The Vote is in. There are approximately 7,770,000,000 in favor of doing whatever it takes to put the Final Kibosh on the American Opprobrium with 284,000,000 Americans abstaining or not voting.
SVC did not expect a great turnout on the Referendum on America the past couple of weeks (June 11-24, 2023), but we didn't even get that much. We know that most didn't know about it due to the blacklisting of SVC and/or didn't care one way or the other, but when the Referendum on America indicated that there 50,000,000 American Members of the Coalition of the Revival of the American Dream who are madder than wet Delaware blue hens along with the rest of the world is very noteworthy indeed.
The SVC 2023 International Declaration of Concerns Committee discovered that all 5,700,000,000+ SVC Allied Advocates worldwide are tired of American arrogance and tired of hearing about the free fall America has taken from a moral and legal viewpoint because of the Opprobrium. They want to have reason to trust the United States of America again. Just like they hope there is a successful attempt to remove Vladimir Putin in Russia to end the war in Ukraine, they hope every vestige of the Opprobrium will be put asunder for the good of the USA and Civilization itself.
There is no escaping this: if people want Vladimir Putin and Russia held accountable under International Law for what has transpired against Ukraine than they better remember the traitors/terrorists must be held accountable for all the crimes of organized terrorism has committed which includes the 330,000+ plus murders by al Qaeda alone. They are not by any means mutually exclusive.
As part of the SVC Declaration of Concerns Committee Report for FY 2023, the Five-Member Committee is from The Gambia, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA, stated that there are several areas Americans need to be concerned.
First, on 21 April 2023, the International Courts and the US Federal Court Partners handed down a Judgment against the United States Government for not protecting its innocent Citizens from al Qaeda-led domestic terrorism and other International and US Federal crimes. The Judgment was $250 trillion, has an 10% interest penalty per month and is accumulating at just over $1 trillion per diem.
There will be no negotiation or settlement. Every dime owed will be paid. The US Government has had 11 years to bring Justice to over 10,000 shattered lives that are known at this time and utterly failed to do so. Below is how the amount of the Judgment will grow over the next year if not taken care of:
4/21/2023: $250,000,000,000,000
5/21/2023: $275,000,000,000,000
6/21/2023: $302,500,000,000,000
7/21/2023: $332,750,000,000,000
8/21/2023: $366,025,000,000,000
9/21/2023: $402,627,500,000,000
10/21/2023: $442,890,250,000,000
11/21/2023: $487,179,280,000,000
11/21/2023: $535,897,210,000,000
12/21/2023: $589,486,930,000,000
1/21/2024: $648,435,620,000,000
2/21/2024: $713,279,180,000,000
3/21/2024: $784,607,100,000,000
4/21/2024: $863,067,810,000,000
5/21/2024: $949,374,590,000,000
6/21/2024: $1,044,312,000,000,000 (over $1 quadrillion=a million billions)
With the lack of input by Americans in the Referendum, the Judgment will be served to the US Government and all Federal Government assets will be encumbered (estimated value $5 trillion). It is the DCC's Recommendation that lease options be set so that government operations can continue and the Victims can finally receive compensation for what they have been through. For instance, the Family of George Floyd received $27 million from the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, as compensation for what happened to poor George.
The US Government leases will held by the 10,000+ Victims of the American Opprobrium; SVC, The Africa Project and the SVC International Dreamweaver Plexus.
Second, similar Judgments have been levied against the State of Montana and the State of Colorado. Because elected and appointed Public Officials participated in the worldwide insurance kickback scandal, both States will no longer be able to license insurance and securities agents/brokers.
Insurance licensing may be federalized to protect the Public. US Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO) and US Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT) who were the elected Public Officials responsible for the insurance scandals in Colorado (as Governor) and Montana (as State Auditor) will be removed from office and join their fellow Public Servants who have betrayed the Public Trust at hard labor for the rest of their lives.
The proceeds will reimburse SVC for all its costs and building Medical Schools and Natural Sciences Colleges at the SVC International Institute for Peace & Democracy at International Independence Creek in the new State of Jefferson and Montana State University – Billings.
Third, the Montana State Auditor's Office (aka Insurance & Securities Commissioner) knowingly feigned an unnecessary investigation of SVC's President. The investigation was conducted with the criminal intent of denying him Life and Disability (Health) Insurance Licensure when he had earned it under law and thereby violating his rights to continue practice in a career that had span 32 Years without Consumer complaint in Colorado (1985-89) and the State of Montana (1990-2017).
