(UPDATE: 9/24/24: Ever since the SVC International Outreach Committee's Report Saturday there have been numerous American Mass & Social Media outlets who have quite naturally attempted to discredit elements of the Report. This is old hat, but the Washington Post Article "World Leaders gather at a U.N. desperate to save itself" written by Ishaan Tharoor and Kelsey Baker is dangerously destabilizing at a time like this. The UN is having its troubles right now, but the world has been there before and faced much greater challenges. SVC's President has written over 700 "Cold War II" Articles since March of 2014 for SVC INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT and SVC is disgusted that no one who has written Articles such as Tharoor and Baker have ever bothered to read the authentic journalism that comes from SVC twice a week!)
"What sorrow awaits you traitors and terrorists of American Criminal Opprobrium. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are!" - Matthew 23:15 (Modern paraphrase of Jesus' words)
"I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and forget the rest." - Vanessa Williams
“Devote your Life to discovering the difference one Person can make. If you serve yourself and your selfish interests you cannot win; if you choose to serve the Creator and others, you cannot lose.” -Sutton Viewpoint Center Mission Statement, U.S. Independence Day, July 4, 1996.
SVC is now the organization SVC's President meant it to be. SVC is going to move beyond the hypocrisy of the American Organized Terrorism Opprobrium, focus upon SVC's Goals and live up to the SVC Mission Statement no matter what comes: “Devote your Life to discovering the difference one Person can make. If you serve yourself and your selfish interests you cannot win; if you choose to serve the Creator and others, you cannot lose.”
One of the frustrations SVC has always had with the AOTO is watching People do things they know are wrong, but somehow rationalize what they are doing is right. One of the keys moments of when it hit a crescendo in lawlessness and absurdity is on 1/6/2021: The President of the United States fomenting an insurrection against the Government so he could stay in power. It is treason/sedition and just plain wrong!
The traitors/terrorists have set a new standard for amorality and are kidding themselves if they think their endless rounds of criminal intimidation, taunting and unscrupulous behavior has escaped anyone's attention. Now they are taunting the International Community into action! The delusion the traitors/terrorists suffer from under their Stage III Psychotic Denial is truly one for the books!
The International Community is excruciatingly aware that this is its moment in History. On U.S. Constitution Day, September 17, 2020, SVC's President predicted that the USA would lose the Rule of Law and that is exactly what happened 1/6/2021. International reaction to what happened only exacerbated and confirmed the viewpoint that United States is a rogue Nation and will require International intervention resolve the existing issues.
The tentativeness of the International Community to take action against the United States has taken place because of Barack Obama’s and the American News Media’s treachery; Donald Trump’s pomposity and Hitler-like hold on his MAGA Supporters; and the International Community’s required preference that Americans solve their own internal affairs.
The concern over International Law Enforcement has been mitigated with Recruitment and Training of a UN Peacekeeping force of 525,000 Troops and have already been been fully Briefed on what is expected of them. No one wants this scenario, but the profound evil of the traitors/terrorists and the inaction of past three Administrations in Washington, DC, quite literally have asked for and required it!
Up to now the traitors/terrorists enjoyed a numeric superiority and have been in the power position, but the International Community's current resolve to defend its prerogatives and enforce International Law knows no bounds. The International Tribunals and the International Prosecutor's Office have removed the rights of any Nations and Individuals from claiming any kind of exemptions from International Law enforcement - period!
It was former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder who set the policy in 2010 of allowing the traitors/terrorists to commit their crimes unabated so to "run-up the score against them" and concern over Public Safety. It created the Law Enforcement conundrum that has existed. No longer.
For instance, SVC's International Security Chief is a former U.S. Marshal, is a International Investigator and Colorado and Montana are Citizen arrest States, so if the traitors/terrorists believe he and his fellows do not have the rights and legal power to arrest them they could not be more mistaken and will be arrested any time now!
