Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.”

Eleanor Roosevelt


This quote from Eleanor Roosevelt is rather surprising given the fact it was President Franklin Roosevelt who created the New Deal and it was very heavy on government assistance and programs, not the “rugged individualism” espoused by Herbert Hoover and the above quote.


At the time the Great Depression started 94 years ago, it was private charities such as SVC and Churches which provided assistance in time of crisis, not massive government intervention. Indeed, as Governor of New York, FDR agreed with President Hoover that the economy would cure itself in time.


But the the very human tragedy of the Great Depression forced extraordinary efforts to be made to relieve the suffering. The fact is the New Deal did not end the Great Depression, World War II did. It was the mobilization for war which gave the American economy life again. The economy dove into recession in 1937 precisely because the bills for the New Deal began to come due and it caused a drag on the economy, as deficit spending always will.



SVC and its affiliates are concerned that too many Americans are too dependent on government support and benevolence that is never really there, thus losing control of their own destinies. They have ceded their ability to become who they are meant to be, who their Creator desires them to be. They have surrendered their personal responsibility for who they are to an entity and those who lead it.


Due to the wonderful kindness of the Welsh People, SVC's President, Phil Sutton, learned so much about his ancestry the past two months. The true identity of Saint Adela of Normandy, the Countess of Belois, had always been shrouded in mystery.


SVC President's Great Great Grandfather John Davison Sutton wrote the Sutton Family Genealogy in 1921 after he was forced to retire at age 77 as Braxton County Judge, West Virginia, a position he had held for 12 four-year terms.


JD knew his Family is related to King William I of England, but he had no idea they are direct descendants of the only man known to history as the “Conqueror.” That discovery came with SVC's President own research, but the fact historians had Adela as a Catholic Nun is an obvious obstacle in proving that they are blood relatives of William.


It turns out Adela was indeed close to the Christian church, but is a Saint, not a Nun. She had ten Children with Count Stephen II of Blois. The Son that they named after his Father was King of England for 19 years (1135-1154). Stephen III of Belois became Stephen I of England three days before the 69th Anniversary of his Grandfather's Coronation as King at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066. This was the second such Coronation at Westminster Abbey; the Coronation of King Charles III was the 40th.


Two of Adela's Sons became Bishops and the Son the Sutton Family Family is descendant from, Theobald, died like his Father fighting in the Crusades, but not before he established future Family members as Kings, Queens, Dukes, Duchesses, Counts and Countesses of the cities from Jerusalem in Israel to Edinburgh in Scotland. The devotion to serving others and our Creator that Adela started in their Family is very much a part of her 25th Generation Grandson's life as it was for her well over 900 years ago. 


The reason why that it is important that SVC's President is the 28th Generation Descendant of the Conqueror as Jesus is the 28th Generation Descendant of King David becomes very clear.


While Jesus was tangentially, not directly related to, David much is made in the New Testament of the Family Relationship between them. This is because Jesus was supposed to be the “Conquering Messiah” as foretold in most of Old Testament Prophecies and is the “Son of David”, Israel's greatest King. Instead, he was the “Suffering Messiah” as foretold in Isaiah 53.


Caiaphas and the Jewish Sanhedrin had Pontius Pilate condemn Jesus because he claimed to be the “King of the Jews”. Pilate knew who Jesus really is and how jealous Caiaphas and company were of him. Just for spite, Pilate put Jesus' “crime” on record and had it nailed to the cross with the condemned man.


Caiaphas objected, but the Roman Governor knew the Sanhedrin knew they were wrong about Jesus. The Jews would be exiled from the Holy Land for nearly 19 centuries in retribution for their sins against the Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not just Jesus.


According to Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir, Osama bin Laden stressed SVC President's religiosity which obviously came down to me through Saint Adela, the Conqueror's favorite of his nine or 10 Children (King Solomon was King David's and his successor to the throne; the Davidic Dynasty ended with him). Somehow bin Laden knew he would be his worst nightmare.


In 1991, SVC's President recommended to the government of Saudi Arabia that bin Laden be expelled. He was and moved to Yemen where his Mother was from, then to Afghanistan. In 2001, after 9/11, SVC's President was chosen to lead the first US sorties into Afghanistan.


In 2005, SVC's President was appointed to write the outline to what is now the Responsibility To Protect Principle into International Law, which codified a nation's right to self defense and retaliate after an attack such as 9/11.


On his 50th birthday in March 2007, bin Laden declared that SVC's President was his only “worthy adversary”. Six months later, the first attempt on SVC's President life by Missoula Country, Montana, Law Enforcement occurred. His menagery with the Make Victims Units had started 374 days before after he completed the writing of the RPS. Needless to say, bin Laden was and his surrogates continue to terrorize their Victims as much as possible.


On the fourth anniversary of the Kushnir's poisoning SVC's President near the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a great lightening storm moved into the area. Witnesses reported that within five minutes the sky went from clear blue to purple and gray. The advancing clouds moved rapidly from east to west as they surrounded Pikes Peak.


The border between the old State of Colorado and the new State of Jefferson will be along Pikes Peak National forest in El Paso County, Colorado and then north to the border between Douglas and Elbert counties. The vicious storm hit only the eastern portions of El Paso county, then Elbert but not Douglas county and then into Lincoln and Washington counties, named after America's two greatest Presidents, but nowhere in what will be the State of Jefferson.


Storms cannot pick where they hit at all, let alone where they hit the hardest. Only the Creator can do that. The message is unmistakable for the traitors/terrorists of the American Opprobrium...