The State of Montana’s Jeannie Keller unlawfully withheld the nature of the investigation from SVC's President. It goes without saying that this is a fundamental human right inviolable. This act constitutes a form of criminal defamation and intimidation.
Keller conducted a criminally defaming and criminal inquisition with the sole purpose of deterring SVC President's continued efforts to gain licensure renewal and irreparably harming SVC's President's professional and personal reputation and opportunities to financially support himself and his family.
Professional Licenses in almost any field are great credentials for Authors, Public Speakers, Professional Consultants, Educators and Trainers to have. Being disgraced like this has cost SVC's President far more income in these areas than he ever hoped to make in selling insurance. The damage has been done and continues to be done as SVC's President continues to be disbarred. The International Tribunals will make sure SVC's President will be fully compensated by the State of Montana for his financial losses, disgrace, mental anguish and suffering.
It would be a very difficult case for the State of Montana to prove it ever intended to treat SVC's President impartially and lawfully. No private organization nor government agency can bait a qualified applicant to proceed through the duly set processes to earn or renew a college degree, professional certificate or professional license and then reject a candidate’s degree, certification and/ licensure application without any intent of granting or renewing the degree, certificate or license, which the State of Montana clearly did in this case. The evidence in this case is incontrovertible and the State of Montana cannot continue to have these powers for insurance and securities licensure. These powers are hereby revoked.
The Office of Montana State Auditor under the State of Montana Constitution, Article VI, and other sections appertaining are hereby repealed.
On three separate occasions requests were made for copies of SVC President's Personal File and denied. Such requests are simply crucial and essential to the administration of justice of any kind. Montana’s Appellant Procedure denies his basic rights to confront the witnesses and evidence against him.
It is unfathomable why the State of Montana chose to deny SVC President's rights so callously, ruthlessly and diabolically. This is an outrage on its face and painfully patent as to what has truly transpired here.
Rosendale, Keller, and Montana bureaucrats Mary Arnold and Michael Kakuk have been convicted of contempt for the International Tribunals for failing to disclose the contents of an insurance license applicant's Personal File.
Hence forth, any act towards SVC's President SVC or their representatives which qualifies under the United Nations Security Council Resolutions of 22 January and 27 January 2014 as act of terrorism, act of disrespect or defiance of International Law will not be tolerated and will be subject to minimum punishment as set forth by International Tribunals and Chief International Prosecutor no matter who the offender may be.
The Hague's Partner US District Courts have Ruled that the Montana’s Appellate process is unconstitutional and does not meet the standards for due process set forth in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. All rulings by the State of Montana in this matter are hereby struck down and are of no force and effect.
The International Prosecutor’s office knows Keller was paid to do this as part of the insurance kickback scandals which broke in spring of 2019. Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant named Rosendale as a western contact and further confirmed the kickback scandals that are known to exist now in the American political subdivisions of Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Montana and North Carolina.
It is a known quantity that Rosendale has unethically colluded with Insurance Executives to undo reforms by a quarter century of Consumerist Montana State Auditors and put thousands of Montanans at risk unnecessarily.
Curiously, as an US Representative, Rosendale is not serving on the Financial Services Committee because the Republican Leadership evidently does not trust Rosendale with that responsibility. The concern is well-founded.
More importantly, while SVC's President had thousands of fellow Victims in Montana, he was a lone wolf in Colorado. The State Government and Residents predominantly in Colorado Springs, Colorado, are continuing the vicious and vindictive persecution of SVC's President after SVC and its affiliates had added over 2,800 jobs and $1.1 trillion in GDP to Colorado's economy over 20 years.
Because Colorado Officials DORA Executive Director Marguerite Salazar; Assistant Attorney Generals Peter Frigo and Karl Keasmeyer; Administrative Judge Matthew Norwood; Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway; Attorney Steven Giampaolo and Investigator Angela Seaberg had no intention of ever granting SVC's President his Professional Insurance Licenses even after he successfully passed through all the hoops to be licensed, the State of Colorado can no longer offer higher education or professional licenses and/or certificates.
If a private college or professional licensing and/or certifying organization did this to a Colorado Resident, the State of Colorado would closed them ASAP if not sooner and revoke all degrees/licenses/certificates during the time these crimes were committed.
Therefore, those who have been granted college degrees or professionally licensed or certificated since 5 December 2018 in Colorado are rescinded and/or disbarred and as per Seaberg's character assassination letter, are barred forever seeking such degrees, licenses or certificates elsewhere. Their careers will be abruptly terminated just as SVC President's career of 32 years in Financial Services was. The above individuals must explain to everyone why this was all necessary. That ought to be good.
