The Coronation of King Charles III was an incredible event!!!!!!! We were somewhat conspicuous because SVC's President, Phil Sutton, wore his US Navy Uniform and Medals underneath his Order of the Garter Robe, Blue Sash and Medals for Order of the Garter and Order of the Thistle, a lower rank of Chivalry Queen Elizabeth granted him in 2019. What was even more conspicuous was the current Duke of York, Prince Andrew, and presumably the next Duke of York, Prince Harry, were in ordinary dress clothes.


SVC is also very grateful to the many people who gave us a wonderful viewpoint of history from William the Conqueror to the present and all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Coronation including the controversy surrounding who Adela, Countess of Blois, was.


For the longest time, many Historians believed one of the youngest Daughters of William I, the Conqueror, was a Catholic Nun and thus could not be the link between The Conqueror and the Sutton Family. As it turns out, she was close to the Church all right, but she was a Saint of the Church and had 10 Children. Her third Son, Stephen III of Blois, became the only King Stephen of England in 1135 and Ruled until 1154.


We saw some tapestry of Adela. She was very beautiful and Historians now believe she was her Father's favorite: “She surpasses her Father in her appreciation of poetry and her knowledge of books. She rewards the merits of poets, she has critical judgment, and she as her own store of songs and poems to dictate.”


SVC's President loves this because he is very sweet on his own two Daughters and the thought of a Man who had the reputation as a ruthless warrior would put his little Girl on his knee and spend time with her like SVC's President has done with Alicia and Marti brings him to tears, especially after he lost Alicia for 26 years.


We now know why SVC President's Divine Mission required him to be the 26th Generation Grandson of The Conqueror and Jesus was the 26th Generation Grandson of King David. The Davidic Dynasty only lasted two generations and the Norman Dynasty lasted three with Phil's 24th Generation Great Uncle, King Stephen, as the last Norman King and the Grandson of the Conqueror.


SVC's President made a seamless segue from this after our turn to the United States to the Theme of “Seeing the Hand of God.” He began the series on Mother’s Day in 2011 on the 127th anniversary of US President Harry Truman’s Birth. Phil retold the story of when he decided to get SVC started in earnest and how the past 23 years has seen SVC grow from one Man’s Dream to the largest Democracy in the World!!!!!!!


Just as George Washington stated in his first Inaugural Address about how the United States Democratic government began 234 years ago, you cannot help but see the Divine intervention in all that has happened the past 23 years, including the American Opprobrium.


SVC has grown by leaps and bounds when we have been the most persecuted just as the early Christian Church. That is how we know our cause is the Creator’s and SVC has become the Creator’s instrument for World Democratization and a Peaceful transition into Jesus’ dominion when he returns.


In 2007, Margaret Truman commented that Historians say that World War I made her Father, Harry Truman. Margaret then commented that in the same way, the Persian Gulf War made Phil Sutton.


True, both Men didn’t have a life anyone would call successful when in their early 30’s they went off to fight for their Country. But these wars caused them to overcome circumstances and encounter People who would make a difference in their Lives, for better or worse, later in Life.


In the future President’s case, he had become close friends with Jim Pendergast, who was the nephew of Kansas City Political Boss Tom Pendergast. Pendergast was responsible for getting his protégé Elected to Jackson County, Missouri, Offices in the 1920’s and to the US Senate in 1934. Pendergast died six days after Harry was sworn-in as Vice President in 1945. Pendergast didn’t survive quite long enough to know his political machine eventually produced a President of the United States.


In SVC President’s case, he became associated with Secretary of State James Baker, Defense Secretary & future Vice President Dick Cheney; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs & future Secretary of State Colin Powell, future Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Saudi Arabian King Abdullah. He also had to confront Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein eyeball to eyeball, two of the most evil men live in modern history.


On September 12, 2001, the day after the al Qaeda attacks in the USA, NATO met in an emergency session. For the first and only time in its history, British Prime Minister Tony Blair lead NATO to invoke Article 5. All 18 of the United States Allies stated they would support America's response to the attacks.


SVC President’s Naval Reserve Wing Group was the first to be called up because of his prior associations within the Senior Bush Administration. He led the first American sorties into Afghanistan. After over 700 sorties under his command beginning on October 7, 2001 through November 13, 2001, Kabul fell to Allied Control.


As result of his participation in America’s last two wars, SVC President's would become known to many World Leaders and eventually served as Ambassador Plenipotentiary for US President George W Bush. President Bush also Appointed him to the Board of Directors for the Institute of Peace and later as US Secretary of State for Economic, Energy & Agriculture Affairs (now US Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy & the Environment).


In these capacities and as SVC President/CEO, Phil would become the Primary Author of the International Responsibility to Protect Principles which placed meat on the skeleton of International Law and has become the world’s foremost Expert on Human Rights and World Democratization.


While Hussein was captured in December 2003 and eventually judicially executed by the Iraqi government in 2006, bin Laden would remain at-large until 2011. In the 1990’s, bin Laden would build an international terrorism organization in 60 Countries and in the 21st century would not only mastermind the 9/11 attacks, but continue his personal vendetta against the United States in general by successfully infiltrating the United States with his jihadist philosophy.


The question is: can Americans deal with the truth squarely or not. The once great United States of America has been reduced to Rogue Nation status with the United Nations, the International Tribunals and International Prosecutor and become a spectacle with organized terrorism’s help, of course.


SVC has stated that for the last 10¾ years repeatedly. Not only is SVC not going to give any credence to the shenanigans of the terrorists of the American Opprobrium and look forward to bringing them to Justice, but all those who do not give SVC and its Members the due respect we deserve!!!!!!!


As a classic example of what SVC means is US President Joe Biden and Speaker of the US House Representatives Kevin McCarthy are currently fighting over trivial amounts of potential spending cuts in order to agree to increase the National Debt Ceiling when the International Judgment against the United States is growing by $833 billion a day.


All that is required to satisfy the Judgment is to put the American Opprobrium down in all its facets and the US Government finally meet its obligation to protect its Citizens as defined under International Law. That's all.