The SVC 2023 International Declaration of Concerns Committee has been appointed. But this year, SVC Vice President Angelica Sutton, is the token American. For the first time in SVC History, four Non-Americans and three National Chairs SVC's President, Phil Sutton, has chosen as a Referendum on America.
One of the most curious aspects of what has transpired during the American Opprobrium is that there has been no truth and consequences whatsoever for the traitors/terrorists and every time the Victims point out simple things which in a just world would tend to vindicate them, the truth is buried and more alterations of the truth and/or hiding of the truth occurs. Our Non-American Members and Friends have been painfully aware of it. They intend to do something about it.
Normally, the SVC DCC reviews only opinions regarding SVC and its operations. That will be true again this year, but when the operations of the Sutton Viewpoint Center has been adversely affected, Recommendations will be made about what will be done to countereact it. With the Legal and Financial leverage the Victims now have, the sky is the limit.
By the same token, for the first time Non-SVC Members and/or Non-Victims can register their thoughts about what the International Community plans for the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium already in progress.
It is ever so easy to criticize from the outside looking in. As far as the International Tribunals, United Nations, World Trade Organization, and SVC can tell the United States Government and Americans are intentionally oblivious to the pain and suffering of the Victims of the American Opprobrium and do not believe they deserve Justice and/or now the prescribed Justice is too severe.
OK. Fine. SVC is asking those who feel that way, what would you do with people who are showcasing the al Qaeda script like its their Holy Bible; are collectively responsible for over 330,000 murders; for the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks in America; the 9/11/2012 attacks on the US Consulate in Benghazi; the 1/6/2021 insurrection at the US Capitol; systematically ruining the lives of 10,000+ innocents; the sexual assaults upon 119 Women, 118+ with impunity; and a dozen assassination attempts and over 370+ million Federal Felonies in 17 years against SVC's President?
Not to mention, Elected and Appointed Officials and Public Employees at all levels – from the President of the United States to even clerks of local courts and Law Enforcement – are the primary perpetrators in this case with a little help from their friends in the Information Age Industries.
On the other hand, many of the Victims were/are dedicated Public Servants. As if this message could not be clearer, we are all reminded what a Public Servant SVC's President was and is. He was the Bush Administration holdover that gave Hillary Clinton the keys at the State Department on January 21, 2009. Below is the Official Staff Directory Page for the US State Department at the beginning of the last Year (2008) of the George W Bush Administration:
Deputy Secretary -- John D. Negroponte
The Deputy Secretaryserves as the principal deputy, adviser, and alter ego to the Secretary of State; serves as Acting Secretary of State when called upon; and assists the Secretary in the formulation and conduct of U.S. foreign policy and in giving general supervision and direction to all elements of the Department. Specific duties and supervisory responsibilities have varied over time.
Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance andUSAID Administrator-- Henrietta H. Fore
The Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance is charged with directing the required transformation of the U.S. Government approach to foreign assistance. She holds a rank equivalent to a Deputy Secretary and serves concurrently as USAID Administrator. To ensure that foreign assistance is used as effectively as possible to meet broad foreign policy objectives, she has authority over all Department of State and USAID foreign assistance funding and programs.
Under Secretary for Political Affairs -- R. Nicholas Burns
The Under Secretary is the Department's third-ranking official and its senior career diplomat. He serves as the day-to-day manager of overall regional and bilateral policy issues, and oversees six geographically defined bureaus and two functional bureaus that report to the Under Secretary -- bureaus for Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, the Near East, South and Central Asia, the Western Hemisphere, International Organizations and International Narcotics and Law Enforcement.
Under Secretary for Management -- Henrietta H. Fore
The Under Secretary for Management leads the bureaus of Administration, Consular Affairs, Diplomatic Security, Human Resources, Information Resource Management, and Overseas Buildings Operations, the Foreign Service Institute, the Office of Medical Services, the Office of Management Policy, the Office of Rightsizing the U.S. Government's Overseas Presence, and the White House Liaison.
The Secretary appointed Under Secretary Henrietta Holsman Fore as acting Director of Foreign Assistance (F). This follows the White House announcement that the President has designated Ms. Fore acting USAID Administrator and nominated her for that post.
Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs -- Phil Sutton
The Under Secretary serves as the senior economic official at the State Department; advises the Secretary of State on international economic policy; and leads the work of the Department on issues ranging from energy, trade, agriculture, and aviation to bilateral relations with America's economic partners.
Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs -- Paula J. Dobriansky
The Under Secretary coordinates U.S. foreign relations on a variety of global issues, including democracy, human rights, and labor; environment, oceans, and science; narcotics control and law enforcement; population, refugees, and migration; and women's issues.
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs -- Karen Hughes
The Under Secretary helps ensure that public diplomacy (engaging, informing, and influencing key international audiences) is practiced in harmony with public affairs (outreach to Americans) and traditional diplomacy to advance U.S. interests and security and to provide the moral basis for U.S. leadership in the world.
Less than a month after SVC's President left the US Government as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Peace after his successor had been Confirmed by the US Senate and thus no longer under US Government protection, came his brutal beating by Missoula, Montana, Police Officer Kurt Trowbridge. The point here is SVC's President has dedicated his Life to the service of others and no one cares he was nearly beaten to death by a Police Officer, that this was the third attempt on his Life by Missoula County Law Enforcement and that the Obama Administration concocted the Benghazi travesty to cover-up its malfeasance concerning all that was and still is transpiring in Missoula.
SVC is waiting for your Responses, which are due by June 24, 2023, Noon MDT at: