(English: Justice, Liberty & Victory)


(EDITORS NOTE: During the 27th SVC International Roundtable, the 78 Panelists from 70 Countries discussed what must and will happen in 2025. They pulled no punches.)


"Nothing can resist an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo 

“Then I was our Leader. You are our Leader now.” – Lech Walesa 

“Phil, you must remain the Trailblazer you always have been.” - Nelson Mandela 

Jesus and I are one spiritually and of one mind. We would like to see each and every one of you here with us. We are all called to Greatness – Phil Sutton


LA JUSTICE, LA LIBERETE et LA VICTOIRE is the Sutton Viewpoint Center motto. It seems particularly fitting to ascribe the motto to the year 2025. There will be plenty of Justice; Liberty and Victory won in 2025 that is long, long, overdue!!!!!!!


It is clear the 78 Panelists spoke for an exhausted International Community with all the war and strife affecting the world. What is happening in the Middle East is particularly worrisome because it appears that Israel has chosen to become a rogue nation, joining its only true ally, the United States.


It is almost expected that a Putin-led Russia is going to make trouble and all the ethnic violence seen in Africa has continued unabated, but to have Israel and the USA backslide like they have is very disconcerting, indeed.


It has been observed that much of the trouble is egotism getting in the way of sound judgment. The Russo-Ukraine war has more to do with Americans Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton inflaming Putin over territorial claims, what happened to Gaddafi in Libya and allowing the Obama-Biden ticket to be re-elected in 2012 than it has to do with anything between Russia and Ukraine, per se.


Putin recommended that SVC’s President be the UN, not U.S. Emissary to Negotiate a Peace Treaty before the war started, but it was the USA, not Ukraine who turned down the Recommendation. It was probably because the Biden Administration feared the truth about Benghazi would surface.


It is a definite consensus that the best place to start bringing the world back into alignment with International Law and its enforcement is the Final Kibosh of American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium.


On January 22, 2014, the UN Security Council Voted 14-0, with the United States abstaining, to approve the Sutton International Complaint for prosecution. For only the third time in United Nations’ History, subsequent Resolutions were approved that authorized the use of force against the terrorist menace, if necessary.


At the time, the Barack Obama Administration Agreed to pursue the case with all due dispatch and handle the myriad of issues internally rather than have the International Community intervene directly.


However, the Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden Administrations have utterly failed to uphold International Law and applicable U.S. Federal Laws as required under the International Responsibility To Protect Principle the past 12 years.


Fortunately, the past and future President Donald Trump now understands the errors of his ways during his first term and has Agreed with the International Tribunals, International Prosecutor and United Nations to support the UN mandated reforms the United States of America must Adopt in order that it be considered a Nation in Good Standing again.


The Roundtable reviewed most of the major reforms and Affirmed the Legal Statutory Arguments for them. First, the Mass and Social Media as well as the other “Information Age Industries” in the United States.


Although not a formal part of the of the U.S. Government, the “Fourth Estate” plays a major role in the proper governance of the Citizenry. If the Mass Media coverage or the Social Media content is biased to the extent that certain members of Society are irreparably damaged and/or Human Rights and/or government corruption are suppressed at a massive scale, then it constitutes violations of International Law and must be addressed for the good of all Civilization.


The world has never witnessed this kind of violations International Law as it has with the AOTO.  Particularly, SVC’s President has had every aspect of his life and reputation tarnished within the United States. No one denies he has been the target of a savage character assassination campaign professionally and 22 attempts on this life: eight by American Law Enforcement; three by foreign terrorists; and 11 by other domestic terrorists, all but three Law Enforcement incursions in Missoula County, Montana, USA, were in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, and innumerable death threats as late as Christmas Eve 2024.


SVC’s President and his fellow Victims have the inalienable Right to protection under the Law and they have never seen it, primarily because the very Public Officials and Employees primarily responsible for their protection are themselves some the most serious perpetrators.


To combat this evil, CNN, Fox News Channel, Facebook, and probably “X”, formally Twitter, will be shutdown and the American People will be introduced to true Broadcast Journalism excellence with SVC-TV and SVC-TV International. There will be no Appeals, these Decisions are Final.


The blacklisting of SVC Publications and Authors will likewise be answered through closure of many Publishers, newspapers and magazines. The full list could not possibly be listed here but suffice it to say the final losses incurred here are in the trillions of dollars. Every damn dime lost will be recovered through WTO Sanctions or other Legal Procedures. 


The oldest play in a tyrant’s/despot’s playbook is the suppression of ideas whose time have come. Osama bin Laden called SVC’s President his “only worthy adversary.” More than a decade before SVC’s President published his ideas on World Political & Economic Democracy as well as his No Tolerance Terrorism Policy and a quarter century before he developed his Living Security Insurance Product Concept, bin Laden already knew the threat Phil Sutton posed to his organized terrorism concept.


