America's Democracy has completely disappeared and the whole idea that all Citizens have Equal Protection under the Law has simply vanished. Now there are a select few in the United States who decide who lives or dies, who's lives matter and those who do not matter. The most hideous regimes of History – Nazi Germany and Communist Russia – quite literally operated on these premises. The United States of America is completely out of control.
Exhibit A:
NIC ServiceNow said that the SVC International Article “Until Our Lives Matter” was junk:
NIC ServiceNow <nicsupport@service-now.com>
Mon, Jan 23, 7:33 AM (2 days ago)
01-23-2023 08:32:22 CST - Ben Blevins
Junk ticket, unnecessary.
Exbibit B & C:
NIC ServiceNow
Short Description: Fwd: A select few in the United States who decide who lives or dies, who's lives matter and those who do not matter.
Not a good idea. He did it twice and was told what he indicated to the world about what kind of person he is. Of course,
SVC expected criticism, but it is very clear America's Information Industries doesn't get it and that's very dangerous.
Then came the two mass shootings in California and the case of Tyre Nichols. The Article specifically addressed about what will be required of the United States in terms of Reform to become a Nation in good standing again, specifically reducing gun and police violence. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/until-our-lives-matter
The Nichols case burst the bubble on the idea that Blacks are targeted by American Law Enforcement for abuse based on their race. It was five Black Officers who beat the crap out of Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee, where Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968.
Black Reporters and the NAACP are very specific about stressing that it only matters that the Victims are Black, not the color of their abusers. Bunk. Just like with the George Floyd case, it is police violence that is the issue according to the United Nations High Commission On Human Rights, not racism.
Our Non-American Colleagues at BBC Reported:
"A photo posted to social media appeared to show Mr Nichols in the hospital after the arrest, violently bruised and breathing through a tube. 'The video reminded us of the Rodney King video.' Nichols Family Attorney Ben Crump said, referring to the Black motorist who was beaten by White police officers in Los Angeles in 1991. 'Unlike Rodney King, Tyre didn't survive,' he said."
Now that everyone has seen the hideous Nichols videos, please be reminded that the videos of SVC President Phil Sutton's beating in Missoula, Montana and a Documentary of concerning al Qaeda-gate shows his beating was far worse than Rodney King's and at least on par with Tyre Nichols's torment and Missoula Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge injected an unknown substance into him as well.
SVC's President also survived despite he received no medical attention during his wrongful incarceration of 23 days and his injuries would later require four major surgeries and has accumulated medical bills nearing $2.2 million. This was also the third attempt on his life by Missoula County, Montana, USA Law Enforcement.
Fair's fair. SVC's President is part Native American and Native Americans have a worse record statistically with American Law Enforcement than Blacks do, yet they and SVC's President are not ever mentioned whenever this topic unfortunately emerges. Let's be honest, that's racism going the other way. Racism is never right.
If you wonder why this is important, at 7:50 PM MST, 26 January, 2023, SVC Chief Security Officer Gary Norman Reported that a minimum of three Colorado Springs Police staked SVC's President out for no legal reason at all, just like Trowbridge and fellow Officer Chris O'Leary did on the night of 5 April 2012 and the Scorpion Unit did with Nichols on the night of 7 January 2023.
These Police believe they can get away with this because nobody cares about SVC's President and even if they tried to beat him to death like Trowbridge they would get away with it. By not doing anything about Trowbridge, O'Leary etc, the U.S. Government and America's Mass Media have set-up SVC's President and thousands of other Americans like him for more police violence.
Keep in mind, American Law Enforcement kills a thousand Americans a year. This is considered genocide under International Law. To put this in perspective, two more Americans suffered the same fate Nichols did that very same night on average. It is a crime and racism in and of itself why only murders of Black Americans by American Law Enforcement get any extensive coverage on American Mass Media.
While Black Americans are killed at twice their number in the population, it is also true that it is more likely that a Black American will commit a violent crime than the rest of American population combined. That is why they get so much more attention by the good Law Enforcement Officers – and the vast majority of them are good people and would not even think of behaving like the five Scorpion Unit Officers.
