This is the SVC International Special Edition for the Coronation of King Charles III. Prior to the King's Coronation SVC conducted a Public Policy Forum Series in the four Provincial Capitals of the United Kingdom – Cardiff, Wales; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Edinburgh, Scotland; and London, England.


To reward his Public Service to the UK and the world, King Charles Invested SVC's President, Phil Sutton, into the Order of the Garter, the Senior Most British Order of Chivalry. He is the 1019th non-Royal Family Member since 1348, 675 years ago. His Ancestor, Hugh de Courtenay was one of the original 24 Invested in 1348 by King Edward III, the Founder of the Order. Hugh was just 21 years old and died a year later. Obviously, holding major Leadership positions at a particularly young age runs in the Family.


It is a great Honor and completely unexpected. The King chose to honor SVC President's work in International Relations, Law, International Economic Development and Climate Change just as Queen Elizabeth II did for Tony Blair, the Queen's 10th Prime Minister out of 15 and the last Knight she Invested during her reign in early 2022.


Of course, SVC's President and the Former Prime Minister have been partners in the Africa Project and the latter has been the former's Personal Representative before The Hague since he recorded his International Complaint on 27 August 2012.


Because SVC's President is an American he cannot be entitled “Sir”, but on Official Ceremonies such as the Coronation, he wore the Badge as all Members of the Order do, including William, the Prince of Wales.


The living Members also meet on “Garter Day” expected to be on June 19th in 2023. This is the new Juneteenth Holiday in the USA and SVC President's Son-in-Law's Birthday. The date of the King's Coronation, May 6th, is also the former PM's big 7-0.


Below is further information concerning the Sutton Family Ancestry in Normandy/United Kingdom:


Saint Adela of Normandy, who was the Daughter of William the Conqueror and Queen Matilda (she went by the name of Maud so you might see that name referred to in historic references to her), is Phil's 25th Generation Grandmother.


Adela's Third Son was King Stephen (1135-1154). Adela's Sister Matilda was Henry II's Mother who succeeded Stephen on the throne. Henry II's Father was Geoffrey Plantagenet.


Adela's Eldest Son, William, Count of Sully, was incapacitated could not serve as King and did not succeed his Uncle Henry I on the throne. Nor did her second Son, Theobald II, Count of Champagne, who was much more interested in French rather than English politics.


It is from Theabold's line from which the de Courtenay and Sutton Families sprang. To this day, there is a small community named after the their clan south of London named, fittingly enough, Sutton Courtenay.


Of course, it also should be mentioned that after the Fourth John Sutton gave up his Duke of Edinburgh title and accepted exile to the new world when the Hanovers took over in Britain. John received a small grant of land from King George I in the vicinity of what is now known as Sutton, West Virginia, also was named after the Sutton Family.


Back to the harsh reality of the American Opprobrium. Much of the lack of support SVC has seen as America's worst criminal scandal unfolded is the envy towards SVC's President for his many accomplishments and his Family's heritage.


Particularly in Missoula, Montana, the support that would be expected there has not materialized for him and individuals like Shannon Schweyen because in fact the traitors/terrorists are jealous of their obvious accomplishments and have been glad to see Shannon and Phil go through their many ordeals. By the way, this could not fit the al Qaeda script - and what happened to Jesus through his distractors 2,000 years ago - more perfectly!!!!!!!


It is fascinating when People know they are and have been wrong how they react in dealing with the new reality that the truth presents. There is really nothing new in what SVC's President has said, done or written in over 22 years. Those that have been around him and worked with him know that for certain. The defamation and discrediting campaigns against him led by al Qaeda and fellow travelers have been very effective in the United States. There is no question about it.


However, SVC President’s consistency in always following the Law and desiring Justice for himself as well as his fellow Victims has driven these profound criminals absolutely crazy. Indeed, they continue following the al Qaeda script as if it were Gospel.


Now, the retribution is at hand for the American Opprobrium and we will see what the Creator has in store for them!!!!!!! The traitor/terrorists’ psychosis is best represented in the song by the Cars, “Drive” because they cannot go on thinking nothing is wrong with them and the way they think, say and act:


The brilliance of SVC President’s Presentations, Articles and Books are undaunted courage in action and completely seamless. SVC's President moves through Topics that frighten and perplex most People and does it as if he is just having a conversation with Family, Colleagues or Friends.


Prime Minister Blair once compared SVC's President to Winston Churchill in his command of the English language and ability to express his ideas. Now he believes there has never been anyone like him in history. SVC's President simply writes better and is a much better Public Speaker than his half British-half American Cousin.


SVC President’s Articles concerning authoritarianism and our Articles regarding Democracy the past seven years received accolades from all over the World and is a precursor to the new International Declaration of Independence. It needs to be written for all the Victims of oppression and injustice and there will be vindication!!!!!!!


US President Joe Biden is expected to carry out the International Reforms required during the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium. He has run out of time to engage the issue or what should be taken care of as a internal matter by Americans will become very International in scope.


In a related matter, the Italians and Spanish have been very interested in SVC's President Living Security Program as they are in Economic Democracy and are expediting the removal of Regulatory obstacles.


Most importantly, it is a profound example of how the Creator is moving in SVC’s President. His disbarment led to the series of Events which has made Living Security possible. SVC's President has been enabled to not only develop an Insurance Program which will be necessary to eliminate material need and greed from the planet and thus bring it to a Peaceful conclusion, but also punish his adversaries at the same time and discredit them in ways that the American People and History must acknowledge. If not, America will never see Living Security and the Anti-Christ will have his way with the United States of America.