In the years between the time they first met in Riyadh in 1991 and the time the 9/11 Commission Report was published in 2004, SVC had opened 69 National Offices and al Qaeda had built a 60-nation confederation of terrorist cells. History had already sent these two Men on a collision course and the AOTO is the ultimate result.


So much of what happened in Montana and Colorado beginning in January 2002 to the present time has only recently come to light, but we do know that the 2.5 million Americans who have become involved have operated under al Qaeda/ organized terrorism influence, whether they understand that or not. Their crimes are being scene as those of terrorist origin, no matter how much they want to deny their involvement and/or reasons for their Stage III Psychotic Denial concerning their fate. Al Qaeda's terrorist infiltration into the United States has been enormously successful to the great angst of the International Community. Therein lies the point.


The last thing the International Community wants is such an important country like the United States to be under the influence of treacherous foreigners like al Qaeda and its organized terrorism organization. To that end, the United Nations has long since Adopted SVC President’s No Tolerance Terrorism Policy.


It is the same policy U.S. President George W. Bush reiterated from SVC President's NTTP in his speech on the eve of 9/11/2001 saying: ”We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.” Straight from his Doctoral Dissertation and his first book's manuscripts, SVC’s President always saw bin Laden as a serious threat to U.S. Security and is one of the reasons he Recommended bin Laden be exiled from Saudi Arabia, something bin Laden never forgot and is probably the primary reason why bin Laden and his minions recruited so many ordinary Americans to side with the true terrorists. It simply makes no sense otherwise.


In Montana, the terrorists skillfully utilized scandals already in progress in Missoula and Ronan to excoriate SVC’s President and framed him for six alleged crimes. None were legitimate, but it did permanently ruin his previously stellar reputation as a two-time Honor Graduate and former Student Body President of the University of Montana. What would become a pattern and part of the al Qaeda script, the terrorists made it impossible for SVC's President to defend himself in the eyes of the public at-large.


When SVC’s President did not back down and accept their vagabond existence for him, University of Montana President Royce Engstrom, Missoula Mayor John Engen and Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenberg raised at least $50,000 for Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge to beat him to death utilizing a Soviet Gulag Technique.


When SVC’s President unexpectedly survived with pictures taken by a State of Montana Investigator of his horrible injuries to illustrate his side of the story, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Montana State Attorney Steve Bullock and the Mass Media at both the national and local levels made sure would never be told in a timely manner as was Rodney King's drama with the LA police in 1991. It has always been a tragic miscarriage of Justice that will finally be corrected and all those involved will be judicially executed at the International Level because of Trowbridge's 24 other police killings that are known to have occurred.


SVC's President subsequently moved back to his hometown of Bozeman, Montana, USA, which had already been planned prior to the beating, but where the carbon copy of criminal behavior that was witnessed the previous six years in Missoula followed in Bozeman for another six years and now the last six years in Colorado Springs. This is the how and why of the al Qaeda script. Once a terrorist follows the al Qaeda Script, it red flags them and they are entitled to the punishment that has been designated for the worst criminal scandal in U.S. History.


Stunned SVC’s President finally escaped from Montana, the Colorado terrorists were caught flat-footed and to this day, SVC’s President is the sole recipient of all their angst when he had thousands of fellow Victims in Montana. It has always been a major mistake for the Colorado terrorists to isolate him for punishment like this. It made it easier for International Investigators to identify them and easier for the International Tribunals to grant Judgments and sentence these terrorists. There has never been a possibility these Judgments and sentences could be mistaken, thus no appeals are necessary or possible. Oops…


Apparently, the licensure scandal in Colorado was the emergency response. The State of Colorado baited SVC's President to move to Colorado and attain Professional Licensing, but never intended to grant such license. Because Colorado violated its own laws, Colorado will be partitioned into two States. The State of Jefferson has already been formed and President Trump has designated SVC’s President as Territorial Governor.


This will be a chance for the UN to install their Government Reforms and make Jefferson the model for the other 50 States to follow. SVC’s President plans to introduce Economic Democracy and Living Security in the United States as part of the required Reforms as well.


As a historic note in all this, the original Jefferson Territory was much larger than current day Colorado and was never given Congressional approval. In fact, the original Territory of Jefferson was to be what is now Montana; Idaho was to be named Montana; and Colorado was to be named Idaho. Colorado never was intended to be a name for a State at all! But the so-called Radical Republicans that came in with Abraham Lincoln in 1861 just bring themselves to name a State after the first Democratic-Republican President, Thomas Jefferson.