Fourth, on 14 July 2019, the International Prosecutor’s Office issued a brief Report regarding an assassination attempt upon SVC President's Life. Known al Qaeda operatives Oleksander and Kateryna Kushnir from Ukraine poisoned SVC's President with a WMD-derivative compound on 21 June 2019, in Colorado Springs. SVC's President spit out the poison, but not before it caused 25 square inches of puss sacks to form in his mouth. He lost over 20 pounds but has achieved remission. It has been so detrimental to his dental health that it is likely he must use dentures for the rest of his life.
The Kushnirs implicated Colorado officials had at least prior knowledge of the plot if not actually involved. This is confirmed by the fact that Norwood had ruled against SVC's President on 11 June 2019, but the notification letter was not sent until 2 July 2019.
In a convoluted letter written by Operations Specialist Christine Gonzales-Ferrer dated 1 July 2019, from Conway’s office, SVC's President was given 20 days to respond after the ruling or lose everything. 1 July was that 20th day and she sent it on 2 July, thus denying SVC's President his human and civil rights for the nth time.
Gonzales-Ferrer the further wrote SVC's President that he had an additional 30 days from date of the letter to respond, quoting from a separate statute. The only aspect that explains the three-week delay is the Colorado al Qaeda operatives anticipated SVC's President would be dead and would not have to bother. When they discovered SVC's President survived, they had to cover-up their plot. There is simply no other plausible explanation.
Fifth, the DCC Recommends that SVC-TV and SVC-TV International replace CNN and Fox News immediately if not sooner. There is no question that the Information Age Industries have played a huge role in what has not happened with the American Opprobrium but should have a long time ago.
The reason why the traitors/terrorists have not been arrested upon committing crimes is that Holder said he wanted them to run up the score on themselves so they could be taken out of society permanently and only violence would alter that
That almost happened at the University of Montana Mansfield Library in December 2010, when the sexual assaults began. That is when the discussion about sending in troops started because the offending Students were too numerous and a riot nearly transpired.
When SVC's President was wrongfully incarcerated by Justice of the Peace Karen Orzech in May 2008 after she was ordered to dismiss the State of Montana cases because SVC's President had been acquitted in the Federal case and he had been placed in the Federal Witness Protection Program about what was already transpiring in Missoula, US President George W Bush nearly sent in troops to free his Undersecretary of State.
The past three Administrations have been weak-kneed about sending in troops, but not the United Nations, especially when Donald Trump sanctioned the International Prosecutor and her Staff in 2020 for investigating US Soldiers for War Crimes in Afghanistan who had been court-martialed and pardoned by Trump; and Joe Biden now spying on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. That's not going to make friends and positively influence people.
Sixth, the Missoula Scandal involved sexual assaults of at least 118 Women with impunity; Make Victims Units systematically ruining innocent lives in the thousands; illicit drug trafficking to support al Qaeda terrorism activities; and Public fund embezzling in the billions of dollars.
Where SVC is most concerned is the expulsion of SVC's President off of the University of Montana Campus and Provost and then President Royce Engstrom's personal vendetta against him. To this day he is still not welcome on a campus where he was a two-time honor Graduate and Student body President.
UM is primarily responsible for setting events in motion that has ruined SVC President's life, careers and reputation within the United States. He didn't do anything wrong and has doesn't even have a speeding ticket on his record after almost 49 years of driving, let alone ever committed any criminal offense.
There is simply no excuse for this and if anyone anywhere attempts to justify this treatment of a Great Humanitarian and Leader, they will join the other traitors and terrorists in receiving their just deserts. Suffice it to say, the International Community is through hearing the excuses for acts which can have no possible defense.
The record is quite clear and has been outlined in numerous publications by The Hague, the International Prosecutor's Office and SVC. Naturally, the American Media and powers-that-be have intentionally covered-up this murderous story because it implicated their involvement in the American Opprobrium.
Investigators have a massive trove of evidence, videos and witnesses that Engstrom, former Montana Governor Steve Bullock; the late Missoula Mayor and former Journalist John Engen; Missoula County Attorneys Fred Van Valkenberg (born and raised in Denver creating another disturbing UM-Colorado connection) and Kirsten Pabst; City Attorney Jim Nugent and the judiciary in the City and County of Missoula not only plotted to keep SVC's President down and destroy his reputation with false accusations of crimes committed, wrongfully incarcerated him, but paid Missoula County Law Enforcement to murder him three times from September 2007 through April 2012.
If this is not so, why has there not been a feeding frenzy by the American Media over this story? These profound criminals know if they or the American Media requested all this evidence and make it Public as ordinarily would be the case - and has been the case for Rodney King, George Floyd and Tyre Nichols, for example - plus requested interviews with SVC's President and possibly a number of his fellow Victims, they know the consequences would be disastrous for them and their lives, careers and reputations. Funny how that works.
ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News and NBC Networks have been given the tapes of the police brutality against SVC's President (three attempted assassinations) and his fellow Victims at least a dozen times, but they all have refused to report it like they did with Rodney King, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and Tyre Nichols.
Now that the International Community is quite convinced that the Biden Administration just like the Obama and Trump Administrations and is unwilling to obey International Law and US Federal Law in this case, time has expired for an internal solution to the conflict and the United States will now be subject to International solutions.
Whether or not Americans are for or against Donald Trump, they have the sneaking suspicion he is going to get off free or lightly. That gnaws at you, right? Or doesn't it? Certainly Hunter Biden did. How outraged are Americans about that?
And why it is that if a Family is a victim of police violence, the Victim must be Black for anyone to give a damn? Because it hurts television ratings. The networks don't want to understand that if they are only outraged by Blacks being murdered by Law Enforcement, the 1,000 other families who lose a loved one are vulnerable to more police violence and harassment because these “thugs in uniform” as Former US Attorney Michael Mukasey called them as he reviewed the Missoula case in 2008, know no one cares about them or will defend their rights? That certainly has been the case concerning what has transpired in Missoula to thousands and Colorado Springs in the case of SVC's President.
How it is that Former US Attorney General Eric Holder can overlook over 1,100 indictments handed by a Federal Grand Jury in the Missoula Scandal(s) and not prosecute one of them? Not one. That's unprecedented in American History.
How it that Montana State Attorney General Steve Bullock's office can pay hush money to cover-up private videos of a police beating, be in cahoots with the above named Montana officials and none of them face any reprisals whatsoever in the past 11 years? Fortunately, the International Tribunals do not have statutes of limitations on any crimes committed.
How it is that Kirsten Pabst resigns from Van Valkenburg's office, successfully defends Grizzly Quarterback Jordan Johnson in his rape trial, is elected to succeed Van Valkenburg and then tells Kelsey Belnap that she was too incoherent to be able to consent to sex one way or another, so the four football players who gang raped her get off?
How is it that there has been eight full sessions of the Montana State Legislature since then and whatever the loopholes are present to prevent Kelsey from having Justice be corrected and grandfathered? How can that possibly be? See what the DCC means? There is no excuse or defense for this! None!
The DCC has Recommended to the Victims of the American Opprobrium that they execute the Judgments they have and that the US Federal Government will be obligated to comply ASAP. No one has stated they will not.
More importantly, the seven offending governments - US Government; Montana State Government; Colorado State Government and their University Systems; City & County of Missoula; County of Gallatin and City of Colorado Springs – be encumbered for all-time just as the families of the traitors/terrorists have debts incurred by their criminal element that they never will be able to repay. The traitors/terrorists were warned that this was going to happen again and again and again.
Seventh, the World Trade Organization has Ruled all the black listing of SVC's publications will carry a 10% sanction against all American creative artists' works until the practice ends and until the financial losses by SVC are recovered.
SVC's President holds International patents and copy rights on a good many things, but his tremendously successfully Living Security Insurance Product and Economic Democracy are of the greatest interest to most.
The United States currently is not a wholesome environment for either. Once America and Americans meet the reforms required by the International Community, then negotiations can begin on just how regulatory and systemic obstacles can be addressed.
The key is to make sure Americans understand that the Final Kibosh of the American Opprobrium as proposed now is the bear minimum solution. The pain and losses of the Victims must be adequately ameliorated and the misjudgments made against them by American Society due to no fault of their own must be completely reversed and their victimizers must suffer the brunt of what they were/are attempting to do to their Victims in terms of what people think of them.
Money means nothing to these tortured souls, getting back what they lost, if possible, is the object here. For instance, SVC's President could easily become the world's first trillionaire if he wanted to, but instead he wants to give away the money he so richly deserves helping others. That is so typical for a Man who statistically has been turned into the most persecuted Human Being in history.
The traitors/terrorists must be live and eventually die in horrible social ignominy and disgrace so no one will ever think of emulating how the traitors/terrorists think, talk and act. This is not only essential to the REVIVAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, but making sure it possible for Jesus to return to a Peaceful World.
This Reality Check is brought to Americans compliments of the
SVC 2023 International Declaration of Concerns Committee.