The entire world awaits the traitors'/terrorist's explanations of why they have acted in the manner they have. One defense which will not fly is blaming their Victims. As far back as 2010 in Missoula, it was a known quantity the traitor/terrorists knew what they had done and were doing is quite criminal and hiding behind their job descriptions as a way of "legalizing" their crimes. That is why the fastest way to become a Class 3 Offender (worst category of offender involved with the AOTO) according to the Partner U.S. Federal Courts is for Public Officials - elected or appointed - or Public Employees to claim their job descriptions to justify their 24/7 harassment, intimidation and taunting of SVC's President in Colorado and/or his fellow Victims in Montana that continues to this day. No one is kidding anyone here!
Of course, the Investigation match between the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and the 18 assassination attempts upon the life of SVC's President confirmed that instead of the National Defense Industry wanting Kennedy dead, it was the Information Industries – Publishing, Television/Media and Internet – that wanted SVC's President dead.
In the 1960’s, Government Defense Contracts, etc., were some of the most lucrative Business Deals in the U.S. Economy, now the various aspects of the Information Age are.
As Announced 14 November 2021, the original and further Civil Judgments and Criminal Writs of Prosecution of the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts Ruled that all infringement upon SVC’s Free Speech & Freedom Expression Rights must be removed anywhere they exist, but particularly in the United States.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) stressed the paramount importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Microsoft and SVC Trailblazer Publications and were Granted Sanctions against American Publishers, booksellers and search engine blacklisting!
Thus, the WTO recognizes that SVC-TV, SVC-TV International, Trailblazer Publications and other Affiliates of the Sutton Viewpoint Center have been victimized by unlawful blacklisting and denied free and fair access to American markets in the Mass Media, Social Media, Search Engines and Publishing.
What to do? Simple, all bookstores are to have TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE REVIVAL DREAM: THEMES THAT TRANFORMS OUR DESTINY, on their shelves or face the appropriate Sanctions, both Foreign and Domestic. In August, after the Barnes & Noble book signing, the WTO set the marker down that 15 books per State per day would be acquired to avert International Sanctions. As of September 15, 2024, sales are not any where close to the 750 per day requirement!
All creative arts products from the United States will now assessed a 10% tariff until the damages are recovered and the trade issues persist. All we are doing is expecting fair and equal access to the markets that we quite literally have never seen it in the 24 years SVC has been a going concern. That's all!
Obviously, SVC's adversaries have made it extremely difficult to attain the book and this is the primary problem. All the People need is to do physically review the book and a large number will buy it.
Indeed, millions of American SVC Allied Advocates have complained that they are told they may have to wait up to 10 days to receive their books, if then. They then intentionally waited until the previous books went International and now they have their copies. Americans will not have to go to these extremes any longer!
This is what we have always witnessed Internationally and there is no reason to believe Americans are that different from the rest of the Human race, especially when TRAILBLAZER TO REVIVAL OF THE REVIVAL DREAM: THEMES THAT TRANFORMS OUR DESTINY has everything to do about America's future!
For the first time, the FCC’s continued existence is in danger. By the FCC’s own Statement:
The Federal Communications Commission was created for many reasons, including for the purpose of national defense and promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communication. The Commission has taken a number of actions to protect the national security of the United States, or the security and safety of United States persons, and the integrity of communications networks or the communications supply chain. The Commission has also implemented the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.
By failing to acknowledge the national security threat CNN and Fox News Network pose, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has endangered its own existence. There can be no excuse for allowing such biased coverage and not allowing opposing voices to be heard.
The Federal Equal Time Rule requires Broadcasters to treat a Candidate for the same Political Office identically to every other Candidate for that Office. If a Radio or Television Station sells airtime to one candidate, the Rule states that it must offer to sell the same amount of time to other Candidates for that Office.
The same stipulation applies to free airtime. Although many argue that the Equal Time Rule is a reasonable means to regulate the Public airwaves and prevent Broadcasters from using their Media power to promote a particular Candidate.