It is also ironic that Jefferson has been formed in the same way the State of West Virginia was formed in 1861, which is extraconstitutional. SVC President’s Third Generation Grandfather Felix Sutton was one the West Allegheny State Legislators that led the exit. The geographic center of West Virginia is named after the Sutton Family and was bequeathed to the sixth John Sutton in 1715 by King George I after John voluntarily surrendered the Duke of Edinburgh and Duke of Malborough titles. The Spencers, Princess Diana's Family, chose to stay in Britain, but were demoted to an Earldom after the House of Hanover took power in London.


Of course, Colorado will no longer be allowed to have Higher Education or Professionally Licensing or Certification. The University of Colorado Colorado Springs and University of Colorado Denver will be closed. It is even possible the private Universities and Colleges will have to be closed to comply with Colorado's own laws.


The Residents in old Colorado will have to go to out-of-State Hospitals because Doctors, Nurses, etc. cannot be licensed even as non-residents; same with Lawyers, Pharmacists; and, of course, all Financial Services Representatives, etc., etc., etc. Plus all those degreed, licensed and certified after December 5, 2018 will be permanently disbarred and can never practice again in that professional anywhere in the United States just as the State of Colorado did to SVC’s President.


In Montana, all the Insurance and Securities Offices must be closed and probably those needs can be taken care of online, so the elimination of the State Auditor’s office will not have any real impact on Montana Residents.


The exact disposition of all the assets in Missoula County including the University of Montana is not entirely decided, but in the end, Missoula County and old Colorado must be held out as examples of never, ever, ever again as the modern Sodom and Gomorrah they are.


At the Federal Level, Social Security and Medicare will be closed. Any payments made as benefits after August 31, 2024, will be clawed back at a 10% penalty. This is being done as part of the  Agreement in order that the Second Trump Administration will not be blamed for the fallout and the Biden Administration will bear the entire responsibility for not correcting a terrorist working at the Social Security Administration in Colorado Springs and her blatant persecution of SVC's President. (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/social-security-smoking-gun) (https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/social-security-smoking-gun-ii) 


If the question is: how can the International Community do this? To get the answer, ask the terrorists why they have done what they have done, specifically to SVC’s President. The Conspiracy Rule makes it possible for them to be civilly and criminally liable for each others' acts. The collective 428 million Federal Felonies that have been committed against SVC's President the past 23 years in the three primary locations can appear on each of their records, depending upon the circumstances.


Statistically, this makes him the most persecuted Human Being in History. That's the reason why the International Community wants to put an end to his agony now, especially after all SVC's President has done and wants to do to make the world a better place!


In the end, the terrorists’ punishment will be mirror what they collectively have done or allowed to be done to their 10,000+ known Victims, including 118 young Women who were sexually assaulted with impunity in Missoula. The International Community very much wants to see how the terrorists will measure up while sleeping out in 20 and 30 below temperatures in two feet of snow like many of the Victims have been forced to in Montana. They will never be inside at night for the rest of their lives. The terrorists must know homelessness, joblessness, how it is to be disabled without reliable transportation and the humiliation of being totally destitute. And this is their minimum punishment. It can be made much worse and knowing them, probably will have to be.


In a word, it is a modernized version of the Golden Rule, "What you have done unto others will be done unto you." It has already passed muster as Constitutional and not cruel and unusual punishment by the U.S. Federal Court Partners of the International Tribunals. It is designed to teach the world this kind of maltreatment by any World Citizen upon others will not be tolerated!


The Obama Administration promised this would be the case beginning in 2010 if the terrorists did not relent in their criminal behavior. How ironic it will be that many of the high ranking Officials who did not meet their own stated commitment to bring the Missoula terrorists to Justice will be at hard labor alongside them. The Victims must be completely vindicated; their tormenters totally vilified in the eyes of the Public as a matter of Law and Justice!


There has never been much compassion shown SVC’s President and his tormentors have delighted in making his ordeal as painful and humiliating as possible the past quarter century. The terrorists’ Punishment will fit their Crimes Against Humanity, consistent with the al Qaeda script they have followed so very well in locations hundreds of miles apart.


The "'na na na, na, na, attitude' that we (the terrorists) can do anything we want to you (their Victims) and there is nothing you (the Victims) can do about it" is one the most offensive aspects of all of this given the nature of their crimes and the terrorists who are Public Officials and Employees are abusing the power of their positions to intentionally hurt their fellow Citizens and thereby betraying the Public Trust can no longer be tolerated by a supposed civilized society in the United States. There should be no argument on this whatsoever, but somehow there is.


The benefit to the International Community will be other nations will know exactly what to do if organized terrorism shows up on their shores and the International Community will enforce it!


                                                               “DIVINE MIND AT WORK”

In closing, SVC’s President Recommended that all National Leaders practice Dr. Wayne Dyer’s “Divine Mind at Work Concept” to bring about World Peace. Wayne believed all peace-loving Leaders could join together in having a singular Vision of Peace and if they held onto the collective Vision long enough, it would bring about World Peace. It is certainly worth believing that a World completely at Peace is, indeed, possible!