Expanding upon his Peace & Democracy Day Address last September captivated everyone, SVC's President, Phil Sutton, sent a very strong message about what he and SVC are all about. There are many questions about the why and how of the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium will be conducted.


SVC's President stated that we will get to know the feelings of America's Founders because what we are doing now has never been done before:


America's Founders created the first true Democracy and we are establishing the precedent for not only the creation of the Revival of the American Dream but establishing the groundwork for a true International Justice System that will guarantee that Democracy and Universal Human Rights will reign all over the globe. It is fitting that that effort will first take place in the United States.


There are many common misconceptions about the whys and hows of the American Revolution because most have a shortsighted viewpoint of history. The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the flashpoint in which the war started, but was hardly the reason for it.


For 13 years prior to the Adoption of the American Declaration of Independence, King George III and the British Parliament had passed several Acts the Colonists deemed oppressive usurpations which led to the war. Almost in despair, the Colonists finally came to the conclusion that their continued relationship with Great Britain could not continue. They had nothing to lose and everything to gain by Declaring their Independence.


Now, 250 years later the U.S. government has taken the place of George III's government. The Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium (note change) know exactly what the Colonists knew when Thomas Jefferson wrote: "In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury."


We cannot completely fathom what Jefferson is writing about, but we can certainly see it in our attempts in seeking Justice and all such attempts being abysmal failures.


Jefferson further wrote: "Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts ... to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us...


"They too have been deaf to the voice of justice... We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends."


Change the "unwarrantable jurisdiction" to "unwarrantable powers" and it fits the modern situation perfectly. The usurpations upon our Human Rights and Dignity have reached the point where significant reforms will be instituted or the United States will be relegated to ash heap of history, a victim of its own arrogance and the malfeasance of its leadership.


It is startling Jefferson wrote about their "British brethern" having been "deaf to the voice of justice". There couldn't be a better, more vivid or more accurate description of how the Victims of the American Criminal Opprobrium have been treated or the U.S. National Government has allowed others to treat us.


History repeats itself because the lessons the Creator wants to teach us go unheeded or are twisted by evil people. As Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing." There has been a lot of that going on in the United States in the 21st century. Current generations of Americans simply lack the courage of past generations to stand for Liberty and Justice.


Burke was one of the few supporters of America's cause in the British Parliament at the time. On American Independence, Burke wrote: "I do not know how to wish success to those whose Victory is to separate from us a large and noble part of our Empire. Still less do I wish success to injustice, oppression and absurdity". Amen!


The American Criminal Opprobrium has been absolutely unjust and absurd from any objective viewpoint. Its exact origins remain a mystery, but its proliferators have been the domestic traitors and/or terrorists we do know about.


It is simply not good enough to bring these people to Justice, their crimes are too damaging and ruinous to the fabric of American Life and may already be irreparable, especially when they have held positions of Public Trust. Those who think, talk and act as they do simply must be removed from Civilized Society. They must be held out as examples of never, ever again.


Fundamentally, everyone will be judged in the way they treat others, just as Jesus said. I have no worries about how the Creator will judge me. I am not perfect, but I have accomplished many good things and will continue to serve our Creator and others as we are all meant to do. The traitors/terrorists must know they are in for a very different future because of what they have and continue to do.


The danger is that in order to cure the disease(s) in America we may kill the proverbial patient. The question is how far the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium are willing go to save their sorry hides. Those in my position have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just as the Colonists did a quarter millennium ago.


One of the more compelling and riveting aspects of the American Revolution is the tale of a Constitutional Monarch who wanted to be an absolute monarch just as all his contemporaries were. The British restored their monarchy in the late 17th century with the proviso that the monarch have Constitutional and legal limits on his/her power. George III didn't like that at all.


The king insisted that he had the power to do whatever he pleased and the Colonists would like it and behave. Good Lawyers like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Richard Henry Lee called him on it and insisted the king behave instead or else. That's exactly what we are doing with the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium. The traitors/terrorists will behave whether they want to or not or else.


Few conflicts are 100% one side's fault, but the American Revolution and the American Criminal Opprobrium are two such cases. There is nothing in the human experience that can explain a king who committed innumerable counts of what we would call today "acts of war" against his own subjects or a National Government which would knowingly allow or actually be a part of a criminal conspiracy where over a half million people would commit an average of 759 individual crimes against a single individual and believe they can get away with it. It is mindboggling.


As far as anyone knows, George III never sought reconciliation with the Colonists and demanded they accept his imposed dictatorship. The Colonists were the Victims, yet they were the ones who reached out and attempted to seek peace with their king.


The International Community and SVC have suggested dozens of entreaties to resolve the American Criminal Opprobrium to the last three Administrations in Washington; the Colorado and Montana State Governments; local governments, Businesspeople and individuals, but all "Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury;" just like the Colonists received from the British. And just like the Colonists, we finally have had enough of their garbage.


We do not intend to declare the Independence of a new nation, but we are going to DECLARE OUR & AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE from them and everyone who thinks, speaks and acts like them!!!!!!!


First, the traitors/terrorists of the American Criminal Opprobrium must be apprehended and punished. This will be a large undertaking, but a worthwhile one. Former International Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda spent the better part of two years deciding what to do with these people. The problem was that the traitors/ terrorists defined incorrigibility. Nothing has deterred their profoundly criminal behavior and they may choose to take the United States down with them. If so, they will always be remembered for it.


In any event, all individuals and entities who are responsible in any way for the American Criminal Opprobrium must be punished in such a way that no one in their right mind would ever want to emulate them. This is key. Common sense infers that if criminals get away with their crimes they will continue to commit them with impunity and encourage others to do the same. If nothing else, the Final Kibosh of the American Criminal Opprobrium must protect Civilization from something like this from ever occurring again and if it does, it will not take two or more decades to put it down.


Second, the institutional breakdowns that allowed the American Criminal Opprobrium to develop must be completely reformed. Every President from George Washington to George W. Bush held the ethic that he would always act in the best interests of the United States regardless of ideology, party or personal interests.


Something started to go horribly wrong when Barack Obama took office. A total of 19 scandals big and small hit the Obama Administration, easily the largest number for any Administration in American History. SVC was the target of at least two of them.


Revelations concerning the Benghazi raid are still coming forward. The idea that an American Administration would leave four Americans defenseless at a consulate is reprehensible to begin with, but to think the State Department negotiated with al Qaeda to do it does not have a word to describe how very wrong it is.


While I am still alive after the Trowbridge beating and Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens are not, all the grief I have experienced since is because Benghazi Incident was designed to deflect Media interest in my International Complaint.


The traitors/terrorists have made it known I would regret not dying in April 2012 and they have made good on their promise. This is why the promise we have made to the traitors/terrorists that they will be held out as examples of never again will and must be fulfilled!


The IRS scandal caused SVC heartburn and we had to adjust our Budgetary Process to meet the challenge of prospect of nonprofits, including Churches, could not offer a tax deduction for donations.


In the end, our Donors decided SVC is worth their support with or without the tax deduction and SVC has been able to do more for people ever since. It actually worked in SVC's favor, but using the IRS to punish individuals and groups who the incumbent Administration perceives as political enemies is just plain wrong and is always wrong - period!


Third, the reason why the Public at-large doesn't know the Obama Administration is easily the most corrupt in American History is the 45th President had his cadre of key Journalists who would bury the news concerning the corruption for him.

This is why CNN must go. Its slant on the news often provided cover for Obama's and now his Vice-President's Administrations. Don't worry, the GOP will lose their biased support through Fox News.


I remember when Trump called SVC's Report on Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' resignation "fake news." We thought we had arrived when Trump accused us of fake news.


SVC-TV, SVC-TV International and the Peace & Democracy Channel will be such a marvelous change for Americans! They will actually receive news they can believe is true!


