(EDITORS NOTE: This Presentation was made by SVC's President & Founder, Phil Sutton, DBA, on the occasion of the Thirteenth Anniversary of his first episode of his SEEING THE HAND OF GOD Series on Mother's Day, 8 May 2011, at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence Missouri, USA)
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison
The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. -Amelia Earhart
Achievement requires more than a vision — it takes courage, resolve, and tenacity. All you have got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality. -Earl Nightingale
Thirteen years ago today I started my "Seeing The Hand of God Series." It was Mother's Day here in Independence (Missouri, USA). I was concerned about things spiraling out of control in the United States and anyone could reasonably say I was right on target regarding my concerns and things have only gotten worse.
The very first story I told was about the Sutton Viewpoint Center and how I finally began working on my Dream. I had just Graduated from the University of Oklahoma and returned to Missoula (Montana, USA). That night was 24 years ago and almost to this very moment I stood across on Orange Street looking at the gutted building formally known as the Birchwood Hostel where I planned to stay and begin to get reorganized in Missoula.
I returned to my storage unit and in the glimmer of the sunset I saw the SVC Articles of Incorporation I had signed on 4 July 1996, Formally creating SVC. I remembered that my late Wife Patti had appeared to me in a Dream in February 1998 and she told me SVC would become my greatest legacy. Seeing the Hand of God is not difficult in this story. What SVC has become is truly amazing by any measure. It all started in earnest that night.
On 14 April, the Creator visited with me and confirmed what I already knew: the Creator has been carefully guiding my life from the beginning and I have a Special Purpose for being here. It was heart-rendering to relive when my toy submarine was stolen when I was seven years old, but life enhancing to relive my true teaching points with Actor Carroll O'Connor and all that led to in my quest to build SVC and getting me back with Angelica.
Regardless of what anyone thinks or believes about me, the fact is all the tumult in my Life has had a purpose. It has not been my choice and you do not argue with the Almighty. There are a few others who have had this kind of Personal Calling throughout History. Jesus, Moses, King David, William the Conqueror, Saint Adela, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are my personal favorites. Their Lives had obvious guidance and intercession from the Creator as well.
I have always been fascinated by the American Revolution. I have studied the subject, those who were involved for 55 years and it is the flashpoint in history where the most of my famous relatives appeared. Angelica's Ancestors too.
It is interesting that the United States of America may not have ever been founded if it hadn't been for the fact that my fifth generation Grandfather, Richard Henry Lee, corresponded with Angelica's Second Cousin, seven times removed, Samuel Adams, about the spirits Sam brewed in Boston. From their correspondence that developed the idea that maybe the British Colonies should likewise correspond and have an united front against King George III. The Correspondence Committee led to the Creation of the Continental Congress. Without the Continental Congress, there would never have been an United States of America.
Such seemingly simple events have never been by accident. The Creator has guided it all the way. Through my research and study of the American Revolution, I learned that just about all of the famous Revolutionaries knew that they were not just making history, they were history. They were doing exactly what I am now doing: what the Creator had them do and they profoundly changed the course of history for the better.
My Decisions to be involved with the Apartheid Boycott and become Associates with Nelson Mandela; Desmond Tutu; and Kofi Annan; my decision to fight in the Persian Gulf War allowed me to further develop by International Network and my confrontation with Osama bin Laden obviously has set 528,000+ of my fellow Americans against me and is the root cause of the American Criminal Opprobrium; to write my "how to" book, now books, for America and returning to college to get it published; and then creating SVC in between not only profoundly changed my life, but had an enormous impact on Human History just as Richard's and Sam's correspondence did. Suffice it to say, the Creator's Grand Design for this world will be fulfilled!
Harry Truman was given the nickname, "Give 'em Hell Harry!" He retorted apologetically, “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” Ditto for me.
When SVC first came to the Truman Library in 2004, the President's only Child, Margaret, stated, "Historians say that fighting in World War I made my Father. I think fighting in the Persian Gulf War I made you." Margaret saw a parallel in our attitudes that just would not stand for twaddle and gave us a powerful sense of personal integrity that we both have become known for in our lives.
The key flashpoint of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party. This is where King George III and his Prime Minister Frederick North lost it and committed acts of war against their own people. From that point on the Colonists were no longer willing to be a party to their tyranny and declared their Independence.
It took 13 years of continuous provocations for Americans to finally come to the conclusion they had had enough and no matter what they had to free themselves from a German King who decided he could single-handedly undo 700 years of English progress in the development of Democracy.
It has taken 12 years from the time I Recorded My International Complaint until the International Community has finally seen enough of American duplicity and hypocrisy. The flashpoint was the Social Security Administration declining my Retirement Benefits. The whole premise is nonsense on its face and the SSA has to know it, but yet just like King George they did it anyway.
Dan and I have written another very timely Article in our Pulitzer Prize Winning, "Retirement in America" Series:
The International Tribunals have clarified their Ruling concerning Social Security originally made in February 2024. The Judgment not only includes Retirement Benefits for Americans, but Social Security Disability and Medicare.
Further, this is a separate Judgment against the U.S. Government and the $125 Trillion Judgment levied in April 2023 is growing at a 10% monthly rate. It is now worth approximately $829 trillion and is growing at a $2.6 trillion clip every day.
