this list.


Third, Americans have been ill-served by the very individuals and institutions who they are supposed to be able to trust and they have been utterly betrayed. Worse, the vast, vast, vast majority of Americans are like deer stuck in the headlights. Quite literally the only Americans who know what truly is transpiring in the United States right now are those who receive SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT!!!!!!!


The American News Media will not tell you. We just did. The bounty is out for the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium and many of them you see on television almost every day. They are truly culprits in the worst criminal scandal in US History. They have kept the truth away from the American People far too long and their malfeasance is about to come home to roost to a horribly destructive degree for the USA.


An example, of course, is the US Government's default on the Lease Agreement as per the International Judgment against the United States. The Judgment is growing at over a trillion dollars a day.


The original Proposal for Settlement was just $1.4 trillion per annum and would have saved the American taxpayer over $14 trillion per year. When the Biden Administration just ignored it, the monthly lease on all US Government property became $35 trillion per mensem for 30 years. The government defaulted on 4 August 2023.


The Hague's recommendation in the process of collecting the debt was to evict everyone from the White House, US Capitol and the US Supreme Court Building as an opening salvo.


Now there is companion idea. The Social Security Trust Fund has $2.9 trillion in it. If the initial annual payment of $1.4 trillion is paid out of the fund, then the 10,199 Victims of the American Opprobrium can begin to rebuild their Lives and the government would have until next August to replace those funds, make the next payment and would no longer be in default.


Of course, this is understandably objectionable given the source of these funds and what they are for (retirement and Medicare), but the American People have to understand who is responsible for this and why this is even a conversation in the first place!


A good many of the Victims are rapidly approaching retirement age, anyway. They have already lost benefits because they have not been able to work because of their run-ins with the Make Victims Units/al Qaeda operatives and if they have been able to find work and not become homeless because of their bogus criminal record, they have been working at jobs that do not pay well and thus reducing their would-be benefits.


Hire Quest denied SVC's President a job he set-up himself and he has been denied work anywhere else in Colorado Springs since 10 July 2023. All this has been quite intentional.


The Judgment against Hire Quest has been executed, but the bills keep piling up because Colorado bills must be paid by Colorado income until that money can be attained. 


Not to mentioned SVC's President should have been receiving Social Security Disability Payments totaling $255,000 the past 11 years. He has not received the benefits because of the reason and nature of his disability -the Trowbridge beating- and the government does not want that on an official record of any kind. Plus he has had to pay over $2.8 million in medical bills to stay alive and remain functional.


The reality check here is that the United States Government is legally and morally responsible for this travesty and will, one way or the other, pay the piper for it and anything else that is discovered that has been a part of the American Opprobrium.