18 OCTOBER 2023


At a recent News Conference, U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) raised concern over terrorists entering the United States through America's southern border:


The Senator Reported his conversation with U.S. Border Patrol Agents:

When I met with U.S. Border Patrol at the southern border, their accounts were shocking.

The border agents told me that migrants are not just coming from Latin America - since the beginning of October, they have apprehended individuals from 28 Middle Eastern countries. Including Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen all in matter of days.


What's curious: why now? The Senator correctly views the National Security threat posed by these migrants as a serious one. Most of these nations he named are the traditional sources of organized terrorism and the timing of the incursion by Middle Eastern terrorists is very ominous, indeed.

The Hamas attack on Israel directly coincides with this incursion. The United States is particularly vulnerable right now to further infiltration of organized terrorism due to the fact that past three Administrations have not heeded all the warnings provided by the International Tribunals, United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the Sutton Viewpoint Center.

It's by no mistake that SVC's President and former Undersecretary of State, Phil Sutton, represented the United States as Ambassador Plenipotentiary when Israel technically ceded control of Gaza to the Palestinians in September 2005.

It's also by no mistake that both the Senator and the Undersecretary grew-up together in Bozeman, Montana, and neither have found a very sympathetic ear regarding their concerns. Wonder why that is?