Fourth, Economic and Financial Reforms will come through my Economic Democracy Concept and Living Security Insurance Program. The regulatory bias against the Concept and the Program is enormous. Truth be known, it was always going to be.


The Banking Committee in the U.S. Senate has taken the Living Security Program up to a certain extent. The need for reform in the insurance industry is always there and some of the most powerful lobbies in Congress fight reform tooth and nail.


Reform will becoming to Colorado and Montana. Both States will be denied Insurance and Securities Licensure powers forever. Further, Colorado will never be able to engage in any Professional Licensing or Certifications or have Higher Education within its borders again!


The International Tribunals and their U.S. Federal Judge Partners have found that if I cannot be licensed in either State, no one can. The ironic Ruling actually stated Colorado's Licensing standards are too high and that if my track record after 32 years in the field and my exam scores are not sufficient to be licensed, than who could ever be licensed? Colorado's DORA did it to themselves.


Colorado has laws concerning baiting candidates to seek college degrees and professional licensing and certifications, putting them through the motions of gaining said degrees, licenses or certificates and never intending to grant them no matter how well the Candidates performed is exactly what the State of Colorado did to me. Colorado would shutdown Colorado College if it did so, for instance. The State of Colorado will be held in Compliance of its own laws!


The University of Colorado Colorado Springs will be closed because of the lack of hospitality to me and Gary Norman. I am not going to take the time to address all the issues here, but these people actually believe a Public University is private property. That's idiotic on its face. The International Tribunals have Ordered the entire Colorado University System preserved to protect the property from these bureaucrats who assume the right to confiscate public property and set restrictions/bar the Public from the use of their property!


The University of Colorado Denver and the University of Montana Missoula will be closed due to their collaboration with organized terrorism to raise funds through their manufacturing and trafficking of illicit drugs from their Pharmacy Schools.


Further, UM expelled this two-time honor Graduate from the campus and framed me on a criminal trespassing charge. City Judge Don Louden's office sent me a Notice To Appear one day after the time in question and I received the Notice in the mail two days later, three days after the fact.


This allowed the Court to strip me of the Right to a Jury Trial and issue a warrant for my arrest. When I inquired at the Court, Louden set a private appointment to discuss what was transpiring.


When there, the Judge dropped the University's charge and vacated the trial date. I thought the issue was resolved and prepared to sue UM. What really happened was that retired Montana District Judge Doug Harkin held a trial in absentia and of course I was found guilty.


I didn't know about this trial until just after the Trowbridge beating on my way to 22 days of wrongful incarceration, near death. Trowbridge and O'Leary arrested me on a long since expired warrant and claimed I resisted arrest to justify the beating. I didn't know about the outcome of that charge until 15 August 2023, over 11 years afterward.


Louden would resign three months later under pressure from Mayor John Engen. Louden had been on the bench for over 20 years and very popular.


After the Informant's disclosures nearly six months ago, it should have been over. The traitors/terrorists in Bozeman and Colorado based all their justifications on how they treated me were based on the incriminations emanating from Missoula had been thoroughly discredited, yet the traitors/terrorists held onto the incriminations for dear life and persuaded old Friends and Family members that they were true.


That intensified my need to know what has been said. Anyone known to act adversely towards me based on any wrongful allegation will be punished to the full extent of the law. No exceptions! I have had it!


Three of America's Founders - Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson - shared these sentiments with me when they were dissed by George III and his government in London.


The events of January 29, 1774, turned Benjamin Franklin from a loyal British subject to a devoted Revolutionary. On that day, Franklin appeared before the Privy Council supposedly to hear if the British government would approve a petition by Massachusetts to replace the current governor, Thomas Hutchinson, and lieutenant governor, Andrew Oliver. The two men had exchanged letters in which they floated ideas of how to control the agitation in Massachusetts, including the suggestion that some of their “English liberties” be curtailed. The letters came into Franklin’s possession - this day it is not certain who gave them to him - sent them to Thomas Cushing, Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly. Despite Franklin’s wish that the letters remain closely guarded, their content got out, further angering the Colonists and spurring the recall petition.