On 28 September 2001, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1373 under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, obligating States to implement more effective counter-terrorism. Obviously, this was right after 9/11 and in defense of the United States.
Sunday, 22 January 2014, was the Ninth Anniversary of the UN Security Council Adopting the Sutton International Complaint and passing another Resolution, 2133, to support it.
The past three months the International Community has attempted to put down al Qaeda-gate as quietly and as unobtrusively as possible. That's not possible anymore.
The model for Reform of Police Violence will be how the City of Memphis handled the Nichols case. Keep in mind Jonathan Stineford, Christian Kneib, Kurt Trowbridge and Chris O'Leary still wear badges in Missoula County, Montana, USA, 15½, 15 and 10¾ years after they admitted in their own Reports and all evidence verifies they intended to murder Phil Sutton. The beauty of International Law is there are no statutes of limitations.
Further, how many times has the SVC International Documentary showing the horrendous videos and photos of Trowbridge's beating of Phil Sutton have been placed on the Internet and given to the TV Networks and not incurred the same outrage and public attention as the videos of Rodney King, George Floyd and Tyre Nichols has?
Lives have been lost and/or irreparably damaged because TV Producers and Anchors have made the choices the way they have. After SVC's President survived the Trowbridge assault, the traitors/terrorists warned he would wish he had died because they would make his life a living hell. They have made good on their threat and his life and reputation within the United States has been absolutely ruined. Only his strong Christian Faith has kept him sane and alive and made him such an incredible Role Model for everyone to follow. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/svc-wins-human-rights-prize
No Legal retribution can be considered too great for these outrages and all those Individuals who and Entities which have obstructed Justice in this way have been and/or will be held equally and severally liable civilly and personally liable criminally.
Further, the scorpion unit in Memphis appears even more infamous than the Make Victims Units in Missoula. Those who are charged with public safety, ironically enough, who mocked and/or ignored the warnings that are clearly there concerning these kind of Law Enforcement criminals in the United States will likewise be held equally and severally liable civilly and personally liable criminally.
Ultimately, the key is to make sure these people never have a badge on their chests to begin with. No expense is too much in order to screen these people from consideration and to further reduce the odds that vicious murderers like this ever have the opportunity to murder their fellow Americans!!!!!!!
Another development is that Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir have clarified their testimony concerning why they felt SVC's President, Phil Sutton, supported the Russian Annexation of their homeland of Crimea in 2014 and thus bought al Qaeda's reason to poison him to death. https://www.svctrailblazerpublications.com/until-our-lives-matter
This notion came from al Qaeda operatives in the Colorado State Government, local Colorado Springs Government and Law Enforcement and the local News Media. The International Tribunals have long since Ruled that the Kushnirs testimony is credible and the U.S. Government is required to bring these would-be murderers and to Justice co-conspirators have not lifted a finger to do so. The Kushnirs are outraged that they are the only ones who have been brought to Justice in the multiple assassination attempts on SVC President's Life.
The fact no Public outrage was shown concerning the Colorado Springs Police gaslighting of SVC's President on 26 January 2023 is further evidence which verifies the Kushnir's Testimony and International and Private Investigators' findings that there is a massive conspiracy of organized terrorism against SVC's President and it is supported by the Information Age Industries and Government Officials at all levels of Government.
With the initial reaction to the UNTIL OUR LIVES MATTER Article spells out why it is important for all brutality by American Law Enforcement to be treated like Rodney King, George Floyd and Tyre Nichols, America and Americans collectively have chosen a path incompatible with a Civilized World and must be treated accordingly.
In order that there will be Universal implementation of Human Rights for all Americans, immediate Enforcement of International and U.S. FCC Law will take place, beginning with eliminating the profit-motive and racism in Television Journalism and turning over the CNN, HLN and Fox News Channel cable television licenses to SVC-TV and SVC-TV Television which are nonprofit, which will hopefully remove most of this dark Journalism from Television and the American People will receive the kind of press coverage the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees.
To be sure, the Documentary will be required to be seen by all adult Americans. Then everyone will no know what an outrage it has been for SVC's President has had to wait well over decade for Justice and thousands of other slain or badly injured Americans and their families just might finally have Justice, too!!!!!!!