The same stipulation applies to free airtime and airtime covering all sides of an Issue. Although many argue that the Equal Time Rule is a reasonable means to regulate the Public airwaves and prevent Broadcasters from using their Media power to promote a particular Candidate or issue, others see it as a violation of the First Amendment Free Speech and Freedom of the Press Rights of Radio and Television Station Owners.
The Equal Opportunity Section (315) of the Communication Act of 1934 attempts to further First Amendment freedoms by providing that broadcast licensees must permit equal use of broadcast facilities to all legally qualified Candidates for Political office and that the broadcast licensee may not censor the Candidates’ messages.
Often confused with the Fairness Doctrine - a Federal Communications (FCC) Policy concerned with the overall balance of broadcast programming and repealed in 1987-the Equal Opportunity Provision remains an enforceable Congressional Statute. The Law first emerged in the the Radio Act of 1927 and was established by the Communications Act of 1934.
In October 1979, CBS, NBC, and ABC denied the Carter-Mondale Presidential campaign’s request to purchase 30 minutes of prime time, stating that the 1980 presidential campaign was not under way. The Carter-Mondale campaign filed a complaint that eventually appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court. In a 5-4 Decision in CBS, Inc v FCC (1981), the Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of the campaign's right of “reasonable access” to the Broadcast Media. International Tribunals & Partner U.S. Federal Courts Ruled in Favor of SVC & the American Independence Party on this basis.
In a Ruling handed down by the International Tribunals and their Partner US Federal Courts on June 15, 2021, the Sutton Viewpoint Center’s Television Networks, SVC-TV; SVC-TV International and originally the Black News Channel, now the Peace & Democracy Channel have been Granted relief from American Broadcast Networks, Cable News Networks and Carriers blacklisting them from American airwaves.
In a previous Ruling, the Federal Communications Commission is Ordered to deny Licensing and Renewals to any Carrier who would not allow equal airtime to SVC Networks in all Media markets where the Licensed Networks had airtime.
Also, the American Independence Party has been Granted similar relief in receiving equal airtime with the Democratic and Republican Parties. The reason the Courts Rule against CNN and Fox News specifically is their egregious violation Federal Equal Time Rule, CNN in favor of the Democrats and Fox in favor of the Republicans.
All this is now academic. As of 21 April 2023 as part of the overall Judgment against the U.S. Government, it was confirmed that both the International Tribunals and their Partner U.S. Court Partners have been prepared to move forward and bring the wayward American press to Justice.
The SVC-TV will replace CNN; SVC-TV International will replace Fox News and the Peace & Democracy Channel will be replace Headline News on all cable and satellite offerings. Nothing has changed as of 7 June 2024.
CNN, HLN and Fox News Channel are now operating unlawfully. The FCC is in charge of the process of transferring these Broadcast Licenses to SVC-TV Network Channels.
SVC will continue to Report upon the progress of this epic transformation in American Television News & Public Broadcasting. The only question remains when CNN, Fox News and HLN will formally Announce their demise in favor SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and the Peace & Democracy Channel, respectively.
The FCC is being held in Contempt by the International Tribunals and its Federal Court Partners. The required access to American airwaves for SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and the Peace & Democracy is to occur at any time and appropriate penalties will be assessed at that time.
As with so many other Industries, corporations and companies involved with the AOC, the black listers will be subject to permanent closure and/or takeovers. Those Decisions will be based upon whether or not these Industries, corporations and companies continue their blacklisting efforts in defiance of the WTO Rulings. No deviations of any kind will be tolerated!
SVC's Outreach Program will be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of the SVC-TV networks finally being available to all Americans. While the SVC-TV Networks have encountered increased competition Internationally, the possibility of approximately 300 million Americans having access will seal the deal to its status as a leading, if not #1 Network in the world.
When SVC President's books and other SVC Trailblazer Publications are on the bookshelves of every retailer and/or are available for every Americans' perusal in one way or another, a groundswell of support will naturally emerge for Reform in the United States and the crisis will be alleviated to a greater extent. Everything the traitors/terrorists hoped to accomplish will forever be put asunder!