Franklin appeared in the Cockpit, so named because cock fights occurred there during the reign of Henry VIII. Alexander Wedderburn, solicitor general, spoke for the government. The meeting was well-attended by distinguished people, mostly sympathetic to the government’s position. Franklin had some distinguished supporters of his own, including Burke and Joseph Priestley.


Wedderburn spoke for over an hour, not about the merits of the petition but about the letters, Massachusetts, and Franklin’s character. “Private correspondence has hitherto been held sacred,” he bellowed. Franklin “has forfeited all the respect of societies and of men" and "is the prime conductor of this whole contrivance against his Majesty’s two Governors” and accused Franklin and the radical coterie in Massachusetts of spreading sedition.


Through it all, Franklin stood still, showing no emotion, “conspicuously erect, without the smallest movement of any part of his body,” his unchanging expression tranquil and placid. His dignity and forbearance made him the strongest presence in a room full of powerful men.


After the diatribe, Wedderburn declared that he was ready to examine the witness, Franklin replied that he did not chose to be examined. After the chamber was cleared of spectators, the Privy Council turned down the petition.


The attack on Franklin was almost too much for him to bear. But then he learned the next day that he had been removed as postmaster, he was furious. His character had been attacked, his work for conciliation ignored, his contributions to efficient government in the Colonies dismissed. From then on, Franklin would work for American Independence.


George Washington knew his Family was considered "second tier" aristocracy in Virginia and his primary ambition was to be first tier. He was a member of the Virginia militia and believed a promotion to the regular British Army would be a great place to start.


The British Army coldly turned him down saying he was sub-standard and a lowly Colonist, not worthy to be a regular red coat. George Washington would wear his militia uniform in the Continental Congress over 20 years later and would be selected as the Commanding General of the Continental Army.


Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant Philosopher and an even better Writer. He was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence because he essentially had already written the Declaration in his "1774 Summary View of the Rights of British America," a landmark in Virginia history.


Jefferson's criticism of the king in the Summary View and statements that the Colonies were already autonomous from Britain and had no power over them caused a row between him and Virginia Royal Governor John Murray, the 4th Earl Dunmore. Lord Dunmore told Jefferson his statements constituted treason and his government would act accordingly if Jefferson continued to propagate such ideas.


Arguably three of the greatest Americans in history all had been insulted and threatened by King George III's government. This caused a very personal animus for Franklin, Washington and Jefferson. Fortunately, the tyrant and his despotic government would rue the day they crossed these three Great Men.


Fifth, International Law will be strictly enforced. Gone are the days any nation can claim they are exempt due to the fact they have a veto in the UN Security Council or have not Ratified the Statutes of Rome.


The future of Civilization depends on our ability to enforce International Law to create positive outcomes across the board. In terms of International respect for the United States, the only thing propping that up is the Military and Naval power America has. The recent retaliatory strikes against Iranian militias is a demonstration of that power. To some, it appeared the US Forces used excessive force when making our strikes, but really didn't.


The specter of United Nations Peacekeepers occupying certain areas of the USA is a very real possibility. The U.S. government has no problem knocking out terrorist installations on foreign soil, why do we have such a problem when Americans are defending their own country?


The other aspect of International Law that has rarely been discussed is the World Trade Organization. For quite literally two decades, my books have encountered unfair trade practices within the United States.


The WTO has Ruled that such practices have and do exist against my and SVC Affiliates' creative works in the USA. A 10% tariff has been put in place so when blacklisting occurs there is a way to recover lost revenue.


The lost revenue is not what is important to me, it is that the ideas in the book get to as many Americans as possible. Given a fair hearing, I know these ideas will at least spur a constructive conversation about the future of America Economically, Politically and Culturally.


At some point, everyone must do what Tony Robbins once said he did: "I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming."


I am focused upon what I am here to do for the Creator. How about you?


Phil Sutton, DBA & PhD