Almost simultaneous to this Announcement, it was Announced in Washington that the asset reserves of the Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, which pays benefits to Retirees, are projected to become depleted in 2033 - the same as projected in 2023.
Income from payroll tax revenue is expected to fund 79% of scheduled Social Security benefits in 2033, according to the just-released 2024 trustees report.
The Disability Insurance Trust Fund is not projected to run out within the Trustees’ 75-year projection period - the same conclusion made in the group’s 2023 Report.
When combined, funds for both Social Security and disability payments are set to become depleted and unable to pay scheduled benefits in full on a timely basis in 2035 - one year later than projected in 2023. At that point, tax revenue used to fund both programs is expected to cover 83% of scheduled benefits.
In written comments shared with the Sutton Viewpoint Center, about the new projections, Jason Fichtner, Chief Economist at the Bipartisan Policy Center, said the American Public has long known that Social Security is on an unsustainable financial path - but that doesn’t make today’s news any less troubling.
“Today’s Social Security Trustees Report marks yet another year of inaction by lawmakers to protect this crucial program on which so many Americans depend,” Fichtner said. “Too few Politicians are willing to propose serious reforms and make the difficult choices needed to strengthen and save the program. Instead, leading voices on both sides of the aisle have buried their heads in the sand, proposing purely partisan policies or vowing not to touch the program.”
Fichtner said the political impasse is leading Americans towards an automatic across-the-board benefit cuts of over 20% when the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance trust fund runs dry.
“Only pragmatic, bipartisan policymaking can prevent these cuts,” Fichtner said.
SVC Allied Advocate, Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Works, echoed that warning in her own written statement, though she highlighted some bright points in the new projection.
“Due to robust job growth, low unemployment and rising wages, more people than ever are contributing to Social Security and earning its needed protections,” Nancy A. said. “As a result, Social Security can pay all promised benefits until 2035, one year longer than projected in last year’s report, and 83% of benefits thereafter, also an improvement over last year - even if Congress takes no action whatsoever.”
Other data in the new Report shows the asset reserves of the combined trust funds declined by $41 billion in 2023 to a total of $2.788 trillion. The total annual cost of the program is projected to exceed total annual income in 2024 and remain higher throughout the 75-year projection period. Total costs began to be higher than total income in 2021, while Social Security’s cost has exceeded its non-interest income since 2010.
But all this is now academic. The die has been cast. The Social Security Program has been forfeited due to the criminal malfeasance of bureaucrats and they have the enormous duty of explaining to the American People why; just as the U.S. Government as a whole must explain why it has not complied with International and U.S. Federal in protecting the Rights and dignity of Americans Citizens who are as harmless as doves and innocent of any wrongdoing themselves but have had their lives systematically ruined!
Of course, everyone involved at SVC is very much aware of all the pain this will cause Americans. This is the primary reason why it has taken so long to address the terrorist infiltration into the United States (aka, the ACO).
The last three Administrations in Washington have refused to put this down for whatever reasons(s), but it finally took the business with SSA, Americans for Prosperity/Canvass America and the criminal escapades at East Library and Wendy's that there is no going back now. Gary and I have been painfully cognizant of it for years now in Colorado Springs (Colorado, USA), but the rest of the world has only now reached the decision that there is no other alternative to resolve the worst criminal scandal in the history of the USA.
To be sure, Galatians 6:7 says: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." No one is fooling anyone here.
A curious aspect of the terrorist attitude is they love to take credit for their acts and harming others. My adversaries have never shied away from taking credit for some truly dastardly deeds, nor do they intend to. They think they are right and, just like with King George III, that's it. That's precisely why they must be removed from Civilized Society! We cannot have people who think, act and speak as they do at-large in an already violent society!
Given the Creator's Grand Design, both the Boston Tea Party and the SSA declination were/are heavenly gifts. The results of the American Revolutionary War are a known quantity; the precise results of the Sutton International Complaint remain to be seen. To be sure, though, the same benevolent Creator who delivered Independence for Americans in the 18th century will deliver the same in the 21st century for oppressed Americans who did nothing more but stand-up for what is right!
A key aspect of their punishment will be for them to know what they have wrought in the lives of others. Their lives, reputations and careers must ruined just as they have done to others. That's bear minimum. We must make them examples of never, ever again so the world will never know their kind again and if we do, then we know exactly what to do with them so the rest of us can live together in peace and harmony until Jesus returns!
They must sleep in two feet of snow in double digit below zero weather. They will never know a a job, home, car or the amenities of life again and if they ask others for help or give them work so they can work their way out of their predicament they must be denied as their Victims have been. They must live in horrible, crushing social ignominy and wear clothes which tell others whom they really are. Again, this is bear minimum.
All this is not revenge, it is punishment to fit their crimes. It will be the fulfillment of the Golden Rule at a grand scale and everyone will learn the value of simple compassion and realization we are all in this together.
Seeing the Hand of God in my Life has been easy for me because I am grateful for the Creator's presence in my life and therefore I see it all the time. Try it, you just might like it!
In any event, always remember what the Apostle Paul wrote in the last three verses of Romans 8: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."